In the week leading up to Lena’s first sonogram, she noticed a remarkable change in her mate. While Kara had always been organized before, now she didn’t go anywhere without the planner Sophia gave her for her birthday. Though it was a tad unusual, it also amused Lena to see how Kara diligently wrote down everything she deemed important, including reminders for her to take pre-natal vitamins.
Every morning Lena woke to breakfast in bed, and Kara made sure she was filled in all sense of the word before running out the door.
Kara busted her ass trying to find new clients and grow her business, and instead of waiting for Siobhan to call the shots, she was actively hitting up the omega to push ahead with the new filtration system. This sudden take-charge attitude was admirable, and Lena couldn’t hide that she found it wildly attractive, or stop herself from acting on that attraction.
When Kara returned home for lunch each day, Lena greeted her in the foyer, naked and holding a plate of her favorite sandwiches. Lena knew which snack Kara would have first and made a point to present the second she heard the key in the door. Normally Kara took the food to go after a good half hour of rutting. After Lena’s spell of heat sickness at the cabin, Kara was adamant that she would never let it happen again, and so far, they more than succeeded.
Lena planned to reward her mate for showing such initiative and was in the middle of searching online for the perfect gift when Kara walked in an hour early for lunch.
“Did you eat yet?” Kara called from the door, practically jittering as she raced around the house to grab Lena’s handbag, her keys, her phone, a tube of lipstick and a banana.
Lena scrambled off the couch and the pile of Natty’s squishmallows that she had been lazing on rather guiltily. She faltered between taking her top off and opening the fridge, caught somewhere in the middle of doing both as Kara strode over to kiss her on the cheek.
“We can grab lunch on the way back.” Kara pushed the banana into Lena’s hands and handed over her purse. “Did you pack everything you needed?”
The startled expression on Lena’s face made Kara clarify her manic behavior. “For potassium. It’s good for you.”
Lena followed her mate with a slow smile and watched Kara blow through the living room to collect items they might need. It occurred to Lena that they were scheduled for their first sonogram, but their appointment wasn’t for another half hour, and Kara was packing like she was already going into labor.
“Is everything alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I just don’t want us to be late. Do you need anything else?” Kara asked in distraction, slinging another bag over her shoulder and filling her arms with Lena’s laptop, a bottle of water and a book.
“Maybe the kitchen sink,” Lena lilted with a mischievous lift of her brow, and stifled a laugh when Kara immediately veered toward the kitchen before realizing it was a joke.
It seemed to snap Kara out of her rush, and she lowered her chin to her chest with a bashful laugh before she turned to Lena.
“I’m acting a little crazy, huh?” Kara blushed in mortification as she set the items carefully on the kitchen counter to accept the embrace Lena offered with open arms.
“Honestly, it’s adorable how excited and nervous you are over the sonogram. I’m pretty sure you would have packed half the house before I stopped you,” Lena playfully whispered, soothing her mate with the delicate and sweet fragrance of her pheromones.
She nuzzled into Kara’s shoulder and waited for her alpha to slow her breathing before moving back to deliver a chaste kiss to the corner of her mouth.
It should have been quick, but Kara caught her by the back of the head and brought their lips together. Kara pulled her closer to deepen the affection and curled her other hand over the voluptuous curve of Lena’s backside. Lena whimpered at the soft caress of Kara’s tongue as she parted her lips and gave in to the demands of her alpha.
“I can’t wait to meet our pup. We should probably leave soon, because traffic will be hell, but I have to taste you first,” Kara murmured into Lena’s mouth, her thumbs finding the waistband of Lena’s comfy sweatpants to drag them down her hips and past her knees.
Lena obliged by kicking them off and shuddered in anticipation. She whimpered at how easily Kara lifted her onto the counter and steadied herself by twirling Kara’s ponytail around her fist.
“You’ve been working all morning, and this is all you want to eat?” Lena rasped, parting her thighs so that Kara could push her panties aside to find her lustrous nectar clinging to her pussy lips.
Kara answered by swiping her tongue through it with a moan. The slippery caress teased at Lena’s entrance, fluttering just shy of pressing deeper until Lena rolled her hips with a breathy whine. Lena could feel Kara’s grin as she stared into those mesmerizing blue eyes of hers and begged by gliding her pussy against Kara’s face.
The first probe sent sparks of arousal to Lena’s core and then Kara held her by the waist to slide her tongue into her.
Kara licked at the soft ridges within and lapped along her slit to find Lena’s clit already stiff for attention. Every light flick and firm suck encouraged airy moans out of Lena, and she groaned at the greedy way Kara kept going back to her entrance for more.
“I still feel like I’m in heat, even though it should have subsided by now. It’s probably because you’ve been doing this every day.” Lena wove her fingers into her mate’s hair and worked her hips to the rhythm of Kara’s tongue licking into her cunt.
Kara brought her to a summit of involuntary internal clenching and kissed back over her silky lips to pucker around her clitoris.
Lena bucked her pelvis once and Kara grabbed onto her legs to keep her from shaking too much at the escalation of warm flicks and tender sucking.
“Some omegas can orgasm twice as much after alphas breed them. You need this, Lena. Come hard in my mouth.” Kara moaned into the slick crease between Lena’s thighs, holding them open with both hands to brush over Lena’s clit with smooth strokes of her tongue.
Lena trembled through her shoulders and grabbed onto the counter, turning her knuckles white from tension that came from deep inside. “Right there, Kara. Oh, please fuck my pussy — put your fingers inside me.”
The lights above her became starbursts from her nearing satisfaction, and she wrapped her legs around Kara with an impulsive roll of her hips that was a plea for sex.
Kara pushed two fingers into her opening and comforted her with deep thrusts that rubbed into the sensitive and soft flection where Lena wanted to feel her mate’s cock. Lena moved in time with Kara’s fingertips, craning towards the pleasurable conclusion she needed.
She teetered on the verge of euphoria with soft gasps and intermittent jerking that sent quakes all through her limbs. Kara hummed in approval, using the vibrations of her tongue to stoke Lena’s pleasure and waiting for the precise moment her silken walls contracted to slip a third finger inside. The gradual stretching as Kara spread out her fingers simulated the girth she desired, and Lena groaned, loud and raunchy when Kara pounded into her opening.
The slick sound of her arousal rang out in the kitchen along with Lena’s ragged cries. She trapped Kara’s head between her thighs, riding her mate’s mouth with desperate little undulations and whining pleas for Kara to continue sucking at her clit.
Lena finally melted across the counter with Kara sweetly kissing at the glossy apex of her center, her fingers still coaxing aftershocks of pleasure with every lazy stroke.
“If we didn’t need to leave, I would say I’m just getting started, but we can pick up right where we left off after your sonogram,” Kara promised, making no attempt to move away from Lena’s cunt. She nuzzled into her pussy, kissing at her labia before placing her lips onto Lena’s clit for one last languid pull.
