131. Helena and Caitlin(Helena Wayne and Caitlin Sn...

Blog Exclusive Chapter Which First Posted On November 29th, 2018. Get the latest blog exclusive content if you wish for free with Hit the Mark at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.html


Helena and Caitlin(Helena Wayne and Caitlin Snow-Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Chapter)

Two lovely brunette women slipped into an elevator at Star Labs. One of them worked there and one was a guest. Doctor Caitlin Snow had to admit that Helena Wayne knew what she was doing around the lab. A woman displaced from her Earth, she was the daughter of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne, so she most certainly had quite the pedigree.“We should be able to get you home,” Caitlin said.“I don’t mind sticking around for a little bit longer,” Helena said. “Anything that I can do to help.”She smiled, knowing Karen must have been going spare trying to locate her. But, Helena had a job to do and if she could help take down Zoom, then it was so much the better. The man had been a ghost, a man without a past, and Helena wished to unravel that past.Always, Helena lived with the thought of being inferior to her famous detective father.Caitlin groaned which caused Helena to raise her eyebrow.“Someone’s put the building on lockdown,” Caitlin said. “Which means we’re stuck on this elevator until the lockdown is lifted.”“It’s not anything serious is it?” Helena asked.Caitlin heard nothing, not even a whimper. Whoever triggered the lockdown protocol must have done so completely on accident. Caitlin just wished that she knew if it was a false positive or nothing.“I hacked into the system,” Helena said. “It’s a false positive...a glitch in the system. You really should fix it when we get the chance.”Turning around, Caitlin looked at what Helena had for her. Sure enough, it was a false positive, a glitch in the system. She supposed that they could try and force the elevators open, but certain parts of the building were too dangerous. It was just wise to stay put.“I don’t suppose you can force the elevator back down and the lockdown could end,” Caitlin said.“That’s the one part of the system that’s working as it should,” Helena said. “False positive or no.”Caitlin just slumped her shoulders down and sighed. Helena stepped behind her and started massaging Caitlin’s shoulders and neck. Caitlin had been surprised, but not displeased. Helena pulled away from her.“Sorry, you looked tense,” Helena said.“I didn’t tell you to stop,” Caitlin said. “In fact.”Caitlin slipped off her blouse, wearing nothing but a black bra from the waist up. Helena smiled and unbuttoned her blouse as well and dropped it to the ground. She pressed against Caitlin’s back, and started to massage her all over, giving her the full body treatment.“All things considered we should be even,” Helena said.Oh, Caitlin’s knees quivered and she almost collapsed down to the ground. Helena really knew all of the proper spots to touch. In fact, she worked down lower and lower. To the point where Caitlin’s legs parted so Helena could get access to between them.Helena danced her fingers up Caitlin’s skirt and to her thighs. She stopped and smiled.“Tell me when.”Caitlin flashed a smile over her shoulder.“I’ll let you know.”Further up her leg Helena went, until Caitlin could feel something building inside of her. It was hot and furious, and she could not wait to see what else Helena’s fingers would do. Her panties appeared to be a barrier and she spread her legs as far apart as possible, skirt coming up.Caitlin could not have given Helena even more of a hint without telling her outright. And Helena, being the genius she was, slipped Caitlin’s panties to the side. She danced her fingers down against her wet pussy and made Caitlin just hitch in a breath.“Continue,” Caitlin commented.And so Helena did, making sure to let Caitlin feel the slow and steady easing inside of her.A single finger inside of her lit up Caitlin. Helena zeroed in on all of the right spots to burn Caitlin up, and shove her digit deep inside. Caitlin pushed herself back and forth, enjoying the feel of the finger inside of her. It wiggled inside, with Caitlin sizing up and squeezing down tight. Helena teased Caitlin’s thigh and moved up to cup her asshole.“I’m not going to stop until I make you feel really good,” Helena said. “And given that we have an hour to kill.”Another light cup and another brush against her and Caitlin tingled.“I have all of the time in the world to make you feel grand.”The whispered reassurance almost made Caitlin come unglued at the seems. Helena knew precisely where to hit the mark and when to hit it as well. A second teasing finger brushed against the surface and went along with the first. It pushed into Caitlin and made her clutch against the elevator wall. Somehow, Caitlin’s legs did not collapse underneath her.The scientist suspected sheer will.“One more,” Caitlin said. “Please.”“Of course,” Helena said. “Please always helps.”A third finger joined the first two and Helena worked forward with as many sweeping motions as possible. Oh, she had her fingers buried into Caitlin Snow and loved it. The moisture of her wet pussy saturated Helena’s fingers the faster she rammed inside. Caitlin was about ready to hit the peak and Helena could not wait. She wanted, needed to make Caitlin scream.The stunning scientist clenched onto the wall so tight her knuckles went white.