149. Act, Not React(Kelly Olsen and Alex Danvers)

Act, Not React(Alex Danvers and Kelly Olsen-Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Smut).

A deep sigh came from the body of Alex Danvers. Kelly Olsen held Alex in her arms and kissed her, while Alex dangled close to the bed. Kelly’s fingers traced patterns over Alex’s defined legs when she had been lowered closer to the bed. Alex wore a tank top and nothing else from the waist down and Kelly had been stripped into her underwear, a black bra, and a lacy thong, along with stockings which covered her rich, dark legs.Kelly pulled away from Alex’s lips and trailed more kisses down her neck.“I think….this is going pretty fast,” Alex murmured.Contrary to her words, Alex’s hands moved down Kelly’s back to explore her defined body. Kelly went away from Alex and smiled, while nibbling on her lip.“With the lives we lead, you especially, we can’t really afford to go too slow.”Kelly’s words made a lot of sense and hit Alex head on. To be perfectly honest, Alex had been worried about how this relationship, if it went anywhere, would go. The only women Alex had been with, in the sexual sense, had been Maggie and Sara, and one of those had been only been a one night stand.The erotic dreams Alex had about her sister so did not count. Which starred Supergirl saving Alex and taking her reward a lot, when Alex technically did not know her sister and the Girl of Steel were the same person thanks to the mind block. A piece of Alex always felt like it was missing and Alex rationalized those very intense Supergirl dreams was her mind trying to rationalize a way to plug in the missing pieces.Alex tried not to focus on that, the kisses trailing down on Alex’s mouth, and sucking down upon her lower lip, longing and hard. Alex leaned in and grabbed onto Kelly’s head, moaning into the kiss, which became extremely aggressive the more each woman toyed with the other’s tongues. Their lips pressed together, hard, fast eager. Desire swam through the eyes of both of these gorgeous women.Kelly finished stripping Alex. She had been pent up sexually, which could be affecting Alex on a mental level. Boy had Kelly been there, where some sexual hangup caused her not to be best she would. She laid Alex on the bed and admired Alex’s beautiful body. A few scars, trophies from her many fights, only added to the character and Kelly put her hands down upon Alex and stroked her.“You look beautiful.”Alex smiled and Kelly kissed her on the lips one more time. Very nice, very hard, and very aggressively. Kelly knew all of the right buttons to push to get something out of Alex. A deep, impressive breath followed with Alex and Kelly enjoying each other.Kelly worshipped Alex’s body with several kisses. Only brushing against Alex’s heated entrance very slightly. Her face, neck, breasts, stomach, legs, and feet, all of them had been peppered with kisses and made Alex feel so alive. Her hips jumped up into the air.“You want me to touch you?” Kelly asked. “You’re thristing your contact.”“Mmm, you can see it?”“It’s written all over your body language,” Kelly said.Kelly teased Alex’s warm lips, first with three fingers, and then with her tongue. A long, and loving lick sent Alex’s hips bucking up into Kelly’s face. Kelly learned all of the right spots to touch and got Alex mewling all over the bed, dripping rather hot.Alex thought she would lose it. So much delicious heat just dripping from between her legs. Kelly knew how to make her body just explode. Just enter an entirely new wave of pleasure and send her hips just flying forward and hitting Kelly in the face.Kelly sucked up as much of her juices as possible, hungering for what Alex was giving her. Alex, dragging her nails lightly against the back of Kelly’s head, smiled deeply.“You taste good,” Kelly said. “I hope you don’t mind I’m going to eat you out every day.”“With a tongue like that, I would be disappointed if you didn’t.”Kelly dropped her bra and panties, leaving only her stockings. She climbed up Alex’s body and pressed down onto her. The two women kissed out and Kelly allowed Alex to enjoy the juices just dripping down her face. It had been a long time since Kelly had a chance to cut loose like this and a long time for Alex as well. So, both women were glad to get this chance, to enjoy each other.Alex wanted to return the favor and Kelly obliged. She grabbed onto the headboard for leverage and enjoyed Alex’s long exploration of her body. Alex took her time, stopping briefly to suck on Kelly’s nipples which sent her over the top with pleasure.A deep breath came from Alex when diving face first into Kelly’s wet pussy. Kelly’s fingers, dragging against the back of Alex’s head, moaned deeply and loudly. The hot feelings erupting through her from Alex hitting all of the spots. She had been savoring Kelly’s pussy, as if it was the last one on Earth.And Kelly Olsen could not help but feel a little happy about this one. Her nipples, hard as a rock, only flickered underneath her fingers. She leaned in, thrusting her hips back and forth against Alex’s probing mouth.Kelly exploded after Alex tormented her for several minutes. Alex rose up, the evidence of how prolific Kelly’s orgasm was, dripping from her face. It took every ounce of willpower Kelly Olsen had not to pounce Alex and suck the juices from Alex’s face.“Looks like I’m not the only one who was pent up,” Alex said.“Well, played,” Kelly said. “But, I want more.”Alex grabbed Kelly by the hair and kissed her rather aggressively. Their fingers danced against each other’s body. This had been pretty spontaneous, so the only thing the two women had to work with, was their bodies, with no added toys. Of course, Alex most certainly did not mind.Kelly’s hand traveled to Alex’s ass, making her shiver. Only one before, Sara, had Alex been taken in the ass and hard to the point where Alex could feel it for about a week. And Kara, in her infinite naivety, thought Alex had simply fallen out of bed and bruised her butt that way.“So, you like it when other women take you in the ass?” Kelly asked. “That’s...well, I didn’t expect you to be so submissive.”“How did you gather that from just a few touches?” Alex asked.“Because….of the way you reacted when I groped you,” Kelly said while Alex sucked on her neck, trying in vain to leave a mark. “Not, that I have...mmm room to talk.”Interesting information for Alex to file away at a later date. She kept kissing Kelly back, hard and aggressive. Their fingers found each other, doubling down on the pleasure. Both women raced to get the other to explode by their finger fucking. Alex tried to use the will power which made her a good agent, trying to move forward.Oh, Kelly might be helping Alex out with working out some sexual frustrations, but damn if Alex was not doing the same thing to Kelly. Her hips, driving forward, met Alex’s fingers. Kelly breathed in slightly, something was going to give and her orgasm was getting near.Alex attacked Kelly’s nipples and she loved it. Loved all of the ways which Alex worshipped her body and made Kelly feel so alive for the first time in a long time. And judging by the look in Alex’s eyes, Kelly had made Alex feel things which she had shoved down.Trying not to think too much about the psychology of what was happening, Kelly focused on how good this was making her feel. And Alex made her feel good, edging Kelly to the breaking point.Alex and Kelly reached their edge at the same time. Both women had been hung over the edge, just trying for something to break and to get out. Alex pinched Kelly’s nipple and made her just feel the lust building up in her body from what was going on.With one last push of her hips, Alex came all over Kelly’s probing fingers. Kelly did the same. The two of them rocked forward, riding out the other’s orgasms.The end came with both women locking eye to eye with each other. Pleased they acted, instead of reacted to a situation. Kelly ran her fingers across Alex’s scalp and leaned in. They collapsed into a heated embrace, their bodies spent with the sweat from the exertion of this encounter.Ready, more than ready, to go again when the situation warranted it. Alex thought they would find each other again, when Kelly cradled Alex’s face and gently kissed her face throughout the night.End.