9. Chapter 9

Monday morning rolled around far too soon for Lena’s liking, and not just because it meant they would be losing out on their afternoon quickie. The lunch date with her mother was an important event that was long overdue, and Kara was looking forward to it.


What Lena hadn’t counted on was that Kara would be called away for a meeting bright and early at 8 am with a client who had only bothered to schedule the night before. That meant their normal routine was completely disrupted and Lena would be aroused and unable to do anything about it until later that night.


These were hardly real problems and Lena knew it, though that didn’t stop her lamenting privately at the unfairness of it all. She had been thoroughly spoiled by waking up to Kara every morning and starting the day with sleepy, passionate sex in one form or another. To be deprived of that for even a day was almost like punishment, but Lena would never dream of discouraging her alpha from pursuing her business endeavors, even if she harbored the smallest amount of jealousy that Kara would be sipping her morning coffee with a twenty-something entrepreneur. Lena was still proud of the alpha for expanding her horizons and made sure to tell her as much, even as she plotted to remind Kara of what she would be missing.


She slipped out of bed half an hour early to quietly put on a full face of make-up, and selected a seductive sheer night gown that concealed virtually nothing. It was petty and wicked and Lena held absolutely no regrets as she tucked herself into Kara’s side and waited for the alarm to go off.


Lena kept her chin pressed into Kara’s shoulder as the first blaring ring erupted, and as the alpha groaned and shifted to turn it off, Lena pulled back the covers to settle between Kara’s thighs and made a show of kissing her good morning.


Kara’s boxers were predictably tented, and she nuzzled into them before she hooked her fingers in the elastic to free the alpha’s length.


“Good morning, darling,” Lena whispered salaciously, her lips brushing the softest kiss against the very tip of Kara’s cock. “I trust you slept well?”


“God, am I even awake?” Kara groaned, voice thick with sleep as she raised herself up on her elbows to take in the beautiful sight of Lena poised with her lips parted and just out of reach.


“Oh, you are,” Lena assured the alpha, exhaling warmly over her member before pressing wet kisses to the thick brim. She teased around the sensitive head, using the barest flick of her tongue to make Kara’s cock strain for attention.


When Kara moaned and raised her hips, Lena sat up with a coy glance to the clock and reminded the alpha of her unfortunate predicament. “And you had better get in the shower now, or you’ll be running late.”


“Wha—I—no.” Kara’s confusion shifted to understanding as she remembered her meeting and the scent of her misery billowed around her like a dark cloud. “Urgh, breakfast with Siobhan.”


“Mmhmm,” Lena hummed in amusement, somewhat proud of the pouty look Kara was sending her way. She pretended not to notice that the alpha’s shoulders slumped as she rolled over in bed and waved her off to the bathroom. “Think of me while you’re in there.”


“You’re not showering with me?” Kara asked, her mopey attitude endlessly endearing to Lena, who relished the way the alpha hesitated once she was on her feet.


“I wouldn’t want to distract you,” Lena lied, her mind already on the next part of her plan as she began helpfully browsing through Kara’s shirts and pants so the alpha would look her best. “We both know if I joined you the last thing on your mind would be getting clean.”


Kara’s sad eyes and begging pheromones almost swayed Lena to accompany her, but she stayed firm in her decision.


Kara would be done in about five minutes, and that didn’t give Lena long to work herself up. Fortunately, just playing with Kara meant she was already wet and Lena flung herself across the bed to locate the wand she rarely ever used anymore. The low thrum of it was relatively silent, and Lena positioned herself so that she was kneeling on the edge of the bed, facing the bathroom door. She listened to the spray of water and thought of Kara scrubbing off under it, naked and toned and still erect from all of the teasing.


Lena brought the wand to her pussy and bit her lip to stifle the moan that immediately formed in her throat. She rubbed it along her slit, undulating carefully to simulate the way she often enjoyed riding Kara.


Vibrations travelled up through her cunt and teased her clit, tensing her core muscles while her breath hitched. There was a reason this toy used to be her favorite, and it was coming back to her the more she rubbed her cunt into it.


She fixated on Kara as she touched herself, the alpha’s strong hands and thick cock, and how energetic she was as a lover, even in the early mornings when they were barely awake. Lena wished it was Kara touching her like this, tugging on her nipples and kissing up her throat like she did most mornings.


She settled for pinching her own nipples through her sheer gown, rolling each one to make them stiff so that Kara would see them through the material and want them in her mouth. Her pleasure climbed as she imagined her alpha finding her like this, and she indulged in the fantasy of Kara pinning her to the bed to fuck her. She could practically hear Kara’s growl of desire, and Lena pushed two fingers into her cunt and took herself hard the way her alpha would.


The second the shower turned off, Lena cranked up the intensity of the wand.


The door opened seconds before she reached her peak and Kara stared at her, jaw slack and eyes wide as Lena’s filthy groan filled the air between them. Kara’s choked noise of surprise brought a smirk to Lena’s face, and she held the alpha’s gaze as her body shuddered to completion. It wasn’t nearly as satisfying as having the alpha inside her, but Lena’s chest still heaved and her cunt still clenched and that was enough to provoke Kara’s alpha.


“You started without me,” Kara rasped in accusation, her eyes falling to the blushing pinks of Lena’s exposed cunt.


Sexual frustration emanated from the alpha in waves and Lena took pity on her by parting her pussy lips to let Kara get a good look at what she could have had if not for her early meeting that morning.


“I finished, too,” Lena corrected with a devious little smile that beckoned Kara closer. “Do you want a taste of what you missed?” Her sultry purr worked wonders to soothe Kara’s hurt feelings, and the alpha prowled over with an erection so big that Lena was tempted to ask Kara to reschedule with Siobhan.


Lena tangled her fingers in the alpha’s wet hair to guide her face down to her cunt, and just before the alpha’s mouth made contact, Lena held out the wand to block Kara from reaching her goal.


“Just a taste,” Lena commanded, breathless from the power and eroticism of having the alpha follow her instructions.


Kara groaned in frustration at being so close to what she wanted, yet she didn’t hesitate to languidly lick at the toy. She was staring up at Lena as she flicked her tongue, her soft lips glistening from the residual slick that clung to it. There was no embarrassment from Kara, only hunger for her omega, and if Lena wasn’t conscious of the time, she would have kept Kara right there on her knees.


“Go get dressed,” Lena instructed when the tension between them became palpable. She released Kara’s hair, but sat with her thighs open to keep the game going a little longer. “I’ll make you coffee for the drive.”


“Thank you,” Kara rumbled, though whether she meant for the coffee, or the taste of Lena’s cunt was up for debate.


Lena didn’t stick around to find out. She slipped on a robe to hurry downstairs with her phone tightly clutched in her hand.


She was going to keep Kara on edge all day, and with any luck, the next time Siobhan requested a meeting last minute, Kara would reconsider scheduling it for later in the day.


While her alpha got ready, Lena got the coffee going and then took a series of scandalous pictures that she planned to send Kara before and after her meeting.


