34. Steamed(Volcana and Killer Frost)(1/16/2019 Upd...

On the Web of Chaos Blog, in some blog exclusive smut, Alex and Kara have fun with Anna and Elsa from Frozen. Check out the action here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/01/sister-swaphit-mark-blog-exclusive-smut.htmlSteamed(Claire Selton/Volcana and Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost)The latest meta they tracked had been a very odd one in Caitlin’s mind. At first, she thought that this meta had been another victim of the dark matter, but despite her meta-human abilities, she did not have a trace of dark matter in her body. Although, there were at least three government agencies after her. Said meta’s eyes fell right onto Caitlin’s the second that she slipped into the room.Flaming red hair, a beautiful face, and an alluring body in the most minimal of clothes, Caitlin had been able to see, that her newest guest was named Claire Selton. The last records she had traced back to when she was nine and her parents were long dead. She could control fire, although right now she was very docile.“So, are you going to keep me in this room?” Claire asked. “Because, the view in here is terrible...although it’s gotten a slight be better since you’ve shown up.”Caitlin managed to maintain a very professional air when stepping into the room. She came eye to eye with this white hot woman, who broke out into a smile when Caitlin approached her.“I’m Caitlin Snow...Doctor Caitlin Snow and….”“Mmm, well I’m in the need of a check-up,” Claire said. “Or maybe you’re in the need for something that could spice up your life, doctor.”“What are you trying to suggest….”“Well, this STAR Labs thing, it must be boring, playing keeper for Flash all of the time,” Claire siad. “I would hit it granted, and I’m sure you had as well.”Unfortunately, Caitlin had not hit it, as Claire so crudely put it. Not that she was bitter about the fact. Okay, maybe a little bit.“But, you’re look much more fun for a more long-term lay,” Claire said. “And it’s been too long...since I’ve had someone this fun...and I like brunettes...granted I also like blondes and redheads as well. Those SJW chicks with the multi-colored hair, not so much...but hey, we all have our tastes.”Claire rose to her feet and eyed Caitlin who found her heart pounding. Claire, Volcana, was like sex on legs and that caused Caitlin’s eyes to flutter.“Don’t worry, hon, I won’t bite,” Claire said. “At least not without your consent...that’s big in the current year, isn’t it?”Caitlin thought about activating the shock collar as a warning. Still, Claire’s arms wrapped around her and caused Caitlin to shiver, despite the heat coming through her body.“Oh, honey, Caitlin’s a bit out of her league dealing with someone like you.”She turned into Killer Frost before Volcana’s eyes. Volcana just smiled.“You’re full of surprises,” Volcana said.“You have no idea,” Killer Frost said.Claire and Caitlin, or Volcana and Frost, locked into a passionate liplock instantly. Killer Frost put her hand on the back of Volcana’s head. A battle between cold and hot commensed, with neither backing up from the other. Killer Frost’s hand found Claire’s sizeable rear end and squeezed it.“Mmm, baby got back,” Killer Frost said.“Oh, right back at you, babe,” Volcana said.Volcana squeezed Killer Frost’s rear end and slowly burned the clothes from their bodies with the kiss. A cold front snapped back at her, making Volcana’s nipples nice and erect. Her D-Cup breasts bounced into the picture for Caitlin to suckle on, to fondle, to grab, to squeeze, to do whatever she wished to them and what she wished to do with them, were amazing things.“Oooh,” Volcana moaned.“You like that, don’t you babe?” Killer Frost asked. “I wonder if your core...scorches for me.”“Careful, I might erupt,” Volcana warned her.