19. Rope Tricks(Alex and Diana)

Rope Tricks(Alex Danvers and Diana/Wonder Woman)

A soft sigh comes from Alex Danvers when a strong arm wraps around her. She feels the afteraffect of the night before, and enjoys the soft lips moving closer against the back of her neck. Several more kisses blow her mind before Alex looks over her shoulder into the gaze of her lover.

And quite the lover she is, as Alex rapidly found herself the luckiest woman on Earth. Diana, Wonder Woman, the Princess of the Amazons, used her tender and skilled hands to pleasure Alex. She turned around on the bed. Diana, in her sheer black nightie, was a vision.

"I can't believe how lucky I am," Alex murmured.

"Don't sell yourself short," Diana said. "You're quite beautiful. Anyone would be honored to share a bed with you."

The two women met with a kiss and despite Diana's kind words, Alex still felt as if she was the luckiest woman in the world. Diana rapidly stroked her hair and made Alex softly moan. The Amazon Princess knew exactly how to hit all of the right buttons. And those buttons got Alex squirming and pleading for more.

Diana enjoyed the soft feel of Alex's leg. She crept up the leg to touch even more of the flesh. To hear Alex's moans even more when pleasuring her. To kiss her warm, moist, succulent lips in every single way possible.

Now, Diana pulled away from Alex and paid tribute to another set of lips. Stroking them first got the juices flowing. Then Diana did more than stroke those nether lips. She leaned down and planted a very soft and succulent kiss down on Alex's nether lips. Which caused her to break down into a soft cry. Passion flooded through her body the very moment Diana went down on her.

Diana devoured her pussy like it was a sweet treat. Alex put her hand on the top of the head of her lover. She shuddered from Diana's delicate tongue stroking her in all of the right plants. Diana came up.

"Are you still tender after last night?" Diana asked.

"You did put me through a lot," Alex said. "But it was worth it."

After a brief pause, Diana resumed her chowing down on Alex's nether regions. Alex rocked her head back and softly let out a couple of yelps of pleasure. Yes, Diana knew exactly how to take Alex and take her good. That tongue repeatedly shifted against her folds and made Alex's toes curl ever so more deeply. She bit down on her lip and moaned out. Her nipples sang and Alex needed to pull on them.

It was so worth it. So very worth it. Worth it to feast her eyes upon Diana's face when she licked Alex out. Alex turned her hips up and dropped them down. She tugged on Diana's dark locks and forced her mouth down onto her.

Diana savored the moment. Savored every last nourishing drop coming from Alex's wet pussy. She could not do much more than to feast on it. Allowing Alex to shift up until her juices came up.

Like a favored beverage, Diana feasted on what came from Alex. She made out with Alex's soft lips and made her shift on the bed.

Diana rose up and pressed forward into Alex.

"I have you," Diana said.

"I know."

They kiss one more time. Alex explored the Amazon's body without any restraint. Her luscious curves become the landing strip to Alex's stroking hands. She repeatedly and endlessly rolled her fingers over Diana and made her pant in never ending lust. Alex shifted her tongue back and forth, making out with the Amazon Princess. Diana returned fire, making out with Alex just as vigorously.

Their mouths broke free from each other. Alex took control of the straps of Diana's nightdress and pulled it down. Her ample bosom popped out and allowed Alex to move into position to cup her breasts.

"Go ahead, baby," Diana said. "Suck them."

Alex took the invitation and was hard at work sucking away at Diana's breasts. She worked them hard like a child craving nourishment. She ran a finger down Diana's navel and made her softly encourage Alex. The beautiful face of the DEO Agent pushed against the chest of the Princess.

She wanted Diana so bad it hurt. Her body ached for that of her lover. Alex repeatedly and endlessly sucked on Diana's tits until her heaving chest rose up and into her mouth. Alex sucked the nipple and released it from the prison of her mouth.

With a swift movement, Alex ended up behind Diana and then, with a surprisingly move, began to tie her up in the Lasso. Diana had been surprised, but not too displeased.

"How bad do you want me?"

