15. Chapter 15

Lena woke feeling well rested, which was surprising considering her three year old had tucked her feet close to her rib cage. Natalia was still at the stage where she thrashed throughout the night, with the habit of kicking all of her pillows and stuffed animals off the bed. At some point in the early hours of the morning, the little one had draped herself across Kara’s shoulder and stretched out her short legs.


Even with a pair of tiny toes digging into her side, Lena smiled at the heartwarming sight of Natty cozy and asleep in Kara’s arms. Kara’s arm was slung over her pillow, and Natalia’s small hand rested in her open palm.


Lena was so content to look at them that she didn’t realize Kara had cracked an eye open until her mate whispered, “I thought it was rude to stare.” Kara’s grin alluded to how long she had been awake and Lena ignored the warmth that crept up her neck to sass back, “You’re right, I should take pictures instead.”


After blindly reaching for her phone, Lena snapped four pictures in total, and Kara’s laughter shook the bed just enough to wake their youngest. Fortunately, Natalia was a very happy child first thing in the morning. She stretched out between them with a big yawn and Lena brushed the curls from her forehead with a soft coo, “Good morning sweetheart, did you have nice dreams?”


“Uh huh, we brought ice cream to the mermaids and one of them gave me a shell,” Natty reported, a little bleary-eyed in spite of how she sat up in bed and looked at Kara like she had been with her in the dream.


“They must have really liked you,” Kara beamed and threw back the blankets to start the day. “You know what, I heard that mermaids prefer to start their day with a big healthy breakfast. Do want to help me out in the kitchen this morning?”


“Can we have pancakes?” Natalia asked and swung her head towards Lena to check.


“You can make anything you want,” Lena confirmed with a serious face that dissolved into one of adoration when Natty scrambled out from under the covers to practically jump on Kara.


“Yessss, let’s go, c’mon get up!” Natty shrieked, grinning like she had been given the whole world.


The enthusiastic way Natty tugged at Kara’s hand to help her sit up was almost as adorable as how she squealed when Kara stood to hoist her into her arms.


“To the kitchen!” Kara declared, faltering only once to detour around the bed and kiss Lena good morning. Natty appeared to enjoy that and gave Lena a noisy kiss to her cheek too before parroting Kara and pointing at the door, “To the kitchen!”


Off they went, with Natalia giggling the whole way down the stairs while Lena slipped out of the bed to take a fast shower. She avoided wetting her hair in favor of taking an extra few minutes to pamper herself in other ways.


After toweling off in front of the mirror, Lena took a moment to visualize how she would look when she finally started to show. The dread she had felt yesterday still lingered in the darkest parts of her mind, but her inner omega was thrilled with Kara’s parenting of Natty.


Alone for a few minutes, Lena set out her clothes and put on her make-up, all the while thinking of how happy she was to hear laughter from the kitchen. Apparently joy was enough to inspire other, less innocent emotions, because her mind kept returning to her pregnancy and how eager she was to grant Kara’s wishes for a big family.


Lena didn’t have time to do anything risky, and she wouldn’t have acted on her thoughts with Natty awake downstairs, but she did want to share how she felt with Kara, so that later they could enjoy one another when her little one was down for a nap.


Thinking fast, she slipped on a silk blouse and a short skirt, and toed on her heels to strike a salacious pose. With one foot propped on the chair at her vanity, and her skirt hiked up, Lena pulled aside her panties to take a quick snap of the arousal that wetted her cunt and sent it off with the caption, Can’t wait to make our family bigger.


The fact that she was already pregnant was a secret she planned to keep for the time being, though her heart was already convincing her that the perfect moment to share the news would be on Kara’s birthday.


Anxiety and elation proved to be a jittery combination, and she spied Kara’s phone where she left it on the nightstand. She left it there, knowing a surprise awaited her mate after breakfast, and then hurried downstairs to join her family.


The kitchen was only in a partial state of chaos, and the song from Matilda was playing from somewhere nearby. Kara had a bowl of batter in one arm and Natty in the other, propped up high on her hip. Their youngest was haphazardly using a whisk and spilling more batter than she was mixing. Globs were on the counter, in Kara’s hair, and on Natty’s little hands as she gleefully stirred while Kara twirled them around the kitchen to grab ingredients.


Kara looked undeniably proud with Natalia and the mess she was creating, and she grinned as she held out the pack of chocolate chips. Natty added them by the handful, and then took some for herself that she stuffed into her mouth and dropped all over the floor.


If Andrea was still under their roof, that kind of behavior never would have been tolerated, and Lena tried not to dwell on the lost opportunities and moments that her children would never share with their overbearing parent.


Kara’s effortless charm brought fun into their household, and she looked completely in her element as she doted on Natalia and helped her scoop out batter to pour onto the griddle.


The scent of coffee beckoned Lena closer, and the moment Kara saw her she smiled, radiant and unafraid to wear her heart on her sleeve.


“Mommy, look, I made pancakes and Kara said she’ll show me how to make waffles!” Natty’s cheer was infectious, and she looked so pleased with herself as she waved the spatula around and Kara directed her on how to flip a pancake.


“Those look delicious. When can I try them?” Lena asked, and settled onto one of the stools at the island in their kitchen while Kara served her a cup of fresh coffee.


She sipped it with a moan, dialing it back when she realized how it might have sounded, and then set the cup aside in case her harmless flirtations caused someone an injury.


“When we have fruit!” Natalia reasoned and pointed to the basket as an order for Kara to walk them over to grab some.


Natty peeled bananas and Kara chopped them up, and in between sweet conversations with their smallest kid, Lena gave Kara bedroom eyes.


The flirty scent of their pheromones couldn’t be detected by Natalia, and they made good use of that, since they couldn’t fool around for hours yet.


For all they had been worried about settling back into the domestic routine they created together, they fell right into it without a hitch.


Lena retreated to her office after breakfast while Kara cleaned the kitchen and entertained Natty for the rest of the morning. In between tea parties and kids’ movies, Lena took over so that Kara could finish her work, and then they made dinner as a family.


In spite of their long and tiring day, they still found time to make love and ended the night tangled in bed together, sweaty and sated, and eager to do it all again the next day.


For the rest of the week, they traded off making breakfast with Natty in the morning, and took turns dropping her off at preschool. They swapped filthy texts throughout the day whenever they couldn’t whisper their thoughts to each other, and they spent dinnertime catching up on each other's business endeavors while Natty hosted parties for her stuffed animals.


Though they weren’t able to act on every sexual impulse with a toddler underfoot, they were no less insatiable for one another. Lena was sure of that, given how wonderfully sensitive her cunt was after their nights together.


In fact, it seemed everything was going perfectly in their lives. Kara had no idea that Lena secretively collected all of her friends’ phone numbers on game night, or what she was planning for her birthday, and every day Lena was feeling less anxious about the future.


