144. After the Team Up(Wonder Woman and Amaya Jiwe)...

After the Team Up(Diana/Wonder Woman and Amaya Jiwe/Vixen)

“That was amazing.”Amaya Jiwe, member of the Justice Society, broke out into a big smile. She had teamed up with a very amazing woman, wonderful even. Princess Diana of Themyscira, who had been rightfully dubbed as Wonder Woman. Who broke out into a very soft smile when putting her hand gently on Amaya’s and pulling her in just a little bit closer.“You are too kind,” Diana said.“No, seriously, that was amazing,” Amaya said. “But….how did you….”“It wasn’t easy,” Diana said. “You weren’t scratched were you?”“Just a tiny one,” Amaya admitted.A flushing warmth spread through Amaya’s body. Diana put a hand on Amaya’s shoulder and the touch made Amaya weak in the knees with a feeling of jelly. She took Amaya by the hand and lead her off into a private room. Diana placed her hand on Amaya’s bare back where her top rode up and this caused her to almost lose it.“You need to sweat it out before it becomes a problem,” Diana said. “Otherwise, you will be driven mad.”Amaya closed her eyes. She could feel the venom of the creature spreading through her body and making her weak in desire. Diana grabbed onto the back of Amaya’s head and pulled her into a kiss. Normally, Amaya would have been surprised, shocked, at the fact another woman kissed her. Especially one as amazing and beautiful as Diana.This time, Amaya would make the accept. Her hands moved, with all of the ravenous fury of a beast in heat. She managed to strip Diana bare from the waist down. The scent of Diana only flared Amaya up.“In a minute.”Diana stripped Amaya down naked. She put Amaya on the bed with a firm hand and admired her beautiful dark body. The two women exchanged a hot kiss, with Amaya on the top her. The power of the totem flaring up and Amaya sinking her nails into Diana particularly clawing away at her back.Oh, the louder and more passionate their kisses got, the more pleasant this entire encounter had become. Amaya sucked on Diana’s neck and left several marks.Pulling away and leaving a strand of salvia between their lips, Diana kissed several times all over Amaya’s hot body. She shivered the faster the Amazon Princess worshipped her body. Multiple kisses covered her until Diana spread Amaya’s legs and dove down.Judging by the sounds Diana made, Amaya summarized the beautiful warrior enjoyed her pussy, just as much as Amaya having it tasted. Every swipe, every slurp, every movement allowed Diana to lap up the juices flowing from Amaya. She sucked her hard and built up quite a sweat within her.Diana pulled away and smiled.“Am I treating you well?”A sultry smile passed over Amaya’s face.“Very well.”“Good, because this next part needs a firm hand.”And Diana’s firm hand stroked Amaya’s wet pussy. Oh, she ground back and forth, the heat from the delightful young vixen’s pussy increasing. Amaya moaned and writhed underneath Diana’s firm hand. The faster she dipped in, the more she moaned. Hard, passionate, and very pleasurable moans followed.“A very firm hand,” Diana said.Diana, three-fingers deep inside of Amaya, rode out her orgasm. The lust burning through her body, it felt so right, so normal. Amaya squirted something fierce and Diana kept riding her pussy three fingers deep.The explosion and the long and sexy taste from Diana. Amaya jumped up off of the bed and attacked Diana with passionate kisses. Diana slowed Amaya down a little bit and allowed Amaya an opportunity to savor and worship Diana’s body. Diana tilted her head back.“You have a gifted mouth,” Diana praised.Amaya smiled and enjoyed a woman. Who lived on an entire island full of women, and likely knew the touch of a woman beyond what Amaya was doing. To please her was amazing, and Amaya, cupping Diana’s chest, sucked them even more. She sucked them so hard Diana juices against Diana’s hand.The slow and savory lick down her hand followed. Amaya sucked droplets of honey. She savored them, becoming addicted to Diana’s taste.Amaya wanted Diana’s tongue on her pussy. And Diana pulled her over. Light kisses to her womanhood followed with Diana sliding a little bit deeper into her. Tracing patterns against her warm pussy and sucking it so hard before Diana dove in and made sweet love to Amaya’s warm pussy with her tongue.A loud, savory pop engulfed Amaya’s nethers and made them so wet. She leaned back and forth to rock down onto Diana’s opened mouth. Diana penetrated her in a way like never before.Time to return the favor. It was only fair. Amaya leaned down and kissed Diana’s wet slid. Feeling up those powerful legs only increased the heat.The venom might have been long worked out of Amaya’s system. The lust remained through. And the lust she felt, sinking repeatedly into Diana’s pussy, had been increased. The two beautiful women, royal and regal, raced towards the finish line to try and get the other to cum.The explosion of juices on each other’s face left them a very wet and very sticky mess. Amaya pulled away from Diana and softly kissed her lips. Diana returned the kiss. Amaya grabbed a hand onto the back of Diana’s leg. The totem, the only thing which Amaya wore, glowed brightly.Amaya spread Diana’s legs and with the power of the totem, slammed into her body.“Great Hera!” Diana moaned. “I feel so full.”Amaya did as well, as she rocked into Diana’s body. Something about the totem allowed her to penetrate Diana. Diana’s silky, tight walls sent tingles of pleasure throughout Amaya’s nerve endings. The Amazon’s perfect, round breasts hung like fine fruit.Amaya grabbed onto them and sucked them very aggressively. She moaned around the nipple as it slid into her mouth. Two more sucks before she really went to town on Diana. Aggressively sucking on her tits and making several loud sounds in the process on her breasts.“I’m really glad you do,” Amaya said.The ebony skinned queen tested the abilities of just how much the Amazon would take. And more importantly, how much the totem would stretch the powers of human biology. Diana’s wide eyes locked into Amaya’s with pleasure. Her lips so kissable and Amaya shoved her tongue down Diana’s throat vigorously as she penetrated the Amazon Princess.“Mmmph!”The sounds made Amaya hotter and made her more ready to ride. She slapped down onto Diana and sent that one last tremor exploding through her body.Almost to the edge, but Diana wished to make Amaya join her in blissful release. The Amazon came closer and closer to that blissful end. That blissful and wonderful moment of release. She squeezed Amaya’s hips and pulled her in close.“I’m going to explode,” Diana said.“Good.”Nothing made Amaya happier than Diana releasing herself unrestrained. Amaya cupped Diana’s warm breast and squeezed it a couple more times, sending her tipping over the edge with pleasure.“And you’re going explode too.”Amaya could not deny it. She left loose, wild and untamed. Riding Diana’s erupting womanhood until the point where both of them hit the tipping point of their orgasm.Diana moistened Amaya’s groin and made her hot and ready to burst as well. The two women clung on tight for the ride. Edging each other to a mutual orgasm which thrilled both of these powerful warriors.The Amazon Princess thanked the goddesses for this blessing. The pleasure which left both women as if they were running a marathon. The aftermath of their orgasms made them lay in their own juices and bask in the afterglow.No words in the aftermath. Just a steamy, sweaty embrace. Amaya knew one thing regardless of the aftermath. She would never want to forget this meeting. Hell, she could say, without any problems Diana would not want to forget this moment either.The two women petted and lightly kissed each other. The warm and inviting smile on Diana’s face encouraged Amaya to explore this further and see what limits she could push it for.There would be many more eruptions on this evening until the moment where Diana and Amaya fell asleep in each other’s arms. At least to the point where the other’s body called them throughout the night for more pleasure.End.