Kara helped her off of the counter and onto shaky legs that refused to hold Lena up without additional support.
“I should change,” Lena muttered, still dazed from her quick orgasms as she waved vaguely in the direction of the stairs.
“Why? You look so cute in your comfy clothes,” Kara assessed through a smile so genuine that Lena blushed at how ridiculous she sounded.
“Sweatpants aren’t exactly attractive,” Lena reasoned, aware of the fact that she never left the house wearing them for any reason.
It was yet another past remark from her ex that clouded her self-worth and confidence, and she faltered at the door with the overwhelming urge to change into something more appropriate.
“Depends who is in them, and your ass looks great in these,” Kara emphatically declared, uninhibited in the way she squeezed Lena’s backside. She led her out to the truck and opened the door for Lena to climb inside, then ran into the house to get Lena’s purse and lock up.
They spent the first few minutes of the drive in relative silence, with Kara’s hand on Lena’s thigh and her fingers restlessly kneading into her muscle. It wasn’t a massage, so much as a reassurance that Lena was right there. It took Lena a moment to realize that despite Kara’s happy mood, she was nervous.
Lena entwined her fingers through Kara’s and squeezed as she watched her mate chew at her lip before smiling.
“It’s completely normal to feel anxious and excited about the sonogram. I am. You don’t have to keep it all to yourself.”
Kara exhaled a heavy breath and glanced at Lena before swinging her eyes back to the road. There was no denial or posturing or any of the bullshit Lena encountered with Andrea whenever she tried to convince her ex to share her feelings.
Kara was so willing to show the vulnerability she harbored along with her enthusiasm, and it manifested in her puffing out her cheeks as she collected her thoughts.
“I’m super excited for our appointment,” Kara confessed, her proud pheromones backing up her statement by filling the car with her musk. “I know it’s only been a week since we scheduled it, but I’ve been counting down the days, and I know our jellybean is going to be perfectly healthy–”
“But?” Lena prompted when Kara trailed off and smushed her lips together with an expression of consternation.
“I’ve been reading all of these articles online and I might have bought a couple books on pregnancy and what to expect. I had no idea there were so many conditions that we need to be worried about and I might be terrified that we’ll find out something is wrong,” Kara blurted, avoiding Lena’s eyes, even though she kept her hand still firmly on her knee.
Tension ran up Kara’s arm and Lena waited for them to pull onto the highway before she brought Kara’s hand up to kiss at her knuckles. “When I was pregnant with Andy, I freaked myself out daily by reading up on everything I thought I had to know to be a good parent. The stress I was causing myself wasn’t healthy, but Sam gave me some solid advice for a single, pupless omega. She asked me three questions, and I’m going to ask you the same. Are you ready?”
Lena softened at the serious expression on her mate’s face as she nodded, as if Kara expected to answer the hardest questions of her life.
“Okay,” Lena breathed. “Do you want our pup? Are you going to love our pup unconditionally, and are you happy to know you’re going to be a parent?”
“Obviously yes to all three,” Kara responded, her puzzled smile brightening as Lena stroked along her arm and leaned across the seat to kiss her on the cheek.
“That’s all that matters, Kara. The rest is all hypothetical,” Lena imparted wisely, pleased to see that she had made a difference in her mate’s jittery behavior.
The clinic was in the heart of the city, and they pulled up ten minutes early and headed into the building hand in hand.
Kara showed no outward signs of anxiety and took the lead when they reached the front desk. “Hi, we have an appointment at 1:30 under Luthor.”
They flipped through maternity magazines and waited around for five minutes until a nurse led them down the hall. Kara hovered to one side of the room as Lena sat on the examination table and rolled up her shirt in preparation for the cool gel that her obstetrician would spread over her stomach.
Doctor Matthews walked in with Lena’s patient records and smiled in surprise at the door. “Lena, how good to see you. Isn’t this baby number four?”
Lena reacted to the familiarity of the voice with warmth and at the same time swung towards Kara in the expectation of sharing her history with the obstetrician. “Rhea delivered all three of the girls. She helped me through my labor with Natty when Andrea was nowhere to be found.”
Doctor Matthews strode over to extend her hand to Kara in greeting. “Nice to meet you.”
“This is Kara,” Lena supplied and touched at the claims on her neck as she introduced her mate. “We’ve been together for about a year and now we’re expecting our first pup.”
Kara shook with Doctor Matthews and stepped next to Lena’s examination table. “It’s good to know we’re in capable hands.”
“Lena is a champ when it comes to childbirth, let me tell you,” Rhea intoned and painted Lena’s stomach in the chilly blue gel that let the sonogram wand pass over her skin. “She knows how to remain calm and focused on the goal.”
On the screen above them, a quivering image appeared, and Doctor Matthews rolled the wand into a good placement to view the smallest dot.
“There’s your little sweet pea,” Doctor Matthews smiled and glanced over at Kara, who was grinning wider than ever before and tearing up over the image.
Lena clutched at her mate’s hand and observed the new life on the monitor, so tiny and pulsating with potential.
The rapid shug-shug-shug of the heartbeat inspired awe on Kara’s face and her mouth dropped open at the visual confirmation they would be parents.
Kara placed gentle fingertips under Lena’s chin and leaned in to kiss her. “This is one of the best moments of my life, right up there with becoming your mate.”
“Just wait until you hold our baby for the first time,” Lena cautioned with a mock lift of her eyebrow and a smile.
“Everything looks great,” Doctor Matthews remarked as she gave them a few minutes to appreciate the image on the monitor while she took pictures. “Congratulations to both of you.”
In those little moments, Lena should have been able to feel undiluted happiness, but just being in the exam room brought back the pain of her last experience with Natty. She remembered how Andrea cut out early during the first sonogram, then scheduled appointments that forced her to miss the others. Those flashes of memory blanked out the warmth of Kara’s arms around her, and Lena pictured herself almost forty weeks pregnant and alone. She tucked her face into Kara’s neck, pale and sick.
Breathing in her mate’s fragrance helped a little, but her own pheromones changed to the reflect her inner desperation. Her scent hung in the air just as it had back at the cabin when their whole family banded together to send them home.
“Should we move on and test your pheromones?” Doctor Matthews asked at the opportune time to measure Lena’s levels in an emotional flux. “Are you experiencing a touch of mating sickness?”
“To be honest, it’s been a daily issue for about a week,” Lena confided and flicked her eyes up to Kara with a blush of guilt. “Kara is the best mate. She’s always there to soothe me. I don’t know what’s causing it.”
“I’ve actually seen other cases like yours, where an omega found a new mate after being with someone who was much less attentive. Some were claimed, some not. I’ll prescribe you both a few things to try out. They should help.” Doctor Matthews reached for an iPad and entered Lena’s details for the pharmacy.