The build-up to announcing her pregnancy still evoked some nerves within Lena, but she was starting to suspect it was more anticipation than outright fear of what might transpire. Having Natty at home certainly went a long way in easing Lena’s mind, because it was a physical reminder of how sweet and caring her alpha was in comparison to her ex.


Lena was growing happier by the day, and the only hiccup she encountered was on Thursday when her phone chimed to remind her that she had lunch with Andrea.


“Fuck, I completely forgot about that,” Lena hissed, thankful that Natty was out of earshot.


Her spike in anxiety called to Kara, and the alpha poked her head into Lena’s office with pinched brows.


“The board being stupid again?” Kara guessed, already issuing sympathetic pheromones as she entered the room to comfort Lena.


“Worse,” Lena lamented with a sigh so heavy that half of the papers on her desk fluttered. If not for the pretty paperweight Kara had bought her for their third month anniversary, they would have scattered like leaves. “I’m having lunch with the devil today, and I can’t get out of it, because this is my only chance to convince Andrea that our kids would be better off attending a school closer to home.”


“Oh no,” Kara uttered, pulling a comical though disgusted face like the prospect of sharing a meal with Andrea was so awful she would vomit. She smirked when her antics pulled a small chuckle out of Lena, and then cupped her cheek to stare into her eyes.


“Kill her with kindness,” Kara intoned, her advice as solid as ever when it came to handling Andrea and the devious tricks she might try to pull. “You’re too good to sink to her level, and don’t let her get into your head. We’ll be fine here.”


Natty rushed into the office in a pair of fairy wings, and Kara put out her arms to catch her before she belly flopped on the carpet. She squealed in happiness as Kara hoisted her and pretended to fly her around.


“Kara, I made you lunch today!” Natty declared and skipped back through the door with light footsteps that kept her in-character.

“See? We even have our own lunch plans.” Kara gestured and came over to kiss and hold Lena until Natty hollered her name.


Their imaginative play continued into the living room, where Natty had set her small table for lunch with an entire bag of carrot sticks and two juice pouches.


Kara detoured to the kitchen to pick up some sandwiches and fruit, and Lena couldn’t resist lingering to watch Natty in her element with Kara.


“Frederico is very hungry,” Natty reported and took a bite out of a peanut butter sandwich as if she could act on Frederico’s behalf and eat for him.


“It’s a good thing I made him two sandwiches then,” Kara chuckled and sat cross legged on the floor as Natty served her a larger than average carrot stick on a small pastel yellow plate. She put another three on a pink plate and hurried off to grab Frederico and her Caticorn, who ate the other carrot sticks with loud chomping noises voiced by Kara.


“Frederico, don’t take such big bites!” Natty scolded, tearing the straw off her juice box and handing it to Kara to unwrap for her.


After Kara rolled up Natty’s small sleeves and set up her juice box, the two of them dug into their sandwiches.


For a while, all was silent as they munched seriously, and Natty paused only to give her stuffed animals the occasional bite.


By the time they moved on to eating the fruit, Natty was sitting in Kara’s lap instead of her chair and Lena decided to sit with them.


“The Fairy Queen needs to tell you something,” Natty confided in a whisper to Kara and pointed to a vacant space at the table.


“Oh!” Kara put her hand to her ear like she was listening to someone very small.


“What did she say?” Lena smirked at her mate’s dramatic acting abilities, and stole a piece of fruit that made her choke as Natty blurted, “She’s a peg-ant!”


“A peg-ant?” Kara asked with a puzzled frown.


Natty scooted off her lap and ran off to grab her crayons, which gave Kara the chance to mutter, “Now I’m no expert on fairies, but it can’t be nice to call them ants.”


Lena attempted to laugh, even with a piece of fruit still at the back of her throat. “It’s probably just something Natty saw on one of her favorite shows.”


“Peg ant, peg ant… You know I think you’re right, she’s been watching My Little Pony and I’m pretty sure one of them is a pegasus,” Kara supplied and turned just in time to catch Natty as she hopped back into her lap.


Lena knew exactly where Natty overheard the word peg-ant and she was only too relieved that her daughter’s pronunciation was incorrect.


“I had better get going,” Lena stated as her daughter looked ready to correct Kara on where she learned the word. “If I’m late, it might spark an argument, and I could do without the headache.” She leaned in to kiss Natty on the forehead and smiled as Kara pressed one to her cheek.


“I’ll be home soon,” Lena promised, grateful for Kara’s ability to entertain her youngest so that leaving didn’t result in tears.


She grabbed her keys and her clutch, and by the time she was backing out of the driveway, Kara and Natty were at the window waving her off.


Lena spent the entirety of the drive mulling over the best strategy to ensure their talk about Andy went in her favor. She would do just about anything to ensure her daughters could pick a school in their local area, though she knew better than to believe that Andrea would be amenable to that.


She worried her lip with her teeth until she tasted lipstick, and when she pulled up to the valet outside Café Estrellita, she touched up her make-up and handed over her keys.


It had been years since she grabbed lunch at that restaurant, mostly because it was one of Andrea’s favorite haunts, but she liked the food and the drinks.


As the waitress led her to an intimate booth near the window, Lena noticed that her ex seemed to have ordered for her.


“What’s all this?” Lena’s clipped tone could have been friendlier, yet the variety of tapas put her on edge and reminded her of the start of their relationship when Andrea had still put effort into wooing her.


“I thought I’d save us some time so we can get right down to it. Please, help yourself, I ordered everything you like,” Andrea encouraged, the motion of her hand swirling the wine in her glass. She looked confident and ready to tackle business, the crisp lines of her tailored suit and expensive perfume accentuating the natural arrogance to her smile.


Lena was loath to lift any of the appetizers, and if not for the fact that she was pregnant, she would have ignored the hunger pang she felt entirely. The food looked delicious, and she went straight for the chilaquiles, aware that Andrea’s eyes followed the fork to her mouth.


“As much as it pains me to admit it, some of the things my father said were true, especially in regard to Andy.” Andrea finally averted her eyes as Lena licked the remnants of salsa from her lips, and then sat up straighter like she was about to address the board at Obsidian Tech. “She isn’t thriving at school the way I expected or being challenged enough with the current curriculum. I want to give her the chance to reach her full potential, and it’s not fair of me to blame her when the environment is the problem.”


Lena blinked in askance and stilled her hand as she scooped up another forkful of food. In all the years she had known Andrea, she could count on one hand the number of times her ex had the acuity to realize when she was being unreasonable.


“I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” Lena blurted, not the least bit bothered by how blunt she was being, “but I agree with you. The atmosphere there is oppressive and she’s struggled to make friends because of it.”


