and Eleanora stand outside in the ambulance bay, wearing their Seattle Grace jackets with the Chief pacing behind them. They had been standing there, waiting for this ambulance, for what seemed like forever, when in reality it was only 45 minutes.

"I didn't know Dr. Montgomery had a brother." Eleanora spoke softly, trying to ease the tension out of Derek's shoulders. Derek turned his upper body to look at her, nodding. However, his face was blank, the only sign of an expression being his furrowed brows.

"Yeah, Archer. Nice guy."

The awkward silence came back, but was short lived. The ambulance whirled around the corner, causing the three doctors to stand at attention. Eleanora felt worry build in her throat, but shoved it to the side.

She liked Dr. Montgomery, she liked her a lot. Eleanora would even go as far as saying they were somewhat friends before she left. But she still liked the woman, idolizes her some, even. Addison Montgomery was the definition of a powerful, successful, smart, and brilliant surgeon. Any female going into the field knew who she was, and knew they had to reach her level to be considered one of the greats.

But when those ambulance doors opened, the Addison Montgomery Eleanora had previously known was nowhere to be found. Instead was the tear stained face of a terrified woman, gripping the hand of her unconscious brother in a gurney.

The Chief went straight to Addison, giving her a hug and trying to assure her that everything would be okay. There was another woman with her, one that Derek obviously knew if their shared hug was anything to go off of.

Eleanora gave Addison a quick, calming smile before launching towards the EMT, taking the chart. She knew Derek and the Chief would want a moment with Addison, but during that time Eleanora refused to let this patient be stuck out in the cold.

The Chief stood on the other side of the gurney after his moment with Addison, nodding at Eleanora. "The bed in the ICU-"

"Already booked and ready, Chief. I have the best floor nurses on the room, and I already have CT and the lab on hold." Eleanora spoke, handing him the mostly empty chart.

The Chief nodded, letting out a breath of relief as they hit the inside of the hospital. "Thank you, Amedeo."

Eleanora gave him a smile, looking down at Addison's brother. "Just doing my job, Chief."


   he know how he got the parasite?" The Chief asked Addison and the woman beside her. Derek is giving him a Neuro exam and Eleanora is helping the Chief give a full body exam, looking up briefly when the woman speaks.

"He thinks he got it from eating unwashed fruit in Mexico."

Eleanora looked up at the machines as they started to go off. "He's Bradycardic, Dr. Shepherd." Eleanora states, moving out of the way so Derek could get closer to the patient.

"Why is he Bradycardic and Hypotensive?" The Chief asked, looking at Shepherd. Derek stayed calm, looking at the monitors.

"He's having a reaction to the Fentanyl Drip. Stop the Fentanyl Drip and push the Narcan." Derek ordered, Eleanora moving to help the nurse do it faster.

"Wait! Derek, he was in status. I mean, if you take him off the drip and he seizes up there could be permanent brain damage." Addison told him, her tone disbelieving, as if that's something he should know.

Derek nodded, being as patient as possible with Addison. "We better hope that doesn't happen."

"Hope?" Addison exclaims, her eyes wide. "That is what your plan is-is hinging on? that the worst doesn't happen?"

Derek was obviously frustrated so Eleanora spoke up, her voice calm and slightly soothing. "I think what he was getting at is that if we don't reverse the drip now, Archer's heart is going to arrest."

Derek nodded, turning to look at Addison. "Amedeo's correct. So unless you have a better idea...." With no response from her, Derek locked eyes with Eleanora, who was waiting to push the Narcan. "Push the Narcan, Dr. Amedeo."

Eleanora nodded, quickly pushing the drug into the IV. "Right away, Dr. Shepherd."

Everyone in the room focuses on the monitor, waiting for a sign that everything was calming down. It was silent, the air thick with tension and worry. Eleanora's eyes danced across the monitor, trying to get even the slightest glimpse of a change.

Suddenly, Archer goes into V-Fib. Eleanora takes the Narcan syringe out and sets it down, walking around Shepherd to pull the crash cart in after the Chief yells at them to.

Shepherd, however, has another idea. He slams his fist down directly over Archers heart, hard. The man's eyes fling open and he falls out of V-fib. Eleanora gives her mentor a wide eyed look and slowly rolls the crash cart towards the nurse, her voice low.

"We don't need the crash cart anymore."


Derek outside of Archers room after their exam, she gave Addison a warm smile as she shut the door behind her. Bailey was there as well, along with the other woman, Naomi.

"He's groggy, his eyes are open, but I don't think he's awake because he hasn't tried to kill me." Derek jokes, Eleanora giggling softly. He looks at Bailey, informing her on why that was odd. "Her brother hates me."

Eleanora followed the group, standing beside her Chief resident as they all conversed. She wrung her hands together, letting her worried eyes fall on Addison to try and see how she was coping.

"People pick sides in a divorce, Derek." Addison sighed out, shaking her head.

"He picked sides in the ." Derek corrected, not looking up from the chart as he continued. "He first seized during sex with his girlfriend. I wonder why she's not here?"

Eleanora noticed the uncomfortable air surrounding Naomi, her eyes widening slightly as she put two and two together. She reached over to smack at Derek's shoulder, shaking her head softly in hopes he would shut up. Derek gave her a curious look, signing off on his notes.