40. In the Backdoor(Barbara Gordon and Iris West)(2...

There's another blog exclusive chapter featuring Oliver, Thea, and Artemis from Young Justice, so check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/02/thea-artemis-and-oliverhit-mark-blog.html. Also, Hit the Mark Requests have opened once again, so get in early here at my blog: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/02/hit-mark-request-thread-2019read-rules.htmlIn the Backdoor(Barbara Gordon and Iris West).

“Everything you’re going to want to use to counteract the satellites is on this drive right here.”Iris West broke out into a smile as the attractive redhead hacker handed her an information drive, which would allow them an advantage of the super hacker. Then again, it was Barbara Gordon, Batgirl, who was Oracle for a brief time, one of the best computer hackers in the world. So she knew here work was second to none.“I don’t know how to potentially thank you,” Iris said. “I mean, you’ve helped me out so much here.”“Don’t mention it,” Barbara said. “I’m just doing what I can to help out someone in need. If you need anyone else, just call….how about we get that set up and then I’ll be on our way.”Iris smiled as Barbara bent over the computer desk. Her ass contained in that short skirt most certainly caught Iris’s attention. She realized that her eyes lingered a few seconds too long, but why would they not? It was an amazing few and one that she could not tear away from no matter how much self control Iris thought she had developed.Which was not too much, as she learned. Barbara turned her attention around to Iris.“There’s been something that I’ve wanted to do,” Barbara said. “You’re right, I deserve something for my work, some kind of payment.”“Well, anything,” Iris said. “How much….”Barbara placed a single finger on Iris’s lips and silenced her. Those green eyes peered down onto hers, the heat of the moment making Iris just breath in and out.“Not money.”“Then what?”A grin passed over Barbara’s face and Iris could not help and noticed she had been pinned against the wall without any place to go.“Something like this.”Barbara made the first move with a commanding kiss that caused Iris break out into pleasurable cries. She was so damn aggressive that Iris could do little more than try and kiss back. Barbara’s tongue danced deep into Iris’s mouth, and licked the insides, and Iris responded by kissing her back. Their hands got busy, with Barbara switching to the next play which caused more heat to spread through Iris and juices to begin to slowly pool between her legs.The talented redhead tearing her blouse off caused Iris’s breath to break out into cries of pleasure. Barbara traced a finger down from Iris’s neck down between her cleavage. More kisses followed, each of them better than the last. Iris longed to see what Barbara could do, and her next play involved unclipping Iris’s bra to reveal her succulent breasts to the world. Barbara pressed her hands against Iris’s chest and squeezed them.“Babs, please.”“Please what?”“Suck my tits.”“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Barbara said with a grin.Barbara lost herself between those deep chocolate breasts which she could suck them all day. Oh she could lose herself deep inside of Iris’s rich cleavage all day, just sucking on her perfect nipples. Mmm, they tasted so good, and Barbara could suck them so long. Iris clutched the back of her head and allowed Barbara to spend several minutes.Switching positions, Barbara bent Iris over the edge of the nearest surface, a table. This allowed Barbara to feel up Iris’s body, rolling up her skirt. A pair of panties was the only barrier between Barbara and having Iris completely. She slipped those panties to the side and rubbed Iris with furious motions. The faster she rubbed her, the more that Iris moaned and the more Barbara broke out into a grin.“I wonder how badly you want this? Let’s find out.”With one swift movement, Barbara jammed her fingers into Iris and caused her to cry out in pleasure, while clutching onto the table.Iris clutched onto the side of the table from Barbara’s faster fingers pumping inside of her.  She got the juices flowing and the moans going, the faster Barbara planted herself into Iris. Iris clutched tight onto the table, breaking out into cries of sensual passion. She pulled back and jammed deep into Barbara one more time.