84. Close and Persona(Oliver and Mia)(6/12/2019 Upd...

In this return to Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Smut, Alex Danvers and Kelly Olsen are featured. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/06/act-not-reacthit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlClose and Personal(Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and Mia Queen/Blackstar)

Mia snuck into the crowded nightclub. The moment she found out that time travel had been a thing she could do, Mia had been excited. Nyssa brought it up in passing during one of their training sessions and that had been in the back of Mia’s mind for years.The fact Felicity discouraged Mia from ever thinking about going back in time, only caused Mia’s curiosity to bloom. Opportunity presented Mia, when she encountered some dweeb from something called the Time Bureau. Larry, maybe it was, or maybe Harry, or maybe it was Jerry well it didn’t matter, because Mia knocked him the fuck out and stole his time travel thingy.He also threatened to flash her after letting the entire Time Bureau thing slip, which in any time period was inappropriate. Hence, the Mia knocking him out thing.She went back to a time before her father had taken up the Hood, even before his ill-fated voyage on the Gambit.Speaking of which, she saw Oliver, chatting with a friend of his. Mia just smiled. Her father might have been a bit of a douchebag during this time period, but he was kind of hot. So, she could see why her mother might have hooked up with him and obviously that worked out from Mia’s perspective.“Hey, Ollie, that girl’s checking you out.”“So, that happens with a lot of girls, doesn’t it, Tommy?”Mia could not help and stare at her father. Not that she was checking him out, okay maybe a little bit.“Hello.”“Hey,” Mia said. “Look, I’m knew in town and you’re….”“Oliver Queen,” he said. “Surprised you don’t know me….I’m in the tabloids every other week.”Okay, fine it was every week, at least twice a week, but why just quibble with any details?“I don’t read the tabloids,” Mia said.To be honest, Mia did not even know what the hell a tabloid was.“Smart girl,’ Oliver said. “And what is your name?”“Mia….just Mia,” she said with a smile.“Well...just Mia,” Oliver said. “That’s a pretty name….I really like it.”Oh, Mia was glad her father approved of her name. Always a good thing. She crossed her legs at the bar and she smiled, when her father’s eyes had been on it.They had a couple of drinks and Mia relaxed a little bit. Oliver had been lightly feeling up her thigh during the process, which she allowed.“Look, it’s obvious you want to fuck me,” Mia said. “And I want to fuck you too...so how about the two of us go somewhere private and get it done?”Oliver just smiled, he liked a girl who had been assertive and knew what she wanted. And why the hell not? Laurel and Oliver were currently on break. And even if they were, Oliver could not resist getting the panties of this sexy young thing who had been shamelessly eying him up.The two passed the bar. Oliver passed Tommy, who gave him the thumbs up, and disappeared into the crowd, with a set of twins. So he was doing rather well for himself.Mia and Oliver made there way to the backroom and Mia launched herself at Oliver, kissing him madly. Their tongues dangled with each other and Oliver reached down to squeeze Mia’s ass through her dress. Mia pretty much molested the tonsils of her father with her tongue.Oliver closed his eyes and felt up Mia’s body. Mia cupped his bulge and fished Oliver out of his pants.“Oh, Daddy, you have a nice cock,” Mia said.“Daddy?” Oliver asked.Oh, how was Mia going to talk her way out of this one? Time travel, that was going to be a hard one to explain, especially with someone who had likely dropped out of school and thought a lot more with the head beneath his legs then the one above his shoulders at this point in time.“Oh, I get it, you’re one of those girls,” Oliver said. “You crave a strong male presence in your life and….well Laurel said a couple of things...but I wasn’t really paying attention.”“Yes, I’m one of those girls,” Mia said with a smile. “And I just can’t wait to put your big cock in my mouth.”The vast majority of her sexual experiences had been with women, Nyssa for the most part trained Mia in pretty much everything she knew.  Still she had been very excited.  Oliver’s big bouncing cock came out and Mia just moved down, planting a kiss on it.Without any apologies, Mia slid her lips all the way Oliver’s cock.“Oh, yes, you are making Daddy happy,” Oliver groaned, getting into it. “You are Daddy’s natural born cock sucker, aren’t you?”Mia pushed her warm lips around Oliver’s pulsing manhood. Oh, she could not wait to have it all into her, and also buried into her throat. She sucked very loudly, making a hell of a scene. She grabbed onto Oliver’s balls and cupped them, milking them.Oliver loved what she was doing and loved even more when Mia sucked his balls while giving him a very aggressive handjob. She worked his cock up and down, pleasuring him a magnificent way.Oliver could not resist, cumming over Mia’s face. Mia smiled and stuck out her tongue, allowing the cum to rain down upon it. She sucked it down.“Mmm, I want more,” Mia said. “You don’t want to disappoint me? Do you, Daddy?”“No, baby girl, I don’t.”Oh, Mia felt her pussy twitch at her father referring to her in that way, with that voice. Oliver pulled Mia up completely and backed her against the wall, cupping her ass and hiking the dress up. Oliver spanked Mia’s ass and caused her to cry.