2. Chapter 2

Lena was accustomed to waking up to cold sheets, or to her three year old tucked into her side, but opening her eyes to Kara was a novelty. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and moved her hand into a more comfortable spot beneath the pillow as she smiled over at the alpha.


“How long have you been up?” Lena husked with a playful squint and took a deep inhale of Kara’s rut pheromones, which were so thick and arousing that her pussy clenched. She could feel it the most where Kara’s knot had been inside of her for the better part of the night, and couldn’t wait to experience it again.


“Mmmaybe ten minutes.” Kara hummed thoughtfully, and reached out to stroke the hair from Lena’s face with a tender familiarity that had Lena sliding in to brush her lips against the alpha’s palm.


“That sounds like a lie.” Lena chuckled in amusement at the way Kara pressed her lips together and hunkered into the bed like she had been caught.


With a subtle shift, Lena inched closer to the sheets that Kara wore like a toga and resisted the urge to reach below them. She lasted all of three seconds. Her fingers moved along the alpha’s muscled thigh, then she dragged them lazily upwards to clasp her hand loosely around Kara’s prominent erection.


“You’ve been waiting a while for me to wake up, so I can take care of this, haven’t you?” Lena whispered.


There was something wonderful in the way Kara’s eyes glazed over and closed as Lena stroked her hand over the scorching length of her shaft. Kara’s cock felt bigger, and Lena could only assume it was because her rut was reaching its peak.


Kara was still as sensitive as the night before, if the way she whimpered and rocked her hips was any clue.


Lena’s sheets were already ruined from the vigorous pounding she had taken hours prior, so she felt a little entitled in her pursuit to make them messier. She stroked over Kara’s cock with a tighter grip, and inhaled Kara’s soft, stuttered moans as their mouths came together.


Most alphas would have woken her up with the expectation of sex, yet Kara defied the norm, and Lena was overcome with a desperation to reward her sweet, tentative nature.


“I might not let you leave this bed until I’ve milked you dry,” Lena seductively lilted. Her pussy was already slippery with excitement as she voiced her own carnal desires without shame. She squeezed her fingers around the head of Kara’s cock and grinned when she felt it throb in response, so close to erupting already. “That could take all day.”


Kara’s little gasp of, “Oh, please,” turned into a groan and Lena’s palm was flooded with spurts of warm seed. It dripped thickly down Kara’s shaft and Lena used it to massage her cock with long, slow tugs. She had half a mind to lick up the mess, and was in the process of unwrapping Kara like a belated birthday gift when the sound of her doorbell blared to life.


Lena frowned at the alarm clock that read 7:30am and rolled her eyes with the intent to ignore whoever it was, but then her phone started to ping with texts.


God, of all the times to be needed, why did it have to be now?


“I’m never usually this busy in the morning,” Lena explained with an apologetic slant of her lips and extracted herself as tactfully as she could from the bed to find her cellphone.


“It’s okay, I can make breakfast if you want.” Kara suggested, though from the way she was staring at the sway of Lena’s hips, it was clear she was only hungry for one thing.


“No, no I’ll take care of that. You just lie back and I’ll—”


Lena had finally found her phone, and she glanced at a stream of texts while her brain malfunctioned. “Fuck, Andrea,” She spat in panic.


The scent of vulnerability hit Lena before her own words did, and she swung her gaze towards Kara, who was looking everywhere but at her with a look of hurt on her face.


“That’s not what I meant,” Lena hurried to explain as she opened her wardrobe and grabbed a skirt. “Andrea is my ex-wife. There’s nothing between us,” Except bitterness and children, Lena considered privately. “She’s apparently decided to show up unannounced and is demanding we talk.”


As if to emphasize that, the bell rang again and again, and Lena fumbled with her bra as she tried to hold back her anger. She slung on a shirt and would have buttoned it up all wrong if Kara hadn’t strode over to take control of the situation by calmly straightening her blouse and fixing the collar.


Kara caught her hands and squeezed gently, and Lena sucked in a lungful of her pheromones, like they could give her strength to get through whatever bullshit Andrea was going to stir up today.


“Thank you,” Lena mumbled and Kara grinned shyly and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I shouldn’t be more than a minute.”


Lena barely made it across the bedroom floor when she heard the distinct sound of the front door opening.


Dread and anger rose up within Lena and she balled her fists before stalking into the hallway to the familiar sound of Andrea’s heels click-clacking into the foyer. It reminded Lena that she was barefoot, pantyless, and though she was dressed, she hadn’t brushed her hair or washed her face.


“Lena,” Andrea called up the stairwell in an accusatory husk, her pheromones thick as they diffused through the air like a toxic musk.


Confronting her ex first thing in the morning in front of Kara wasn’t something Lena was exactly prepared to do, and she faltered a fraction of a second as panic crept up her thighs like icy fingers trying to hold her in place.