Andrea’s smile was soft and beguiling, and Lena should have known that the tentative peace between them would be ruined by the next thing to escape her ex-wife’s mouth. “That’s why I think Andy needs a fresh start, somewhere that elevates her brilliance. I’ve been looking at schools on the East Coast—”


“Are you out of your mind? That’s at least a five hour flight,” Lena’s shrill pitch invited a few looks from the nearest booths and she bristled at the way Andrea reached for her hand across the table.


The attempt to soothe her only infuriated her more, and Lena considered the mess she might make if she tore her hand out of her ex’s grip.


“Please just hear me out,” Andrea whispered, the subtle pleading scent of her enough to bring bile to the back of Lena’s throat. It said a lot about their previous relationship that Lena felt better suited to handling Andrea’s brashness instead of the sickly notes of her vulnerability.


Lena snatched her hand back just to anxiously twist at her own fingers. “It’s bad enough that our girls are a two-hour drive away from us. I won’t have you shipping Andy several states away where we can’t even visit her.”


Her pregnancy hormones must have already been in full swing, because she was feeling like a protective mama bear. If she wanted to convince Andrea of her perspective, she couldn’t afford to be aggressive or emotional. She needed to be just as calculated as Andrea and offer up research that would prove why their daughter would be more successful at a local school.


With that goal in mind, Lena pulled up an article on her phone and thrust it right under Andrea’s nose. “What about The Rho School? It’s the best high school in our city, and they have a fantastic coding program.”


Andrea opened her mouth to speak, but let out a soft sound of frustration and caught her tongue between her lips. “I thought of that already, and I even helped Andy fill out an application, but there seems to be a long waiting list. Maybe I can pull some strings if I put in a call to the Dean.”


Lena swallowed back an argument along with a sip of her ice water. It shocked her that Andrea took the initiative to assist Andy in applying to other schools, and she recovered by eating more of the appetizers that her ex selected.


“You helped Andy with an application?” Lena reiterated with her brows scrunched in doubt that began to disappear as Andrea confirmed it with a curt nod.


“We actually selected a handful of schools here in California just to be thorough,” Andrea muttered and produced a long list that she slid across the table at Lena.


Lena glanced down at the names of the most prestigious academies in National City and the surrounding suburbs. With over a dozen options, she was certain at least one school would have space for Andy.


Andrea took her phone from her pocket and gestured down to it. “I’ll just give Dean Lockwood a call. I bet he would love to have Obsidian Tech tablets for every student at The Rho School.”


“Wait,” Lena cut in and by pure reflex reached out to grab her ex-wife’s hand. The touch lasted just a second, but it made her nauseous, and that feeling lingered even as Lena drew back from her ex with a straightforward suggestion. “The only call I want you to make right now is to the girls’ school. I want them to come home next weekend so I can discuss this with them in person.”


Andrea tightened her grip on her phone, which was the only real sign of her wavering patience. “But if we delay, someone else might take her spot.”


“And if you make the decision for her, she’ll resent you,” Lena informed her in a whisper that was devoid of confrontation.


She watched Andrea’s eyes narrow and expected her to launch into a rant, especially since Dean Kane had taken it upon herself to tighten the protocol about leaving school grounds after Sophia and Andy had vanished without a word.


The new system required parents to request a leave of absence a full week in advance, and she could see the argument forming in Andrea, just ready to be spat out.


When it didn’t happen, Lena blinked in surprise, and softened imperceptibly at the slump of Andrea’s shoulders.


Pity was perhaps the last thing Lena would ever feel for her ex, though she came pretty close in that moment. “Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, this is also going to affect Sophia. She’s accustomed to having her sister on campus.”


That caused Andrea’s chin to lift and she scoffed at the implication that Sophia would suffer from the absence of her older sister. “Sophia is old enough to be forging her own path without a safety blanket. You don’t give her enough credit.”


“And you don’t want to give them both a say in what affects them,” Lena argued, albeit quietly, so that the couples at adjacent tables didn’t overhear. She set aside the building grievance of having to bargain with Andrea and focused on what mattered, which was getting Andy closer to home. “If you’re so sure our daughters are mature enough to handle themselves, let them come home so they can discuss this together.”


Andrea shifted like she might stand up, and raised her eyes to the ceiling before growling dramatically, “If they miss one class—”


“They won’t,” Lena promised, so close to achieving what she set out to do that afternoon that she almost allowed her emotions to ruin her calm facade. “You know how I value their education. I would never do anything to compromise that.”


The silence that followed was laden with tension and Lena imagined the pressure slowly squeezing the air from her lungs the longer she waited on an answer.


“Don’t think this means I’m getting soft,” Andrea finally grunted, and gave in without facing the indignity of saying it aloud.


“Maybe you’re just finally maturing, too,” Lena quipped with a raised brow, and faltered at the sight of a genuine smile that curled the lips she once thought would be kissing hers for the rest of her life.


No other thought could have propelled her out of her seat faster than that.


“Call Dean Kane, and when Andy has made her choice, I’ll let you know,” Lena stated with uncompromising authority, and stood up to exit the cafe with what she hoped was a confident stride.


Out of all her interactions with her ex over the past year, this one felt the least problematic, and she wasn’t going to wait around for Andrea to ruin the moment.


She also had a lot of party planning to do in advance of Kara’s birthday, and she took advantage of the short lunch to swing by a few shops on her way home.


With the luck of timing on her side, Lena entered the house laden down with bags to discover both Kara and Natty asleep on the couch. On the television screen, a pair of cartoon ponies sang together in duet, and Lena muted the volume before the upbeat notes woke her three year old. She stashed all but one of her shopping bags in a cabinet by the stairs, and then reviewed her schedule on her phone for the second time that day.


Natty had a play date with one of her preschool friends, and Lena’s omega was desperate for some alone time with Kara. The shopping bag that was draped over her arm held a new lingerie set for every day of the week leading up to Kara’s birthday.


Lena picked out a delicate lace one-piece with the slimmest string that rested in between her pussy lips as she put it on in the privacy of her bedroom. Her redder than sin lipstick coordinated with the lingerie, and she brushed on a little extra mascara to curl her eyelashes.


Satisfied with her make-up and the fit of the one-piece, Lena grabbed a blue dress from her closet. Zipping herself into the form-hugging outfit was a little harder than usual, and she smiled at the swell of her breasts in the mirror, which was an outward sign of early pregnancy.


She tiptoed into the nearest guest room to set up a birthday surprise that she had been waiting to give Kara for days. It took all of five minutes to arrange the items on the bureau and the bed.


Kara was still asleep and oblivious to all of Lena’s machinations as she stepped foot in the living room and reached out to touch her on the cheek. “Sorry to wake you. Natty has a play date in about an hour. I say we let her sleep until then.”


Kara’s dazed eyes took a moment to focus and Lena watched as they widened to take in the sight of her new outfit.


Lena smiled at Kara’s immediate, intrigued musk, and how carefully she sat up so as not to disturb Natty. Their toddler rolled into the cushions and continued to snooze without noticing.


