135. Sister Swap(Kara, Alex, Anna, Elsa)

The Folllowing Chapter Was First Posted on My Blog on January 16th, 2020: For the latest blog exclusive content for Hit the Mark: 



Sister Swap(Kara Danvers and Alex Danvers with Elsa and Anna from Frozen)-Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Archive. 

Alex Danvers thought about how this situation had happened. A little mishap with a portal brought these two sisters to this realm. Elsa and Anna. They had become Alex’s responsibility, which was fair enough. However, there were a few more aspects which lead to them into this situation.

Namely the older sister, Elsa, straddling Alex’s lap and kissing her. While Alex ran her fingers up her sister, Kara’s, warm thigh and making her moan. While Kara kissed Elsa’s sister Anna. And while Elsa was stroking Anna’s thighs, as Anna moaned in Kara’s mouth, with a hand running through Kara’s blonde hair.

A little dose of modified Red Kryptonite lowered the inhibitions of all of the women. Or rather unleashed what was truthfully there in their minds. Alex explored the sweet taste of Elsa’s mouth and pulled away from her a second later.

Kara broke away from Anna and caught her sister’s eye.

“Alex, I want you.”

Those words sent tingles down Alex’s spine. Alex obliged, kissing Kara firmly on the lip. And Kara returned the kiss with aggressiion, to the point where Alex had been thrown off guard. The DEO Director enjoyed the taste of her sister’s sweet lips.

Anna just looked Elsa in the eye with a smile. “That looks like fun.”

“Indeed,” Elsa replied. “Why don’t we join them.”

Not needing to be told twice, Anna leaned in and kissed Elsa on the lips. The heat emitting through their bodies only increased. Elsa backed Anna off so she was pressing into Kara’s back, as Kara made out with Alex. The loud sounds of these two sets of sisters pleasuring each other’s mouths echoed throughout the room.

They broke apart, with Elsa lying Anna out on the bed and straddling on top of her. Oh, her sister’s skin was so soft, so amazing. Elsa rubbed her thighs up against Anna’s, feeling the moisture pooling up against her.

Suddenly, Elsa had been bombarded by pleasure. The Queen received a very intense feeling, namely Alex’s lips on her right nipple and Kara’s glued firmly to her right nipple. She had her nipples sucked and Elsa could not feel even more pleasure.

“You two are amazing too,” Elsa breathed.

Kara’s lustful eyes just looked up at the beautiful face of this snow Queen. Her blonde hair swaying, in passion as she writhed up and down. The heat only emitting through her body increasing with each movement. Kara knew precisely all of the right spots to suck. She loved it, and loved Elsa.

Alex thought that Queen Elsa was pretty amazing as well, in her own way. She wanted to pleasure Elsa several times over as well.

“Elsa, I need you!” Anna breathed.

Elsa grew an extension to her body with her ice powers. A strap on, digging against Anna’s fleshy lips, caused the feisty redhead to squirm underneath Elsa. Writhing in pleasure, Anna almost cried out in passion and in pleasure. The heat spreading through her body increased and almost melted Elsa.

And Elsa speared deep inside of Anna, shoving deep inside of her body. The tightness of Anna’s pussy squeezed the cock made entirely of ice. Elsa rose up and drove down, gaining some momentum.

Kara and Alex slid back to watch Elsa fuck Anna. Alex smiling, moved behind Kara, and stroked her lovely body.

“I always wanted to fuck you,” Alex breathed.

Alex slid a finger deep into Kara’s gushing pussy and made her clench down. The slow, and subtle fingering rocked Kara’s body. So intense, the sweat dripping down her body.

Moving in for the kill, Alex ground up against Kara’s warm pussy. Trying to increase the friction the two of them enjoyed together. Alex wanted inside of Kara in the worst way possible. Thankfully, she had come prepared, fitting herself with a strap on, which had become nice and wet with Kara’s juices.

Alex plunged into Kara. The soft, musical cries of her baby sister became music to Alex’s ears.

The two older sisters worked in duel harmony, stuffing their younger sisters full. The screams of pleasure of Anna and Kara combined heated up the situation. Elsa had to reapply her toy at least twice, due to Anna’s scorching heat melting it.