Kara appeared relieved rather than offended by Lena’s decision to share her concerns with a health professional.
Lena had never once come down with mate sickness while married to Andrea, but she knew her ex would have preferred her to endure it in silence, due to how it might have reflected on her.
Doctor Matthews reviewed each of their prescriptions and gave them instructions for use before sending them off to the pharmacy. One of the items was a gel for Kara that could be applied throughout the first trimester to enhance knotting. The entire erection would have the girth of the knot, both for the purposes of stretching Lena’s sensitive canal and extending their physical connectedness.
The second item was a balm for Lena’s breasts to soothe and stimulate her nipples, in turn releasing hormones. Lena’s bond to Kara would strengthen during this time, and Rhea made sure to give Kara a pamphlet on what to expect with a mate experiencing heat sickness while carrying a pup.
The last item had a dual purpose for them both, and Kara inspected it once they picked it up at the pharmacy. She jumped in mortified surprise when an elderly omega walked in to see her holding the stretchable instrument, which was shaped to fit over a cock.
It opened at one end with soft ridges all the way through it and Kara turned to fling it over the counter just as the woman gasped in horror.
“Will that be all?” The pharmacist asked dryly, no doubt having seen worse.
“Yes, sorry, thank you,” Kara rambled and shoved the item back into its box before she was thrown out for causing a scene.
Lena guided her back to the truck while she choked on laughter and grabbed for the curious toy.
“Let me see this. Maybe we can use it before we get lunch,” Lena suggested and took the box out of Kara’s hand to read the instructions. It was intended to be used to masturbate, with the alpha collecting their seed inside of it. The omega could use another thicker part to fill her cunt until the alpha returned to take care of her personally.
Kara’s embarrassment wore off as she leaned closer to get a glimpse at the booklet in Lena’s hands. “What does it say?”
“That you should pull around to the back of the parking lot and open your pants,” Lena lilted and tossed the box into the backseat once she palmed the silicone sheath to warm it up.
Kara laughed until she saw how Lena’s eyes hooded with lust.
“It’s quiet here at this time of day,” Lena pointed out, intense and prepared to test the item on Kara.
“Oh, so you were serious.” Kara nibbled her bottom lip and glanced in the rearview mirror before pulling out to find a more secluded spot. She didn’t open her pants because Lena got there first and coaxed Kara’s cock out of her boxers.
“You were so quick to get me off before our appointment that I never got the chance to return the favor.” Lena squeezed just below the rim of Kara’s cock to see how her shaft stiffened.
A few slow passes and a glaze of arousal was already forming in the divot of Kara’s cock. Lena stroked it over the wide glans before wrapping the device around it.
The silicone stretched to accommodate Kara, and Lena was surprised by how far it could go as she began to lazily jerk it over her mate’s erection. “I wasn’t sure if this would fit you, but you like it snug, don’t you, darling?”
“It makes me think of being inside you.” Kara moaned and reclined her seat after nervously glancing around the vacant back of the building.
Lena tightened her hand around the sheath to stroke faster. Kara bucked to the heat of Lena’s palm sliding over the taut silicone, massaging up and down until the length thickened and throbbed inside the constricting material.
“I don’t think I can make it through the rest of the work day without being inside of your pussy.” Kara shook her head and eyed Lena’s hand smoothly rolling over her cock. “I can’t even remember what it was like before we started fooling around in the middle of the day.”
“You don’t have to remember,” Lena reminded her and concentrated on repetitive motions that made Kara respond with the loudest groans. “No matter how busy you get this summer, I’ll find the time to meet you halfway. Even if I just get you to myself for twenty minutes, I can make you come.”
“God, Lena, you only need one minute to make that happen,” Kara laughed through a moan and reached over to pull Lena in for a kiss.
Lena set out to prove how adept she was at that by fisting Kara’s cock with the slippery and natural feeling silicone. Their lips met a little clumsily as Kara gasped into Lena’s mouth, her teeth nipping at her full lips when Lena tightened her hold to pump her hand quicker. Kara’s pheromones engulfed the truck from Lena’s thorough handling.
There were risks to being so brazen in public, even in a secluded spot, and maybe Lena shouldn’t have been so willing to let Kara push her sweater up, though feeling Kara’s cock harden just from glimpsing her breasts was more than enough motivation to hold the fabric out of the way.
“Are you thinking of using the balm on my tits, Kara? I’m already so sensitive, and my nipples ache for your touch,” Lena whispered, letting her mate pull down her lacy cups to squeeze at her breasts without hindrance.
They were making out in the truck like they didn’t share a house together, frantic and hungry to explore. It was hard to believe they had been together almost a year with how they were acting. She wanted Kara to remain as lustful and opportunistic for the rest of their lives together, and from the way Kara palmed at her tits, Lena believed that was attainable.
“We should use some of it now just to see how you feel about it,” Kara reasoned, making no attempt to hide her selfish excitement when she bucked into Lena’s closed fist.
The friction of the silicone ridges must have emulated the cinching of Lena’s walls, because Kara’s words were airy, and her eyes were dark and unfocused.
Lena rather enjoyed seeing that look on Kara—her sweet alpha so worked up and ready to pin her across the nearest surface to rail her.
If the lot wasn’t so busy near the pharmacy, Lena might have shed her clothes and hopped on Kara’s lap. She coped instead by grabbing the tube of balm for Kara and smirked at the impatient way her mate popped off the cap.
“I think you’re just looking for an excuse to play with them,” Lena teased, twisting her hand around the head of Kara’s cock to give her some concentrated pleasure.
“I’m only following orders,” Kara insisted and massaged a glob of the balm onto each of Lena’s breasts, making sure to work it into her pebbled nipples with great care. She tweaked and rolled the buds between her thumb and forefinger, pinching to make Lena whimper.
“You’re being so diligent about it,” Lena gasped and stared down at the reddening hue of her nipples and the stretch of Kara’s fingers over her breast.
She slid the hot little substitute for her cunt down over Kara’s cock and picked up momentum to stimulate the base. The clinging sensation around Kara’s knot must have been sublime.
“This is what it will feel like when you’re inside of me the next time you knot — my cunt will be wrapped around all of you, just like this.” Lena worked the sheath over Kara’s erection until the elastic and ribbed inner heat filled up with spurts of seed.
She continued stroking through Kara’s long orgasm, unwilling to relent after the last drops finished. Kara jerked and bucked, vocal about her gratification and still twitching inside of the sheath as Lena pulled it off.
After checking the back of the pharmacy for any possible workers or stray shoppers, Lena slid down her sweatpants and gave herself a very full pussy with Kara’s seed.
She hoped it would make her mate sickness abate, since they had just enough time to grab lunch and head back to the house before Kara would need to return to work.
Kara growled as she slipped her thong back into place and hiked up her sweatpants. That ordinarily would have gotten her down all fours, regardless of their location, but Lena knew that she couldn’t wait to eat.