Kara tucked a unicorn blanket around their youngest, and then placed a hand on Lena’s hip to guide her away from the couch.


“How did it go with Andrea?” Kara asked the second they crept out of earshot, and absently slid her hand lower to cup Lena’s ass in the guise of coaxing her into the kitchen. She poured them both a cup of coffee as she waited to hear the news.


“Honestly, a lot better than I expected, but I’ll tell you all about it later,” Lena promised, setting her mug aside without taking a sip to lace their fingers together.


The contact kept her mate focused, and Lena smirked at how frequently Kara’s eyes dropped to her breasts.


“Why can’t you tell me now?” Kara asked at a delay, blushing at the fact that she had been caught staring at Lena’s cleavage.


“There’s something I need you to take a look at,” Lena intoned with a less than subtle deep breath that pushed her chest out farther.


Kara gulped at her coffee and nearly spilled the rest in her haste to put it down. She blinked in confusion as Lena led her to one of the guest bedrooms upstairs and paused dramatically outside the door before pushing it open.


The silk sheets on the guest bed coordinated with the soft lace Lena had draped over the lamps to create mood lighting. Several candles were spread out on the bedside tables and dresser to add to the ambience, and she lit incense to scent the air with a relaxing aroma that would stop their pheromones from wafting into the rest of the house.


“For the next week, I want you to consider this a place of worship,” Lena explained, side-eyeing her alpha to see how she squinted at the tranquil set up.


“Oh, uhm, it’s very cozy and zen,” Kara muttered tactfully, clearly unaware of what Lena intended to worship and why it involved showing her in the first place.


“That’s because I’ll be spending a lot of time on my knees,” Lena teased and tugged Kara over to a chair by the front of her belt. She unbuckled it first and yanked the zipper of the alpha’s pants down so fast that Kara’s eyebrows almost vanished into her hairline.


Beneath the trousers, Kara wore a pair of boxy black underwear, and Lena settled her hands on the waistband as she lowered herself onto a cushion. She smoothed her hands down the soft material and pulled it back to glimpse the excited jut of Kara’s cock. After taking a peek at it, Lena moved the boxers down to rest on Kara’s thighs and nuzzled into her mate’s lap.


“I want to express how much I love and appreciate you during the week leading up to your birthday.” Lena glanced up at Kara’s entranced and lidded eyes, and then slipped her mouth around tip of her mate’s erection. She kissed it with a light press of her lips, leaving behind a red and vivid print.


Kara relaxed into the chair positioned behind her and stroked back Lena’s hair with affectionate little caresses. “You didn’t have to do all of this, Lena. This is already the best birthday yet because I get to spend it with you and Natty.”


“Speaking of Natty, did I mention what an incredible parent you’ve been this week? Every day I’m in awe of your patience and your love. You just continue to step up with all of the kids, and I know that when we add to our family, you’re going to be there for each milestone, each holiday, making every moment beyond special—” Lena paused, her throat closing around feelings that had no place in the sex den she arranged all for Kara’s pleasure.


Playing it off like it was intentional, Lena nuzzled into the sensitive crease of Kara’s inner thigh. She nosed along it, tickling the pale skin with her hot breath before tasting the mild tang of arousal and body wash while she rubbed sensually at Kara’s thighs.


The impromptu massage loosened Kara’s muscles, and her cock rested against Lena’s cheek as she sighed wistfully, “I keep thinking of all the ways I want to spoil you during those nine months, Lena. I can’t wait to watch you grow with our pup, and I know I’m being selfish—”


“You’re not, I want this with you,” Lena corrected so forcefully that Kara’s cock twitched and the alpha closed her mouth so fast her teeth snapped together.


Lena traced her lips along the weighty side of her mate’s erection, whispering kisses over each vein that throbbed across the shaft. She took her time, fondling the base between her warm palms as she pressed her lips sporadically to the proud girth that seemed to stiffen further.


“I want your seed to take, so I can show you how much I love you in return by giving you the big family you’ve always wanted,” Lena confessed, her secretive smile lost on Kara when she flicked her tongue out to lick the wide brim of her glans by following the circumference of the ridge.


“God, when you say it like that all I want to do is bend you over and try to make it happen,” Kara rumbled, her fist tangling in Lena’s hair like she wanted to drag her onto the bed and breed her relentlessly.


“Not yet, this is all about you and your cock, and how perfect it feels when it’s inside me anywhere.” Lena’s sultry drawl matched the lazy stroke of her tongue, and she grinned at the lustful way Kara’s eyes followed her descent. She rubbed her lips and cheeks over the base of Kara’s rigid cock, scenting the shaft with her unique omega perfume before finally taking Kara into her mouth.


The moan she pulled from her mate was soft and breathless, and Lena kept her gaze locked on Kara’s as she dipped her tongue into the excited egress at the tip to gather the first beads of arousal that sprang up. “Seeing you unable to control yourself around me is one of my biggest turn-ons. I adore it when you’re unrestrained in your desires.”


With lazy strokes of her tongue, Lena licked up all of the drips that trickled down Kara’s shaft and began to suck. She observed her mate from under her lashes and licked over Kara’s ridges to elicit a reaction. After almost a year together, she knew what Kara liked the most, but she started to experiment more with tricks of her mouth. Sliding the head of Kara’s cock into her cheek brought on an erotic spell of throbs.


“I want you to really feel how special you are to me, Kara,” Lena whispered with warm breaths and massaged over Kara’s length with both hands. “You’re the only one I’ve ever craved, the only one that makes me feel beautiful, especially when you’re inside me.”


Kara rested a hand under her chin and caressed the markings on her throat. "You’re gorgeous, Lena, more beautiful than anyone I have ever known, and that isn't just because of how you look. I still can't believe you chose me to be your mate, to love you and give you pups. Knowing you, becoming your alpha... It's better than any dream I had for my life.”


Lena breathed in the scent of Kara’s honesty and the delectable musk of her arousal, and knew which one she would rather focus on before her own emotions ruined the plans she made. Her lip quivered with unsaid words, and she whimpered, both in longing and in distress at keeping the pregnancy from Kara. She had wanted this to be unrushed, and yet the only way she could contend with the sappy feelings of her omega was to allow them to manifest in her unabashed sexual appetite for her mate.


All of the love she experienced was channeled exclusively to worshipping Kara’s cock, and this time she showed no restraint in taking it deeper into her throat. Lena groaned salaciously around the heated girth and wrapped her lips snugly around the shaft to take long, sensuous pulls. The back and forth kept her tongue in perpetual motion, and the languid caress stayed tender in spite of the promiscuous pheromones she unleashed.


“Normally I’d beg you to fuck my mouth, but I want you to watch as I do it myself,” Lena murmured, her lips smacking and puckering over the side of Kara’s cock as she pressed a series of sloppy kisses all along her thickened shaft before gorging herself with abandon.