“Worth the risk.”Killer Frost spread Volcana’s legs and went down on her. Volcana broke out into a loud moan, the lust burning through her body. The loud sounds of a mouth going down on her echoed through the room. Thankfully, the doors had been locked behind Caitlin for security purposes.Which was good because it allowed Frost to play without interruptions. She took a sampling of Volcana’s scorching, tasting juices, hungering for this sexy bitch. Her long red hair wrapped over Killer Frost’s back when she went down.Volcana’s eyes glazed over. She had just been intending to mind-fuck the sweet little scientist, have some fun when she was in this prison cell, the latest of many. Volcana had no idea that Snow would be this much fun, especially when she turned to Frost.Pardon the very bad pun. Regardless, the young of the brainy brunette turned kinky blonde worked its magic against Volcana’s hot and molten core. As warning, she erupted and oozed, splattering Killer Frost’s face and then causing her to dive in deeper to lap up the juices from her.A couple of deep, ragged breaths followed on the part of Killer Frost. Just smiled, her face rising with team. She licked the warm cream off of her fingers.Molten liquid appeared in Volcana’s hand and she shifted it, into a soldified rock, shaped much like a cock. The moment Killer Frost came up, Volcana jammed her new toy between Killer Frost’s legs and caused her to groan, grinding it into her.“Like that, babe?” Volcana asked.That thick solid rock rubbed against her. Volcana had it double-sided so she could slide the other end into her. Now the two of them pressed together, grinding themselves against the rock cock, getting each other off. Killer Frost got so excited that icicles hung off her nipples.“That’s hot,” Volcana said.“No, you’re the one that’s hot,” Killer Frost argued.The two groped and kissed each other, their sounds growing so loud. Anyone who walked past the door of the lab would get a show. And anyone who decided to grab a chair and stand on it to peer through the tiny window would get even more of a show.Volcana moved her hips faster and faster at her lover. Killer Frost tightened the grip her luscious legs had around her ass. They moved so fast, hot and cold grinding each other, that the lab had been obscured with a dense steam.That only added to the atmosphere, and made Volcana grind herself up and down on her. She was determined, bound and determined to get Killer Frost off.Now, Killer Frost was in the driver’s seat, although the fact that Caitlin got off on this as well, it made their pleasure just double, if not triple. Her juices leaked out, allowing Killer Frost to slide ever so deeper up this double-sided rock dildo that Volcana made.She erupted again, melting the dildo and causing both of them to cum to each other. Hands moved around as they almost rolled off of the table. Killer Frost pulled Volcana back and smothered her with kisses, worshippig her perfect body.Her pussy was bare, which made sense because likely her powers burned any hair down there off. Although the fact Volcana still had a full luscious head of hair, was one of the mysteries of science. Volcana rolling over and presenting her ass caused all science to take a backseat.Killer Frost ran a finger down the length of Volcana’s crack and got her breathing in pleasure. Several kisses followed, and then Killer Frost came back down, raking her icicle fingernails down Volcana’s back and making her shudder.“I can’t wait to fuck your ass.”“Well, let’s not beat around the bush yet.”“Neither of us have any bushes to beat around,” Killer Frost said.The inneundo was not lost. Things would get pretty hot for these ladies pretty soon. Killer Frost grabbed Volcana’s hips and ground up against her. She knew that it would be easy to double stuff this woman and make her scream for pleasure. However, Killer Frost wanted Volcana’s full and undivided attention on the cock that would be up her ass.Killer Frost grew a large ice cock to push against Volcana’s rear entrance. Those cheeks spread and were perfect for her to grab on. The two of them came ever so closer, with Killer Frost driving down into her. Ass was so perfect, she could not resist driving herself deep into Volcana and taking her.“Oooh, this is more than I can handle.”“What’s the matter...can’t hang when it counts?”Volcana lifted up off of the table for Killer Frost to assault her body with several more touches. Their bodies formed a very tight seal together, with Killer Frost thrusting her hips as deep into Volcana as humanly possible. The loud smacks echoed throughout the room, the deeper that Killer Frost plunged deep into Volcana, stretching her asshole completely out for Frost.“I can handle you...just fine!” Volcana yelled.