She was waiting for Kara at the bottom of the stairs with her favorite travel mug, and made sure to palm her cock as she leaned in to kiss her cheek.


Lena was pleased to find that Kara was still hard, and she ushered her out of the house with the knowledge that her alpha wouldn’t get the chance to get herself off.


“You’ve got this, darling. Don’t let her talk down your price,” Lena called after the alpha, who jogged back just to kiss her.


“I love you,” Kara murmured against Lena’s lips, her grin broadening as she sighed, “Do you think she’d be mad if I cancelled at the last minute? I could say something important came up.”


“Oh, I’m sure she’d be pissed, but I don’t think needing to be inside of me constitutes an emergency.” Lena lilted innocently, not at all sorry for the way Kara whined. “In fact, consider this motivation for the next time she dictates your schedule. Drive safe!”


Lena took great pleasure in patting Kara’s ass to get her moving again.


The next hour was filled with her own morning routines. After she dressed herself, she fed Natty and dropped her daughter off at preschool.


On the way home, Lena picked up a box of donuts for Kara and sent the first raunchy picture to her mate.


Lena sent another one every ten minutes, each one naughtier than the last. The final picture was just of her cunt with her panties barely concealing her. The silky material was clearly wet, and her clit was visible as it pressed against them.


She was all set to drive Kara crazy when the doorbell rang and Lena found her mother on the other side of it with pastries and coffee. That alone was suspicious, but then Sam arrived about fifteen minutes later with bagels and a fruit platter. Lena had to wonder if they were conspiring together.


They perched themselves on the bar stools at the kitchen counter and picked at fruit and sipped coffee while Lena tidied up from the morning rush of getting Natty off to school.


“So, this is your first official meeting with Kara,” Sam intoned while chatting with Lillian, like this was a meaningful step that further sealed the relationship. “I’m surprised you didn’t meet her over the holidays.”


“Oh, I declined the invitation,” Lillian admitted with a slow blink as she scooped another heap of balled melon onto her plate. “Andrea was attending, and I simply refuse to be in the same room as that two-faced demon. It raises my blood pressure.”


Sam snorted into her coffee and Lena sighed dramatically as she wiped up the droplets that sprayed across the counter.


“Remind me why you’re both here when you scheduled lunch for twelve-thirty at your club?” Lena pointedly asked her mother, who feigned innocence with a smile.


“Can’t I just stop over to see my daughter without getting the third degree?” Lillian asked with a casual lift of her chin that said she was definitely up to something. “I hardly ever see you these days.”


“You were on a cruise for the entirety of January,” Lena reminded her with a tad more scrutiny than was necessary. She turned to pour herself a fresh cup of coffee when a message came through to her phone.


Lena never thought anything of it until her mother gasped.


“Dear God!” Lillian croaked, her hand tight around Lena’s cell phone. She dropped it onto the counter when Lena spun around and Sam sat still and tried not to laugh.


“What?” Lena demanded, lifting her phone to see the very prominent dick pic that Kara had sent her in return with the caption, Those panties had better be off by the time I get home.


The alpha was evidently in her truck, and fortunately she was still wearing her boxers, though they barely concealed her length.


“Did you read that?” Lena asked, her voice high pitched and cracking as she stared at her mother and best friend in abject horror.


“It’s hard to miss.” Lillian stated in her own defense, her cheeks a guilty shade of red as she peered over at her daughter. “Does she have a permit for carrying around a weapon of that size?”


“You should have seen her in the speedos,” Sam intoned with a head tilt that brought a blush to Lena’s neck.


“Not helping,” Lena stated sharply, though that only caused Sam to laugh harder. “This is worse than that time you found Andrea in my bed at boarding school.”


“Nothing is worse than that.” Lillian muttered dryly, and turned to Sam with interest in her eyes as she murmured under her breath, “Tell me about these speedos.”


“Let me just say you could see every detail,” Sam divulged and sipped her coffee with playful glee. “Lena special ordered them in a size too small, but honestly I’m not sure getting the bigger size would have helped. Not when it’s like a pool noodle—”


Lena picked up her phone with the plan to hide it before Kara continued sexting her.


With even worse timing, Kara walked through the front door at that moment, all worked up and releasing pheromones that called to Lena’s omega.


Lena’s tongue became stuck behind her teeth even as she tried to call out a warning.


Heedless of what awaited her, Kara entered the kitchen with her shirt off, and Lena stared at the alpha’s toned abs and sports bra as she blanked on how to handle the situation.


“So much for having lunch when this is feeding us all,” Sam muttered in appreciation and Lena returned to her senses in time to shoot her a look.


“Kara, it’s nice to see you again,” Lillian commented, though she couldn’t help but glance at the phone still in Lena’s hands. “I hope you had a productive meeting, with many big developments.”


“My mother stopped by unannounced,” Lena explained for no reason whatsoever, and then let out a soft sigh of frustration as Kara lifted her shirt back over her head.


Kara’s flustered face poked through the collar and the alpha’s scent changed from bold and assertive to soft and apologetic.


“This definitely isn’t the first impression I wanted to make, but it’s nice to finally get the chance to talk, and not just in passing.” Kara shuffled forward to greet Lillian with a hand shake and gave Sam a small nod of acknowledgement.


“I have to admit I wasn’t sure what to expect when I discovered that you’re ten years younger than my daughter, but I’ve heard nothing but good things from my grandchildren,” Lillian admitted with a small squint of fascination and respect. “They say you’re fun, which is a word they’ve never used to describe my ex daughter-in-law.”


Lena hadn’t realized how nervous she was about her mother getting this opportunity to probe Kara, but she felt somehow better as soon as the alpha sank onto a stool next to Lillian.


“I like to keep things entertaining around here. To be honest, I’ve always wanted a bunch of kids, maybe because of the bond I have with my own sister.” Kara glanced at Lena, her eyes conveying an apology for walking in without her shirt on as she reached for a cinnamon bagel and spread a thick layer of cream cheese over the toasted surface.


Lena tried to rein in her own needy scents and fussed with the platter of fruit to load up a plate for Kara.


“Well, it’s clear to me that you’re everything Andrea could never be, both as a mate and a parent.” Lillian shared her fast assessment while peering over at Lena with scrupulous, narrowed eyes. “You make my daughter happy.”


“I certainly try my hardest,” Kara affirmed earnestly, though whatever else she was about to say was drowned out by Sam, who saw her opportunity to tease Lena.


“Really hard by the looks of things,” Sam helpfully stated and leaned back to avoid Lena’s swipe at her shoulder as she grinned at Kara’s apparent confusion.


“So,” Sam began conversationally, leaning around Kara to smirk at Lena. “Are we collectively going to ignore what we saw or are we allowed to discuss it?”


Lena was a fraction of a second away from either committing murder or having a heart attack and she choked on her own breath as she tried to hiss, “Sam, I swear to god, if you say another word—”


“Lena, for heaven's sake, we’re all adults here, and I for one am not a prude,” Lillian uttered with the kind of finality that made Lena want to shrink out of sight and vanish from existence.