“Did anyone ever spank your ass while fingering your pussy?” Oliver asked. “You like that, baby?”Yes, Nyssa did a couple of times, and did even more. But that was beside the point. Mia closed her eyes and flexed her warm muscles around Oliver’s probing finger when he cupped her ass.“Got a little ass fetisth, don’t you, Daddy?” Mia asked.“Oh, I do, a hot girl with a nice ass is perfect,” Oliver said. “Sara, she has the best ass, although you have a very nice one as well, Mia.”Sara, oh Nyssa might have mentioned a Sara once or twice, with a bit of regret in her voice. Was this the same Sara Oliver knew? Possible perhaps, and Oliver dug his cock against her ass. Mia rubbed it into her.“You should see my Mom’s ass,” Mia said without thinking of it, slurring from the alcohol she had earlier. “It’s very nice...and fuckable...and someone should really place the stick she has up her ass with a nice hard cock sometimes.”Okay, Mia should not be saying this things, but alcohol had been the world’s most natural truth serum. Oliver lubricated Mia’s tight hole and put his cock inside of her.“Oh, maybe you can introduce me to your Mom sometimes,” Oliver said. “Been a while since I fucked a MILF.”That one encounter a dinner party with Jessica Danforth aside, although that had been about a year ago. Oliver pushed his thick cock against Mia’s puckered entrance and threatened to stretch out her fine, fine, fine, booty on his cock.“Oh, the two of you might just meet someday,” Mia said. “It’s always possible…..stop teasing me, and just fuck me in the ass. Unless you’re a pussy who can’t handle a woman like like me.”Oliver pressed Mia up against the wall and drove into her ass. If there was one thing Oliver hated being called, was a pussy.“You should watch your language,” Oliver growled. “Maybe, Daddy should put you in your place.”Grabbing ahold of Mia’s ass, Oliver pounded her harder. He spanked her flesh, causing red marks to appear on them. Oliver’s talented hands roamed and he fingered Mia with his free hand while spanking her hand. Mia groaned when feeling his cock bury deep inside of her ass.“Oh, Daddy’s cock is making you wet, isn’t it?” Oliver asked.He did not even know, and Mia was not going to tell him. Oh, Mia flexed her ass around him. Oliver held her up by the legs and twisted one slightly back to suck on Mia’s cute little toes. She cried out even more.Oliver wanted to make this little minx scream and cream. Deep down, Oliver realized he had been a womanizing bastard, but he was one who could back up his ego at this point and time.“Oh, damn, you are...as good as….well you’re just good!” Mia yelled.Oliver plowed Mia’s ass. The weight of his balls getting even more. Mia’s little black dress laid against the ground while Oliver pounded her. Making her pussy wet and making her just spurt over. Oliver pulled out and made Mia taste his fingers, taste her cum.Mia closed around Oliver and cranked his cock between her cheeks. She wanted her father’s hot, boiling cum pressed between her ass cheeks. And Mia would not necessarily minded if he came inside of her unprotected pussy, but her ass served just fine.Oliver speared Mia’s ass from behind.“You’re the kind of guy my parents would hate!” Mia yelled. “Cum in my ass.”“Oh, what does your father do?” Oliver asked.“Oh, he’s not around anymore,” Mia said. “He was a do-gooder, and he ended up just disappearing one day….I don’t even remember him!”“Well, your father’s not around, but I can be your Daddy,” Oliver groaned. “Isn’t that right?”“YESSSS!” Mia yelled.  “CUM IN MY ASS, DADDY!”Oliver picked up the pace and pounded Mia. He fingered her, fucked her ass and made her scream so loud they might still be hearing her in the 2040s. He released a flood of cum into her ass and kept going.The next morning, Oliver might not even remember this encounter, thanks to all of the booze, the drugs, and everything else. Still for this moment, Oliver would enjoy it, pounding Mia’s tight ass and flooding it cum.“Give me your cock,” Mia said.She had got what she wanted, sucking Oliver’s cock nice and hard. Made sure it was rock hard again, until she climbed up.“Let me ride, you, Daddy,” Mia said.Mia climbed on top of Oliver and she was quite the bouncer. Oliver grabbed her perky tits and squeezed down from on her tits while she rode her.X-X-X“Oh, you’re in big trouble, young lady.”Sara Lance stopped. It turned out that Oliver and Felicity’s future daughter had went back in time to meet her father. And she got to know Oliver really well.It all started when Mia happened upon a mission with the Time Bureau, and she saw a bit too much. Gary said he would have to flash her, but before he could properly explain things, Mia knocked him out and stole his time courier, to go back to that time even before the Gambit. Boy, that seemed like a lifetime ago to Sara.Ava had to sit down Gary and explain to him, again, that telling someone that he was going to flash them, without the proper context, caused people to reach the wrong conclusions. Hell, with the proper context, it sounded weird.Sara viewed Mia getting acquainted with her father. Not having the heart to break it up, quite right. Mia had a hint of rebelliousness with Sara did appreciate. They might have gotten along really well, if they had been around the same age.Yet, Sara could not bring it about herself to be disapproving Auntie Sara, even though Oliver was cheating on her past self with his future daughter. While Oliver was cheating with Sara’s past self, on Laurel’s own sister, in the past. And now Sara’s future self was watching this, getting aroused.Or maybe, stressed, Sara masturbated a lot when she was stressed.“Sara, do you have eyes on Mia?” Ava asked, tearing Sara away from herself.“No, not yet, but….I’ll keep….looking,” Sara said. “I've almost got my finger on it."End.