There was no way to conceal that Kara had been in the house, given all of the rut pheromones, but Lena pulled the bedroom door shut behind her to spare Kara from hearing her in a state of rage.


Squaring her shoulders, Lena clasped the banister and descended the stairs as confidently as anyone who had spent all night fucking.


“You have no right letting yourself in,” Lena spat with venom.


Andrea was already waiting at the bottom of the stairs, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit with the first two buttons of her blouse open. She looked exactly as she intended, fierce and put-together, with her thick auburn hair loose and a disapproving slant to her full lips. “There could have been an emergency.” She argued effortlessly, and Lena bristled as old wounds reopened.


“Where was that initiative when I called you four years ago after my car broke down thirty miles from town?” Lena questioned with a sneer, and purposefully lingered on the last step just to remain taller than Andrea.


Andrea always had an issue when Lena wore heels because she hated having to look up to an omega.


“Do I look like a tow truck?” Andrea fired back with a ridiculing laugh, and swept her gaze down Lena as her jaw hardened. She must have been smelling the arousal that still clung to Lena between her thighs, because she added dismissively, “You were fine, and I was in the middle of something and couldn’t take your call.”


Lena scoffed at the excuse and stepped around Andrea with a haughty lift of her chin. If it wasn’t so early, she would have poured herself a Scotch, but she settled for flipping the switch on her coffee machine as she uttered bitterly, “I suppose that sounds better than saying you were screwing your secretary at the time.”


Andrea let out a long suffering sigh and moved away from the staircase to predictably follow after her, which was a small consolation. At least Kara wouldn’t be able to hear the awful details of her failed marriage. She turned to glare at Andrea when her ex-wife had the audacity to ask, “How many times do I have to tell you I’m sorry? It was just before my rut.”


“Once would be nice.” Lena bit out before she could help herself, and then snapped her mouth shut because no, she wouldn’t do this to herself again. Old history was better left buried and rehashing it would only end in her misery.


“Why are you here?” Lena asked as the scent of freshly brewed coffee began to mask some of her late night activities with Kara.


“Our daughter wants her inflatable duck,” Andrea supplied with a casual flick of her lashes. “You wouldn’t happen to know where it is, the pool house maybe?”


Lena exhaled a silent laugh, the tip of her tongue pushing between her lips as she figured out the real reason her ex had shown up. Andrea hadn’t just watched the footage of her fucking Kara, she had gone through it all to establish that the alpha had been in the pool house.


“Nattie hates that duck and prefers her arm floaties, which I packed.” Lena drawled, holding Andrea’s gaze in silent challenge.


Andrea had never been the type to play fair and handled the situation by unleashing potent pheromones to stop Lena from using logic. Lena refused to stand down in the face of such heinous jealousy. She acted oblivious to the pheromones and raised her coffee mug to her lips.


“Hey, you know how fickle children can be,” Andrea remarked and picked up a framed photo of their family. “I did give you three of them, after all. Speaking of which, I think we should drive up to Sophie and Andy’s Parents Day together—“


Lena ripped the frame out of Andrea’s hand without thinking about it and almost sloshed coffee down her front.


“No,” She stated in a cold tone of voice and gave up pretending like she could tolerate Andrea’s sudden attempts to wheedle back into her life. “I asked you to go with me last year for the sake of our daughters, and you were too busy, because your new girlfriend at the time asked you to be on the cover of Business Week.”

“Sophie and Andy understand when I have prior engagements,” Andrea stressed and tried to pacify Lena by coming closer and touching her shoulder. “They thought it was a cool opportunity, and if you remember correctly, I made it up to them.”


Lena felt uncomfortable with how Andrea was touching her and stepped away with a fleeting glance in the direction of the staircase.


“Why are you really here this morning,” Lena flatly asked and stood staring at the spot where their family photos hung on the wall. “It’s very intrusive to show up without calling and let yourself in. Don’t ever do it again.”


“Well, if I thought I was interrupting something, I would’ve phoned first,” Andrea scoffed, but it was a flimsy lie, and she started towards the back door to do the one thing she had really come over to do: check the pool house to confront the alpha who was sleeping with Lena.


Lena let Andrea slip outside, though she knew her ex would still have a lecture prepared for when she returned. She braced herself for the inevitable fight that would cause.


The tension that settled along the back of her neck would cause a headache if she wasn’t careful. Lena would have proactively taken an aspirin if she hadn’t heard the bedroom door open. A flutter of nervousness drove her forward and a tremor of arousal caught her off guard.


With no clothes of her own up there, Kara had borrowed a tight fitting t-shirt that stretched across her broad shoulders and showed off the contours of her well defined abs. She had slipped on a pair of Lena's jeans that only seemed to highlight how thick and erect her cock was, even though Kara had obviously tried to conceal it. The smell of her rut filled the downstairs and Lena huffed at the scent as Kara rushed to meet her in the kitchen with wide, concerned eyes.