“Oh, why is this happening.” Lena groaned under her breath, and looked everywhere but at Kara’s handsome, puzzled face.


The alpha paused mid chew like she could sense something awful was about to happen and Lena sucked up the embarrassment to clue her in. “Kara,” Lena tactfully whispered. “They saw—”


“The bite on your shoulder.” Sam interjected, saving Lena from the mortification of informing her mate that she had inadvertently flashed her mother and best friend.


“Yes,” Lillian chimed in at the mention of Kara’s claim mark. “May we have another look?”


“No, you may not,” Lena chided before either of them took advantage of Kara’s good nature. She pushed more fruit onto her mother’s plate in the hopes that it would keep her from talking, but Lillian wasn’t paying attention to the food.


“Either that’s a claim bite or you’re both very kinky.” Sam intoned, evidently pleased to be the pot stirrer with Lillian as her captive audience. “Which is it?”


Kara’s cheeks couldn’t possibly get any redder and she laughed as she dipped her chin to her chest. The bashful scent of her pheromones only endeared her to Lena’s mother and she admitted, albeit in a self-conscious rush, “Actually you’re correct. I asked Lena if she wanted to claim me and she said yes. I wear it with pride.”


“I’ve never heard of such a thing,” Lillian murmured, perhaps a tad wistfully as she touched her own faded mark from decades ago. “Why haven’t you given one to my daughter? Most alphas can’t wait to sink their teeth into what they perceive as theirs.”


Lena was ready to jump in at any second, but Kara handled herself with calm integrity. “I’ve wanted to claim your daughter for months now, but there were more important things to consider first, like the kids and if they would accept me as their mom’s new mate, and I wanted to get to know you first and give Lena the chance to meet my sister.”


They had never intended to be secretive about their relationship status, and yet now that her best friend and mother were aware, Lena knew that they would both have burning questions for her. In spite of the perfect explanation Kara offered, Sam would want to know why Lena was stalling, and her mother would ask if there were more pups in her future. She lifted a dishrag as an excuse to wipe down the counters and ignore a strange feeling of vulnerability that came out of nowhere.


“So, you’ve met Lillian, and Lena will meet Alex soon. One down, one to go,” Sam calculated and popped a green grape into her mouth.


It sounded so straightforward and so soon, and Lena paused to touch her neck where the sensitive skin prickled in excitement at the thought of Kara’s mark. Her scent responded before she could, unfurling around her with an embarrassing level of need that was indecent when around company. Kara inhaled it with pride and a smile on her face and reached for Lena’s hand, which was the only safe way they could show affection in front of Sam and her mother.


Lena was beginning to regret taunting Kara earlier that morning, because she didn’t know if either of them would be able to make it through the day without pouncing on one another.


“How does your family feel about the relationship?” Lillian inquired with a shrewd attention to how Kara clasped Lena’s hand. “Do they approve?”


“Alex is happy for us and Eliza can’t wait to plan a celebration in our honor after I’ve claimed Lena.” Kara munched on her bagel with bubbling energy as she explained as an afterthought, “I forgot to mention Eliza is my adoptive mom.“


Lena was on the verge of sharing more details about Eliza, but her phone rang and interrupted their discussion.


The voice on the line belonged to someone she was far too familiar with for her liking. “Hello, Miss Luthor, this is Principal Kane from DC Prep. I’m calling because your daughter Sophia used a fake note to excuse herself from classes for two weeks. It seems that both Sophia and her older sister Andrea have left our school premises."


“You mean they’re missing?” Lena asked, cutting right through to the core of the problem.


She could feel her anxiety intensifying from the suddenness of finding out her girls were unaccounted for and no longer safe at their private boarding school.


“We’ve notified the authorities just as a precaution,” Principal Kane reported in a sedate tone that must have been deliberate to prevent Lena from becoming hyper fixated on the fact that the school had done a poor job of monitoring her kids. “I hoped you would have some idea of where they might be. This doesn’t happen often, but when kids check themselves out of school, there’s usually something going on at home, or their favorite musician is playing in the next town over.”


“My kids wouldn’t ditch school to go to a concert without telling me.” Lena glanced around at Kara and her mother and Sam for the first time since receiving the upsetting news.


Kara already had the keys to her truck in hand like she planned to leave and begin the search as soon as the call ended.


“We weren’t able to reach your ex-wife,” Principal Kane considered, in her same neutral voice that said she had handled plenty of family crises in her time. “Is it possible the children are with her?”


Since Lena hadn’t communicated with Andrea in weeks, she dropped off into silence as she considered the likelihood that her ex would know where the girls had gone.


“I don’t know, but that’s the first place I’ll check. Please notify me if you turn up any information on where they might be.” Lena wrapped up the conversation with worse case scenarios in her head.


She had hated DC Prep from the moment she enrolled her kids, but Andrea insisted on a private school education that was on par with their own. Given the accolades of all the graduates, Lena agreed to it after months of trying to find alternative options. For some reason, it was easier to focus on her anger at the school than concentrate on the fright that was beginning to make her tremble.


“Sam, can you please pick up Natty from preschool today?” Lena asked in a voice that was light and deceptively calm. “Kara, if you could lead the search locally, I’d appreciate it. I’m going to check in with Andrea, and if we don’t have any leads at that point, I’ll head up to the girls’ school.”


“I’ll stay here in case the girls come home,” Lillian offered, stern but curt with her proposal, like she had another plan to finding her grandchildren that involved private investigators.


Sam stepped closer to rest a hand on Lillian’s shoulder. “I’ll stay with you until it’s time to pick Natty up, and we’ll make some calls to ask more people to look, okay?”


Lillian nodded, but her eyes were on Kara and how the alpha had already pulled up pictures of the girls on her phone.


“I’m going to call Andy,” Kara announced, halfway to the door like this was a race against time. “If she doesn’t answer, I’m calling a few friends to help widen the search. Lena, don’t worry, we’re going to find them. They’re smart girls, and if they’ve left together, it’s for a good reason.”


Lena was grateful for Kara’s confidence in her children, though she couldn’t manage to utter a word around the lump in her throat as she called Andrea just to get through to voicemail.


She tried again, and after the third try, she heard a key in the front door and a pair of feet on the stairs leading up to the bedrooms. The door opened a second time as Lena ran to the foyer to find Andy dropping a few heavy bags on the floor.


“Soph, being an omega can be wonderful,” Andy yelled out to the retreating footsteps of her younger sister. “Why don’t you just give it some time and see how you feel about it after a month?”


“No, I hate this! I’m an alpha! I was always meant to be an alpha,” Sophia screeched from the top of the landing and hurried off into her bedroom before Lena could even glance up at her.


Realization tickled down Lena’s spine as she stared at her oldest and approached straight away to give Andy a hug.


“You left school because Sophia presented,” Lena muttered as all kinds of new anxieties sprouted through her as she thought of her middle child and how much Sophia wanted to take after Andrea in every way.