She concentrated on the brim of Kara’s erection and hollowed her cheeks to envelop the head with the silken warmth of her inner cheeks. The slow sucking action and the gradual push of her lips brought Kara’s hips up, and Lena forced them back down with her hand positioned across those magnificent abs that tensed from her touch.


“It’s so hard to sit still when you’re making love to me like this,” Kara moaned, the beginnings of a whine barely concealed as she bit her lip and restlessly twined Lena's hair around her hand to try and encourage her forward. “I want it to last, but your mouth feels so good on me.”


“You want to take charge,” Lena supplied, her seductive pout stimulating Kara with every glide her lips took when she spoke.


She smirked at the flustered hue to her mate’s cheeks and popped her mouth over the plum glans to thoroughly wet it with her tongue. Every swirl and loop quickened Kara’s breaths and the darker her eyes got, the more determined Lena became to make this the best blowjob of her life.


“You want to give in to your alpha’s demands and thrust into my pretty mouth to make my lipstick smear all over your cock.” Lena’s sultry rasp was whispered right into the groove of Kara’s dick and she teased the indent with the tip of her tongue before suddenly stuffing her mouth full and sucking so hard that Kara simultaneously froze and contorted.


The gravelly sound of Kara’s pleasure coiled heat through Lena’s core and her cunt contracted in response. She swallowed instinctively, forcing the gloriously wide tip beyond her tonsils as she salivated down the rest of Kara’s solid shaft and stared up at her mate as she furiously bobbed her head to fuck her own throat. The sight combined with sensation seemed to stun Kara and she groaned, jaw slack and eyes darker than Lena’s morning espresso.


Lena wasn’t surprised when she felt the powerful jerk beneath her tongue and slid off of Kara’s cock before the first hot throb splashed seed down her throat. She lavished the tip with her mouth open, granting Kara the privilege of seeing each spurt coat her lips and tongue while refusing to swallow.


Instead Lena went right back to sucking, keeping her lips loose and her eyes up as she pushed seed down Kara’s thick pole. Lena grinned at the scent of lust and Kara’s inability to stop her appraising growls, and then changed tactics by ravenously locking her lips around her girth to lap it all back up.


“You like it when you leave me a little messy, don’t you, Kara? When my lips look red and glossy and I get glassy eyed and breathless from sucking your alpha cock,” Lena pressed unfairly, swallowing down Kara’s release with the intent to swallow another. She licked the rivulet of cream that leaked over the purple rim.


With her fingers laced at the base, Lena massaged in tandem with every greedy spasm of her empty cunt.


Kara gave a pained and throaty grunt as she struggled to keep herself in check, and all but sat on her hands to curb the impulse to act. “How the hell am I meant to control myself when you speak to me like that?” She demanded, not upset but close to losing her inner battle.


It was enthralling to witness the sweet, endearing alpha nearing the brink of losing her composure, and Lena showed no mercy as she lilted lasciviously, “Because my darling, you know I’ll give you anything you want when you choose to behave and let me get my way, and right now all I want is this.”


This turned into unrelenting oral sex, and the powerful suction brought Kara’s hips up to Lena’s chin. Guttural breathy moans were interspersed with Lena’s greedy gulps and whines, and the noise of it all was nothing short of obscene. She pumped her closed fists to simulate how it felt for her cunt to grip Kara. Foregoing breath in her voracious ambition to make Kara come, she worked the rest of Kara’s dick with her mouth and throat.


The continual and powerful sucking had Kara trembling, and Lena was sure she heard the alpha make sounds she never heard before. She grabbed at her mate’s hips, pulling her closer the lower her mouth moved, and whimpered at the ache of her jaw. Kara’s knot was starting to form, and Lena wanted to feel it against her tongue while that was possible.


The knot broadened, stretching her lips out and surprising Lena with its enormity. She firmed her chin and locked her mouth around Kara’s erection until ropes of seed flooded her mouth. Lena moaned for every drop, devotedly swallowing before she tore her lips away to sharply intake breath. She rubbed at her mate’s cock and recognized belatedly that Kara would spend the next hour aroused and outside of her cunt.


“I’m so sorry, my love, but we need to go or we’re going to be late dropping Natty off.” Lena apologized with a parting kiss to Kara’s excessively swollen tip and tucked it away for later.


Kara stood up in a rush, tilting sideways to fix her fly and frantically check herself in the mirror. The entire protruding outline of her erection would have to be covered and she comically grabbed for pillows, the incense holder and a long frond from the nearest vase to test out different ways of concealing her hard-on.


“You just said you would give me anything, so don’t be shocked if I have a whole list of demands when we get back,” Kara groaned as she gathered herself to strut awkwardly through the bedroom door.


“I thought we had more time, but it flies by whenever you’re in my mouth.” Lena walked alongside her, matching her speed as Kara yanked a hoodie from a clean laundry basket and tied it around her waist. She started down the staircase with genuine pity for her mate, who was marching along with a wide and forced smile on her face.


“I’ll just grab Natty’s bag and wait in the car,” Kara asserted with a comical stance that was better suited for someone who had spent the day on horseback. She picked up every toy she could see, and by the time Lena woke Natty from sleep and fixed her hair, Kara was already out the door.


It was a small mercy that Natty didn’t demand hugs from both of them when she woke up, and the excitement of getting to play with her friend kept her chattering and alert as Lena fastened her into her car seat. The ride to their destination was tense if only because Lena’s hand kept drifting to Kara’s thigh.


No matter how often she tried to behave herself, Lena was incapable of resisting the sizable bulk that Kara tried so desperately to conceal. She cupped it for most of the drive, not to stroke or tease, but just to feel the rigid heat against her palm and keep Kara’s mind on her cock.


Once she dropped their youngest off and Lena was back in the vehicle, Kara stopped trying to hide her erection and went so far as to use her pheromones to beg for Lena’s assistance. She had her pants open the second they were on the road, and Lena slipped her hand into the tight fabric to stroke Kara’s cock for the duration of their return trip.


When they got home, Lena found herself bent over the couch before she had even closed the front door, and neither of them realized until after Kara gave her a thorough pounding.


“That was lucky,” Lena remarked, still dazed from their rutting as Kara dashed off to lock the door.


She didn’t expect her mate to drag her upstairs to make use of the room she had set up, but she was delighted to oblige. For the next two hours, Lena devoted herself to worshipping her mate. It didn’t strike her as odd at first how Kara’s knot showed resistance to reducing in size. In fact, as she puckered and licked up the creamy drizzle of seed that overflowed from the swollen tip, she commended herself for her oral gifts that kept her mate so sinfully erect.


The issue, she soon discovered, was that the alpha’s cock still remained rock hard a full thirty minutes later. Kara had taken a cold shower to refresh herself before they picked up Natty, and not only was she still painfully stiff, her knot had yet to decrease.


