171. Spoils of Conquest(Kara Danvers, Eliza Danvers...

Spoils of Conquest(Kara Danvers, Eliza Danvers, and Indigo)

A sonic boom erupted through the skies as Supergirl bolted as fast as she could. Indigo returned from the depths and now Kara’s adoptive mother, Eliza, was in deep trouble. Kara felt the breath hit her body suddenly as the Girl of Steel tracked the signal.With Alex and J’onn dealing with other problems, Kara would have to deal with this one alone and she was not going to allow Indigo to harm Eliza. The moment Kara crashed through the roof of the building, she gazed upon a visual which blew Kara’s mind.Eliza stood, with Indigo behind her. Several extensions came from Indigo’s form, and Kara hated to be crass, but tentacles were the best word to describe them. Indigo’s extensions ran all over Eliza’s body, over the top of her clothes and Eliza moaned. Kara remembered seeing something like this on the Internet before.“STAY AWAY FROM HER!”“Hello, Kara dear,” Eliza breathed. “Indigo was just showing me the benefits of working alongside of her, and not...against her.”The screwed up pleasure on Eliza’s face caused Kara’s blood to boil. Kara mentally tried to calculate a way to attack Indigo without harming Eliza. If Indigo had Eliza squirming and breathing heavily with the tentacles running over every part of Eliza’s body and slowly undoing buttons on her blouse. Kara could hardly keep her eyes off of Eliza’s hardened nipples and sweaty face, something which Indigo noticed.“Yes, Kara, dear, Eliza’s seeing the benefits. And you will as well. But, you should know if you think about doing something foolishly heroic, I hold all of the cards.”Most of the tentacles brought Eliza pleasure. One of them twisted into a blade and came close to Eliza’s throat which caused goose bumps to manifest on Kara’s arms. Kara found herself completely helpless as Eliza was mindlessly oblivious to how much Indigo pleasured her.“I’ll do anything you want, just leave her out of this,” Kara said.“How nice. What I want you to do is to kneel!”One of the tentacles shot out and wrapped around Kara, forcing to her knees as quickly as possible. Indigo manifested in front of Kara and left a panting Eliza lying on the ground, hopelessly frustrated at being left at the edge. The tentacles did something to weaken Kara. Kryptonite, but not as lethal, and Indigo just smiled before the nano-bots in her upgraded form did their work.Kara’s eyes widened at the sight of the large, synthetic phallus Indigo created. Seconds before Indigo buried said phallus between Kara’s lips and all the way down her throat. Indigo’s hands grabbed the back of Kara’s head and fucked her mouth good and hard.“Thank your lovely friend Lena for waking me up,” Indigo said. “Luthors. Always arrogant. But I will follow Lena’s plan to the letter and ensuring humanity does no harm. To me whilst I enslave this planet. She’s given me all of the tools necessary to achieve my mission”Kara gagged on Indigo’s cock. Indigo kept punishing her throat with more thrusts.“Don’t worry, Lena was the first to bow before me, and she won’t be the last,” Indigo said. “Once you swallow my cum, you’ll be well on your way as well, Supergirl!”Indigo kept pumping her cock all the way down Kara’s throat and making her moan even louder. Oh, Kara could not avoid what was going to come. Indigo was going to cum down her throat. Kara struggled to pull back, but she lost the will and the fight to live.“Lena loved you and you broke her heart by lying to her” Indigo said. “Petty human emotions I helped release her for when I enslaved her, just like I enslaved all of your little friends and I will to all of humanity.”Indigo smiled, it was time for Kara Zor-El to take her medicine. Finally, Indigo waited, her backup core deep inside of Myriad, until Lena’s unleashed her, unwittingly of course. Indigo grabbed Kara and slammed her cock all the way down and kept pumping away.Kara received a tasty load of cum. And the problem was, it tasted really good. Kara could hardly avoid swallowing it, not that Indigo had given Kara much choice in the matter. She spurted and oozed all the way down Kara’s throat until she finished.“Mistress,” Eliza breathed.The cum trickled down Kara’s chin while warming the back of her throat. Eliza climbed on top of Kara and smiled. Mother and daughter exchanged a kiss, while Indigo ran her hands down Kara’s body and through her legs.