“Honestly, I’m not surprised this happened,” Andy admitted as she turned to where Kara, Sam and Lillian had all entered at the sounds of commotion. “I know we all assumed she was going to be an alpha, but Soph has some omega personality traits. She hangs out with all of the omegas and she’s shy around most of the alphas at school. There’s this one specific alpha girl who has been holding her hand during lunch. I think there might be a reason why she hates the idea of being an omega.”


In front of so many people, Andy was being gentle with her, but Lena knew her daughter well enough to understand what she was implying.


“Because of me,” Lena blinked with the faintest tears in her eyes and a chin that loosened from its stiff hold.


Sophia didn’t want to be an omega because that would mean turning out like Lena, and there was no one she respected less.


Andrea had belittled Lena for years in front of their children, and it was only now as she glanced around at her family that Lena recognized the damage that her broken relationship caused. Not just to her, but to her kids, who saw firsthand that alphas could treat omegas like they deserved to be discarded.


“You can’t burden yourself with the blame of how you were treated,” Lillian stated diplomatically, though Lena could see the effort it took her mother to leave it at that. It was no secret that her mother hated Andrea, but she would never bad mouth her in front of Andy.


“I’ll call the school and let them know the girls are safe,” Kara muttered, and stepped out to give Lena the time she needed to come to terms with the situation.


Sam followed after Kara with the excuse of clearing away the food, and Lillian offered her help by suggesting that she look after Natty for the night.


“It’s not just you,” Andy whispered when they were standing there alone, her gaze shifting to the staircase like she was checking that Sophia wasn’t eavesdropping. “She made me promise not to tell Mom. She’s worried that she’ll hate her and ignore her the way she used to ignore you.”


Lena’s heart sank as Andy confided in her, and she consciously had to lock away her own feelings, because this wasn’t about her, no matter how much it hurt. It was about Sophia, and the pain she was in after presenting as an omega.


“She just wouldn’t stop crying. I didn’t know what else to do.” Andy huffed, her frustration self-directed as she pressed her lips together and crossed her arms.


“You did the right thing by bringing her home, but next time please just call me.” Lena’s soft tone coaxed Andy into meeting her gaze and she resisted the urge to cup her cheek the way she used to when Andy was younger. “It’s not safe for you to just leave school like that. They called the police after they called us.”


“Fine,” Andy sighed, with not nearly enough attitude to cover up her concern.


Lena guided her daughter into the kitchen where Kara was busy making lunch for Sophia, and Andy helped herself to some juice from the fridge.


“She didn’t want to go to class and begged me to hide her in my room. I think she thought the other girls would make fun of her, but I don’t know why.” Andy shrugged, sharing a look with Kara, who paused in assembling the bagel to listen to what she was saying. “A lot of them even guessed she was going to be an omega, and nobody ever seemed to tease her about it as far as I can tell.”


“Well, honey, the problem isn’t what Sophia assumes other people will think of her, it’s what she thinks of herself that’s causing a problem,” Lena explained carefully, and sat down at the kitchen island with Andy.


Kara poured her a cup of coffee and Lena reached out to take her hand in silent gratitude.


“Obviously,” Andy dryly remarked to deflect from the way she reeked of worry. “So, what do we do now?”


“We give her time, and we honor her wish to keep it between us until she’s ready to tell anyone else,” Lena supplied with far more confidence than she felt.


Sophia’s self-worth relied heavily on how she wanted to model herself after Andrea, and now that she couldn’t, Lena was afraid that her daughter’s path to self-discovery would be a painful and long journey. Something no mother wanted for her child.


“Why don’t you go check on her while I make lunch for Andy?” Kara suggested and pushed Sophia’s lunch over to Lena with a small smile. “This is a perfect excuse to get your foot in the door.”


Lena nodded and picked up the plate, but she paused when she came to the bottom of the staircase.


Though she knew that she should be comforting her daughter, the situation was dredging up some of her grudges against Andrea and all of the countless ways her ex disappointed her. At the same time, it restored her self-loathing tenfold, and even thinking about all of the months she spent in a loving relationship with Kara didn’t seem to help with her current feelings.


She listened to the quiet talk in the kitchen and overheard Andy confiding in Kara about Sophia, their school and how Andrea’s opinions had rubbed off on her sister.


Lena wasn’t sure how long she stood clutching at Sophia’s plate, eavesdropping on Kara and Andy’s private conversation, and reliving the mistakes of her teens, twenties and thirties. Her mind was throwing out accusations at her complete with the evidence of where she went wrong. Four years earlier, Lena had ended a two-year separation with Andrea and let her ex back into her bed. If not for that slip-up, their youngest child would never have been born, but Lena homed in on that confusing time in her life as the start of all her trouble with Sophia.


At the age of nine, Sophia hadn’t understood why her parents had gotten back together again only to file for divorce. Lena had shouldered the blame of it at the time, and Andrea did her best to sell that narrative. This time she couldn’t let that happen.


Lena walked up the stairs and rapped on Sophia’s locked door. “Kara made you lunch. I brought it up to you.”


Sophia opened the door just enough to make a fast grab for the plate, but Lena held it out of reach. “Not so fast. I want to talk to you about this.”


“There’s nothing to talk about,” Sophia argued in the same superior tone of voice that Andrea often adopted. “I’m going to stay in my bedroom and you can enroll me in online school.”


Lena handed over the plate and slipped into the room before Sophia could bar her from entering. She didn’t have time to rehearse a speech in her head, so just rested her hip against the door frame and tried to provide reassurance in the only way she knew how. “The outcome of presenting can be unpredictable. I’ve known plenty of people who thought they were going to be alphas, but they ended up as omegas, and most of them were very happy in the long run.”


“I’ll never be happy as an omega,” Sophia growled and scrunched her nose with self-criticism when the noise sounded too soft.


Lena swallowed down the urge to say that everything would be okay and tried to remember what it felt like when she had first presented. Things were different back then, and the second she was known to be an omega, everything shifted under her feet. Suddenly she couldn’t do certain things or hang out with certain people. Lillian had tried her best to prepare her for the attention she would get from alphas and warned her about falling for the wrong one.


Then a few years later Lena fell for Andrea’s charms and she was convinced that her ex was the perfect mate. Naturally she had ignored what her own mother had told her, and she knew that Sophia would do the same if she pushed too hard to make her listen. It was a difficult thing, trying to find the balance between giving comfort and letting her daughter sift through her own tumultuous emotions.


“You know,” Lena began softly, hoping to at least sit with Sophia while she ate lunch. “When I was your age—”


“Oh god, please don’t,” Sophia wailed, her arms lifting in distress as she tried to simultaneously cover her ears and hide from Lena before she burst into tears. “I don’t care what it was like for you. You never wanted to be an alpha! You have no idea what I’m feeling right now, everything I’ve wanted, everything I was going to be—"


“You can still be those things,” Lena stressed and tried to wrap her arms around Sophia in comfort. She expected her daughter to resist, but it still hurt to be pushed away regardless.