Anna’s entire body was on fire thanks to what her lovely older sister was doing to her. Elsa rose up and dropped down into her. Every now and then, when Kara leaned forward, she brushed Anna’s lips with a kiss. Oh, Anna could enjoy Kara’s sweet mouth on hers for days and days and days.

“I’m closer, Elsa,” Anna said.

“Time to finish you off,” Elsa said.

And with that, Elsa let it go. Let go of all of inhibitions, thrusting away at Anna. Every now and then, her eyes drifted to Alex, who had been fucking Kara from behind onto the bed.

The juices trickled off of Kara’s thighs and allowed Alex to slide as far into her as humanly possible. Oh, yes, this was good, and it would feel even better. Alex fucked Kara straight into a very prolific orgasm. Her loud, passionate screams echoed throughout the room before Alex pulled out of her.

And the same happened with Elsa and Anna. The two older sisters left the two younger ones panting and breathing. Alex and Elsa met each other, an extremely passionate kiss following between the two of them. Their moist lips just brushing on each other, and enjoying each other with a long, deep kiss.

After the kiss ended, Elsa broke out in a smile. She went behind Alex and planted more kisses down the side of her neck. Their two younger sisters watched in eagerness. Anna and Kara came inches away from finding each other, before Elsa put up a wall of ice to block their progress.

“How about we switch sisters?” Alex breathlessly suggested.

Elsa fingered Alex to an orgasm and pulled out before answering. “Good suggestion.”

The horny young redhead on the bed proved to be an ideal target. Alex hunted for Anna’s young pussy, leaning down onto the woman and sucking her juices out of it. Both Anna and Elsa combined made a sweet treat which assaulted Alex’s taste buds and just made her feel so good that it was almost insane.

And Elsa, Elsa got between Kara’s legs, scissoring her. Her breasts, covered in a beautiful shine, pressed up against Elsa’s palms. Elsa grabbed onto Kara, clutching her breasts and making the woman moan.

“You’re so beautiful,” Kara said. “I want to worship you.”

Elsa just broke out into a smile. “Well, I am Queen.”

Kara crawled over to Elsa, pressing her face against Elsa’s neck and sucking it. Elsa’s fingers dipped down against Kara’s back and teased her body. And Kara, true to her word, worshipped Elsa. Every tender movement of her lips over Elsa’s body brought more thoughts, more energy, more lust deep within her.

Oh, Elsa thought this was a very good thing. An amazing, an amazing feeling just bursting through her body. Kara leaned down and sucked on Elsa’s nether lips, bringing her hips up. The more Kara sucked, the more Elsa brought her hips up.

“Eat me,” Elsa said.

Kara did not have to be asked twice. Elsa’s pussy tasted twice as good as ice cream on a hot summer’s day. Kara could not get enough of it. And Elsa could not get her enjoy it.

“Alex, more!”

Anna’s eagerness only prompted Anna to lift the younger woman’s legs up before driving into her. Her thrusting hips moved back and forth, almost like some kind of demented jackhammer effect. Anna, filling up with Alex’s cock, closed her eyes deeply. The fierce DEO agent sent this Princess for another realm straight into an orgasm.

Oh, the screams of pleasure only echoed throughout the room. And the screams would only get louder, the deeper Alex planted herself into Anna’s warm, tight core. Their bodies pressed against each other, the heat echoing throughout the room.

Alex watched as now Elsa had Kara on her hands and knees, driving two ice cocks into her holes at the same time. Despite the fact that Elsa had to continuously refortify her appendages due to the heat spreading through Kara’s body, it was the thought that counted.

Some time passed, with Elsa and Alex now having Kara and Anna on their knees. Elsa drove herself into Kara and Alex did the same thing to Anna. The two younger sisters pressed face to face, chest to chest, hand to hand, and made out while the opposite girl’s sister plowed them from behind.

Anna always enjoyed playing with her sister, but this spiced things up to another level. Alex understood all of the things which made her body.

“Oh, honey, it’s not a question if you will cum,” Alex said. “It’s a question of how many times, and more importantly how hard you’re going to cum.”

Anna came hard, true to Alex’s proclamation. And Alex hung on for another intense ride. The tightening of her muscles grabbing and releasing Alex with several more fluid motions.