“Hey, I don’t mean to intrude, but are you okay?” Kara asked, immediately reaching for Lena to to offer comfort. “Has she left?”


Lena realized she was giving off distressed pheromones and tried to stifle them as she blinked up at Kara. The deeper she breathed, the wetter she got, and Lena saw Kara’s pupils dilate from her fragrance. Lena forced herself to step back and shook her head as she poured a cup of coffee for Kara.

“Andrea is snooping around the pool house under the guise of looking for my…”Lena trailed off and absently stirred in some cream and sugar for Kara without asking how she liked her coffee. She was side-tracked by the expectation that all the wonderful sexual tension between them would shatter at her next words. “For our daughter Natalia’s floaty duck.”


When Kara didn’t gasp and run out the door as dramatically as Lena imagined she would, she turned to find the alpha admiring the pictures on the wall with a smile on her face.


“Is this her?” Kara asked, pointing to a photo of a grinning toddler holding onto a unicorn plushie. “She’s adorable. I bet the others dote on her.”

“They will when they come home for the summer,” Lena acknowledged in a quiet voice as she watched Kara react to the pictures. “That’s Andy and that’s Sophie. They’re both attending the same prep academy that Andrea and I attended when we were young.”


She fell into momentary distraction as she stared at Kara’s lips and felt herself becoming more romantically interested in her by the second.


“I’ve always wanted like twelve kids and a bunch of pets,” Kara laughed and waved her hand as she blushed at her own honesty, then gulped at her coffee. “Wow, did you put cream in this? It’s delicious.”


Lena wiped a droplet of coffee from Kara’s bottom lip and then kissed the rest of it away.


Kara’s rut pheromones and sweet demeanor were wreaking havoc on her hormones, and she had the insane idea that she could make the alpha’s dream come true.

Kara set her coffee aside and wrapped a strong arm around Lena’s waist to pull her closer.


Lena’s cunt clenched in response and a soft moan broke free of her lips as the alpha’s tongue pushed into her mouth. She reached down to palm Kara’s erection through the denim.


As risky as it was to mess around with Andrea just outside, Lena found herself acting like an omega in heat and tugged down the alpha’s zipper. It was a miracle that the button didn’t pop off on its own, because the second Lena freed it, Kara’s cock sprang towards her.


“Please, Kara, we can be quick.” Lena begged and spun towards the counter as she hiked her skirt up to show off her bare cunt. The noise Kara made was so wholly desperate that Lena was surprised by the gentleness of her hands when they gripped her at hips.


Kara nudged the thick tip of her cock between her soaked folds and rammed herself into Lena’s silken heat so fast that the breath caught in Lena’s throat. She braced against the counter, letting her arms stretch over the surface while Kara slammed into her tender cunt with carnal urgency. The sensation of being filled and stretched was bliss on its own, but hearing the breathy moans that Kara tried to hold back was just as addictive.


Kara slid her hand around her to run two fingers between Lena’s spread pussy lips.


“You’re—wow, incredibly wet,” Kara praised, flicking her fingertip over Lena’s stiff clit at a tempo that matched her thrusts.


“Harder,” Lena encouraged, craving the sensation of Kara’s hot seed coating her inner walls. She whined when the alpha rocked her hips, frantic to give her exactly what she wanted, and shuddered when Kara used two fingers to rub into her clit. The danger of being caught gave Lena an adrenaline rush, and she stared out the patio window as her cunt went into extreme spasm.


She squeezed around Kara’s shaft so powerfully that the alpha couldn’t thrust. Then a few seconds later Lena felt the warm throb as copious amounts of cream filled her tight channel. Kara groaned through her release, stifling the sounds by pressing grateful kisses along the nape of Lena’s neck.


The warm caress of Kara’s lips had Lena’s total attention, and she failed to notice Andrea hurrying back towards the house. By sheer luck alone, she glanced up in time to separate herself from Kara and pull down her skirt.


Kara just managed to zip herself up as Andrea slid the back door open and stared at Lena with wide eyes that immediately narrowed in accusation.


Andrea must have caught a whiff of what they had been doing and Lena pursed her lips and glanced away from that intimidating stare-down.


“Who’s this?” Andrea asked and stepped forward to hold out her hand to Kara.


Lena watched their hands meet, and how they both used a strong grip to silently establish themselves as capable alphas. She was on the verge of making introductions when she heard, “Kara Danvers” and glanced up to see the easy smile on Kara’s face.


“Aren’t you the person that Lena hired to handle the pool maintenance?” Andrea questioned with faint humor in her voice and a suppressed smirk.