“No, I can’t!” Sophia screeched, her hands balled into fists and her face a splotchy red from all of the crying. She trembled where she stood, a volatile concoction of hormones and emotions that were bigger than could be contained in such a small frame.


Lena’s heart shattered when she realized she couldn’t fix it, that the pain Sophia was in wouldn’t dissipate with hugs or cookies or any advice. Sophia wasn’t little anymore – she was an adolescent that didn’t want to be coddled.




“Lárgate!” Sophia demanded, posturing as best she could, despite the sobs already forcing her shoulders to shake.


“Don’t speak to me like that,” Lena whispered, even as she respected her daughter’s wishes and stepped towards the door.


It took every bit of Lena’s strength to leave her daughter’s room, and the second she was out, Sophia slammed the door. The sound of her sobs echoed through the wood and Lena sucked in a breath and wiped at her face as she listened to Sophia’s heart breaking.


The comforting scent of Kara lured Lena back downstairs and the alpha approached her tentatively and offered her arms as she asked, “How did it go?”


“She hates me,” Lena bluntly stated, her smile forced and watery and fooling nobody.


“No, she doesn’t,” Kara whispered sincerely and tucked Lena into her chest before leading her into the living room. Andy was nervously perched on one of the chairs with her feet up, and Lena sagged into the couch and leaned heavily into Kara.


Sophia spent the next five hours in her room, adamantly refusing to leave it, and Lena tried to ignore her motherly instinct to check on her. Andy and Kara mysteriously vanished after mumbling something about a quick errand.


While remaining on the couch, Lena composed lengthy unsent texts to Andrea that covered everything from how selfish she had been as a lover to how awful she was as a parent.


Lena was detailing how Sophia’s attitude about omegas was firmly rooted in Andrea’s ridiculous bias when the front door opened and Andy rushed in with an armful of take-out bags.


Lena’s suspicion doubled when Kara hurried through the door behind her with a new gaming console and a bag that looked like it came from a department store.


“What’s going on?” Lena asked once Kara’s guilty scent reached her nose.


She ventured into the kitchen when nobody answered her, and blinked at the selection of pizza, noodles and sushi that Andy was putting onto plates.


“I might have gotten carried away, but I had an idea and I roped Andy into helping,” Kara rambled as she spotted Lena.


Kara looked sheepish as she stepped around the feast that Andy was carting into the living room and suavely intercepted Lena with a small bag. “I picked up something for Sophia while we were out. I’m not saying she should use it, but I figured it would be better for you to have it, so you can decide whether to give it to her or not.”


Lena opened the bag to find a small stylish bottle that looked pricier than anything Kara would buy for herself, and turned it over to read the label.


“You bought her a designer scent masker?” Lena asked in bewilderment, a smile already forming on her lips despite the way her brows creased together.


“Technically, yes, but she doesn’t need to know that,” Kara insisted and searched Lena’s eyes like she was worried that she had overstepped invisible boundaries when it came to making decisions about the kids. “You’ll be the one giving it to her if you think it’s appropriate. I just figured since nobody at her school knows that she presented, Sophia could wear it until she feels more comfortable.”


Kara’s thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze Lena and she drank in the sight of her alpha, so bashful and sweet as she waited to be chastised.


“Now explain why you bought enough food to feed ten families,” Lena uttered, if only because she might blubber if she began thanking Kara for being the alpha she needed, especially today.


“Andy suggested we get Sophia’s favorites, and one or two of our own so she doesn’t get suspicious. I bought us a PS5, because when my sister visits, I can use Alex as an excuse to draw Sophia out of her room.” Kara disclosed proudly, her hand falling to Lena’s hip to draw her closer as she released subtle pheromones that sought approval.


“And what makes you think Sophia will fall for all this?” Lena queried, the hope in her voice carrying through as she pressed herself into Kara’s arms and peered up at her in awe.


“Because if anyone is as competitive as Sophia, it’s Alex, and I might have promised that we’d host a game night when she’s back in town.” Kara’s grin was a sight that warmed her soul, and Lena melted into her alpha’s arms.


“I was right when I said you’re remarkably adept at scheming.” Lena murmured against Kara’s neck and breathed in the calming scent of her protective pheromones. “No wonder my mother has taken a liking to you. You’re practically a Luthor.”


“Well, if the bite on my shoulder is anything to go by, I’d say you’re right,” Kara laughed, brushing the hair from Lena’s face just to steal a kiss.


Lena indulged in the soft caress of Kara’s lips for as long as she dared and then took the bag with the designer scent masker up to Sophia’s room. This time she just knocked and placed the gift in front of the door.


“Kara got something for you and I’m going to leave it here,” Lena called out and turned with the intent to head back downstairs. She hesitated when the door swung open and Sophia scooped up the present with a little gasp.


Neither of them spoke a word to each other, but just observing her daughter for a moment was long enough to gauge how much she loved Kara’s gift.


There was a lot of noise from the living room, where Kara and Andy had set up the PlayStation deliberately at full volume and the scent of all of the delicious takeout wafted up to her. Lena had been strategic and chose not to bring Sophia a plate.


“What’s going on downstairs?” Sophia asked, falling for Kara’s plan without even realizing it was a ruse to pull her out of her brooding.


“Kara picked up a new game system, because her sister is coming to visit soon.” Lena’s bland tone revealed none of their plotting. “Apparently her sister Alex is very competitive, so we’re all going to practice.”


Sophia ventured towards the steps like practicing should naturally include her, too. Lena smiled to herself as she considered the excited expression on her daughter’s face.


To their credit, neither Kara nor Andy so much as glanced away from the TV screen when Sophia entered the living room. Lena went about her normal business of putting dinner out on some plates and they all slipped into the type of fun evening they often had when the girls were home from school.


Around nine o’clock when Andy was playing a racing game with Sophia, and Kara was giving her a gentle back massage on the couch, Lena’s phone rang with the siren blare she had recently set for Andrea’s number.


She picked it up and hurried into the kitchen so as not to disrupt Kara’s smoothly running plan.


“Nice of you to phone hours after our kids went missing.” Lena spared no vitriol for her ex, especially after the epiphanies she had all day long about their relationship.


“I contacted the school earlier and they told me that both Andy and Sophia were safe at home,” Andrea spat in return, in a way that made it clear she had phoned just to criticize Lena. “You should have been the one to notify me, but I guess our children are less of a priority now that you’re with a new alpha. I’m sure you’ll ignore them all as soon as Kara gives you a new pup to spoil.”


“Kara is in the other room playing video games with our girls,” Lena hissed, feeding into all of the animosity inside of her instead of just letting it go. “She treats them like her own, and spends more time with them than you ever did, but that’s beside the point. Why did you call if you already know the girls are safe?”


“I can’t show concern for my own children now?” Andrea snorted derisively, like Lena was stupid for being unable to work it out. “Andy replied to my texts, but I haven’t gotten ahold of Sophia.”