“Like that?” Barbara asked. “How about this?”The fingers replaced themselves with Barbara’s skilled tongue. Now, Barbara was lapping up the sweet juices from, Iris, burying deep into her. She tasted extremely sweet and Barbara could not wait to suck all of the juices out of Iris. Iris shifted back and forth on the table, with Barbara eating her out.“More, I want more….ooh damn it!”Everything in Iris’s body just exploded, her pleasure exploding through her when she came. Barbara licked Iris clean, riding her orgasm with her tongue.A long pause after she came left Iris completely breathless and sprawled out against the table. The ravishing redhead pulled away from Iris with a very evident grin crossing over her face. She knew all of the points now to pleasure Iris and to tease her body. Iris breathed in heavily when Barbara touched her.“Oooh, Babs, fuck!” Iris yelled.“You like it how I touch you like that, don’t you?” Barbara asked. “How about that?”A tease and a cup against the ass curled Iris’s toes to another degree. The rustling behind Iris prompted the inquisitive reporter to take a peak over her shoulder. Barbara placed her hand gently on Iris’s head, but not before she realized that Barbara now had put a strap on. Barbara ground up against her, making Iris groan on the table.“Naughty girl, no fair peaking,” Barbara said. “How about I fuck you?”“Yes!” Iris yelled. “YES PLEASE!”Barbara plunged her toy deep inside of Iris with a series of rapid fire thrusts. She was not wasting any time or fucking around. She grabbed onto Iris hard, slamming into her and rocking her with constant thrusts which sent her body to spill its juices. All while Barbara sped up, and brought Iris to a very intense peak.She came in no time, as Barbara intended to achieve some kind of speed record for the quickest, but at the same time, the most pleasurable orgasm ever. She left Iris panting on the table.A slowdown allowed Iris to catch her breath and Barbara to explore every last inch of her. She ground against Iris, but did not penetrate her just yet. Something which appeared to be driving the luscious woman completely nuts. But, Barbara knew exactly what she wanted to do.“I need you inside me! I need you inside me more than life itself!” Iris yelled.“Are you sure?”“Yes!”The cries were all the encouragement Barbara needed to go in deeper. She now rode Iris with finger, the squishing of her wet pussy just encouraging Barbara to go forward. She could not do anything more than to feel up every single inch of Iris’s succulent body. She alternated being slowly up and speeding down.A grin passed over Barbara’s face as she slid a finger into her mouth and then slid it over Iris’s back passage. That caused her to quiver.“Do you like that, babe?” Barbara asked.“OOOH YES!” Iris yelled. “Put that finger in my ass….put it in there deep!”The brilliant hacker was only too happy to oblige the reporter, by sticking her finger deep into her. All while fucking Iris in time with her thrusts, riding her to an orgasm.Iris could not believe what Barbara did to her and how good it felt to have another woman’s finger up her ass. Barbara timed the plunging of her finger in time with her thrusting deep into Iris’s tight pussy. The loud slap of flesh echoed throughout the room, the faster that Barbara drove herself into Iris from behind.“Do you want more?” Barbara asked her. “How much do you want?”“I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME HARDER!” Iris yelled.Oh, hell yes she wanted more, she wanted everything. Barbara was more than happy to give her everything. The hands of the sexy woman cupped her ass and released it, sending Iris over the edge. More lust than she could ever imagine flooded her and Barbara added another finger into her ass, getting her nice and hot.“I have to have this ass,” Barbara told her. “And I know you have to have me fuck you in your ass….oh this perfect ass. I could be buried in it all day.”Iris came all over her toy, with Barbara grinding it deep inside of her. The heat of the moment made Barbara Gordon just break out into a smile. She spanked Iris’s ass before pulling out of her and leaving Iris to collapse onto the table with a whine. Little did she know, the next play would be at hand.Barbara lubricated her toy and teased Iris with a few swift slides against her back entrance. Despite this action, Barbara was not quite ready to penetrate Iris, no matter how much both of them wanted. She pulled back and forth, sliding the tool against her rear end. The teasing continued, until the point where Barbara paused and grinned at the horny woman beneath her.“What do you want?”