“Damn it….you’re so hot,” Helena said. “I can’t wait to have my fun with you.”“Me either.”Obviously, Helena had done this with a woman before. Or was a natural, Caitlin was too busy feeling the thrill to figure out which it was.Caitlin’s white knuckles clenched when her entire body shook. Helena hit the pleasure point and released Caitlin’s orgasm out into the wild. She kept riding away, driving those fingers into her with great depths. Helena worked as fast into Caitlin from behind and made her cry out something fierce.The three fingers slid slowly out of Caitlin. She felt empty and lost, and Helena made sure she turned around. Helena pressed Caitlin against the wall. Caitlin was not sure when Helena unhooked her bra and released her breasts out into the wild. Oh, they looked so soft, and Caitlin longed to grab onto them. Only, Helena had her hands pinned down and forced Caitlin to watch Helena lick her juices up.She shuddered. No words, only raw emotion and pleasure.Helena decided to even the odds, by removing Caitlin’s bra and her own skirt and panties. The two women stood in the elevator, wearing nothing but stockings and a pair of heels each. Helena leaned down and touched her lips to Caitlin, the soft tiers pressing over her.  Oh, this was delightful and Caitlin could hardly hold back her whimper of pleasure.The moment they touched, their loins gushed and electricity just fired upon both of them.The two women made out in the elevator, with Caitlin’s frustration at a forced lockdown being forgotten. Helena’s talented hands were everywhere they needed to be and her mouth was everywhere that they wanted to be. Caitlin wondered if she hold back or just dive in even more. The decision had been taken out of her hands.“Lower,” Helena said. “I want your tongue.”Obedience struck Caitlin hard when she lowered and kneeled before Helena.“Right there.”Caitlin dropped down to her knees to pay tribute for another set of lips, and oh boy were they lovely. Slowly, but surely, Caitlin dragged her tongue against the edge of Helena’s dripping mound. Helena put her hand on the back of Caitlin’s head and guided her inside. The dancing tongue worked its way slowly into Helena.Yes, Caitlin’s tongue felt extremely good pushing its way deep into Helena’s pussy. Helena put her hands on the back of Caitlin’s hair and pushed forward, her hips rocking back and forth. The more Helena’s hips rocked, the more her tongue danced on her wet lips. Caitlin could really make anyone wet.“Closer,” Helena breathed. “Just a little bit more. That’s it...perfect...work it at that speed.”Caitlin maneuvered her tongue into Helena and busted up the floodgates to something very hot.The sweet taste filled Caitlin’s mouth from Helena’s pumping hips. Caitlin worked further inside and tasted her for the next several minutes. Caitlin sucked down the juices and had been rewarded by the nice sounds Helena made to register her approval. And that approval set Caitlin closer to her own edge. Without thinking about it, Caitlin had been fingering herself to completion.So amazing, Caitlin almost popped and the pleasure just exploded through her body.“I’ll take that,” Helena said.Without any regret, Caitlin offered up her soaked hands to Helena and Helena just smiled. The displaced woman knew precisely what she wanted to do.Helena slipped each one of Caitlin’s fingers into her mouth, sucking on them. The wanton look spreading through Caitlin’s eyes were more than enough to rev Helena’s motor up to another level. Helena dropped the wet fingers down onto her cheek and allowed Caitlin to stroke her cheek. The two edged a little bit closer, until they met lip to lip with each other, with another passionate makeout session.Caitlin tasted her own juices on Helena’s mouth. Helena’s sweet mouth opened up for Caitlin to explore with her tongue. The fire and the passion going through Caitlin’s eyes, along with Helena’s exploration of her chest and backside sent Caitlin more over the edge. She moved in and pulled out. Their tongues bumped together the second Caitlin left Helena’s mouth.“Ready to take things to the next level?” Helena asked.“You know.”She broke out into a smile and turned ever so slowly. Caitlin’s eyes burned and followed the progress.Helena turned around and gave Caitlin a nice look at her backside. Caitlin put her hands on that fine booty and squeezed it. She moistened the tip of her finger and slid it against Helena’s puckered hole. Then, when Caitlin dared, she rammed the finger deep into Helena’s ass.“Fucking hell, you’re full of surprises,” Helena said.“I don’t know who could resist your ass,” Caitlin said.“Few can,” Helena said. “Deeper.”Caitlin’s fingers wiggled against Helena’s rectum and made her cry in pleasure.One finger shifted inside of her tight rectum and the next finger pushed deep into wet pussy. Caitlin got her from both holes and she could not have felt better. Helena put her hand on her chest and squeezed her firm breasts, getting excitement out of this little elevator encounter. Oh, her blood boiled with lust and a thought of pleasure entered her mind.Helena let out a soft cry and Caitlin buried herself deep into her.Caitlin eased in and rode out Helena’s orgasm. The fingers on her right hand had been sucked and Caitlin lifted them up, to pay tribute to Helena. Helena tasted how hard she came and the mere sensation of those warm juices on her lips made Helena just get closer.