“Then you should have reached the obvious conclusion,” Lena hissed. The temptation to inform Andrea that her daughter didn’t want to talk to her was so great that she had to clench her teeth until it passed. A cheap shot at Andrea’s ego would only harm Sophia in the long run. Lena wasn’t about to give her ex an excuse to drive over and make a scene. “She shattered the screen of her phone. She can’t call or text anyone. You know she would never leave school unless it was something important, and what’s more important than a phone to a thirteen-year-old?”


The lie was believable, and since Andrea never paid attention to the devices her children owned, there was no need to buy Sophia a new one. Lena would just have to tell Sophia to text Andrea tomorrow, even if she didn’t want to speak to her for long.


“This is why you should have bought her the same case as me. You’ve always had bad taste when it comes to accessories,” Andrea sighed down the line, managing to blame Lena and criticize her all in one breath. “I’m getting another call. Tell the girls I don’t want them skipping anymore classes.”


Lena rolled her eyes and hung up on Andrea before she could mutter something hateful. She hadn’t heard Kara coming up behind her and grinned when the alpha wrapped her up in a hug.


“Everything okay?” Kara asked, her words muffled on account of her lips grazing the nape of Lena’s neck.


The light kisses sent shivers across Lena’s skin and she leaned into the alpha’s sturdy frame to indulge in the intimacy. Maybe that wasn’t the smartest move, since her omega naturally perfumed the air with the scent of her desire, but it was worth it to feel the way Kara’s hands traveled down her hips to pull her tighter into the embrace.


“Great, actually, all thanks to you,” Lena whispered, tipping her head to the side just to grant Kara better access to her throat.


They were getting good at this, finding moments alone together, and Lena bit down on her lip to stifle the soft, enticing sound of a moan when Kara sucked on the sensitive skin below her claim.


“I might have told the kids we could watch a movie just so we can cuddle on the couch,” Kara informed her casually before nipping at Lena’s pale throat.


“I suppose you’re in here to get the snacks?” Lena intoned and spread out to grasp the counter to steady herself when the alpha’s pheromones fell over her in an amorous mist.


“I have mine right here.” Kara rumbled with a squeeze at Lena’s backside that had just the right amount of pressure to make her knees weak. She ran her fingers up the inside of Lena’s thigh and only managed to ghost across the damp fabric of her panties before Sophia yelled out, “We’re going to start without you since you’re taking forever.”


Kara exhaled a laugh that tickled Lena’s cheek and stepped back before anyone caught them.


“She gets her patience from her other mother,” Lena uttered dryly, but the humor in her eyes made it obvious that she was teasing.


They grabbed two bowls and a bag of chips and gave one to the kids and kept the other for themselves.


Andy had snagged all the extra scatter cushions to make a comfy pile on the floor for her and Sophia, and Kara settled into the couch as Lena unfolded the blanket to make themselves comfortable.


With the lights dimmed low, Sophia was yawning within half an hour and Lena caught Kara’s grin.


It was the perfect method to make her daughters tired after all the excitement and high emotions of the day.


“Devious,” Lena mouthed silently when the alpha turned to flash her a smile. Kara nodded in agreement, her hand settling on Lena’s knee under the blanket. She wanted to move it higher up, though Kara must have sensed the sexual tension between them and returned it to a safer place above the blanket.


Lena was so acutely aware of every move Kara made that she spent the rest of the movie in a semi-lustful state, too afraid to move.


When the movie finished, Andy was the one to call it a night, and she dragged Sophia with her since she was practically asleep already.


As Kara moved like she was prepared to get up, Lena slid her hand beneath the blanket to cup the alpha between the thighs.


“Oh no you don’t,” Lena whispered, her head tipped to the side to signal that she was listening to the movement upstairs. “You’re staying right here with me until they settle in for the night. Put another movie on,” she instructed, completely disinterested in watching anything other than Kara’s face when she rubbed her palm over the alpha’s pants.


There was a distinctly forbidden feel to touching Kara under the blanket, despite the fact that they were alone now. She wasn’t in the habit of coming onto the alpha this strong when her children were at home, but they had gone the whole day without intimacy and the way Kara had stepped up to the parental role that Andrea never filled really brought out Lena’s omega.


“You were everything an alpha should be today when handling our crisis,” Lena boasted in a seductive whisper as she palmed Kara’s bulge rather intently. The solid length strained against the fabric and Lena took great delight in mapping the shape of it with her fingers while she listed out all of the traits she admired in Kara. “Calm, assertive, dependable. You completely charmed my mother and then handled the situation with Sophia without any hassle. Do you know what that means?”


“I made you very happy?” Kara guessed, her half-lidded eyes and rosy complexion giving her an almost drunken look. Perhaps posing such a question to the alpha wasn’t exactly fair when she was currently distracted by the hand fondling her cock, but Lena couldn’t resist.


“Oh, you sweet thing,” Lena teased and slid herself onto the alpha’s lap to drape her hands over Kara’s shoulders. She waited for their eyes to meet before settling her weight down, and the sensual roll of her hips gave enough friction to make Kara moan. “It means you’re hardly going to get any sleep tonight. You’ve earned the right to be in my cunt until the sun comes up, so I hope you don’t have any morning meetings planned.”


“I’m never scheduling anything early ever again,” Kara vowed, her fingers following the waistband of Lena’s skirt. She held her with a firm grasp and rocked Lena more directly so that she was gliding over the tent in her pants.


“Good,” Lena smirked, licking over Kara’s lower lip before capturing it between her teeth to nip in warning. “I’d hate to have to punish you for depriving me of your cock.”


Lena kept her hips moving as she kissed her way across Kara’s jaw and down her neck until she nuzzled into her shoulder where her claim was hidden.


“You mean having me watch you get off this morning wasn’t punishment enough?” Kara groaned, her arms tightening around Lena reflexively when she pulled Kara’s shirt collar to access the bite on her skin.


“Not at all,” Lena replied. “In fact, that was just a little reminder of what you were missing. Your punishment would be far more creative and prolonged.”


Kara’s hips jerked from the first warm exhalation over the claim, and Lena grinned when she heard the alpha whimper. She wasted no time sucking on the mark, pulling it into her mouth just to release it with a wet smack of her lips.


To have such a strong alpha squirm under her with an almost passive note to her pheromones was addictive. Lena encouraged it with puckered kisses to make Kara’s thighs tense and slid her hand between them to fist over the alpha’s erection.


Kara couldn’t quite thrust into her hand with the pants restricting her, but she certainly tried when Lena whispered into her ear, “Do you still want to fuck me as desperately as you did this morning, Kara?”


“You know I do,” Kara rasped, her throaty groan culminating with a haste to rock upwards in search of Lena’s hand.


“Was it hard to concentrate during your meeting when I sent you such naughty pictures?” Lena asked, punctuating her sentence with firmer strokes of Kara’s shaft. She witnessed the alpha’s pupils dilate, the dark abyss of her desire swallowing up the beautiful blue like nightfall taking over the sky.


“I almost ran a red light on the way home,” Kara confessed, grunting when Lena saw fit to squeeze her cock as a penalty for being reckless.