Diana was compelled to tell Alex the truth while in the Lasso's strong and warm embrace. Not that she needed any compulsion with how much Alex pleasured her.

"I want you!" Diana yelled out. "Badly."

"How badly?"

Alex teased Diana with several slow strokes. Her body was a canvas and Alex produced art with her hands and mouth. Rocking the Wonderous Woman into position.

"Really badly," Diana pleaded. "Take me. Take me! Please!"

Alex thought please helped with many things, including what she was going to do. She stuck a finger into Diana's pussy and made her drip.

"That feels good, doesn't it?" Alex asked.

"Why don't you add a second finger?" Diana asked.

After getting worn out the night before, Alex was more than happy to take the lead here. Making sure Diana's lasso was tied completely, Alex made her next move. She teased Diana with one finger before adding a second second finger made Diana's hips rock up and drop down. She let out her breath in an endless series of moans. Enjoying what Alex gave to her.

That pussy belonged to her and Alex could not help and think of the juices that flowed out of her. She repeatedly sank deep into Diana. Listening in closely for the moans until she had Diana squirming, thrashing, and twisting all over the bed. Her ample chest rocked up and down from Alex's motions.

A third finger and now Alex was really going to town. She rapidly fingered Diana all the way to completion. Those tight walls closed down onto her and Diana broke out into a very passionate cry.

Alex pulled the fingers out and lifted them up to her own mouth. A taste-test showed how sweet Diana tasted. Sweeter then any drink ever.

"Taste yourself," Alex told her lover.

Diana complied with the orders of her mistress. She sucked Alex's fingers very swiftly, almost licking them clean.

"How do you like that?" Alex asked.

"Good!" Diana yelled out.

"Perfect," Alex told her. "Absolutely wonderful. I would hate to see you upset."

Alex leaned in close and nibbled Diana's neck. She moved and marked the side of Diana's neck.

"The question is, would you like me to take you in your ass?" Alex asked.

"Yes, please."

"Do you love Anal?" Alex asked.

The accursed lasso caused Diana to nod. Alex was not satisfied with her nodding and she squeezed Diana's ass hard.

"I want you to tell me," Alex said. "Out loud."

"I love anal!" Diana yelled. "I want you to fuck me in my ass. After you get it nice and wet and eat it out."

That's exactly what Alex had in mind. She spread Diana's beautiful ass cheeks after putting the Princess on her front. The puckered hole caused for Alex. She needed to rub her nose against Diana's ass. It was beautiful and an object worthy of worship. Alex placed her fingers on Diana's firm butt and squeezed her tight. It was rather ample and also well toned as well. The perfect ass and the perfect place for Alex to stick her tongue.

"Alexandra, it isn't proper to play with your food," Diana sternly told her.

That did not deter Alex in any way whatsoever. She squeezed Diana's ass cheeks and made her moan. Alex moved in to devour Diana's asshole. Practically drooling inside of it and for good reason. Diana's perfect ass was more than drool worthy.

The second Alex came up for air, she made sure Diana's asshole was nice and wet. She rolled Diana over onto her back, asshole still ready. Alex tested how easy it was to penetrate with her finger. Diana let out a gasping moan as Alex shoved a finger deep inside of her.

"Great Hera!" Diana moaned. "It's so good."

"I know it is," Alex responded with a few pushes of her finger deep inside. "How about I use that toy from last night you used on me?"

Diana's eyes glazed with lust which answered the question of how much Diana wanted her ass fucked without words. A tease of her pussy got even more juices flowing. Alex pressed her heated palm against Diana and forced her hips up completely.

She left Diana taper off before reaching into the drawer. The strap on was in play and the small bottle of oil allowed Alex to add the proper amount of lubrication. She then lubed up Diana's ass cheeks and they looked amazing, slick as hell with oil. In the perfect position to be grabbed and worked over hard.

"I can't wait to fuck this ass," Alex cooed. "It's just begging for me to fuck it."

"Do it all ready!" Diana yelled.

"So impatient," Alex told her with a soft smile. "But, that's how I like you. Impatient and ready to receive. My big cock, in your ass. It's like how it was meant to be."

