rocked back and forth on her heels, watching as Izzie went through triage, speaking towards Dr. Bailey.
"A lot of arm swelling but good distal pulses so we can rule out compartment syndrome. I suspect a radius fracture so I'd splint and get an ortho follow up."
Eleanora scrunched her nose up, but quickly schooled her face when Bailey sent her a look. Bailey had made it clear nobody else was supposed to speak up or indicate someone was doing something wrong.
"Anything else?" Bailey asked Izzie, who quickly shook her head in response. "Well, I guess that means-"
"Time!" Callie yelled out from behind Eleanora and George, making the two best friends jump in fear.
"And I'm dead." Dr. Heron sat up on the gurney, Izzie letting out a huff of annoyance.
"You sent her home, the bone punctured through her skin." Dr. Bailey wrote something down on the clipboard, Izzie arguing as she stepped closer to her resident.
"Yeah, but she had multiple wounds an-and abrasions!"
"Dr. Amedeo?" Bailey asked, knowing that she had the piece Stevens was missing.
Eleanora straightened her back and spoke up, her voice sure but still soft as she gave Izzie an apologetic look. "A puncture over a break is always to be considered an open fracture until we can prove otherwise."
"So I got septic and died at home thanks to you!" Sydney added, giving Eleanora an excited thumbs up. Eleanora gave a half-hearted one back, feeling bad she had to technically correct Izzie.
"Whatever." Izzie scoffed, rolling her eyes. She stepped back to the ground and stood on the other side of Alex, giving Eleanora a heated glare.
"Not whatever to this guy." Sydney chastised, Bailey turning to glare at her interns.
Most of them seemed bored, like this exercise was a waste of their time and 'talent'. Of course, Eleanora was excited, but Bailey had long ago come to the conclusion that she was always going to be like a cute puppy.
"You have to be quick and thorough using your instincts. You can't be fooled by what your eyes see. If you assess wrong, your patient could die while waiting for treatment. Karev, you're next."
"Just think," Izzie whispered to Alex, her voice holding a small laugh, "I already killed her. You can't do more damage than that."
Alex snorted, stepping up the gurney as Dr. Heron laid back down, both getting ready for the next round of triage exercises.
"People!" Bailey scolded, giving Izzie a small glare. "Triage is one of the most important tools a doctor has. In a real emergent scenario, you'll have only minutes-"
Bailey was interrupted by the sound of a Polarid going off, causing everyone to look at George. George, who had somehow gotten ahold of a Polaroid camera and decided now was a great time to take a picture of his wife.
In the picture, Callie was holding up the timer with an unamused expression on her face just behind Eleanora, who had the ever-present smile on her face.
Callie's face heated up in embarrassment, quickly dragging her husband to the side. Cristina and Meredith snorted at their friend getting in trouble with his wife, but Eleanora hissed at both of them to stop.
"O'Malley, take that back to the clinic where it belongs." Bailey finally snaps. George nods, heading to do that quickly. However, he's stopped by Webber, who walks in with a serious look on his face.
"People look, I'm sorry. But I have to interrupt the session for a moment."
Eleanora's eyes widen at the Chief's appearance, noticing the freshly dyed hair on top of his head. She cleared her throat, scratching at her neck as she tried to look anywhere but at his head, not wanting to make him uncomfortable with the shocked looks.
"Do you need something, sir?" Bailey asked, every doctor in the room focusing on him now.
"We just received word of a mass causality incident nearby. All available Level 1 trauma centers have been asked to respond, and I need to send a team into the field immediately."
All of the interns perked up, Cristina asking the question on all of their minds.
"Is this a part of the exercise? Are we supposed to act tense?"
The Chief scoffed, shaking his head at the question. "This is not an exercise or a drill, Yang. This is an emergent situation and I need all hands on deck."
Everyone follows behind him quickly, Eleanora trying to push down the excitement building inside her. Definitely wasn't something she should be getting excited over, she knew that for sure. But still, she couldn't help but feel the excitement over her first actual emergent situation. She had been training for this day for years, and it was finally happening.
"What happened?" Bailey asked the Chief, who just shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't have any details, just orders."
zipped up her coat, grabbing her emergency triage kit and following closely behind Bailey. The group were heading towards the ambulance bay, getting ready to head out into the field.
"We're catching a ride with Seattle 34, space is tight. So hold your kits on your lap." Bailey stated, falling back into her normal "Nazi" self.
"Where are we going?" Alex piped up, Eleanora nodding in agreement with his question. Nobody knew where they were going and were all curious.
"We'll know when we get there."
Izzie popped up beside Bailey, asking her another question. "Fire? Flood? Volcano? I'm not really dressed for a volcano."
"Izzie!" Eleanora hissed, Bailey glaring at the blonde, unimpressed.
"Sorry, inappropriate. Sorry."
They had all finally reached the ambulance, the seven of them getting ready to board until Nicole, a paramedic, stopped them.