“We’ll see how long you last before I break you.”Killer Frost drove a second dildo, a bit smaller granted, with her hand and worked over Volcana’s pussy. She was in danger of her two ice cocks melting due to the heat which Volcana was generating. Sweet and delicious heat, which Killer Frost absorbed into her, making her cock grow more in mass.Volcana closed her eyes. Double stuffed and liking it. She did not know this woman was so kinky. Then again, when she started flirting with Doctor Snow, she never expected the woman to have such an interesting alter ego, pushing further and further inside of her.“Oooh, yes!” Volcana moaned getting louder.“You want me to go faster?” Killer Frost asked with a slap on her rear end. “You want me to fuck this ass harder? That’s what this ass is for, you know. For hard fucking...for hard fucking...and for pounding it hard.”“YES!” Volcana yelled.She was not capable of much more. This sure beat any of her previous accommodations. Although she did wonder about the legalities of Team Flash keeping meta-humans in this prison area. Of course, Claire really had no point to talk about morality, given the number of felonies she committed.Regardless, Volcana dug her nails into the table, leaving scorch marks on the surface. It had been a long time since she lost control like this.Killer Frost gave in. Caitlin always wanted to take someone up the ass, and well, Killer Frost was letting her dreams come true in every way. Plus, it was not like Selton did not have an ass worth plundering and touching. The way she flaunted herself, just screamed for someone to take her.“I’m going to make you erupt again, aren’t I?” Killer Frost asked.“YEAHHHH!” Volcana yelled.“Well, not one for conversation...which is good.”Killer Frost remained silent, basking in the glow of Volcana. And the depths which she fucked the woman, directly and without any pause up her ass. Oh yes, it felt really good to squeeze these cheeks and fondle them. She needed to recharge her ice-cock at least three times, because it was melting down to a stub.Frost shifted Volcana and she bounced up and down on both cocks, stuffing both of her holes. Killer Frost rubbed her rock hard nipples down Volcana’s back. More steam filled the lab, and made the two of them just break down into an intense series of moans.Without even asking, Volcana came for her. Killer Frost rode out her orgasm, smiling when feeling Volcana’s sweaty skin against hers.She was good, perfect even. Those moans showed that there was still life in Volcana. And there was plenty of juice left in Frost, in more ways than one. Her body pushed against Volcana, squeezing and slapping the rear the faster she went into her.Oh, the heat was almost intense as hell. Killer Frost brushed her hands against Volcana’s breasts and squeezed them.“I’m close,” Killer Frost told her.But not close enough so she could not have a little bit more fun with Volcana. There were more pushes against Volcana’s breasts, and several more pumps of her nipples. Killer Frost could not wait to finish off Volcana and the last eruption would be the best one possible.The two of them came together, with Killer Frost riding her orgasm out in both of those holes. The steam thickened to the point where both of them could barely see each other. Killer Frost blew the steam away the best she could and turned Volcana around before stuffing her ass full once again. She wanted to see the look in Volcana’s eyes.“Amazing!” the pyrokinetic breathed.“Not too bad yourself, beautiful,” Killer Frost said.She melted completely, leaving a mess all over herself and the table. Killer Frost just smiled and tasted the combination of juices left on her inner thighs. They were delicious, not too hot, not too cold, just right. The sounds of slurping caused Volcana’s attention to turn towards her.“I haven’t tasted you yet,” Volcana said.“Seems rude not to allow you to,” Killer Frost said.Without another word, Killer Frost spread her legs for Volcana and she dug in. Despite being opposites, one controlling hot, and one controlling cold, somehow they made this work. Volcana petting Frost’s pussy, first with a hand, and then with a tongue, made Killer Frost’s motor revv up.And it was a shame this room only had one small window on the top of a very tall door. Because, it would be hot to see them all steam up. Still, the mirror being obscured off to the side got that. That was the last thought that passed through Frost’s mind before Volcana’s tongue buried as deep inside of her as possible.“I know you have a wicked tongue,” Killer Frost purred.She hoped to put it to good use.End.