Diana did not deny that to be perfectly honest. She just took Alex into her ass without any regrets. The end of the dildo parted Diana's cheeks and Alex felt the burn. The pleasure engulfing her body the faster Alex rocked deep inside of her. Sweat rolling off her body the further she entered.

Alex wanted to see how deep she could go. She knew she could fuck Diana's ass hard because she was a goddess. She could take the abuse and take the best Alex had to offer. Alex offered her a whole lot, shoving her cock deep into Diana's rectum. It pressed against her and made Alex just flare up in excitement. The faster she shoved into Diana, the more her ample ass cheeks pressed their way against her. Alex breathed hotly, cupping and touching Diana in all of the places that it mattered.

"Beg me to fuck your ass harder," Alex ordered her.

"Fuck my ass harder!" Diana yelled. "I need you in my ass. I need you owning my ass."

Alex did more than own Diana's ass. She pressed further and faster into her. Her hips becoming a piston because of how efficiently she plowed Diana's ample backside. She pulled almost all the way out and slapped Diana's cheek hard. She left a mark on it.

The next play followed Alex pushing her slick fingers into Diana's burning hot core. Alex gazed down at Diana. The way she moved, the way she squirmed, the way she just rolled over on the bed was exciting for numerous reasons. Alex was having the time of her life and she got off on what she was doing to Diana's puckered back entrance.

Diana whipped her head back and moaned to the heavesn. She thanked the goddesses for Alex and how good she was fucking her. Alex was taking Diana in all the ways she meant to be taken. Hard, fast, and furious, making Diana squirm underneath her talented motions. Diana almost blew a bubble of drool.

To turn an Amazon Princess into a whimpering kitten, craving nothing other than sex. That's a very good feeling to be perfectly honest. He rocked deeper and deeper inside of her body. Instantly plowing inside of her and making her ass the home for Alex's addition. She pushed inside and rolled out.

"Cum for me, Princess," Alex called. "Cum for me really good."

Diana's pussy clenched Alex's digits. She moaned and heaved her chest up. Sweat flew off of her amazing breasts. Breasts which people would right poetry for.

Alex wished she had a third hand to pleasure Diana. Between one hand needing to be on Diana's ass to steady her for the anal ramming and the other fingering her pussy, there just was not a sufficient amount of coverage. Alex tried to get her, but found herself stopped.

She was cumming though. And cumming hard and fast. Alex tingled at the sound of her flesh smacking against Diana. The bound and hot Amazon submitted to her, clenching her asshole against Alex's intruding rod and releasing it. Alex squeezed Diana's firm ass cheeks and spanked it.

"Cum for me again before I'm done."

Diana obeyed and squirted all over Alex's fingers. Alex allowed her fingers to get soaked in Diana's honey. The sweet taste would soon be inside of her mouth when she licked Diana clean.

And Alex tasted Diana. The honey made Alex horny and her nipples stood up at attention. She knew Diana was sitting on and Alex lowered Diana's face into her chest.

The Amazon, with a lifetime of training, knew exactly how to hit the right buttons on her lover. Alex leaned back with a lazy smile on her face. The Lasso came undone from Diana, but that was not a roadblock for what she was doing. Rather, it just made it more special given that the power did not drive Diana to pleasure Alex. No, her own natural lust and being as horny as fuck was what did it.

"Why don't you clean my cock?"

There was no reason to deny. Diana pulled up the dildo which fucked her ass raw before going in and deep throating Alex. She managed to stroke the woman's lovely thighs as well.

The strap on slipped off after a time just so Diana could get in close and devour Alex's pussy. Alex leaned back and knew that it was now time for the Amazon to take her turn.

That tongue was so perfect that Alex allowed herself to succumb to Diana's affections. After all, after being in the driver's seat for a spell, it was nice to let someone slide over and steer.

The Amazon Princess steered the DEO Agent into an orgasm. Alex let her juices flow and Diana lapped them up at a constant pace.

Laying her next gaze on Diana's face after cumming only brought Alex that much nearer to the finish line. The warmth in her body predated a mind-numbing climax and more fun to come.


Next Chapter: 9/30/2018.