147. Boiling Point(Caitlin Snow and Carla Tannhause...

Boiling Point(Carla Tannhauser and Caitlin Snow-Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Lemon)Carla Tannhauser tried to keep herself composed. When she tried to not lose her mind, Carla buried herself in her work. Unfortunately, when the problem was her, there was a potential situation. She waited for the test to come clear. Unable to believe how all of the sins of the past had finally come to roost and had tormented Carla.Caitlin stepped into the room and finally, Carla’s icy resolve broke. She rushed over and threw her arms around Caitlin’s head and pulled her into a long hug.“It’s...been a while,” Caitlin said.“Just...thinking about how things might have been different, if there had not been so much distance between us,” Carla said. “I guess we can’t change the past.”Caitlin frowned. She had lost her father just hours ago, and she could see before her a woman barely emotionally able to hold it together despite her best and most stubborn efforts to do so, she had failed. Caitlin engulfed her mother in an embrace.Trauma caused people to do some reckless things. And Carla felt like she lost her husband all over again and Caitlin lost her father. So trauma caused both of the brainy brunettes to be pushed into each other’s arms.“You’ve grown up to be beautiful,” Carla said. “Despite all of what you’ve been through, you’re strong...you’re a survivor...and you’re...you’re just amazing...my daughter.”Carla had really struggled with dealing with loss and even more with rejection. She peered into Caitlin’s eyes, and leaned in, with a kiss. Not just a motherly kiss either, although heavens knows Carla had not been forth coming with something like that, but rather a kiss which Carla made as if she was thrilling a lover.For ten long and passionate seconds, the two met forward. Caitlin’s tongue explored her mother’s mouth before pulling out, stopped and shocked.“Mom, I don’t think we really should….”Carla slipped behind Caitlin and unhooked the first couple buttons of her blouse and stroked Caitlin’s nipples which had been erect and not just because of the cool air coming from the lab either.“Perhaps our problems come from the fact we overthink.”Caitlin’s breast slipped out of her bra and Carla kneaded her daughter’s nice firm tit. Feeling how nice, how soft, and how supple it felt.“Do you want Mommy to help make everything feel better?”Never in Caitlin’s wildest dreams, okay maybe in her wildest dreams, but never in her sanest dreams. Carla hiked Caitlin’s skirt up. And Caitlin did the same thing, slipping her hand down onto her.“There’s no place like home, is there, honey?” Carla asked.Both of the brainy brunette’s played with each other. Caitlin’s fingers danced up against her mother’s mound, all damp and ready to go. Carla leaned into the thrust of her hips and moaned out loud. Her soft moaning only increased the faster Caitlin plunged her fingers inside.“Are you cumming for your daughter?” Caitlin asked her.Carla bit down on her lip and nodded. Her hips thrust back and forth, with Caitlin burying her fingers inside. Carla’s insides, so backed up from a lack of pleasure over the years, practically melted underneath.“Oh, where did you learn how to do that, little girl?” Carla moaned.“We have our secrets, as you well know,” Caitlin said.Carla just nodded, biting down on her lip. The fingers drove down into her wet pussy and stretched her out as much as possible. She got closer, and closer to the boiling point, right ready to explode.Caitlin enjoyed the thrill of her mother cumming hard and all over the brainy scientist’s hand. Slowly, Caitlin pulled out and very softly, Caitlin trailed her tongue to enjoy the taste of it. A few more sucks and Caitlin licked her fingers clean.“Sweeter than I expected.”Caitlin’s skirt came up, panties slid to the side, and showing her tempting pussy in Carla’s directon. Licking her lips, Carla edged forward and put a hand on Caitlin’s thigh. Caitlin’s hips bumped up and Carla just leaned in to kiss her daughter on the lips.This time, the kiss had been less spontaneous, but no less passionate. Carla tasted just how good Caitlin tasted and Caitlin’s fingers worked into position against Carla’s outfit, working the buttons over.Carla sat before Caitlin, dressed in fine silken undergarments with a wet spot on the panties. Caitlin would have to say Carla looked damn good for her age. Good enough to eat, even thought it was Carla’s turn to eat and to feast.  