“You’re going to have to wait until later to command me to present,” Lena intoned and settled a hand over her stomach. “If I don’t eat something in the next ten minutes, I’m going to be sick all over the new interior of your truck.”
That snapped Kara out of her fixation, and she tucked her cock into her pants like she only just remembered they were supposed to be going out for lunch.
“I know the perfect place to cover all of your cravings,” Kara assured her and waited for Lena to buckle up before pulling out of the parking lot.
Five minutes later, they were parked outside the mall, and Lena wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or question Kara for taking her there of all places.
“Trust me, the food court here is the best. There’s so many options.” Kara’s sincerity was her saving grace and she stepped out of the truck to help Lena down. She linked their arms together with pride and led Lena through the afternoon crowds where people were busy shopping and chatting.
They headed straight to the center of the mall where the delicious scents of food permeated the air.
Lena’s stomach grumbled and she eyed all of the boards before pointing out the line for Greek food. “Oh, that looks delicious.”
“You want chicken? Sit right here and I’ll be back in a minute,” Kara urged, waiting for Lena to settle at a table before she rushed off to grab them both lunch.
When she returned, Kara had a whole tray of food. Two gyros sat next to a large salad, indulgent slices of chocolate cake, and two boba milk teas.
“How hungry do you think I am?” Lena asked, fully aware that she would absolutely devour the salad and the cake if Kara didn’t beat her to it.
“You need your strength, and if our pup is anything like me, then she’s going to have a big appetite,” Kara bragged and took a large bite of her gyro while motioning for Lena to try her food.
“She?” Lena queried, her smile widening at Kara’s bashful inability to meet her eyes. She sat forward to sip at her drink and puckered her lips deliberately to get her mate’s attention.
Kara licked her own lip when Lena sucked on the straw, and it was obvious where her mind wandered.
“I might be hoping for another girl,” Kara confessed, missing her mouth when Lena subtly rubbed her thumb over one of her nipples and let out a soft moan.
They were starting to tingle, and her breasts felt heavier than usual. Lena tried not to think about it as she considered how enamored Kara was with the thought of their future family. Lena didn’t have a preference when it came to their child. All that mattered in her eyes was that she was having a pup with the love of her life.
“Well, I’ll see what I can do,” Lena intoned, as if she had any control over the life that grew inside her each day. She placed her hand over her abdomen and took a bite of her food with a soft moan that provoked Kara’s alpha.
Kara ate the rest of her meal in three bites as her pheromones curled around Lena in another overt attempt to make her present. “Shsorry.” She apologetically eyed Lena, her speech affected by the forkful of cake she still had in her mouth.
“Kara, if you keep doing that, I’m going to end up on my knees in the middle of this crowded food court.” Lena sipped her tea and glanced around in search of a clothing store where she purchased items for Kara in the past.
They discarded their trash and trays, and Lena looped her arm through Kara’s to drag her into the shop specializing in business and leisurewear for alphas.
“I know you have to get back to work soon, so I’ll phone a driver to take me home. That way we can have some extra time together.” Lena snatched two suits from a rack and prodded her mate in the direction of one of the vacant changing rooms. “Eventually we’ll have a party to announce that we’re expecting a pup, and you’ll need something nice to wear for that.”
It seemed like a reasonable excuse to strip Kara’s jeans and boxers down the moment they were behind the drape. She licked up droplets of arousal that budded instantaneously at the head of Kara’s cock, making no pretense about what they would do for the next fifteen minutes.
“How do you like this one, darling?” Lena asked for the benefit of anyone who might have been standing close by and then slurped long and hard on Kara’s shaft.
“Oh, it’s so good, you know exactly what I’m wanting,” Kara blurted, her hand flying out to press against the mirror while her other one landed on Lena’s head. She slipped her fingers through dark tresses and coaxed the tip of her cock to the back of Lena’s tongue with a firm roll of her hips.
Lena approved with a quiet moan and teased at the bulging veins on Kara’s shaft. She bobbed her head to push Kara’s glans against her silken cheeks before sitting up abruptly to catch her breath and pull her sweater off.
Kara didn’t need any guidance and bent over to unhook Lena’s bra without a word, letting her breasts slide free to admire the heated pink of her nipples.
“Wow, look at those,” Kara uttered, forgetting where they were as she stared at the sorry state of Lena’s aching buds.
Lena’s breasts looked swollen and pink, and her nipples pebbled in an aching bright red, just begging for Kara to soothe them. They were invitations to her alpha, and Kara palmed at Lena’s tits with uninhibited excitement.
“Why don’t you try them?” Lena whimpered, vaguely aware of someone’s footfalls near their stall.
Lena motioned for Kara to sit on the bench and leaned forward to cradle Kara’s cock between her sensitive breasts. She gazed up at her mate with wide trusting eyes and parted her lips to press wet, open mouthed kisses to the very tip of her erection.
Kara didn’t have to be asked twice, and cupped Lena’s tits in her hands to press them together. She bucked automatically, thrusting through their softness and into Lena’s waiting mouth with a startled groan. “Lena–”
“Shh,” Lena whispered, using the barest flicker of her tongue to stimulate the slit on Kara’s tip which wept for her to continue.
Lena swallowed her whine with Kara’s cock. She popped her lips over the thick brim and tried not to moan when Kara pinched and rolled her nipples. The stimulus caused her cunt to clench the same way it would have if Kara had been fingering her clit, and Lena shuddered in shock at how incredible it felt. She had never been able to come from touching alone, but she knew that was about to change if Kara kept going.
Her breasts framed her mate’s cock and she slipped them up and down as she moved her head to suck. Kara held them both, flicking her nipples at the same time and rubbing them with the slick droplets that poured from the tip of her cock.
The erotic rub pushed Kara to a spectacular eruption, and Lena marked herself in her mate’s seed with a strong quiver of desire in her belly. Lena slipped her pout down over Kara’s cock, her tongue gliding with emphasis over the stray drizzles of pleasure.
“This one is nice, Kara, but I think you need a second.” Lena referred to orgasms rather than suits, her mouth working away at Kara’s thickened shaft. She glanced down at her covered breasts and the splashes on her stomach. “It looks good on me, too, doesn’t it? I might just wear it all day.”
Being pregnant with Kara’s pup was influencing how her omega behaved sexually, and Lena wondered if it would worsen over time. This differed from her experience with all three of her pups and affected her more than going into heat.
She stretched her lips to her mate’s girth and forced them down as far as they would go to engulf Kara in wet warmth. With her puckers and persistent swallowing, she took Kara’s cock down her throat and gasped for breath afterwards.
Kara had her lips pressed together and looked every bit as purple as the glans of her cock in her efforts to remain silent.
