65. Songbirds(Rachel Grey and Sara Lance)(4/17/2019...

Power Girl and Batgirl enter Hit the Mark with some blog exclusive smut. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/04/karen-and-babshit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlThe Songbirds(Sara Lance/White Canary and Rachel Grey/Phoenix from X-Men.

This latest adventure had been quite a wild one. The Legends, along with their friends in Team Flash, Team Arrow, and also the people from Kara’s world, along with a group of super heroic mutants known as the X-Men, had all been kidnapped by some alien television director named Mojo, who had tried to create one super mega crossover to get all of the ratings. The massive amount of characters lead to a jumbled mess, with chaos reigning all over.Mojo had been defeated and Sara was glad to see the back of him. She did like Mojo’s assistant, Spiral though, even though she was a bit nuts. Hot, but nuts, with all of those arms. Sara finished showering, the mud coming out of her hair. While there was a mudpit outside, and how her and Spiral fell into it, Sara would never know.Funnily enough, the ratings spiked the second Sara and Spiral fought in the mud. Funny how that worked. Not that Sara minded the attention.“So, thank you for the help of you and your team.”And what she did not mind was also the attractive redhead standing outside of shower. Rachel Grey, the daughter of Jean Grey, the holder of the Phoenix Force. Needless to say, Jean and Sara met, when Sara was passing through the afterline during one of the times she was technically dead and Jean was hot, in more ways than one.Rachel got a fraction of her mother’s great cosmic power, which was extremely powerful, and all of her beauty. Which pleased Sara, because Jean Grey was hot. But, Sara was just repeating herself.“No problem, we get into wacky bullshit like that all of the time,” Sara said. “So, are you going to join me, or are you going to stand?”Rachel, already stripped down naked smiled. There had been some kind of sexual chemistry between herself and Sara, which threatened to bubble over to the surface. Sara pulled Rachel all the way into the shower and pressed against her body.“Mmm, I always love that scent,” Sara said. “And I want to thank you for your help as well. Causing that giant purple dinosaur robot to explode, pretty badass.”“It was a singing giant purple dinosaur robot who tried to hug us all, thank you very much,” Rachel said.Needless to say, Barney exploding like that had made Sara’s day, but never mind. Sara focused her attention on Rachel, and on her soft and savory lips. Sara decided to go in, although she did not have to go in too far because Rachel met her halfway.Rachel thought it was really unfortunate that Kitty and Illyana did not join them, but they had been too busy being entangled with each other. Perhaps another time. Rachel focused on Sara and ran her fingers down the body of the badass ninja.“You’ve got be worked up, young lady,” Sara told her. “Time for you to get to work.”Rachel descended to her knees and worshipped the goddess in front of her. Sara’s sweet peach had been licked, nibbled, and sucked very aggressively by the fiery redhead. Oh, Rachel would indulge in everything she wanted and so much more by going down on Sara.“Yes, that’s perfect!” Sara cried out. “Use that tongue. Really lean in and use it.”Rachel leaned in and used the tongue to pleasure Sara. She knew all of the ways to pleasure a women. Needless to say, Rachel had been very close with several of her mutant teammates and knew her way around a pussy. Kitty, Illyana, Lorna, just to name a few.And now she had been lapping up Sara’s sweet juices. They tasted sinful, like a forbidden fruit. And that just made them so tantalizing.Rachel went down on Sara with all of the skill of someone who knew what she was doing. Sara enjoyed being with the woman’s mother during their short time when Sara was passing through the void between lives, and she enjoyed it just as much when Rachel had been going down onto her.