141. Cleansed(Barbara Gordon, Illyana Rasputin, and...

Blog Exclusive Chapter First Posted on February 27th, 2020. For the latest blog exclusive content head to: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.html


Cleansed(Barbara Gordon, Nora Darhk, and Illyana Rasputin/Magik)

Barbara Gordon hated to do this, but she needed to call for help. While a genius in figuring out computers and solving clues, the mystical elements were something Barbara lacked the proper knowledge to do. Deep, heavy breathing coursed through Barbara’s body, the heat in her body only increasing with each ragged breath. It was extremely frustrating and beyond difficult to keep her head completely above the water, after being cursed with a mystical artifact.The crime fighter sat in a cool room, wearing nothing other than a black bra and panties, which soaked through with arousal. Wet crotch, hardened nipples, and even the air caused Barbara to become unbearable with how horny she felt. Oh yes, Barbara did not...she could barely even think straight for a few minutes.“Hello, Miss Gordon.”Nora Darhk had not been her first choice in helping with a magical problem. With Zatanna and Raven both unavailable, Barbara had very few options, and as much as Barbara loathed to admit it.“I have...been blasted...by some magical artifact,” Barbara said breathlessly. “And the energy...is causing me to….”“Heavy tantric energy?”A third person appeared, blonde, and dressed in the most minimum clothes possible. Her voice hinted at a slight Russian accent, and Barbara’s eyes drifted over her fit body, flat stomach, nice breasts, round hips, and long legs. Barbara’s panties became positively ruined, especially when the redhead’s eyes drifted to the blonde’s nice, kissable lips, wondering what Barbara could do with them or rather what they could do to her.Nora’s eyes shifted. “Rasputin.”“Darhk,” the woman said. “My name is Illyana Rasputin...and I’ve come for a long way.”Barbara could tell, and another heavy breath caused the pit of Barbara’s stomach to feel like molten fire. Oh, she was about ready to explode. These two women had some kind of past and a lot of sexual tension.“The three of us are going to have to undergo a cleansing ritual, or the power will drive Miss Gordon to madness,” Illyana said. “You know what to do, don’t you, Elanora?”Nora’s lips curled and she slowly stripped off the clothes she wore. Illyana did the same and the panties and bra came off of Barbara Gordon. The two magical users pressed against Barbara’s body on either side, kissing her aggressively. And Barbara kissed them back with just as much aggression.Illyana and Nora completed the trifecta by kissing each other. So much anger and lust just built through their bodies at this time. Nora’s fingers clasped against the back of Illyana’s head, their tongues demanding to take each other out.As much as they would like to engage on old emotions, Barbara was the target of this ritual. Nora launched herself at Barbara and kissed her. A magical construct appeared. A throbbing cock, made completely of magical energy rubbed against Barbara. Yes, Nora could feel the deep energy, for what cursed Barbara.Her soft, large tits, bounced into Nora’s face. As they lactated milk, they presented a nice target. Nora pulled Barbara onto her lap and positioned Barbara onto her cock. Nora slammed Barbara down while milking her breasts, quite literally. The warm and white liquid shot into Nora’s mouth as she sucked her.Meanwhile, Illyana slipped behind Barbara and slipped deep into her soft and supple ass. The two magical users, who had crossed paths due to having former demon masters of varying interests in the past, buried themselves into Barbara’s pussy and ass on either side.“Oooh, I’m so fucking horny.”“Don’t I know it,” Nora breathed.The pair of highly magical women speared Barbara’s ass and pussy on either side, driving her completely into waves of endless pleasure, rocking her world. Barbara’s mouth hung open for several minutes, the moans only getting more aggressive and hot.Barbara’s tits bounced harder in Nora’s line of sight. Illyana breasted her own breasts into Barbara’s back. Even the slightest rub of those perfect nipples sent Barbara into a convulsion of pleasure.“We’re going to fuck you all night long, just like that?” Illyana breathed. “We’re going to overwhelm your body with so much pleasure that it burns out all of the excessive energy.”“This is...a good start.”Nora and Illyana proved they could put aside what seemed like an eternity of differences, to stuff both of Barbara’s holes. It had been a long time since Nora truly enjoyed carnal pursuits, and she always thought Barbara Gordon was hot. And a much more appealing personality, compared to some computer hackers. Not that Nora would want to name and shame anyway.“OOOH, YES!” Illyana cried out in pleasure. “YES!”Illyana’s loins bubbled with endless pleasure. She got so close to splattering her juices inside of Barbara’s thick, perfect ass. It was a moment which should be savored no matter what. Illyana grabbed onto Barbara for added leverage and pumped, faster and faster and faster until her hips were a blur.Barbara’s asshole became the home of a sticky splattering of juices. Illyana pulled away, and left Nora alone with Barbara, at least for now. And Nora, cramming Barbara down, filled her pussy up with several long thrusts.Oh, Barbara thought she was going to explode herself yet again. Nora used the power of her own magic to reach further into Barbara, to practically drag the energy out of her. It was almost like an addiction and one Barbara succumbed to.