Lena was impressed by Kara’s self-restraint and that might have encouraged her to go harder on her mate. She glossed her lips with the shimmery beads of excitement that flowed lazily out of Kara’s tip, then trailed kisses all the way down her shaft to suck languidly on the heated knot-base.
With enough attention and prolonged sucking, Lena knew one would pop, but tempting though it was to make it happen, she held off on that urge.
The fun of worshipping Kara’s knot was in getting to hear all of her mate’s passionate cries, and Lena wasn’t about to deny herself that pleasure. She worked her tongue along the turgid base and timed each of her puckers to accompany the pulse that raced through Kara’s shaft.
At the first signs of the base beginning to plump, Lena fluttered her tongue all the way back to Kara’s tip and smirked up at her mate with wicked satisfaction.
Kara had her hand across her own mouth, and her cock bobbed indignantly at Lena’s oral teasing. It wouldn’t take much to elicit a groan, and Lena exhaled over the head of Kara’s erection just to see her thighs clench.
She didn’t want to get caught on her knees with Kara’s seed all over her tits, and yet the possibility turned her on. Lena rationalized that it wasn’t about someone seeing her so much as someone else being aware of her sexual devotion to Kara.
Her omega currently held a carnal fixation with showing Kara her love through filthy urges she no longer wanted to fight. More than anything, she needed Kara to approve of her behavior, and she would do whatever it took to receive encouragement.
“This one might be a tight fit, but I think we can make it work.” Lena traced the wide brim of Kara’s cock with the tip of her tongue.
Taking it fully between her lips, she backed off to do it again and again while she stared intently into Kara’s eyes. She wanted her alpha to take command, to urge her to act on her raunchy desires.
“Let me help you with that,” Kara growled, her fingers already combing into Lena’s hair to guide her further down.
The assertive and firm handling was exactly what Lena craved and she moaned softly around the thick intrusion. Kara prodded into the back of her throat with confidence, rocking upwards with a praising rumble when Lena opened her mouth to accept more.
Her cunt soaked through her panties and Kara gazed at her in awe like she could sense that Lena was getting off on it. Kara resumed squeezing at her tits with quiet huffs of excitement.
“Almost there, you’re so close, Lena, doing so good.” Kara plucked at Lena’s nipples, using her thumbs to stroke over the tender peaks faster as Lena’s whimpers traveled up the length of her cock.
“You like it, right? I can tell it’s something you want,” Kara intoned, their private code giving nothing away as she licked at her fingers and rolled Lena’s nipples between them.
The slippery friction would have felt even better if it came from Kara’s mouth, but it brought Lena to climax. She blocked off her moaning by lodging Kara’s wide tip behind her tonsils and groaned when her mate rutted upward. The sloppy sound of Kara’s cock pushing into her throat would have been audible if not for the murmurings of other patrons.
Kara bit at her lip when Lena hollowed her cheeks, the extreme and unrelenting suction raising her hips off the seat.
Lena swallowed deliberately, her eyes locked on Kara’s as she bobbed her head forcefully to maximize her mate’s bliss.
“Oh yeah, this is the one,” Kara blurted, mortified by her own incoherent rambling as her thighs tensed and her pelvis lifted. She was right on the precipice of groaning when Lena reacted without thinking and covered Kara’s open mouth with her bra seconds before the first jerk of her cock signaled release.
Lena gulped at the first blast of seed to fill her mouth, and then pulled back to let the rest splash all over her neck and breasts. She rubbed it all over her skin to scent herself in Kara’s alpha musk, acutely aware of how Kara’s erection refused to subside from her antics.
“I like this style, but I think we can find you something better elsewhere,” Lena emphasized and brought Kara’s hands back to her aching breasts.
She would have to be careful, or they would end up going at it again, and sooner or later someone would find them. Kara massaged her breasts for a little while longer, and Lena pulled her sweater on at the sound of other alphas entering the changing room. She brushed her hair in the mirror, wiped her lipstick off and prepared herself to exit the store.
Kara hiked her pants up and blushed as she stepped out first, protectively ushering Lena from the room.
Their pheromones revealed their sexual attraction to one another, and Lena moved on by as some of the shoppers paused to look at her. She took her mate by the hand and strolled through the doors with a proud sway of her hips.
“I have a feeling sales are going to go up today.” Lena smirked, glancing around at the alphas that suddenly filled the racks to breathe in her sexual scents.
Kara postured and glared at some of them, more defensive than Lena had ever seen her.
“It could be a great marketing tool, omega scents in alpha stores,” Kara remarked in irritation, still eyeing up the other alphas who appeared to be entranced by Lena’s pheromones.
“I might have to explore that business idea.” Lena smiled and then pulled out her phone to callfor a company car to take her home.
They exited the mall, and Lena was about to speak with her personal assistant when Kara noticed she was on the phone.
“Hey, wait, I was thinking maybe you could just come with me for the afternoon.” Kara took a few steps backwards in the direction of her truck and opened the door with a hopeful grin.
Lena willed a smile not to form as she peered at her mate coyly. Her omega was already agreeing to the invitation with a soft, beguiling scent, and Lena could see the pride written all over Kara as she stood taller.
“And what would your client say if you were to bring an omega with you? It’s not like I can swim in their pool.”
“Not everyone has state of the art security on the property, so technically you could,” Kara cut in with a mischievous grin and wiggled her eyebrows. She faltered when she must have considered how inappropriate it would be to fool around in someone else's pool, but still coaxed Lena forward with endearing puppy eyes.
“I’ve been a terrible influence on you over the months, I see that now. You used to be so sweet and innocent before I corrupted you with my sexual proclivities,” Lena teased with a look that said she was anything but remorseful. She was grateful for Kara’s strong hands on her hips as she stepped up and into the passenger seat of the truck.
Kara’s flirtatious pheromones and bashful demeanor still brought out the devil in Lena, and she eyed Kara intently as she climbed into the driver's side.
“You say that like I wasn’t jacking off to you in the pool house the day after I met you,” Kara laughed, and whether from the memory or the heightened state of her protective alpha, a bulge began to rise in her pants.
To her credit, Kara didn’t give it any attention, and Lena decided to pick up the slack on that by idly tracing her fingertips over the forming crease. “You were so shy about being in rut back then, and now look at you, heading to work with an erection.”
“Oh, that’s totally your fault, but I regret nothing,” Kara intoned, completely at ease with Lena’s hand lightly petting at her cock while she drove them across town.
The rest of the ride was filled with them singing along to songs on the radio and intermittently making out whenever the lights were red. Other drivers only honked at them once when Kara was too busy groping at Lena’s tits to pay attention to the traffic.
Kara turned into a neighborhood with several large homes, and Lena was surprised to see some of the residents stopping to wave as she passed by. They pulled into one of the end driveways and the front door opened before Kara fully parked.
“The couple that own the place are really sweet. I know they won’t have a problem with you being here,” Kara remarked and hopped down to help Lena out of the vehicle.