Elsa, Elsa had Kara all to herself. The Queen’s eyes blazed with intensity, far hotter than her powers would assume. She rode Kara’s orgasm over again and again, a cock pressed into her scorching pussy, and then another one, made of ice, melting almost every minute, when Elsa jammed it into her ass.

The melted juices coming from Elsa stained Kara’s holes immediately. Kara understood where the moisture came to make those cocks. And every time Kara melted Elsa with the hotness of her walls, it was an entirely new feeling of lust just spreading through her.

Both Anna and Kara came at the same time, with Elsa and Alex cumming alongside of them. The two younger sisters collapsed on the bed next to each other, breathing.

Now that the younger ones had been put to bed, that left the big sisters to play. And play they would, with Alex and Elsa crawling towards each other. They found each other, glued to the lips with an extremely passionate kiss. Which grew even more blistering hot as time just went on.

Fuck, it was so good, Elsa thought her mind and her body would melt from what Alex was doing to her. And Alex, pressing her fingers down onto the back of Elsa’s head, deepened the kiss.

Pulling back, Alex got a good view of Elsa’s puffy lips. Several more kisses followed, before Alex grinned at Elsa.

“You want to taste how horny your sister is?”

Elsa bobbed her head, nodding in excitement. Alex shoved her cock deep into Elsa’s mouth, making her suck the juices completely off of them.

After a long moment of having Elsa taste them, Alex pinned Elsa down onto the bed. She rubbed the wet toy against Elsa’s entrance. After a several minute long tease, Alex took the plunge inside of Elsa, burying her length deep inside. Elsa closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure from Alex’s thrusting hips moving into her.

On the bed, as Elsa and Alex indulged in each other, Anna, with a naughty smile on her face, crawled over to a bent over Kara. She cleaned out Kara’s saturated holes, smiling with the juices trickling from them.

After a moment, Kara rolled over onto her back and Anna crawled onto Kara. She nuzzled her face into Kara’s chest, sucking on her bouncing breasts. Kara closed her eyes and clasped her hands on the eager girl.

So good, so good, and Anna ground up against her. Kara traced patterns down the back of the youngest girl. Youngest, and potentially the naughtiest of all three of them. She dove down and attacked Kara’s nether regions again.

“Use that tongue,” Kara said. “Oh, make me explode, please!”

Anna devoured Kara’s womanly region, intending to do just that. After making Kara come, she shifted, so Anna could sit on Kara’s face. The two younger sisters ate each other out while enjoying onto their bodies.

Alex and Elsa rubbed nipple to nipple, thigh to thigh, and mouth to mouth when they made out with each other. The deep thrusts caused Elsa to create a miniature snow storm within the room. Oh, that was so hot and she could get even hotter at this moment. Elsa closed her legs down onto Alex’s back, getting her deeper.

They shared in each other. Elsa was about ready to explode and Alex was close to finishing as well. Elsa rubbed Alex’s shoulders, enjoying the feel of her sexy, toned body. The thrusts deepened, with Elsa rising almost all the way up and dropping down at a certain point. They smacked together, thigh to thigh.

“Closer, Alex,” Elsa breathed.

“Yeah, me too,” Alex said.

The tightening of her loins signaled that her orgasm was almost here. Alex sped up, going faster inside of Elsa. The Queen’s beautiful body writhing underneath hers fueled Alex’s lust. She spiked Elsa, increasing her motions with adrenaline just flooding through her body. Oh, Alex knew how to touch all of the buttons and more importantly make Elsa belong to her.

Every rise, every drop, worked perfectly in causing Elsa to gush harder and harder. Alex rode out Elsa’s orgasm, straight into one of her own.

The explosion followed, with Elsa’s shuddering in pleasure. Alex thrusted inside of her a few more times and came herself. Juices sprayed all over her, staining Elsa’s thighs.

Oh, fuck, that was so good. And it would get even better a moment later. Alex pulled herself out and came down between Elsa’s legs to lick her pussy.

Anna and Kara, faces stained with the evidence of their shared orgasm, moved over and planted warm kisses over Elsa’s body. The three women preceded to spoil Elsa, making this one of the best and most pleasurable nights of her life.

Alex fingered Anna and Kara at the same time while munching on Elsa’s mound. While Anna and Kara sucked on Elsa’s nipples. The four women knew their night of debauchery would be one that they would remember for a long time.End.