“Oh, no—I mean, yes, I am helping out with her pool, but I’m not charging Lena,” Kara clarified and propped her elbow onto the counter, like she was perfectly at ease in Lena’s kitchen. “I try not to mix business and pleasure.”


That brought a sour expression to Andrea’s face and Lena took a perverse amount of pleasure in it.

“We’ve been dating for months,” Lena cut in, with no qualms about embellishing the circumstances just to put Andrea’s judgment to rest. “I suppose it’s time the two of you met.”


Kara didn’t even flinch in the face of her lie. She just smiled brighter and lifted her coffee to take a sip as if it were a regular part of their morning routine whenever she stayed over. Lena made a mental note to thank her later for not contradicting her, even though her heart raced with the fear that she had just jeopardized her chances of potentially having something real with Kara.


Andrea’s expression changed to straight up aggression with a curl of her lip. She trained her dark eyes on Kara as she bristled, “How did you two meet?”


“Sam introduced us.” Kara said, not missing a beat as she turned to share a private smile with Lena that felt remarkably intimate, and quipped in good humor, “I remember it like it was yesterday.”


The joke went over Andrea’s head, and the scent of her irritation took on a possessive note as she needled, “And how do you know Sam? You barely look old enough to babysit Ruby.”


“That’s rich, considering you actually slept with our babysitter,” Lena spat before she had the good sense to shut her mouth. She felt her stomach twist in knots as her tongue got the better of her and she muttered bitterly, “You must have forgotten that, along with our anniversary, my birthday and which one of our kids is vegetarian.”


Andrea shot her a look that was redirected to Kara when the alpha reached out to rub a soothing hand against Lena’s lower back.


Lena shuddered pleasurably at the contact, her cunt squeezing and nipples hardening, despite being face to face with her ex-wife.


“I met Sam through my sister.” Kara clarified, her relaxed approach to the tension in the room both arousing and fascinating to Lena.


Most people became flustered under Andrea’s piercing scrutiny, but Kara acted as if she were oblivious to the hostility radiating off of Andrea in waves.


Lena pressed her thighs together when she felt the lazy trickle of Kara’s seed leak from her clenching hole, and tried to breathe normally, even as her clit throbbed for attention. God, the things that Kara did to her with just a touch were astounding.


Andrea went back to ignoring Kara and focused on Lena with a pinched furrow of her brow. “Whatever this little midlife crisis is, I don’t want it around our girls,” She warned, pointing her finger for emphasis as she made her ultimatum. “Keep it to yourself, or there will be consequences, do you understand?”


“What consequences?” Lena scoffed in a low voice of anger as she stepped in front of Kara. She straightened her shoulders and prepared herself for the fight to become dirty. “You can’t control my life, or who I choose to introduce to our children. You have no right.”


“I have every right to know that my children are safe on this property,” Andrea argued and locked her glacial stare on Lena as she used her claim pheromones to assert authority. Releasing that scent was an unfair tactic and Lena coughed as it made her eyes water.


“If you’re going to take a strange alpha to bed, you should arrange to drop Nattie at my place,” Andrea insisted and continued to choke Lena on the fumes of her dominance.


“The hell I will,” Lena hissed as she moved even closer to get into Andrea’s space, if only to prove that she could handle it. “You flaunt other omegas in our children’s faces all of the time, and if you want to talk about rights, what about my right to privacy? I want the spare key back. Now.”

Andrea laughed like her request was ridiculous, and Lena was reminded of every single time her voice went unheard in their relationship. She had put up with it for the children, and because Andrea had whittled down her confidence down over the years, but Lena felt alive and unstoppable as she straightened up to release her own scent.


Omegas weren’t always capable of producing the pheromones to block out and ward off the advances of alphas, and fewer still were able to resist the very physical urge to submit once they had been claimed.


The fact that Lena managed both on her first real attempt shocked and angered Andrea enough to growl out, “I don’t know who you suddenly think you are, but I am not returning the key when my—”


“Fine.” Lena cut her off with a sharp snap of her teeth, her confidence soaring as she stepped forward again just to spite Andrea. “Keep the key. We’ll see what good it does you when I change the locks.”


All the make-up on Andrea’s face was unable to conceal the vibrant rouge of her rage, and she hissed indignantly, “You wouldn’t dare.”


“Watch me.” Lena snapped back, the strength in her voice coming from somewhere deep inside that was no longer buried under the belief that she was incapable of standing up to Andrea.

“Oh, I already did.” Andrea grit out, so caught up in the argument that she truly thought mentioning Lena’s sexcapades from last night would shame her into backing down. “You’ve always been desperate.”


Lena felt her jaw drop, and the anger curling her bottom lip over her teeth as she glared at the woman she had once loved. The smallest part of her heart shattered all over again.