“You’re going to cum harder than you ever came before.”Nora’s statement ended up not be a suggestion, but a strong matter of fact statement. Oh, Barbara’s loins exploded, constantly working up and down Nora. Barbara milked the magical cock-construct and sent pleasure through both of them.Nora wanted a change of venue, and put Barbara on her hands and knees. Feeling up the body of the redhead, tracing runic symbols in the process, Nora knew precisely what she wanted. Spreading those tight little pussy lips which leaked so much arousal it could flood even the driest deserts, Nora took the plunge and stuffed Barbara completely full.Thrusts. Deep and powerful thrusts with Nora beating down Barbara’s walls. Nora grabbed Barbara’s hips and squeezed them hard to send the juices out. Barbara anticipated all of Nora’s thrusts and loved them.“OOOH YES!” Barbara yelled.“Cum for me hard, Ms. Gordon.”Barbara unleashed hell and a very potent orgasm for Nora. Oh, she had been breathing heavily, like running a marathon on this bed. The sheets, entangled in Barbara’s nails had been released. As did the tension in Barbara’s body. Each orgasm brought Barbara’s mind to clarity, although she was now only allowing Nora to do this to her out of pleasure as much as out of necessity.Illyana returned, stuffing Barbara’s mouth with a long dildo and causing her to gag. Oh, Barbara’s drool only increased with Illyana pumping her throat deep with several long thrusts.“She likes that a lot,” Illyana said. “Guess, this is long overdue.”A tentacle slipped into Nora’s ass from behind, with Illyana just grinning. Two could play that game, as Nora magically conjured a tentacle of her own to slip deep into Illyana’s sweet little Russian ass.The two witches tentacle-fucked each other’s ass while spitroating a redhead. The amount of juices combined between the three lovely parties had been amazing. Sweat, salvia, cum, and milk, spilled all over the bed, and amongst these three lovely ladies. Each orgasm brought Barbara progressively closer to her breaking point.Barbara held on, despite her body now being more mortal than magic. Nora touched places in her that would still be tingling for months to come. Barbara’s heavy breathing increased. So close, with the literal milking of her nipples. And Nora’s breasts pressing against her back adding to the fun as she aggressively fucked her.“You will cum,” Nora said.It was not a question, it was a statement. And one which Barbara agreed with, thanks to the very clear and pleasant evident manifestsing through her body.Barbara Gordon came harder than ever before. Her insides, like molten jelly exploded. Squeezing and releasing Nora as she thrusted and taking Illyana into her mouth as she face-fucked her.Illyana closed her eyes, lazily gazing into the eyes of the horny redhead. They always could be a handful, especially when magical artifacts had been involved. Now, Barbara, spearing deep down, engulfing Illyana with her hungry little mouth.“Suck that cock real good, you horny little slut,” Illyana hissed loudly.The movement of the hips of all three women indicated they were about ready to reach the breaking point yet again. Nora sped up her motions, working both the conjured tentacle and her own hips into the intended parties. Illyana did so with thrusts of her own just burying deeper.The end came very explosively, with Nora burying herself repeatedly into Barbara’s clenching pussy. She rode out their mutual orgasms, causing Barbara to scream out in pleasure from the climatic explosion. Nora breathed in, grabbing onto Barbara’s hips and spearing her tight body.Illyana reached a similar explosive climax, deep inside of Barbara’s mouth and also inside of Nora’s ass. The duel pleasure, with the tentacle just merged with Illyana’s own nervous system rocked her back and forth multiple times. Oh, Illyana could feel it, the bursting of pleasure just rising and falling.“So hot,” Barbara breathed. “Oh, this is so fucking hot.”She felt much better indeed. Nora and Illyana filled both of her holes with savory juices and allowed Barbara to collapse down onto the bed. Breathing, excited, but ragged, in the aftermath.The two rival magical users took a similar spot. The only side effect of the charm had been Barbara, still lactating from the curse, but they took care of Barbara easily. Nursing her breasts, Barbara broke out into cries. Soft fingers, lazily danced up her thighs, and something warm brushed up against Barbara constantly.Oh, no questions entered Barbara’s mind now. They were not just stopping. Expelling the curse was just beginning, and that fact became more prominent as Illyana and Nora enjoyed the meal Barbara’s breasts provided. And shifted down to enjoy an appetizer located down below.Two tongues, coursing in power, enjoyed Barbara’s holes just as much as Barbara enjoyed them. The Detective took in a deep breath and settled in for a long haul.End.