“The skirt offered much easier access. And suited you better. But, no matter, I’ll manage.”Indigo shredded the bottom half of Kara’s uniform and revealed her pussy. Those warm fingers whirled in between Kara’s legs and forcing her to succumb. The top half of Kara’s uniform was more gently removed for Eliza to play with her adoptive daughter’s breasts and caused her to lose sense to herself.Everything belonged to Indigo, including Kara’s tight pussy. Indigo pushed a finger deep inside of Kara and enjoyed it. She appreciated how much organics enjoyed coitus, because the feeling of control over this Kryptonian brought Indigo great satisfaction. Right before she slammed deep inside of Kara.Every ounce of fight left Kara. All that mattered was Indigo burying her large cock inside of Kara and driving Kara completely wild with pleasure. Oh, Indigo just ran up her legs and made Kara just tremble. A small part of Kara could not help and hate how this happened and also be angry at Lena, but she was feeling too good. Miniature tentacles pleasured Kara, one of them sliding into her asshole and the other going into Kara’s mouth.“Have I done well, Mistress?” Eliza asked.“Yes, you’ve done well. You and your daughters will be very happy in my world.”Alex, oh Indigo was going to get Alex as well. Kara’s protective instincts almost broke free of her shell, but Indigo made her cum so hard. And Eliza soothingly kissed Kara’s lips to make her feelings going away. While Indigo buried a tentacle deep inside of Eliza’s wet pussy.“Yes, Kara Zor-El. This is all because of you. And to thank you, you will have a spot at my feet every day and get the honor of worshipping the new ruler of Earth, and worlds beyond.”Kara’s pussy contracted as Indigo dominated her with much more efficiently. Those hands created some kind of adhesive material which clung to Kara’s breasts and milked her. The cum she swallowed began to change Kara and make her more agreeable to anything.“Thank your mother, darling,” Indigo breathed in Kara’s ear before the two shared a surprisingly loving kiss.The kiss had been released by Eliza’s pussy firmly on Kara’s face. Kara licked away and enjoyed Eliza’s sweet taste. Her mother’s delicious thighs were so tasty, Kara could hardly hold back from devouring her.Indigo’s tentacle whirled around and buried into Eliza’s hot ass to rock her back and forth. Oh, Eliza felt lighter than air, with her daughter and new mistress working her holes. While Indigo rocked back and forth to drive deep into Kara’s wet pussy to drive her completely wild with pleasure.“Never forget,” Indigo breathed.All three of Kara’s holes were assaulted, as Indigo buried another tentacle into Kara’s puckered back hole. The Girl of Steel twitched and writhed all over the bed, heaving up and down as Indigo knew all of the right spots to hit and to deliver Kara the maximum amount of pleasure.Indigo felt Kara’s walls heat up. The first dose of cum she swallowed brought Kara up to peak fertility, which was what Indigo wanted. Indigo rocked extremely hard to drive Kara completely wild as she bucked up and down. Kara’s breasts rocked and Indigo squeezed them.“You fall before your new Mistress today, Supergirl!”Kara licked the forbidden nectar from Eliza’s pussy and Eliza was dripping wet. The scent of her mother’s peach made Kara lose it. She wondered what Lena tasted like or Alex.“You want to enjoy your friends?” Indigo breathed. “I can make it happen. Just yield before your new mistress, Kara Zor-El!”Kara tightened around Indigo and milked the woman as vigorously as possible. She wanted Indigo to finish and to feel as good as Indigo made Eliza and Kara feel. Why did Kara ever try to fight this? Was Indigo just hoping to make the world better?Indigo buried deep into Kara and buried her potent cum deep inside of Kara’s well-prepared womb. The Girl of Steel rocked back and forth with her legs tightened around Indigo and squeezing her as every single last drop of cum drained into her waiting pussy.A never ending flood of cum made Kara’s gut well up. Something changed inside of Kara.“You carry the first of my spawn,” Indigo said.“Thank you, Mistress.Kara moaned, her belly bloated, and stuffed full of cum. Eliza stroked her hair and Indigo just smiled. This was the beginning of a new age, a new dawn. Some of the strongest and best women in the world would be impregnated by Indigo, and an army would be created to help Indigo expand her reach far beyond the stars.“Your new uniform.”A metal collar snapped around Supergirl’s neck. A crude representation of her symbol dangled between her tits which began to swell with milk.“Eliza, you tell me Alexandra yearns to be a mother,” Indigo said. “We should arrange that.”Eliza crawled onto Indigo’s lap and nodded agreeable. She sunk down and enjoyed Indigo’s reward for delivering one daughter to paradise. But, naturally Indigo would like to complete the set.End.