51. Spyn and XS(Spencer Young and Nora West-Allen)(...

XS and Spyn(Nora West-Allen/XS and Spencer Young/Spyn)

Two women laid in bed, after the night before. Nora West-Allen woke up, arms still tightly wrapped around the arms of her girlfriend, Spencer Young. Who had really made something of her life, thanks to Nora’s encouragement, using her capabilities to hunt down sex offenders and convince them to turn themselves into the police.“Hey,” Nora said with a smile.“Hey, yourself,” Spencer said. “How are you doing this morning, beautiful?”Nora leaned in and planted a light kiss on Spencer’s lips, but Spencer went all in, tongue and all, overwhelming Nora ever so much. Nora closed her eyes, as Spencer ran a hand down the young speedster’s body, causing her to moan lightly into the kiss.“It doesn’t take too much to get you going,” Spencer said. “Then again….you’re libidio is almost as strong as your appetite...give how you hogged all of the marshmallows last night.”Nora’s eyes snapped off and the speedster gave the meta-tech user a pouty expression. “I didn’t hog all of the marshmallows.”Spencer just laughed and pulled out a bag, and she smiled.“Okay, fine, there’s two left…..”“MINE!”Nora took them ravenously, and Spencer just smiled, as Nora ate them. The sticky, gooey marshmallows just melting in Nora’s mouth stirred something deep into Spencer’s and her loins grew warm with pleasure. She dove on Nora, and kissed her, despite her mouth being nice and sticky.The nice supple breasts of her wonderful girlfriend hung out for Spencer to just grab and squeeze. Oh, she could just grab them and hold them all day, playing with Nora. Spencer reached other, playing with Nora’s body, her pussy covered with dark curls twitching underneath Spencer’s fingers.“I can eat you up more than you ate up those marshmallows,” Spencer said. “Mmm...tasty.”Nora closed her eyes, as Spencer worked her wicked tongue deep into Nora’s pussy. She really made Nora twitch and move, as Spencer reached for her phone. Spencer multi-tasked, working her phone while working Nora’s pussy.Ten seconds later, Spencer’s ring tone went off and Nora crinkled her nose.“I love you, Spence, but I think your taste of music is not the best,” Nora said.“Come on, Nora, it’s the hottest song today,” Spencer said. “It’s schway.”Nora almost smiled at Spencer using her future terminology against her.“No.” Nora replied. “It’s scharbage.”“Take it...it’s for you anyway.”“Did you just….”Nora’s eyes shifted over at the message which read “Nora gets fucked up in the ass by Spencer.” Nora breathed in heavily. Her girlfriend had stopped using her tech other than for naughty things, and this was pretty naughty. Nora rolled over on the bed, presenting her ass.“I love your ass, baby,” Spencer said. “Do you love my hands touching you?”“You didn’t need...to use the phone,” Nora said. “I like it when you play with my ass.”“Mmm...I know.”Spencer grabbed Nora’s fine, fine ass, and cupped her cheeks in hand. She leaned in, taking the juices already flowing from Nora’s gushing gore and sticking them into her fine ass. Oh, her dark cheeks bounced and Spencer could not wait to submerge into them.Even without the phone, Nora always bottomed for Spencer eventually. Spencer’s fingers pushed against Nora’s body, once again treating her breasts before going back to her ass. Several kisses down Nora’s back allowed Spencer to get in perfect position, to bury her tongue into Nora’s ass.Spencer enjoyed the taste of her girlfriends fine, fine, booty, and also the juices dripping from her. Hearing Nora’s moans as Spencer buried her hungry tongue into Nora’s hot ass, sucking on her, and fingering her extremely hard, making her cry out in pleasure.Nora almost felt like she ran a marathon and as a speedster, she should not be fatigued. Yet, Spencer finished sucking on Nora’s ass, and then planted several kisses against her cheeks and lightly tongued her one more time.“I want you….I want to look in your eyes and see the pleasure when when you get taken up the ass.”Spencer took a strap on which she borrowed from Star Labs.“You got stole that from Caitlin, didn’t you?” Nora asked.“I borrowed it from Doctor Snow,” Spencer said.“But, you didn’t ask her permission, did you?” Nora asked.“Oh, you’re such a girl scout sometimes, Nora, it’s adorable,” Spencer said giving her girlfriend a very loving kiss on the lips. “And it’s still borrowed….when you return it before it’s missed.”Nora bit on her lip, hoping that was the case. If Caitlin found out, it would be both of their asses, quite literally. Especially if Caitlin got a little bit frosty.Regardless, Nora felt Spencer’s warm finger spreading her ass cheeks. Spencer dove in to worship Nora’s chest while sliding deep into her ass.Spencer enjoyed the warm feeling of her girlfriend’s ass, the durability of this specially made cock into her tight ass.“Jesus….Spencer,” Nora moaned. “That feels so good.”“Am I that good?” Spencer teased her.Spencer worshipped her girlfriend’s ass, which deserved an executive treatment, just as deep and vigorously as she had been fucked. Spencer rocked her hips back and forth, sending Nora into a tremor of pleasure.“You’re such a squirter,” Spencer said. “Taste how horny you are.”The tech-meta user slipped her fingers into the speedster’s mouth and Nora greedily sucked her juices off of them. Spencer got off herself on the view of Nora getting plunged in the ass. The moment Spencer saw Nora, or XS rather, Spencer knew she what she wanted.A nice, fine ass, something which should be worshipped. Spencer rode out Nora’s ass, her meaty cheeks slapping against Spencer’s thighs. Nora leaned back and allowed Spencer full access to her rocking body. Which Spencer wanted.The perks of having a speedster for a girlfriend, with a healing factor, had been realized. Spencer buried her hands against Nora’s cheeks and railed her hard. Every motion, sent Spencer buried deeper and deeper.Nora’s body went into overdrive. If she was not careful, she would vibrate both herself and Spencer into the bed. But, Nora controlled herself, the friction testing the durability of the strap on. Which Caitlin seemed to make rather well, which made Nora wonder why Caitlin would make a strap on which could withstand super fast vibrations.Another mystery for another time and Spencer rode out Nora’s orgasms, which grew even more aggressive with each movement and she thrust deep into Nora’s hole. Nora’s hands moved, touching all of Spencer’s hot spots at once and making her moan.“Oh, you kinky little speedster,” Spencer said. “I love it!”They were about ready to join together in a perfect orgasm. Spencer would have to make sure this strapon had been properly cleaned, but it was worth it to enjoy Nora’s fine booty. Spencer could spend days going deep into Nora and never getting bored of her ass.The biting on Nora’s lip as Spencer bounced her ass down was too much. Spencer proved to be a bit of a gusher herself, splattering both the strap on and Nora’s outer lips.The force of the orgasm rocked Spencer.“So, do you think there’s accuracy in my reporting?”Nora just grinned. “Well, you could do a bit more on the details...namely how much I enjoyed it.”Pulling the strap on away and off, Nora and Spencer touched, pussy to pussy on each other, breathing heavily. They met in the aftermath of their sex with a kiss, tongues dancing together.Spencer brimmed with confidence at how everything turned out. Helping taking some very dangerous criminals off of the street and also having a wonderful girlfriend, Spencer lived a very nice life.And speaking of nice, Nora spread Spencer’s legs and went down on her, using the fast motions of her tongue to sent Spencer into a fit of pleasure. The cycle continued over and over again.End.