An elderly omega waved to them in greeting and Kara laced their fingers together and brought Lena over to make introductions.
“Mrs. Taylor, I’d like to introduce you to my mate, Lena.” Kara gushed with joy, unfiltered and honest in her enthusiasm for their relationship and the little one they were expecting. “I hope you don’t mind that she’s accompanying me this afternoon. We just attended our first sonogram, and I couldn’t bear to be without her.”
Overcome with a shyness she hadn’t expected, Lena tucked herself into Kara’s side and smiled as Mrs. Taylor spoke to her cheerfully.
“My, what a beauty you are, oh, congratulations both of you! I knew whoever had Kara’s heart would be special. Come inside, I’ll make you some tea.”
Kara ushered Lena forward, and they stepped through the lounge and into the kitchen, where an alpha with silver hair and a moustache was huffing in annoyance.
“Burt, this is Lena, Kara’s mate,” Mrs. Taylor intoned with the same approval of a grandmother meeting a new in-law. She stepped around her husband to fetch a plate with two fluffernutter sandwiches and held it out for Kara like this was a long-standing tradition.
Despite eating a full lunch already, Kara obliged her by taking one, so as not to offend the older omega.
“Lovely to meet you,” Burt wheezed, standing straighter to get a good look at Lena. His moustache twitched as he smiled, and he blew out another exasperated huff as the door behind him creaked open.
“This blasted pantry won’t stay shut, and you know Marvin likes to snack. I’ve found him in there twice nibbling at whatever he can reach,” Burt sighed, his expression a mixture of disapproval and adoration for a plump basset hound that plodded out from behind him to nuzzle at Kara’s shins.
Marvin flopped down and rolled over with the expectation of belly rubs, and Lena hid her smile behind her hand when Kara immediately doled out affection.
“Why don’t I look at it while I’m here?” Kara suggested and shared the crust of her sandwich with Marvin, who happily gobbled it up.
Mrs. Taylor flapped her hand as though trying to shoo Kara out of the house and turned to Burt. “Oh, she does so much already–”
“Hey, I gotta work off those sandwiches one way or another! I’ll just grab the toolkit from the shed.” Kara made a beeline for the backyard and Marvin waddled after her with his tongue lolling out.
“She’s been like this from the very first day we met her. Showed up to give our old pool a good cleaning for our grandkids visiting and wouldn’t leave until she raked up the yard and made everything pretty,” Mrs. Taylor stated, her kind grey eyes tracking Kara as she chased Marvin around the yard like she was part of the family.
“She’s one of a kind,” Lena confided, her love for Kara growing right along with the pup she carried.
At her core, Kara was intrinsically sweet and selfless by nature, and Lena imagined how wonderful her mate must be with all of her clients. Mrs. Taylor brewed them tea and coffee while Kara set herself up with the toolbox, and Burt lured Marvin away from the pantry with a treat.
Kara looked handsome as she rolled up her shirt sleeves and grabbed for a screwdriver. It only took her a few seconds to tighten up the hinges, but Lena was riveted to the sight of her being so handy in a pinch.
“There we go, good as new,” Kara grinned, swinging the door shut without so much as a creak.
Marvin couldn’t paw it open, even though he tried, and Burt slapped Kara on the shoulder out of gratitude. “Thank you.”
Mrs. Taylor brought out a tin of jam filled butter cookies to celebrate and slipped one to Marvin as she gave him a loving scratch behind the ears. “Burt is going to take me to get my hair done this afternoon, but we’ll have to do this again some time.”
They finished off their tea together, and Mrs. Taylor asked Kara plenty of questions about her claim celebration before heading off to her appointment.
Kara cleaned up the dishes for the older couple and started her work after waving to them from the yard. She skimmed debris from the trees off the top of the water and checked the chemicals while Lena sat pool side in a lounge.
Between her hormones and being in a home full of comforting family scents, Lena experienced a pleasant amorous tension in her belly. It reminded her of the time when they first met, and she lusted after Kara’s hot body while getting minimal use out of her pool.
“I’m happy I accompanied you today, not just because I got to see this other sweet side of you, but also because I get to sit here and watch. You look so good at work.” Lena admired the jut of her mate’s cock against her jeans and the definition of her abs whenever they peeked out from under her shirt. She licked her lips as Kara bent over or strained her biceps by lifting heavy equipment.
“I can’t lie, just having your eyes on me makes me want to work harder,” Kara confided, going out of her way to do a couple of extra chores for the Taylor’s just for the excuse of taking her shirt off. She postured for Lena, flexing far more than necessary to show off the cut of her biceps and her strong forearms. She took care of a loose panel in their fence, and even climbed one of their trees to get a frisbee that was stuck.
“I feel like I’m breaking a sweat just watching you, no wonder you're in such high demand,” Lena commented, her voice almost smoky with lust.
She was caught up in her attraction to Kara, and the picture that was forming in her mind of what kind of parent her mate was going to be to their new baby.
Kara already went above and beyond for the girls, and Lena found herself fantasizing of tree houses, picnics, and woodland adventures.
Dreaming about the future started a physical reaction within Lena, and she pressed her thighs together as her nipples tingled. It would be inappropriate to touch herself on someone else's property, but she came close to it when she saw the sweat glistening over Kara’s abs.
Lena privately considered how she would spoil Kara for all of her dedication to their family. She thumbed at her nipples, which ached terribly for Kara’s touch until the rich aroma of alpha greed hit her in the face. Kara had packed up her things and stood with most of them under her arms, staring at Lena with the kind of intensity that would have had her presenting at home.
“The balm you applied is really affecting me, darling. I’d show you, but I don’t want to cause a scene.” Lena took her time standing up and wished she had worn something a little more revealing and sexier than her sweatpants. Even a pair of shorts would have given her the opportunity to flash Kara with her soaked panties.
Kara’s seed had worked for a few hours, but now Lena’s omega was begging to be rutted. If they didn’t leave, everyone in the neighborhood would breathe in her scent, and Kara’s alpha was showing possessive tendencies that Lena quietly coveted.
Lena walked off with a provocative sway of her hips and heard Kara rumble after her as she hurried to pack up the truck.
Being deprived of sex for hours at a time was wreaking havoc on her omega. Lena expected to make it home, but her skin was prickling all over in ways that it hadn’t since the incident of mating sickness that brought an end to their festivities on Kara’s birthday weekend.
Kara hopped in the truck to find her rummaging through their prescriptions, and before they even pulled out of the driveway, Lena slipped her mate’s cock from her pants and liberally rubbed it with the knot lubricant.
Lena breathed in and out, taking as much of Kara’s scent into her lungs as possible while working at the knot base with her palm. “I know we’re just thirty minutes from home, but I’m not sure if I’ll last that long.”
Her condition deteriorated over the next two minutes, and she burned with fever that Kara could feel in the heat of her hands on her shaft.