“And you,” Andrea snarled, her gaze flicking to Kara, then to her pants with a sneer. “Not as impressive as you think.”


Kara surprised them both by letting out a laugh and moving to stand by Lena’s side in solidarity.


“It was nice to meet you, too,” The younger alpha replied, her ego not in the least bit affected by Andrea’s attempt to get under her skin. She wrapped her arm around Lena’s waist and then gave her all of her attention as she stated, “By the way, Winn said he’d be out today to update your whole security system. No more prying eyes, and the password will be linked to a biometrics reader, so no one can hack into it.”


The thought of being shut out entirely must have enraged Andrea’s alpha, because she let out a growl and took a step forward like she might just fight Kara in the middle of the kitchen. “Get your hands off my wife—”


“Ex-wife,” Lena asserted furiously as she glowered at Andrea. All the anger she had harbored over the years surfaced, red hot and untamable as she yelled, “You’re not my alpha anymore, Andrea. Your claim ended long before we signed those papers years ago. You left our daughter with a woman who brings you the wrong coffee every day at work, and you think you have the right to dictate my life, when you continue to make selfish choices purely driven by your libido?”


Andrea’s shock left her speechless. Her eyes widened and her lips moved silently around words her tongue couldn’t quite form, and Lena wished she could capture the moment and keep it in her pocket forever like a photo.


The rush of adrenaline helped Lena harness her rage, and she flung her hand out to point at the door as she demanded, “Get the fuck out of my house.”


Later she might laugh at the way Andrea stepped back, the realization finally hitting her that Lena truly wasn’t hers any longer. Andrea didn’t bother trying to say anything as she stormed off, leaving behind the scent of her confusion and vulnerability.


Lena trembled from the rush of it all, her chest heaving as she sucked in fast breaths. When the door slammed shut, she must have spun towards Kara with residual fire in her eyes, because the alpha swallowed thickly and immediately asked, “Do you want me to leave, too?”


“No.” Lena intoned, high on her own sense of empowerment as she directed Kara across the room with a surprisingly steady hand. She tore open the jeans the alpha wore and shucked them halfway down Kara’s thighs before she shoved her onto the large white leather sofa with a seductive rasp. “I want you to sit right there for me.”


“Yes, ma’am.” Kara whispered breathlessly, curling her hands around the cushions in anticipation while her cock strained up for Lena’s attention.


The rich scent of Kara’s musk had held notes of pride and excitement when Lena had been facing off with Andrea, and there was something extraordinary about the way Kara had stepped back as if she instinctively knew it was a battle Lena had to handle herself.


Lena’s omega felt positively feral with desire and she was about to reward Kara for that. She moved onto her knees to pull the jeans down the rest of the way and massage at her thighs.


Kara’s cock was in her face and Lena slipped a hand around it, both to rein it in and position the broad head against her lips. She formed her mouth to the thick shape, then licked along the cleft at the tip and underneath the rim.


It prodded at the inside of her cheek and then she stroked the shaft deep into her throat. It took a few tries to slide her lips down on it. Her jaw stretched at the widest part and she closed her eyes in concentration as she pushed it all inside. She made a low humming noise and glanced up at Kara, who shook from barely constrained excitement as they stared at one another.


With perfect control, Lena sucked on Kara with the kind of hunger she would have been ashamed to admit to herself before, and only paused to brag, “You’re going to come so hard in my mouth.”

Kara’s knee jittered and she uttered nonsense in between soft sighs. “Lena—I—oh, oh god.”


She stroked Kara’s shaft with quick twists of her palm to tantalize every thick inch and rubbed her lips around the glistening tip, exhaling hot puffs of air with every little moan.


“I don’t want you to hold back.” Lena confessed, popping her mouth over the swollen head with an almost obscene talent for swirling her tongue around it at the same time. “You’re going to give me more than I could ever swallow, but I’m going to try anyway.”


Kara could barely hold still, and Lena was pretty sure she would have nail marks in the leather from how tightly the alpha gripped it. She grinned as she took more of Kara’s cock into her mouth, rolling the flat of her tongue along the underside as she hollowed her cheeks. The silken heat of her mouth had Kara gasping, and the more the alpha resisted her baser urges to fist her hair and take charge, the more Lena experienced the urge to show off.


When she was younger, she had delighted in being as debauched as she pleased with Andrea, but her ex didn’t quite measure up to Kara in more ways than one.


Lena knew it would be a struggle to get it all down her throat, she would likely feel the ache in her jaw for days and her voice would be hoarse, but god, it was going to be worth it.


Inch by inch she forced Kara deeper, and the more she took, the more it lowered Kara’s inhibitions.


The carnal sight of Lena deepthroating her was clearly overwhelming Kara, because she struggled to sit still and her bright eyes were as dark as a solar eclipse.