“I’ll be more careful in the future,” Kara hastily stated, and Lena let up on her grip to thread her fingers through Kara’s blonde hair.


“You walked in ready to fuck me wherever you found me, didn’t you?” Lena accused, the sultry tone of her voice making it clear that she had been looking forward to it.


“I wasn’t even going to take you upstairs or to the couch,” Kara admitted, working her hands underneath Lena’s skirt to grab her voluptuous ass and grind into her cunt.


“You were just going to rip off my skirt and push your cock inside of my wet, warm cunt?” Lena intoned a little breathlessly, her teeth finding her lip when Kara mouthed at her breasts through her shirt and teased her nipples.


“Maybe bend you over something or pin you against the wall so I could get in you so deep.” Kara rambled, losing herself to all the dirty things she had obviously been considering when she had driven home that morning.


“And you’d be rough with me,” Lena whimpered, popping the buttons open on her shirt to give the alpha unobstructed access to her breasts. “Not to prove you’re an alpha but because you just need my cunt that much you just can’t help yourself.”


The fantasy of it was driving Kara’s hips up faster and Lena bounced on her lap, her cunt so slick that she was soaking the fabric of Kara’s pants. The low growl that vibrated through Kara’s chest was all Lena needed to hear, and she kissed her with the kind of urgency that said if she wasn’t fucking her in two seconds, she might lose her mind.


“Bedroom,” Lena demanded, her head too fuzzy to articulate anything else.


Kara gathered her into her arms with all the frenetic energy of an alpha nearing rut and carried Lena upstairs with agile grace.


They were surprisingly stealthy considering the level of their sexual frustration, and Kara even remembered to lock the door after setting Lena on her feet and avidly opening her belt with a swift tug.


Kara’s scents took on a stronger, more intense fragrance that neither of them seemed prepared to breathe in, and then something striking occurred that dropped Lena onto her knees right there on the bedroom floor. She was down on all fours with her panties twisted part way down her thighs and presenting her cunt as she glanced over her shoulder at the shock on Kara’s face.


“Did I—was that—?” Kara stuttered and unzipped her pants as she gaped at Lena’s glossy pussy, open and ready to receive all of her cock.


“Yes,” Lena breathlessly stated, so in awe of Kara that she remained in the submissive position as she encouraged the alpha to test out the claim pheromones. “Do it again. Make me call for you, Kara.”


The pheromones that hit Lena were so potent that her omega released slick in preparation for taking her alpha and the muscles of her cunt went into spasm. She wasn’t coming, not yet, but the scent of Kara’s approval took her right to the edge and Lena whined as her pheromones begged for Kara to fuck her.


They never made it to the bed and Lena had never been more grateful that she had scent-proofed the master suite for privacy. Kara sank to her knees right behind her in a tangle of clothes and entered Lena’s cunt in a rough, excited buck that set their frantic pace.


Kara had her by the hip and by the jaw to try and stifle her wanton moans, and Lena’s hands were fisting the fur rug for leverage as she pushed herself into the relentless pounding. Lena’s inner muscles wrapped around Kara’s shaft and took it all in one thrust.


She groaned from the claim pheromones that bonded them together and the rutted sound of her cunt. The repeated wet smack was so arousing to hear and Kara’s growls were motivating her omega to beg.


“Yes, fuck, please,” Lena whimpered in satisfaction as Kara sank into her pussy and restrained her arms above her head. “Please, Kara, prove to my cunt that it belongs to you. That I belong to you.”


All of her dirty talk worked Kara up and she gave it to Lena deeper, her hips in constant motion. This felt like a sexual catharsis, a true severing of Andrea’s hold over her, and Lena moaned through it in pleasure. She lifted a hand to sweep the hair off her neck and whined for Kara’s mouth.


The first brush of Kara’s lips against her skin was ravenous and intense, and all that was going through Lena’s mind was that this could be a claim bite. If it was a fraction harder, it would break skin and Kara would have a rightful stake over her.


She bared her throat in permission and Kara sucked at the places where Lena could wear a new mark.


“Kara,” Lena choked out, the moan sticking in her throat when the alpha used the power of her hips to pin Lena beneath her with quickened thrusts. The added weight drilled Kara’s cock into her deeper, forcing the tight confines of her inner walls into a wider spread. The pleasurable ache of being stretched so full loosened Lena’s jaw and she whined, airy and light as Kara’s teeth locked around her throat.


“Do you want it, Lena?” Kara asked, the grit of her voice seducing Lena with every word she breathed. “Are you ready for it?”


Lena’s cunt went into premature spasm from Kara’s confidence and her omega all but pleaded with the alpha to finally sink her teeth in.


“Oh god,” Lena moaned, her attempt to stay quiet long forgotten with the skillful way Kara bottomed out inside her rippling pussy. “Yes.”


“My mark right here, to make it official?” Kara rumbled, languidly tracing the partially removed claim with the tip of her tongue. She nipped at the mark, drawing it into her mouth with a rough suctioning pull, and bucked harder to fill Lena’s cunt.


The soaked sound of her being rutted was almost shameful, and there was no sense of propriety in the wanton way she blurted, “I need it.”


Lena shuddered as if struck with fever and her velvety channel clutched at the alpha’s cock with unmistakable desperation. Kara was demanding of her, taking her with deliberate full thrusts to heighten their desire for one another and Lena gave into it willingly. She mewled and pressed her breasts into the rug, her nipples rubbing over the plush fabric with the staccato rhythm of Kara’s hips smacking into her backside.


“I need it so badly, Kara. It’s on my mind every day.” Lena finally confessed, her ruby lips parting when Kara mounted her to show complete dominance. It was all part of an unspoken ritual and Lena knew what to expect even if Kara was blindly following her instincts. Kara’s alpha wanted to be seen as the strongest, fittest match for Lena and in turn Lena’s omega wanted to prove how lithe and submissive she could be for the right mate.


“You want everyone to know you’re mine?” Kara pressed, working every muscle in her thighs to slam into Lena at a ravishing pace. The base of her cock was already thickening, adding to her already immense girth.


“Yesss,” Lena groaned out, the word tapering off to a hiss when her teeth clenched and her jaw locked from pleasure. She could feel her pulse in her clit, throbbing for Kara’s fingers that skimmed it when she cupped her cunt to hold her in such a submissive stance. “Please, Kara,” Lena whined, grinding her cunt into Kara’s palm as tremors of bliss caused her to quake. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”


“I want to hear you say it,” Kara asserted, the gruffness of her voice a mix of exertion and arousal. She was focused entirely on Lena, her alpha calling all of the shots as she leaned heavily onto her forearms to work her hips even harder. “I want to hear you beg for it, Lena.”