“Kara, did you touch yourself in the shower?” Lena’s suggestive tone and playful smirk faltered when Kara exhaled a flustered breath and shook her head.


Kara looked beside herself as she tugged on the special boxers Lena had purchased for her rut. She blushed furiously as she dressed herself as normal and valiantly tried to ignore the fact that her cock was visible through her jeans. “I considered it just to see if it would help, but then I started to worry that would make this even worse.”


Throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, Lena believed the swelling would subside, but even after she put Natty down for bed and they went through their normal evening routines, Kara still sported a knot.


Lena researched the possible causes on her phone, all of which turned out to be applicable in Kara’s case.


The persistent knot could have been the result of frequent sex during rut, or the consequence of taking a mate. The list also mentioned that a sire might experience an extreme and rut-like arousal during an omega’s pregnancy, but in all situations, it appeared that Kara’s condition related back to Lena herself.


She put on some quiet music in the spare bedroom to lure Kara in, and then let her dress drop to the floor in a revelatory flourish. Earlier in the afternoon, she lacked the time to completely take off her clothes, and Kara jerked to a stop to gawk at her in the red lingerie. Her nipples strained against the lace and a wet patch soaked through her silky panty.


Lena pushed at the long hair that was resting on her shoulders to bare her neck. “It seems I’m responsible for putting you in this condition, so tonight I’m not going to stop until you’re utterly spent, Kara.”


“You know I’d never blame you for anything—but uh, yeah—this is definitely all your fault,” Kara asserted with a belated grin that never fully formed. She was entirely captivated by Lena’s naughty lingerie set and even from across the room Lena could see how her cock strained even harder against the fabric of her pants.


The kind thing to do would have been to free Kara from the restrictive jeans and let her slide immediately into the slippery heat between her thighs, but Lena had other ideas. She wanted to see just how responsive Kara’s cock really was and crooked her finger to coax Kara into moving. “In case you’re wondering, the reason we’re in here and not in our bed is because it doesn’t matter how messy we make the sheets, we won’t be sleeping in them.”


Kara laughed at that, the tension in her body shifting so that it only remained in the area Lena couldn’t wait to get her hands on.


Lena shoved her mate gently onto the bed and grabbed for Kara’s wrists before she tried to unbuckle her belt.


“I thought we should start slow,” Lena lied while she straddled her alpha’s lap. She leaned down to kiss at Kara’s neck, sucking at the skin below her ear before grazing her jaw with her teeth.


It was all a sensuous ploy to keep Kara prone and clothed, and Lena grinned when she began to grind into Kara’s erection. The solid girth was trapped by fabric and rubbed into her wet slit with a surprising amount of friction. She exhaled the softest moans into Kara’s mouth and whimpered as her mate grabbed at her ass to control the roll of her hips.


“You poor thing, your cock must be so sensitive from being rock hard all day,” Lena teased just to feel Kara buck beneath her.


Their combined undulations both frustrated and aroused them, and Lena admired Kara’s restraint not to flip her over and fuck her senseless.


“I can’t believe you broke me,” Kara confessed through short breaths, and growled low in her throat in dominance.


Lena grinned down at her as she rocked her pelvis harder and then sucked at Kara’s lower lip. Whether from the reminder of what her mouth could do, or the increased pressure of her cunt, Kara groaned helplessly and pulled Lena against her lap as her cock throbbed between Lena’s thighs.


The eroticism of getting Kara off without touching her did wonders for Lena’s ego and she tore open her mate’s pants so fast that the last jet of seed splashed across her hand. She rubbed it into cunt, smearing it over her panties that she pulled aside with pleading little whines.


Kara wasted no time in thrusting her cock into Lena’s velvet, and the bliss of being filled was second only to the look of satisfaction on Kara’s face.


Sliding herself down onto Kara’s erection made her body tense in pleasure, and Lena swung her hair back just to lean forward without getting any dark strands into her mate’s eyes. She kissed over Kara’s throat to get to the place on her shoulder that belonged to her. The rows of her teeth lined up with the marks and she bit down to leave a passionate bruise.


“I suppose I’m just going to have to ride you until you have nothing more to give me.” Lena straightened up to move her hips, and to hold Kara by the chin as she controlled her up and down glide. “But you have a lot to give, don’t you, Kara? I think you could spend the whole night inside of me.”


Kara lurched up to meet her cunt, pounding into her soft warmth as she restrained Lena by the waist. The slapping loud thrusts were answer enough, unstoppable and assertive. Lena’s inner slot had no option but to open and slacken to fit Kara’s girth.


“It wouldn’t be the first time, and god, I hope it’s not the last,” Kara needlessly reminded her and grunted at the forceful way Lena bounced to try and take the knot.


The swollen base was bigger than Kara’s fist and Lena’s ambitious nature ensured she bore down on it.


“Oh it won’t be, you know how insatiable I am for your cock, and I’m not above begging for it, Kara.” Lena’s seductive undulations squeezed Kara’s knot into the tight constriction of her tender cunt, and she gasped at the sudden and rough penetration that jostled her forward.


Kara growled commands that only Lena’s omega understood, and the alpha held her steady as she fucked upward and latched onto Lena’s nipple. She mouthed at the pebbled point, sucking intently as she bathed it with her tongue.


Lena whined at the possessiveness of Kara’s touch, the handling of her sensitive breasts that sent tremors through her legs and caused her to lose the rhythm of her hips. She shook uncontrollably, forgetting that she was supposed to be riding Kara, and submitted with a raunchy moan of self-indulgence.


Pliant as ever in Kara’s hands, the next thing she knew she was on her knees and presenting as her alpha mounted her with enough power in her quads to knock her into the mattress.


The charge of Kara’s hips kept Lena face down, and as the cadence of her pleasure became higher and higher, she bit into the pillow to silence herself. Kara wasn’t so quiet, and her guttural enjoyment manifested in the strong jerk of her cock as it blasted Lena’s cervix with ropes of seed.


By the end of the night, it wasn’t just Kara that was spent, and Lena curled into her alpha’s arms in exhaustion and whimpered when Kara carried her into their bedroom.


Kara’s knot had reduced by half, though her cock was still striking and erect, even as she drifted into sleep.


The next morning, Lena woke to an empty bed and found Kara already in the room of worship with her hand soothing her thick veined shaft.


Lena decided to trade in her ritual of starting her morning with coffee in favor of having Kara in her mouth. She spent ten minutes on her knees, slurping noisily at Kara’s cock until a fountain of seed gushed from the tip, and she licked every droplet up before heading downstairs to begin the breakfast prep.


On and off throughout the rest of the day, they detoured back to their little sex den and Lena gifted Kara with the use of her mouth and cunt. It seemed no matter how much she gave of herself, nothing was enough for Kara’s cock, and the more she worshipped the glans, the darker shade of purple it became.