Kara suddenly drove in the opposite direction of home, confusing Lena until she spotted a sign for a motel. “I’m sorry about this, Lena, but this is the closest place—"
Lena should have known that her symptoms unsettled Kara just by how she parked the truck, crooked and in two spaces. She depended on her mate to walk her into the lobby of the motel, and it must have been uncomfortable for the attendant on duty at the front desk who handled booking a room for them.
The poor beta flung the key at Kara in his haste to get them out, and Lena swayed into her mate’s arms on the way up the stairs. Kara nearly broke the door down in her rush to get it open, and she kicked it shut behind them because her hands were busy pulling Lena’s sweater off.
“I know this isn’t exactly romantic, but it’s a bed, and I don’t care if we wreck it,” Kara rumbled, her hands going to Lena’s tits to palm them firmly. They were so tender and sore that Lena whimpered at the friction of Kara’s palms grazing her nipples.
“I don’t want romance, Kara, I want you to fuck me like you’re in rut,” Lena confessed, breathless already from the way Kara’s musk filled the small room.
She didn’t think to mention the curtains or tell Kara to turn on the TV so that nobody would hear them through the thin walls. None of it mattered when Kara lifted her by the backside to lay her across the bed, her alpha asserting itself with throaty commands that Lena couldn’t wait to follow.
“Get that thong off and spread your legs for me, Lena. I want to see how wet your cunt is,” Kara instructed, her eyes boring into Lena lustfully as she tore open her belt and shucked her jeans down.
The special lubricant had already begun to work, and Lena gasped at the massive erection that stood between Kara’s thighs. Strong veins throbbed along the shaft and even Kara’s hand couldn’t wrap fully around it. She was intimidated by the size, and yet her omega hungered to have it inside her cunt.
“You better start playing with your pussy if you want to take all of this,” Kara asserted, her tone sultry as she shed the rest of her clothes and climbed onto the bed beside Lena to suck at her nipples.
The warm pull of Kara’s lips and the seduction of her tongue looping around her stiffened buds brought Lena’s knees together with a pitiful moan. Kara forced them back open with the right amount of sexual aggression to make Lena lift her cunt up, and she was rewarded with two of Kara’s fingers.
The sloppy plunge pushed the silicone with Kara’s seed deeper inside Lena’s slick channel, and she writhed when Kara pulled it out.
“I don’t think we’ll ever need this again when you’ve got the real thing right here.” Kara’s assessment couldn’t be faulted, and Lena undulated in agreement as Kara filled her with three fingers.
Her cunt was scorching and slick and so easy to open with long thrusts. She raised her shoulders from the bed to watch Kara’s fingers stroking into her, finding the right place to caress that made her teeth clench around a whimper.
“Rock those hips for me, I know you need it deeper than this,” Kara intoned, spreading her fingers to give Lena the internal stretch that she longed to feel.
Kara was preparing her for the kind of sex that Lena had only ever dreamt about in the throes of heat fever, and the fast brush of the alpha’s thumb over her clit coaxed her close to orgasm.
“More–” Lena pleaded, keening and desperate as her mate kept her on the cusp of bliss. She dug her heels into the cheap mattress and widened her legs, begging with every pulsation of her cunt for Kara to fill her with cock.
Kara’s erection looked imposing, and the wide tip was so grand that it must have been the size of her mate’s fist. Lena was transfixed by the throbbing state of it and imagined the swollen brim rutting her open. The friction would hit every delicate ridge inside her cunt and she wondered if Kara’s girth would influence the amount of seed she could give. It didn’t occur to Lena that Kara’s erection was still forming, or that a knot might exceed its circumference.
Kara slipped a fourth finger into her relaxed entrance and curled them to rub straight into the sensitive striations that lined Lena’s pussy. She toyed with Lena by tapping her thumb against her clitoris, keeping her so close to the brink of euphoria that she contorted.
“You look so sexy when you give yourself over to your omega, Lena. I might have to keep you pregnant just to see you like this.” Kara’s words were rushed as she leaned in to mouth at Lena’s nipples. She drew the hard peak between her lips with the greedy ambition to suck on all of Lena’s areola and breast.
The all encompassing bliss sent quakes all through Lena’s limbs, her pleasure beginning in the hot contractions at her epicenter.
Her wet spasms held onto Kara’s fingers and Lena’s moan stuck in her throat, guttural and raw and indulgent. She tangled her fingers in Kara’s blonde hair and held her mate close to her chest as she bucked into the alpha’s hand.
The slick sound of Lena’s cunt taking four fingers tapered off as Kara’s thrusts slowed down. The loss of fullness brought a dizzying amount of distress to Lena and she would have sat up if her body allowed it. She was still weak with heat sickness, her pale skin flushed and glistening with sweat, and she reached for Kara to come back to her, even though her mate hadn’t moved.
“I’ll have as many pups as you want as long as you swear to fuck me like I’m the last omega on earth,” Lena rasped.
She couldn’t articulate the sexual freedom she felt just from being with an alpha like Kara, but she could act on it by holding her labia apart and imploring her mate to fuck her.
“As far as I’m concerned you already are,” Kara promised, backing it up by situating herself between Lena’s creamy thighs. She massaged her way to the glossy apex of Lena’s cunt, encouraging her to lift her knees up as she rubbed the blunt tip of her cock between her vulva.
Rivulets of Kara’s excitement streaked across Lena’s cunt, and she whined when her mate tried to angle herself into the cinching heat of her entrance.
“Grind yourself against me, get my cock nice and wet so I can fit it all inside you,” Kara commanded, squeezing at Lena’s breasts to relieve the ache inside of her.
The delicate manipulation of her nipples increased the urgency of her omega and Lena undulated with whines for Kara to split her open. Taking a knot was easier once Lena’s cunt had submitted to a thorough pounding, but this was vastly different. Her tight cunt resisted the intrusion until Kara latched onto her claim and bit down so hard that Lena’s omega relented.
Slick pooled within the confines of her cunt and Kara breached her twitching entrance with a rough and necessary thrust. The tension in Lena’s body had her groaning at the intrusion, and Kara sucked at the marks on her throat, her hand still kneading her breast as she pulled out to do it again.
“Keep those legs up if you want it harder,” Kara grunted, thrusting her glans into Lena’s snug cunt just as seed erupted from her cock.
Lena encircled her legs with her arms and hoisted them up above her head. Seed raced in between her lips, warming her clit and filling her. She moaned as she rubbed herself with it, and Kara separated the halves of her vulva with a still expanding girth. The first two inches were the hardest to take, and Lena groaned as Kara pumped into her and staked out a path through her compressing heat.
Kara made space for herself with controlled thrusts into Lena’s malleable depths. She slotted deeper each time, and their glossy excitement streaked along Kara’s shaft, frothy and white.