“Oh.” Kara strained where she sat, her words becoming groans as her entire body practically vibrated with a need so strong that Lena could taste it. She was releasing potent pheromones, her muscles taut beneath her tanned skin. “You’re so good at that—so good to me. No one’s ever—Lena—”


Then Kara cracked, just enough for Lena to see the rougher alpha beneath her restraint. It was subtle, soft almost, the way Kara’s right hand lifted to brush the hair from Lena’s face, only to thread her fingers through the dark strands. She applied the barest amount of force, like a suggestion or a silent plea, punctuated by a particularly sexy growl that was pure alpha.


Lena absolutely lost herself. She sucked on Kara’s cock like she had been starved, moaning and whining to excite Kara’s alpha, completely shameless in her need to make her come.


Kara bucked and held Lena’s hair in a tight fist as she succumbed to her baser urges, and Lena rewarded her by ripping open her own shirt as she worked her mouth.


She knew Kara appreciated the visual from the breathy groans that escaped her throat and she whined when the alpha’s free hand palmed at her breasts. She spilled out of her bra with Kara’s eager encouragement, and moaned around her cock when the alpha pinched her nipples.


The rut scents that surrounded them were influencing Lena and she rubbed her slick thighs together as she pumped her mouth over Kara. Her clit throbbed in response to every rock of Kara’s hips and Lena closed her lips tightly around the alpha’s shaft and swallowed.

The suctioning warmth of Lena’s mouth and the sensation of her throat muscles contracting over the sensitive tip sent Kara over the edge.


The alpha rambled as her thighs jerked and toes curled, “Oh, oh god, Lena. Yes, I’m, I’m—”


Lena felt every pulse against her tongue and she moaned when Kara’s seed filled her mouth. She sucked greedily, trying to swallow down every drop that surged out, then tapered off to slow, sensual glides of her tongue as she kissed wetly over the head of Kara’s cock.


Kara whined and shook from the extra attention, barely able to gasp for breath when Lena deviously teased the sensitive groove with the tip of her tongue.


Lena knew she would look a sight with her red swollen lips and the sticky remnants of Kara’s seed on her chin, but she couldn’t help herself. It was empowering to see Kara so weak for her, so on edge and wild-eyed, yet still so fucking soft.


Kara stroked through her hair to massage the nape of Lena’s neck while her bliss left her momentarily lethargic, and Lena kept her lips on her cock just to work the alpha into an insatiable frenzy.


God, she wanted to do filthy things with Kara, because she instinctively knew the alpha wouldn’t use it against her if she let go and gave her omega full control.


Lena stood up to take off her skirt and bra with a coy smile as she suggested, “Shall we take this upstairs?” She was still fired up from the fight, eager to work off all the restless energy Andrea had provoked. The words were hardly out of her mouth when Kara snared her by the waist to pull her down onto her cock with a groan. “Can’t wait, I need you now.”


The surprise of it caught in Lena’s throat and she arched at the sudden fullness of her cunt. There was no time to appreciate the wonderful stretch, or how Kara’s face was perfectly in line with her breasts, because the alpha began to buck her hips and Lena bounced from the force of it.


“Oh, fuck, Kara,” Lena whined, clutching at the alpha’s shoulders as Kara bottomed out with every thrust. She expected a change after she coaxed Kara’s alpha to the surface, but this carnal demand to take her like she wouldn’t be denied was more than Lena hoped to kindle.


The wet smack of her thighs was a testament to how much she had gotten off on sucking Kara’s cock, and the alpha moaned at the fragrant scent of her arousal as it filled the air around them.


There was a selfishness to the way Kara sucked on her breasts, small but significant as she rolled her tongue around Lena’s nipple. Kara sucked on it, then freed it with a smack of her lips and lavished the other with the same ravenous attention that made Lena’s clit throb. The alpha’s hands roamed over Lena’s hips to grab at her ass and encouraged her to bounce harder.


“Ride me,” Kara breathlessly instructed, and Lena moved wantonly with the intent to show her just how good she could.


Lena sank onto Kara’s erection at a rapid pace, her breaths becoming stuttered as she took the alpha over and over until the inside of her thighs were as pink as her cunt. She felt dizzy with need and clawed across Kara’s shoulders to elicit a growl that left her even wetter.


They were both acting like they wanted to prove something to the other, but it was Lena who broke first. She shattered beautifully when Kara slid her thumb between her slippery lips to massage her clit with such precision that pleasure condensed within her core.

Lena exploded like a dying star, pure bliss bursting through every limb. She shed who she used to be to make way for who she wanted to be now. Trembling on top of Kara, she screamed from the release, her pent up cry raw with emotion.


Her cunt was still clenching when Kara pulled out without climaxing, and it confused her for a fraction of a second until the alpha nuzzled into her ear to whisper seductively, “Now it’s my turn to taste you.”