The noise Lena made was far from eloquent, but it was certainly receptive as Kara flexed her dominant side with just a touch of well-earned arrogance. She knew this was all in the heat of the moment, and she held no shame in how eagerly she submitted with raspy whimpers, “Claim me, do it Kara, please, please, you’re my alpha, you’re my aahhl-phuhhk—”


The pressure of Kara’s teeth on Lena’s throat coincided with the pressure inside her cunt. The first sharp sting as the alpha’s teeth popped through her skin brought an astounding amount of emotion along with the bliss. Lena jerked uncontrollably from the rush that flooded her system, her physical pleasure transcending to an almost spiritual high. She was aware of Kara’s weight wrapped around her, a blanket of solid, protective muscle that tethered her heart and soul to her body.


She was floating somewhere, her cunt perpetually clenching in an orgasm so profound that she felt it through her fingertips. Kara’s shaft was throbbing inside her, spilling hot seed that evoked the deepest sense of contentment within Lena. The sound of her pulse drowned out the rest of the world, and slowly, so slowly, she came back to herself while Kara nuzzled into her neck, kissing over the fresh claim so tenderly that Lena whined in gratitude.


“That’s it, baby, you’re mine, you’re all mine, and I love you so much,” Kara whispered, her hushed words finally breaking through the haze of Lena’s ecstasy.


“So much,” Lena echoed, the entirety of her being thrumming with pleasure. Kara’s hips were still rocking, the sloppy noises of her slick were faint yet constant and Lena undulated for more.


Their mating was so much more sensual in the aftermath of the claim and Lena whimpered when Kara slid back without knotting.


She followed the unspoken commands of her alpha and the pheromones that brought her onto her knees in front of Kara, who brushed over her elegant jawline to admire the bite on her neck. Kara’s hand lingered in her hair, stroking through it in praise while they stared at each other and breathed in the changed scent of one another’s arousal.


Instinct was leading them, and Kara lifted her from the floor to take her to the bed, where Lena sprawled on her back and languished under the gaze of her alpha.


Kara was seeing her for the first time as a claimed omega under her charge, and Lena could only wonder what the experience was like as it evoked such awe from her mate.


Andrea had never looked at her with half as much captivation and longing, not at any point during the night of their claim.


Lena’s chest expanded as she took deeper inhalations of Kara’s pheromones and soon her back was lifting off the bed as she begged for touch. It felt as though all of the years of being mated to the wrong person no longer counted, but those were still years that she was apart from Kara. Her omega had the same forlorn perfume of someone who had been separated from her mate for too long.


“I’ve needed you,” Lena whispered with trembling lips, and as soon as she exhaled the smallest whimper, Kara was straddling her in bed and kissing her.


Their mouths gravitated together without the rush of before, and Kara’s hand settled in her hair to keep her close. Kara’s tongue parted her lips in a seduction of all of Lena’s senses, until taste surpassed all else. She gasped at the end of the kiss and braced her legs around Kara’s hips.


“I’m going to knot as I give you my second claim,” Kara breathed into the place between her breasts, and kissed at both of her nipples while sliding back inside of Lena’s wet cunt.


Lena groaned from the slow penetration and the feeling of Kara’s mouth around her nipple. Her carnal embracing heat was restricting around the head of Kara’s cock just from the elation of coming together again.


She gyrated into her mate, fluid and gradual as Kara eased into her. Lena’s breathy exhales were punctuated with moans and she reveled in the way Kara handled her, so self-assured and tender. The knot between them was swollen and still expanding, and Kara coaxed it little by little into Lena’s cunt with love and infinite patience.


The size wasn’t vastly different from what she was used to taking for Kara, but the sensation and the bond between them was so strong that the alpha’s adoration and pride was tangible when Lena accepted another inch. She smoothed her hands up Kara’s back, her fingers restlessly threading into Kara’s hair to scrape lightly at the nape of her neck as she held on tight.


“You feel so good, Lena, so perfect,” Kara praised breathlessly, her hips finally slotting the bulk of her knot into the rippling silk of Lena’s cunt.


“My beautiful omega,” Kara whispered against Lena’s throat, her lips parting just below the freckle on Lena’s neck to worship the sensitive, fragile skin where her mark would soon be.


Lena tingled with anticipation for it, her whole body ready for the fresh claim that would reside in a place untarnished by any other alpha. Her breath hitched when Kara’s teeth captured the pale flesh, her eyes glazing from the insistent pressure that would give way to the glorious euphoria of belonging to the alpha.


She moaned, long and keening, and the second Kara pierced her skin she could feel the alpha’s hold all through her, in every limb, in every breath, in every beat of her heart.


“All yours,” Lena whispered in a delirium of fulfillment. “I’m finally all yours, Kara.”


Her body seemed to want to prove it by taking more thrusts of the knot, and Kara groanedagainst her cheek as if overcome by the sensations of her cunt.


She slipped her fingers through Kara’s and held onto both of her hands as another deep spasm went through her and she clenched hard around the knot. Lena gasped from how the bulge slid farther into her orgasming canal, and how her inner walls rubbed Kara into a spontaneous expulsion of seed. Kara kissed the bites on her neck, keeping her in a state of arousal despite how the knot was holding inside of her.


They were both incoherent in their ecstasy, murmuring sweet slurred words that carried in the softest of moans.


Kara’s praise was all in the way she touched Lena, such reverent caresses from her lips to the two bites on her neck. The heat of the sensitive marks radiated through Lena, spiking her endorphins as she sought out Kara’s mouth with her own.


Their kiss was languid and lazy, yet Lena knew she was being cherished. She could smell it in the pheromones that surrounded Kara and the way the alpha’s hips ground into her with sexual finesse.


“I can’t get enough of you,” Kara whispered, her lips trailing over Lena’s chin before returning to her neck.


Kara licked and sucked over the claim bites, captivated by how responsive Lena was to every sensation. The alpha was learning her all over again, discovering all the ways to make Lena’s breath catch and toes curl. Lena mewled when her cunt clamped around Kara’s girth in another orgasm, and then her world was spinning as the alpha rolled onto her back to hold Lena against her chest.


“You’re my everything,” Lena exhaled, her hands gliding over Kara’s shoulders as she rocked her hips to prove it. The devotion within her compelled Lena to straddle her mate, and the sensuous tease of her cunt kept Kara riveted to the intimate place between her thighs. With the knot fully submerged, Lena couldn’t lift herself up so she rocked herself gently.


The friction was sublime and Kara rewarded her efforts by thumbing at her aching clit. Lena shuddered from the stimulation, her head falling forward as the pleasure weighed her down and she nuzzled into the alpha’s throat. Kara’s hands were on her waist, guiding her movement as she bucked up, and Lena whimpered as she nipped at the alpha’s shoulder.


“Lena,” Kara groaned, every muscle in her body going rigid as Lena sucked on her claim. The alpha’s cock twitched inside Lena’s grasping cunt, sending thick ropes of seed into her clenching channel while Lena trembled from pleasure. She was spent after that, exhausted and lethargic as she splayed out on Kara’s chest.


With a firm tug at the blankets, Kara covered them both and enveloped Lena in her arms with a content and satisfied sigh. They would fall asleep entwined like that, in a state of semi-undress with Kara’s knot joining them together.