“I want you to take me in my ass,” Iris said. “You know you want to as well.”“Well, this was built to be fucked,” Barbara said. “It would be a shame if this went to waste.”The next play was at hand, and Barbara enjoyed palming Iris’s thick meaty rear in her hands, before moving in for the kill, and a very one at that.After pressing herself against Iris’s body, Barbara slipped inside of the back entrance. Iris clung onto the table, with Barbara pulling her away from it. A chair was behind them, which would be perfect and would give Barbara perfect assess to every single nook and cranny of Iris’s delicious, sinful body. She just could keep touching it all day long, but she wanted more.The two cried, when they found their way down to the chair. The tightness of Iris’s ass clenched on her before they were in the perfect position.Now, Barbara sat on the chair, with Iris on her lap and bouncing bubbly butt upon Barbara’s thrusts. Barbara clenched and released her ass with thrusts before sliding across her. Every inch of Iris’s body was an open canvas for Barbara to paint on. She focused the prime amount of intention on her breasts and then squeezed them.“Mmm, you like that. How about this?”A pinch of Iris’s nipples caused juices to flow from her loins. Barbara zeroed in on her juicy pussy, ramming her fingers deep inside like a sharp smelling blood. Now instead of Barbara jamming a finger into her ass while fucking her pussy, the opposite was pretty much true. Iris shifted ass back and forth, squeezing it tight to the point where she felt as if she was going to pop.“How about a taste?”Barbara slid the fingers into Iris’s mouth, completely soaked in her juices. Greedily, Iris lapped them up, her eyes blazing over with constant pleasure.So good, so good to suck on her juices, even though Iris did not have the ability to say anything, actions spoke much louder than words. Barbara teased her with a few soft grinds, her breasts pushing deep into her.“I’m going to fuck this ass harder,” Barbara said. “And you’re going to like it.”“I AM!”The promise of getting her ass pillaged sent Iris over the edge.Barbara teased her so many times that Iris was on the trigger for the slightest brush against her. Barbara worked as fast as possible, rising up and slapping down, the firmness of Iris’s backside being explored by Barbara in ernest.“Oh, I’m getting so close, you’re making me so hot,” Barbara said. “Mmm, I can feel it building up inside me...so warm...so good….aren’t you ready to cum.”Barbara’s hot breath hit her ear and made Iris clench hard around Barbara’s fingers. Her anal muscles tightened as well with Barbara speeding up. The roller coaster ride reached a heavenly peak, with Barbara taking every single minute to get the most out of this.The tingles spreading through Barbara followed the second she sensed the end neared and their mutual climax was at hand. She buried into Iris one final time to ride out Iris’s back passage all the way to the orgasm. The hit emitting through their bodies defined intensity.The two lovely ladies came together, with the ride going on even further until they lost themselves. Iris in particular gushed hard, although Barbara was gushing extremely hard as well. She buried faster and faster into Iris, until she rode out the orgasm, multiple times.The afterglow followed, with Iris turning around so she could properly gaze into Barbara’s warm and inviting eyes. The two women sank into a heavenly embrace which put them a second away from jointing together again.“How was the payment?”“Oh, honey, you paid with interest,” Barbara said. “This booty is worth more than anything I can think of.”Barbara squeezed Iris’s succulent rear end and she broke out into a very soft smile. They spent the moment just enjoying each other prior to Barbara making her move once again. She kissed Iris hard on the lips, with Iris returning the passionate display.A second later, Barbara scooped up Iris and pushed her down onto the table once more. She climbed on top of Iris, straddling her, and kissing the ever living hell out Iris West once more.They kissed hard once again, with the fiery redhead causing the dark-haired reporter to squirm underneath multiple heavenly touches.Barbara was gearing her up for even more, and Iris was fair game for that. No matter how much she tried to get the upper hand, Barbara topped Iris ever time.Maybe someday Iris would get the better of this girl, born and bred in Gotham City. Then again, maybe it was a pipe dream.End.