Lena could have melted into Kara, boneless and breathless and completely satiated, but those soft words reignited her omega, and she practically pushed Kara back to mount her face.


The alpha welcomed her with a satisfied moan, lapping between her soaked folds enthusiastically to tease over her clit. Lena fisted her blonde hair and began a sensual glide, taking what she wanted as Kara stared up at her with adoring, lustful eyes. She rolled her hips, forcing her pussy into Kara’s eager mouth, and moaned when the alpha’s tongue pressed into her warm opening with worshipful passion.


Every roll of her hips rubbed her clit against Kara’s soft lips, and then the alpha puckered them to suck on her aching bead. She licked quicker, flicking her tongue over Lena’s clit as if begging for the taste of her, and Lena whimpered at the wonderful oral attention. She needed this, all of this, but only with Kara. It was a profound realization that had her thighs tensing around the alpha’s beautiful face, and when Kara crooked two fingers into her greedy hole, Lena felt like a woman possessed.


“More,” Lena rasped, her erotic undulations changing from her epiphany. She was practically fucking Kara’s face, leaving the alpha shiny with her arousal as she took command of her pleasure. The sound of her slick hole taking a third finger was deliciously provocative and she groaned out, “Give me another.”


Kara moaned encouragement into her cunt, her own hips rocking into nothing as Lena took a fourth finger. She was sopping wet, and Kara was insatiable, devouring every bit of her that she could reach with her tongue while Lena moaned and whined above her.


It was such a pretty sight, Kara framed by her thighs in the golden morning light. Lena found herself wanting to experience it for the foreseeable future, and her mind raced with half formed fantasies of waking up to Kara and starting their day by presenting her cunt to be fucked.


The thought of it pushed her closer to the edge and she forgot she ever had inhibitions as she looked Kara in the eye and exhaled, “Beg me to come in your mouth.”


Kara’s soft groan of wonder became a low and enticing growl. She removed her mouth from Lena’s cunt just long enough to plead, “Please Lena, I want it. You’re so sexy when you come. Please come in my mouth—”


Lena shivered from head to toe and bit her lower lip as she stared down into Kara’s eyes. She was hardly prepared for it when Kara swiped her tongue into her entrance and then sucked on her clit with enough force that it almost made her lose balance. Even without a mating bite, her entire body felt like Kara already had a claim to it, and she saw an entire galaxy of stars when her cunt spasmed in release.


Her inner muscles still clenched from it when Kara shifted and gathered her up. She hadn’t expected Kara to slip an arm around her back and under her ass and carry her to the stairs, but that was what happened. Kara nuzzled into her neck and breasts, and Lena arched from it, then moaned out a plea. “Fuck me like I belong to you.”


Kara responded to the spontaneous words and quite suddenly positioned Lena on the steps at the bottom of the staircase. Lena found herself bent over with her hands on one of the steps and her ass up for Kara to hold. She whimpered when Kara drove her cock into her cunt with a solid thrust.


“If you were mine, Lena, you would take my knot every day.” Kara huffed while plunging into her hard and deep. Lena clutched at one of the rungs on the staircase and a step in front of her just to keep herself standing.


Kara continuously pulled at her hips, urging them to move. Rutting like this was so filthy, and Lena loved how Kara had no shame about sliding into her cunt and treating her like a claimed omega.


It was wrong, but Lena’s mind went to Andrea for a fleeting second. She tried to picture what her ex’s face would look like if she stormed back through the door to see her practically on her hands and knees for Kara. Some perverse part of her enjoyed the thought of it, and from the flux of possessive pheromones that Kara was releasing, she wondered if the alpha was thinking of it too.


There was a danger to how good it felt, how effortlessly her omega reacted to even the subtlest shift of the alpha’s scent. She wanted to present, to keep her ass up to expose herself completely for Kara’s heavy gaze, and she whined when the alpha squeezed firmly at her ass cheeks.


“What else, Kara? I want to know everything.” Lena rasped, tumbling head first into the fantasy of belonging to Kara.


“God Lena, I’d never look at another omega again.” Kara confessed, her sweet words hitting Lena just as hard as her rough thrusts. There was something quite magical about hearing the wistfulness in Kara’s tone while she fucked her with enough strength to leave carpet burns on Lena’s knees. “I’ve only tasted you twice, but I know you’re the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”


Kara was into the fantasy as much as she was, Lena could tell from the way the base of her cock began to swell. Masterfully, the alpha stopped her knot from fully forming, and Lena’s whole body strained from the intensity of being stretched so wide.


“You’re so beautiful, and soft, and perfect, I wouldn’t let a day go by without making sure you felt it,” Kara confided.