For the next few days whenever Natty was down for a nap or at preschool, Lena either led Kara into their special sanctuary, or she found the alpha already waiting for her. Kara was so perpetually aroused that at times all Lena had to do was strip down to her negligee and exhale warmly over Kara’s cock to make it erupt.


From a scientific point of view, it was fascinating to see an alpha like this out of rut, and from a personal perspective, Lena was obsessed. Every free moment she spent touching Kara’s cock, and her omega was starting to make her smell like a harlot. She craved Kara, and giving in to her desires kept her slick and receptive to the new demands of Kara’s alpha.


It was almost too distracting, and on the morning of Kara’s birthday, Lena woke up far too late to begin the day like she planned. She hated getting off schedule, and she had to order Kara’s birthday breakfast from a local café instead of taking the time to bake the quiche she wanted to make.


The alarm startled her out of bed and she whimpered as the acid of morning sickness burned in her throat.


Due to threat of vomit, Lena put up a hand to avoid Kara’s morning kisses and acted as if dodging affection was meant to somehow play into a birthday surprise.


“Oh—no—not yet,” Lena admonished and managed a strict dimpled smile as she pushed Kara back down in bed. “It’s your birthday, which means you’re going to stay in bed and I’ll bring you breakfast.”


“But Lena,” Kara complained and sat upright with one foot dangling over the carpet. “What if we skip breakfast and spend some time in the guest bedroom?”


Lena worried she would have to tie Kara up to convince her to stay put, but then Natty squealed from the doorway and charged the bed.


On any other day of the week, it would have been terrible timing, yet today Lena helped her three-year-old into her own warm spot and vacated the room before Kara could call her back to join them for morning cuddles. She hurried down to her home office to call Sam and a few other people.

By eight o’clock, a deliveryman dropped off ten different containers of breakfast, and Lena managed to get Natty dressed for preschool. She had told Kara that they would follow Natty’s usual routine, but the truth was her mother would be picking her up two hours early.


At eight-thirty, Lena was alone in the house with Kara, and even more evasive of intimacy. She knew if she allowed Kara to touch her, she would never be ready in time.


“I want this birthday to be your best, and that means I get to pamper you for a change. When was the last time you sank into a bubble bath?” Lena didn’t wait for Kara’s baffled answer and shoved her mate into their large bathroom to begin filling the square tub with hot water and expensive scented bubbles.


She wanted to treat Kara the way the alpha often treated her, and not just for the sake of keeping distance between them.


So often Kara put her own needs on the back-burner to show Lena how committed and serious she was about their relationship, and this was her chance to give Kara a taste of how special it made her feel. While her mate stripped off, Lena brought out a whole new bathing kit for Kara and a robe that boasted she was the alpha of the house.


Lena set it aside as Kara slid into the tub with a heavy and content sigh.


“Are you joining me? There’s more than enough bubbles for two,” Kara swished her hand through the frothy mixture to try and entice Lena closer. She offered her a strawberry with expectant eyes that darkened from Lena wrapping her lips around the berry.


“I want you to soak in the tub while I clean up downstairs, and when you’re relaxed and ready, come and find me.” Lena’s flirtatious scent promised that they wouldn’t be apart after that, and Kara did her best not to look as disappointed as she must have been.


It was terrible leaving Kara alone on her birthday, but Lena had surprises she had to prepare.


With a bounce in her step, Lena hurried downstairs to admire the new truck she purchased for Kara and snuck into the garage to gather a smaller present that would fit inside it. She strapped a newborn car seat into the shiny new vehicle that sat in the driveway, and tucked the keys into a small ribbon-tied box that she placed on the kitchen counter.


The dealer had followed her instructions about when and how to drop the vehicle off, and now all she needed to do was wait for Kara to finish her bath. Lena made good use of the time by and putting on lipstick in a noir plum shade and slipping her hair into a loose top bun. Her aesthetic didn’t quite match the vibe of expectant omega, but she did look professional and that was important for the second part of her surprise.


Kara soaked in the tub for about twenty minutes and came downstairs in relaxed boyfriend jeans and a loose grey tee that had a distracting fit around her biceps. She snuck up on Lena and kissed her neck, holding her close around the waist. The clean fragrance of Kara’s body wash was intoxicating, and Lena dropped her head to one side as her mate’s lips moved onto her claims.


“Darling, there you are,” Lena gasped and breathed heavier from Kara greeting her with teeth and hard, grasping hands. “Did you have a nice bath?”


“I probably should have relaxed more, but all I could think about was you.” Kara pressed into her from behind and jabbed Lena in the backside with the stiffness of her erection.


Lena slipped her hand down Kara’s thigh to touch the rigid tip. “Before you act on all of those thoughts, I have a gift for you.”


Disentangling herself, Lena retrieved the gift box from the countertop and passed it over. Hope and elation expanded her chest as Kara plucked up the small lid to inspect the key inside. The vehicle logo was featured between the buttons for the trunk and the doors, and Lena watched recognition pass through Kara’s eyes.


“What—no way —Lena, you got me a new truck?” Kara asked in amazement and put the box aside to hug her with jittery hands.


Lena sensed that the luxury gift overwhelmed her mate, and she had to take the lead by pulling Kara outside to the driveway.


“I know it might seem a little extravagant, but this is the safest vehicle on the market right now, and with the long hours you work in the summer, I felt it was a worth the investment.” Lena grinned from ear to ear as she circled around the truck and opened the driver’s door for Kara.


Kara staggered forward to touch the side of the blue truck that complemented the colors of her own business logo, and Lena held her breath as her mate stuck her head inside to view the leather interior.


“Lena, I can’t even begin to thank you. It’s gorgeous, and there’s even a car seat for Natty.” Kara faltered as she pulled open the back door to check it out, and Lena knew just by the way Kara’s entire frame froze that it was in that moment she realized the carrier was far too small for their toddler.


“Surprise,” Lena whispered, her voice wavering as her hands self-consciously fell to her stomach to clutch at a nonexistent baby bump.


“Hold on — are you?” Kara laughed and choked on the emotions that billowed off of her in proud and paternal waves. She turned to Lena with wide watery eyes that narrowed in awe and then her focus drifted to her middle.


“We are,” Lena clarified as Kara bundled her into her arms with so much love that her throat closed and she could do little else but expose her neck for Kara. The subsequent growls of her mate coincided with her own elated whimpers and Kara nuzzled into her claims to bite and suck at them reverently.


Kara’s happiness was wet and earnest, and her eyes shimmered when she pulled back to kiss all over Lena’s cheeks and lips, praising her between each with positive affirmations. “You’re amazing, do you know that? I’m so proud to be your alpha -- that you’re letting me add to our family. I can’t believe I managed to get you pregnant before my birthday. How long have you known?”