“There’s...something in my case,” Helena said. “It’s a strap on…”“And you just happened to have a strap on?” Caitlin asked.“I’m always prepared.”With a smile, Caitlin collected the strap on from the case Helena mentioned, along with a bottle of oil. Caitlin lubed the strap on up and put it on, while Helena still positioned, in the perfect place to be penetrated. Caitlin knew that diving it right away would spoil the moment. Therefore she combed all over Helena’s body and made her smile.“Oh, just do what you need to do,” Helena said. “Or do you want me to take control.”It would most certainly help, but Helena’s pussy called out to be taken. Therefore, Caitlin grabbed her and took the plunge. She marveled at this high tech toy, which seemed to interface with her nerve endings. Caitlin really dove in and felt the tightness of Helena just clamping down onto her. Oh, yes, this was the best, simply better than all of the rest. She gained some momentum with each thrust.Now Caitlin worked herself with vigorous pumps. Feeling Helena and making her moan.“Caitlin!”The sound of her name just made Caitlin hammer faster and faster. Caitlin cupped her chest and and released it with a few more thrusts.So good, but Caitlin resolved not to get too excited. She did not want to get too messy.Caitlin edged her partner just a couple steps closer. She stopped and just soaked in the arousal, while cupping Helena’s breasts. They bounced into perfect position. Caitlin could touch them all day, but there was just so much more for explore. Therefore, the scientist decided to explore and experiment with what parts of Helena’s body worked the best in making the woman’s toes curl.She got a pretty good idea, with Caitlin rubbing Helena and touching her, sucking her ear.The deeper Caitlin had gone, the more Helena just broke out into a pleasurable cry. She made Caitlin slowly addicted to her pussy. Which just meant that just because Caitlin wore the strap on, it did not mean she was in control. Helena controlled her and could feel Caitlin about ready to cum alongside of her.The two reached that happy moment of release. Caitlin clamped down onto Helena and pushed deeper into her.The two women came together. A huge explosion just erupted between both of them. Caitlin hung on and pounded into Helena from behind. Her nails dug deep against Helena’s shoulder and back, not once breaking her stride or really slowing down at all. She had it and would break in the very slightest.Of course, claiming something and actually doing something was two different things.“Beautiful,” Helena breathed.The second Caitlin pulled out, some slight of hand reversed who wore the strap on. Caitlin wondered how Helena did that, but Helena just beckoned for Caitlin to kneel. And take the messy cock into her mouth, which Caitlin did. Helena grabbed a handful of the beautiful brunette’s hair and pounded away at her mouth, making her suck away.“Go...go for it,” Helena said. “Your mouth is perfect!”The lockdown sequence ended, but Helena pinned Caitlin into the wall and took mastery of her chest. The remaining oil ended up on Caitlin’s bare chest and Helena squeezed Caitlin’s oily breasts. The hand pumped them so nicely that Caitlin’s neck cranked back, her mouth hung open, and her eyes glazed over.“Please,” Caitlin said. “We don’t have much time...before someone investigates.”“Well, I better finish you off quickly,” Helena said. “Although maybe we can wait….”“NO!” Caitlin cried. “I need it now.”So needy, which made Helena just break out into a smile.Helena knew what she wanted and she took Caitlin as deep as she could. Caitlin squealed in pleasure, feeling Helena’s prominent thrusts going deep into her body. It made insides feel wet and Helena just worked her, working them both to the point of orgasm.Those soft legs just melded underneath Helena’s dancing fingers. They pushed together, a release edging ever so closer.Despite, the fact Helena wanted to enjoy every last inch of Caitlin Snow she could, she knew that this had be wrapped up sooner rather than later. She shoved deep into Caitlin and rode her. Assurance that Caitlin would cum first and cum hard made Helena’s own body heat up.“After you,” Helena said.She was so close it would be a photo finish. But, Helena honestly did not mind.The two lovely ladies merged with each other, the heat combining between the two of them. Helena came hard, squirting her juices all over Caitlin’s pussy. Caitlin clamped her legs around Helena and moaned in response, squeezing her ass extremely hard with each thrust.Caitlin hung onto Helena to prevent from dropping down to the ground. The two kissed each other one final time and pulled away.  The after effects of what they did hit them fully.And despite the risk of being caught, Helena and Caitlin had no regrets what they did.The two looked at each other with smiles in the aftermath. Caitlin was the first to break the silence.“We should clean up,” Caitlin said. “I would...like to wrap up a few things after work. You don’t mind, do you?”“Of course,” Helena said. “I’m sure we can discuss our findings today in great deal.”They quickly got cleaned up and dressed, as if nothing happened. The promise Helena and Caitlin would continue this later lingered in the air. They highly anticipated them picking up this encounter in a more intimate venue.End.