She slipped Caitlin’s breasts out and took one of them into her mouth before squeezing them.“Mom!” Caitlin moaned.Carla just grinned and buried herself face down into her daughter’s heaving bosom. Caitlin’s fingers danced against the back of Carla’s head and breathed in very heavily in response to the her mother’s ministrations. Her worship got even lower, moving from Caitlin’s breasts and down to her stomach. Carla licked the sweat off of Caitlin’s flat tummy and caused her hips to move up.Closer, Carla edged. She inhaled in the scent of her gorgeous daughter. Finally, Caitlin’s sweet pussy, so close, yet so far. Carla dragged her tongue against Caitlin’s heated mound and leaned on in. One tiny lick sent Caitlin’s hips shooting up to meet Carla’s very able tongue.Now, Carla thought she crossed another barrier, but she offered no apologies for it. The older woman buried face down into the pussy of her beloved daughter. Caitlin’s encouraging hands cupped the back of Carla’s head and encouraged her to go deeper.Caitlin’s juices flooded out of her wet pussy. A loud slurp followed and Carla drank it in. Oh, damn, her mother could really eat a pussy and Caitlin had never felt anything so good in her life.The passionate moans coming from her daughter only increased the deeper Carla danced her tongue into Caitlin’s warm, wet slit. Her mound shot up a few inches and met Carla’s twirling tongue. A loud pop echoed from Carla’s deep pussy sucking.Carla dug in and tasted her daughter. Oh she tasted about as good as ice cream, succulent and sweet. The hunger increased with Carla drinking in all of the juices.She pulled up and laid Caitlin back onto the table. The older woman climbed on top of her daughter and kissed her body, worshipping it. Her daughter deserved to be worshipped. Her breasts, her stomach, her tight pussy, they looked like fine art. And Carla painted down her daughter’s mound with a swipe of her tongue.Caitlin got a face full of her mother’s pussy and ass. Pulling down Carla’s panties, Caitlin buried face first and sucked on her mother’s pussy. The heat emitting between her thighs caused Caitlin’s hunger to increase even more.Mother and daughter entered into a very hot sixty-nine position and moaned into each other’s wet mounds. The two lovely ladies moved closer and closer. This pleasurable encounter turned into a very informal competition of who could make the other worst.Carla’s desire to make her daughter spurt before she even exploded boiled over. But, in some instances, youth and determination won out over experience. And Caitlin won out in this battle. She sucked the juices from her mother’s oozing pussy and enjoyed the meal. Diving face down into her mother’s pussy made Caitlin really relaxed.Diving down for her own helping, Carla’s loud slurp showed just how much she hungered for her daughter. And Caitlin fed her mother really well with an explosion of juices spraying down her mouth. Caitlin swallowed them and hummed very contently.The aftermath of their duel orgasm followed. Caitlin could feel Carla climb off of her, giving Caitlin’s pussy one last fond stroke.Mother and daughter sat across from each other on the table.  Caitlin leaned over and cupped her mother’s hand. Carla reached over and caressed Caitlin’s check.“Wow...that was….something,” Caitlin said.Carla pulled Caitlin over and cradled her dear daughter’s arm against her. A long overdue clearing of the air, and Carla did not think she was being premature in thinking Caitlin agreed about this.“Yes, it was,” Carla said.“Only a shame we didn’t have any...toys,” Caitlin said.Carla cupped her daughter’s chin with a stern look.“The art of a more hands on experience is lost these days,” Carla lectured Caitlin. “As we’ve demonstrated here today. Now, Caitlin, my hypothesis is that I can get you to cum harder than you ever had at any toy, and you to me as well.”“Well, more experimentation is in order, then,” Caitlin agreed with a smoky smile.Caitlin leaned over the edge of the table for Carla to appreciate the younger scientist’s ass. And also, for Caitlin to appreciate the more hands on experience an intimate encounter with her mother could bring.Oh, Carla had not had this much fun in years, and burying her grief, not to mention her tongue in Caitlin’s ass, seemed very therapeutic. Caitlin’s loud moans rang out like a siren’s song with Carla mentally deciding what other fun they could get up to.Of course, the best fun had been not been really planned, like a scientific experiment, but spontaneous.End.