Kara’s breaths were short and sharp and Lena’s cunt was clutching tighter at her cock, but it wasn’t enough. She could sense Kara holding back, censoring all of the dirty, impulsive things she wanted to say, and Lena shamelessly pushed, “Forget the flowers and candy, how else would you show me that you’re my alpha?”


“Like this,” Kara growled out, molding her body to Lena’s so she could latch her mouth around the partially removed claim bite. She wrapped one arm under Lena’s abdomen to keep her ass up and pounded even harder as she tongued at the sensitive skin. “With my mouth, and my cock, and my come,” She asserted, slamming her cock as deep as she could get it with full, powerful thrusts.


Lena experienced a flood of slick pour out of her and she mewled from it, startled and thrilled and ridiculously turned on by the way Kara sucked and grazed her teeth over the faded scar. Her pulse and clit throbbed in tandem and her omega begged her to ask for Kara’s teeth. Lena’s scent was so desperate that she didn’t have to say a word, and Kara responded by nipping just hard enough to give her a taste of what she wanted.

She came with a cry, her entire body shaking as pleasure rocked through her like an earthquake. Kara’s knot was fully forming in her tight entrance, forcing her used hole to gape, but the alpha wouldn’t give it to her yet. Not until they were in the comfort of her bed, where Kara could stay buried inside her for hours. Lena knew they would only surface for food, and even if Kara was starving, she would choose to be in Lena’s cunt because of her rut.


Lena was still fluttering internally from her orgasm when Kara scooped her up to carry her the rest of the way. They barely made it to the upstairs hall before they started kissing again, passionate and desperate with teeth and tongue. She wasn’t sure who made the first move, if it was her hand on the nape of Kara’s neck, or the way the alpha pinned her against the wall, but her bedroom had never seemed so fucking far away as it did right then with Kara’s thigh between her legs.


With a roll of her hips, Lena rubbed her cunt over the toned muscle unabashedly and scraped her nails along the base of Kara’s neck. Her inner omega was enthralled by the fantasy of Kara staking claim, and she heard herself beg recklessly, “Do it, Kara. Mark me, fuck me, fill me with your seed.”

Any other alpha would have jumped at the chance to claim her for saying such provocative things. Lena could see that Kara wanted it, wanted her so fucking much that her cock jerked in excitement and spilled warm cream down Lena’s inner thigh.


The noise Kara made was pained and filled with longing, and her strong hands clamped onto Lena’s ass to hoist her up. Kara lowered Lena onto her swollen cock like that was where she belonged and ravaged her right there three feet from the bedroom. She was relentless, and encouraged Lena to wrap her legs around her hips so she could fuck her with her knot.


It was an experience like no other. The extreme fullness left Lena delirious and she moaned, high pitched and keening, with every rough thrust that pushed Kara’s knot inside. She had never known her cunt could take it, but Kara was making damn sure she would. Lena didn’t think it could get better than that. She was already somewhere else, floating on a euphoria that only existed because of Kara, but then the alpha was pressing her face into her neck.


Lena’s cunt began to clench the second Kara’s lips wrapped around her partially removed claim mark. The alpha sucked with such voraciousness that the rest of the world faded away and white hot pleasure surged through Lena. It wasn’t the mark she expected, but in a way it was better because it meant even if she was in heat and begging, she could truly trust Kara not to act foolishly.


The alpha emptied into her with breathy groans so low they became growls, her cock throbbing with so much seed that Lena’s cunt couldn’t contain it. Kara was still coming inside her as she walked them into the bedroom, and she pulled out just so she could flip Lena onto her hands and knees to mount her properly.


They fucked wildly, with Kara finding new ways to claim her without leaving behind a mating bite. She left imprints of her teeth along Lena’s porcelain shoulders instead, and a hickey that hid where Andrea’s claim used to be.


Lena gave herself up by submitting beneath Kara, posing provocatively in the most submissive ways with a knot filling her cunt. They slowed down eventually when Kara’s alpha was sated and Lena was covered in sweat and slick and so much seed that she smelled almost exclusively of Kara.


Then they were soft again, with coy glances and blushing smiles, as if they hadn’t just spent all morning fucking like animals. Lena curled into Kara with her head on the alpha’s chest and made soft little noises. She was safe, warm, and content, and her body ached in the nicest possible ways.


“I never said thank you for before,” Lena murmured, the fight with Andrea coming back to her like a distant dream. “You didn’t refute my lie.”


Kara exhaled a soft breath as if she was too exhausted to laugh as she traced patterns over Lena’s side. “That reminds me, I promised to text my friend later to install a newer security system.”


“Kara,” Lena whispered, catching her lower lip between her teeth as reality snuck up on her and ruined her blissful bubble. “You don’t have to do that. We’re not actually dating.”


There was a beat where Kara didn’t say anything, and then she shifted to meet Lena’s eyes with a bashful grin as she uttered hopefully, “Well, what if I want us to be?”