Their rhythm became natural and fluid as Lena’s cunt acclimated to the tantalizing ache of being truly stuffed to her limits.
Kara’s powerful quads did all of the work, and the alpha’s huffing breaths came in between groans that foretold of another quick release. “You feel so perfect around me, Lena. So hot and slick, like the first time I experienced you in heat.”
In many ways this was like their first time together with Kara sublimely sensitive and unable to hold off.
Lena clung onto her mate, voracious and restless to receive Kara’s seed, and raked her nails across her alpha’s tanned shoulders. She would leave her mark all over Kara, claiming her mate with her scent and slick as she undulated to rub her cunt into Kara’s pelvis.
The friction grazed Lena’s clit and she clamped her legs around Kara’s waist to make it continue. She locked her ankles for leverage to ride Kara’s dick and whimpered the raunchiest of sounds when the alpha battered her cunt with full body thrusts.
The dominance of being penetrated so thoroughly turned her on just as much as the force of it slammed Lena down into the bed. She never once thought to silence herself as she came with a high-pitched cry. Lena’s spine bowed and her chest heaved, and yet nothing slowed Kara down as she rutted her through the orgasm.
“I love that I get to spend the rest of my life listening to the sounds you make when you come,” Kara whispered, her teeth and tongue mapping the imprint of her claims on Lena’s throat. She moved south, looping her tongue around Lena’s nipple.
Every tug of Kara’s lips coincided with the slam of her hips, and Lena left lipstick prints across her mate’s cheek.
“I’m taking a week off and staying home all day for your breeding pleasure.” Lena would change her schedule to make it happen, just to sate her omega.
She was so amenable to all of Kara’s sexual desires that she pushed her knees together and rolled onto her side to keep herself tight and lusciously hot. The silken clamp of her cunt forced Kara to buck, and Lena whimpered at the firmness of her mate’s hand on her hip.
They repositioned again, this time with Lena on all fours across the bed and facing an open window. The motel staff would have their own opinions of what happened in their room, between the loud noises and the blankets that bunched from their movements on the mattress and ended up on the floor.
Lena posed on her knees and Kara entered her from behind with a thrust that went straight to her cervix. She submitted to the proportions of Kara’s cock, enduring the uncomfortable and full sensations that came before pleasurable rutting. Kara placed a hand under her chin and pounded into her until her soft whines became higher screeches of orgasm.
“This is what my pussy needs, Kara, fuck it hard. Don’t let up on me until my knees give out.” Lena hissed through clenched teeth, her jaw locked in bliss that seemed unending.
Whether due to their conditions, or Lena’s hormones influencing Kara’s alpha to be sexually aggressive, they hungered for one another like never before. The cheap motel room only added to the urgency of their passionate tryst, and Lena was certain that Kara was destined to break the bed before they finished.
The hand on her chin slid down to her throat and Lena trembled at the slight pressure of Kara’s fingers finding her claims. It was a possessive show of power and Lena’s cunt was already in spasm when Kara nosed into her hair to rasp, “I can’t guarantee I’d stop even if that happened, you feel so damn good spilling down my cock.”
Kara’s remark was punctuated by the sloppy sound of Lena’s inner chasm gushing in climax. Her cunt rippled in contractions, simultaneously pulling Kara deeper and stroking the seed out of her. It was every bit as frantic as if they had snuck off to fuck somewhere public, and with the sun streaming through the window, Lena realized they basically had.
It didn’t matter how loud she moaned or how reckless Kara was in her pursuit of pleasure, because nobody could interrupt them. Lena reveled in that thought as Kara nipped at her earlobe and slid her fingers through her hair to grip at the roots. With the way her alpha bottomed out, they would both be sore later, but their need for messy sex consumed them in the moment.
Lena felt so lithe and pliable in Kara’s strong hands, especially when her mate pushed her shoulders into the mattress. After lusting all day over Kara’s muscular physique, it appeased Lena’s omega to feel her mate’s vigor.
“I should book us a room at the nearest motel on the days I’m working longer. I’ll have you wait for me right here, all wet and ready for the rutting you deserve before I take you home and make love to you.”
The concept of having regular, filthy sex like anonymous strangers shouldn’t have appealed to Lena on such an emotional level. She craned her neck as Kara’s thumbs pressed into the divots of her lower back and gasped at the speed of her mate’s thrusts. The unrelenting pace was spectacular, and Lena clawed at the sheets in ecstasy while Kara pumped her full of seed.
“Is that what you want, Kara? To use my cunt like you can’t get enough of it and then worship it when we get home?” Lena certainly enjoyed the sound of it, and Kara knew that, given how her cunt was squeezing her mate’s shaft. The idea called to all facets of Lena’s omega and her moans reflected her approval.
“I know what you need,” Kara bragged, the slight arrogance of her tone well deserved as she cured Lena of her heat sickness. She used her bodyweight to pin Lena beneath her and lunged to drive her cock into the resistance of Lena’s cervix.
The persistent pressure of the scorching glans sent Lena into orgasmic convulsions and her knees slid out from under her. Kara held her steady with one arm tucked under her waist, and gave several quickened, arduous thrusts that culminated in an outpouring of seed. Strong pulses shot up her shaft, and she groaned against Lena’s neck, heavy and lethargic with bliss.
They remained entangled for several wonderful minutes until Kara’s erection began to subside back to its normal size. Their ragged breaths evened off to softer murmurs of contentment, and Lena chose that moment to roll onto her side to peer up at Kara coyly. “I don’t know how serious you were about booking motel rooms, but I’m very interested in that offer.”
Kara’s laughter shook them both, and she nosed her way to one of Lena’s claims to press sweet kisses against the skin. “Well, we should probably get used to it, you know, for when Andy comes home. Not that it’s going to change our usual intimacy, but hearing you so vocal isn’t something I’m willing to give up. So, if it means I have to book a hotel every week, then heck yes I’ll be doing that.”
The reminder that her daughter would be living under their roof was bittersweet, and Lena’s smile slid away to a grimace. She couldn’t wait for Andy to come home, however the downside of that meant Lena had to contact Andrea to make it happen, which she deliberately put off after their horrific argument.
“I adore how thoughtful you are, and it’s going to be wonderful having Andy with us, but I’ve been reluctant to talk to Andrea after the incident at the cabin. I know it’s stupid—”
“No, it isn’t,” Kara interjected, defensive and protective at the mere mention of Andrea. She curled her arm around Lena’s abdomen as if to shield their pup from the witch. “Andrea’s a very difficult person to reason with and I don’t blame you for holding off on that. If you need me to step in and call her, I will.”
“I’ll do it, though I might need you to be near me for moral support.” Lena intended it to be a joke, though the slight waver in her voice gave away her trepidation.
“Near you, on you, in you, whatever you need, I’ll be there,” Kara murmured, kissing the frown away from Lena’s brow while she soothed her with claim pheromones.