“I want….I don’t want to be the one to have all of the fun.”Rachel slid away and levitated herself into the air, using telekinesis. Her legs spread and Sara smiled. The redhair sticking from Rachel’s wet crotch made Sara smile even wider. She rubbed her face into Rachel’s mound and showed just how fiery this redhead could be.Thankfully, Rachel had control, for the most part. She tweaked her nipple and let out a moaning breath. Her juices, sloshing around inside of her body, fed Sara and fed her good. Sara disappeared between her thighs. The thought, the desire of the beautiful face of this woman just going down on her fed Rachel’s mind with so many thoughts. So many delightful, dirty, sinful, mind numbing thoughts.Oh, Sara tasted Rachel and been blinded by mind.Rachel peaked into Sara’s mind and saw endless images of Rachel bending Sara over the edge of the wall and worshipping her ass before fucking it.Sara could feel a tickle inside of her mind. If the telepath was going to root inside of her mind like that, well Sara was going to feed her own dirty desires. Sara’s filthy imagination conjured up food for Rachel’s mind which she practically gorged herself on. Bondage, being forced against the wall, and just being held down and taken, were just some of the images which Sara put into Rachel’s mind.The thought of pulling out and letting her mind relax from the constant stream of filth did not even cross Rachel’s mind. She just picked up the pace, sliding her tongue back and forth into Rachel until she flooded Sara repeatedly, forever, and always.“Mmmph!”Sara pulled away from Rachel and allowed her to drop. Sara caught Rachel and pushed her into the wall.“You like that, you dirty little girl.”Still locked on Sara’s mind, Rachel could see what Sara intended to do before she did it. It was almost like she was getting hit twice as hard and twice as much. Sara pressed her hips against Rachel and reached over for a bottle of shower gel.Only, the bottle contained a strap on. Rachel’s eyes widened.“Somehow, I shouldn’t be surprised,” Rachel gasped.Their wet groins rubbed together, first without the strap on and then with it. Sara ran her hands over Rachel’s face and leaned on into her, kissing down Rachel’s jawline. She paused and smiled.“No, honey, you really shouldn’t be,” Sara told her.“What if someone really wanted to clean?” Rachel asked.“People on this team know better than to touch my shit.”That made perfect sense. And what made perfect sense even more was Sara spreading Rachel’s legs and slamming deep inside of her tight body. Oh, Sara just cried out in pleasure, the faster Rachel pumped her hips up to meet Sara. Oh, it was good, so good in fact that Rachel thought she would explode. Sara was dancing down her body and pulling Rachel forward, practically riding her into the wall.It took a moment before Sara could feel Rachel’s legs clamp around her ass. Feeting Rachel’s feet rubbing against her ass gave Sara a very wicked idea. She scooped one of Rachel’s feet in hand and lifted it up. Inhaling the lovely scent, Sara ran her tongue over it.“Oh, hon, I don’t need to be a telepath to know that you’re going to enjoy this,” Sara said.She slipped every one of Rachel’s cute little toes into her mouth and sucked them like candy. Sara pumped faster into Rachel and caused their groins to just meld together. Things were getting beyond hot the more Sara pumped into her and the more she sucked into Rachel’s toes.Oh, every now and then, Rachel made the key error of peering into Sara’s mind. And that glimpse into Sara’s mind just rocked her completely forward to the edge. It made her cream extremely hard over Sara the very second the beautiful Canary slammed into her.The beautiful sounds Rachel made spurred Sara onto another level. She rode Rachel to an orgasm. Toying with her toes got Rachel to gush even more. That silenting begging just made Sara more eager to suck on those toes.Rachel came constantly, her insides a never ending wave of pleasure. She never wanted the pleasure train to end.Sara pumped repeatedly inside of her. She pulled the strap on off to grind against Rachel and practically scissor the redhead against the wall. Rachel vocalized just how much she wanted it and Sara appreciated the woman for that. She could not help and lean forward to smile.“Like mother, like daughter,” Sara whispered.Oh, Rachel just exploded on Sara. She wondered about the meaning between Sara’s words. Did Sara meet Rachel’s mother, Jean? Given that Sara was a time traveler and a younger past version of Jean had been time-displaced before, it was very possible they crossed paths.Regardless, Rachel creamed harder than before with her body racking with constant pleasure. Sara put her hands on Rachel and rode out her orgasm.“And dirty again,” Sara said. “Good thing we’re in a shower.”Sara shoved Rachel underneath the showerhead and got her body nice and wet. The ways Sara touched her made Rachel wonder just how clean they were going to get and how much more dirty they were likely to become.The two songbirds made beautiful music with their noisy makeout session in the steamy shower.End.