“Just a few weeks,” Lena breathed out and grabbed the test from its hiding place in the pouch of the car seat. “I thought we’d have to wait until my next heat, but apparently you really wanted to knock me up. This must have happened right after we changed our minds and decided to try for a baby.”


Becoming pregnant outside of a heat was a rare occurrence for omegas, and Kara stared at her in complete wonder for all of three seconds before her alpha demanded she show her appreciation. She kissed Lena with the kind of urgency a rut might bring, bruising her lips with the force of her passion only to spin Lena around and push her over the raised seat of the truck.


“I knew you were special from the moment I met you, Lena, so smart and kind and sexy,” Kara exhaled in a single breath, hiking Lena’s dress up her thighs just to slip her warm hands under the fabric to palm at her backside. She growled soft commands for Lena to part her thighs and cupped her cunt to rub into the slick crease of Lena’s pussy through her panties.


“I had no idea back then how lucky I would become, and that you would want to be mine, and now you’re giving me the greatest gift an alpha could ever have.” Kara husked her praises into the nape of Lena’s neck and she bit down with an amorous rumble while she unbuckled her belt.


The noise of Kara’s zipper sent a thrill through Lena’s core and her inner muscles clenched in readiness. Kara’s cock pushed through her lips to align with her cunt and Lena whined wantonly for the penetration.


The risk they were taking being in their driveway was exhilarating and Lena pushed back to take the first few inches into her slick canal.


“The first of many,” Lena gasped, her words slurring as Kara bottomed out on the first rough thrust.


The speed of her alpha’s hips kept her pinned against the truck and Lena clutched the leather seat with a hedonistic moan.


Lena had always prided herself on being successful with business but the way Kara fucked her caused Lena to reconsider her future prospects. She never imagined she would be the type to want a hoard of pups, yet the intoxicating scent of Kara’s love and pride was enough to convince Lena that spending the next several years popping out children would be wonderful.


Kara slammed into her wet and spasming entrance, and Lena raised her hips, bending at the midsection with her breasts pressed into the seat. The restrictive warmth inside of her was clinging to Kara’s cock as it retreated, and she stretched with every thrust to allow her mate’s cock to push up against her cervix.


“Oh fuck, I’m going to come so hard,” Kara groaned and futilely pulled out as seed pumped through her shaft and into Lena’s opening.


Lena clenched around the warm filling and slipped Kara’s length back inside of her, prohibiting the alpha from retreating as she hysterically begged, “No, keep going, seed my cunt like you’re still trying to get me pregnant. My womb is yours to fill.”


It was an outburst that compelled Kara to continue, and they both grunted at the force of her lunges.


The new truck shook with their rutting and Lena estimated the satisfaction of getting railed was worth the cost of reupholstering the seat as she smeared lipstick across the leather and bit into it to stop a scream.


“Gonna give you so many pups, Lena, keep you so full.” Kara’s raspy promise was no sooner said than the base of her shaft began spreading the delicate striations inside Lena’s cunt.


She stretched to accommodate the swelling bulk, with rivulets of slick and come dripping down Kara’s hefty shaft.


Every ribbed vein brought Lena pleasure, and the girthy friction stimulated her clit on each upward stroke. The faster Kara drilled into her hidden velvet, the airier and longer Lena’s moans were, and she didn’t care if the neighbors could hear it.


“Yes, do it, give me everything you have, you know I need it, Kara,” Lena whined, backing into the fluid smack of Kara’s thighs to keep her mate as deep as possible.


The lascivious scent of her cunt provoked Kara’s alpha and she flaunted how wanton and promiscuous her omega truly was in her mate’s hands. With internal undulations, Lena stroked Kara’s erection and groaned when the knot completely breached her entrance.


Her snug heat refused to let it go, and Kara groaned in guttural satisfaction as Lena pulled another orgasm from her. Kara swiped two fingers furiously across her clit, bringing her to a climax that made her fall limp against the backseat as they fused together.


For all her careful planning, they must have spent far longer in the driveway than Lena factored in, and her phone began to ring about twenty minutes later just as the knot started to soften.


Kara barely tucked herself into her pants as Lena’s assistant informed her of the time and location of an unexpected meeting.


“I’m so sorry,” Lena sighed and fixed all of the strands of hair that escaped her bun. “We’re acquiring another company, and it’s all very hush-hush. I need to meet with someone to sign paperwork in advance of an upcoming press conference.”


“Well, I am the owner of a brand new truck, what if I drive you?” Kara offered and closed up the back of the vehicle to open the front passenger door.


Lena accepted a hand up and slid into the seat with an aroma of gratitude. “Thank you. This is so much better than driving myself, and we get to spend more time together.”


“On the way back, I could call in our favorite order from the Flying Dragon and we could spend the afternoon eating dumplings while we wait for Natty to come home,” Kara proposed with a bright smile and climbed into the driver’s seat. She revved the engine with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas and settled her hand on Lena’s knee before pulling out of the driveway.


“Or we could just pretend I’m a hitchhiker you picked up on your way home, and since I’m broke, you’ll just have to think of some other way I can repay you for your kindness.” Lena’s hypothetical role-play certainly distracted Kara in all the right ways, and she reached over to smooth her hand across the alpha’s crotch suggestively.


Kara stiffened behind the wheel rather literally, and Lena took her hand back with a salacious smirk before her mate forgot how to drive.


“I’ll take that as a yes for my idea,” Lena smugly announced, and typed the zip code her assistant texted over into the truck’s satellite navigation system.


“The day I turn you down is the day I’ve lost my mind,” Kara insisted and followed the disembodied instructions that came from the device.


They drove through town and then beyond the city, and the further they traveled through winding roads and scenic forest, the more Kara began to frown.


“You sure we’re heading the right way? This seems awfully remote for a meeting,” Kara muttered, not even the slightest bit suspicious that this was all part of Lena’s plan in the first place.


“The merger is highly confidential and I’m sure we’ll be there soon.” Lena reassured her with a smile and rubbed her thumb across the back of Kara’s hand to soothe her.


Fifteen minutes later, and Kara’s tires were slowly crunching over gravel as she led them down a driveway through a large thicket. Her knuckles were white from how tightly she gripped the wheel and the sight of the lavish cabin did nothing to ease the tension of her shoulders. “This doesn’t feel right, Lena. I want you to stay in the truck, okay? I’ll pretend I’m your assistant.”


Lena was both touched and amused at Kara’s protective scent, and she watched her mate strut over to the cabin with the self-assured confidence that she could handle whatever might be on the other side of the door she was about to rattle.


It was true, of course, but Kara didn’t know that as she postured and puffed herself up only to have their friends and family whip open the door to greet her with a yell of, “SURPRISE!”


To say that Kara almost landed on her ass was an understatement, and Lena shook with laughter as she recorded her mate’s reaction.