178. Peaceful Times(Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Sam...

Peaceful Times(Kara Danvers/Alex Danvers/Samantha Arias)

Kara slipped outside the door and knocked on the door. No answer, which caused Kara a moderate amount of concern, but nothing to go completely insane about. Kara fumbled for the key to Alex's front door and opened it up. The moment Kara entered the room, she heard sounds.

Happy sounds. Lustful sounds. Sounds of moaning. Kara knew she just turn around, but curiosity got the better of Kara. One tiny peak would not hurt surely, just to make sure it was what Kara thought it was. Kara looked through the walls, with heat vision.

Alex laid on the bed, legs spread completely, with a mysterious woman going down on Alex. Okay, things were good, very good, and all Kara had to do was, obviously trip over the rug. Oh, she always hated that rug, it was worse than Kryptonite.

The sounds in the room stopped. Kara's glasses were knocked off of her face. She carefully picked them up and made her way to the door, only a hand grabbed Kara and pulled her from behind. Kara turned around and saw the mysterious woman, dressed in some silky black lingerie.

"Sam?" Kara asked.

Samantha Arias smiled. There was something about the glint in her eye which caused Kara to shudder. Alex stepped out to the room and what was the deal with the knowing smile on Alex's face.

"Yeah, it's me, Alex and I...well we meant to tell you eventually," Sam said. "I want to thank Alex for helping keep an eye on Ruby and one thing lead to another and well, I think you're a smart enough woman to figure things out."

"Yeah, that's...your business," Kara said.

"Seem a bit tense," Sam said. "Rough day at the office?"

"Kara, you just got here, you could sit down," Alex said with a smile. "Sit down and relax."

Kara wondered if she was getting roped into whatever game they were playing. There had always a bit of a sexual tension between Alex and Kara, at least on Kara's part there had been. And she always thought Sam was pretty hot. And her hands were good, running down Kara's neck and back. Alex rested a hand down on Kara's thighs and leaned closer. Those sweet, kissable lips were just so close to hitting Kara's mouth. Kara could barely breathe at the thought of Alex kissing her.

"Please, Alex, don't tease me."

Alex gave Kara an innocent smile and leaned forward. Casually, the elder Danvers sister brushed a lock of Kara's golden locks away from her face. Alex leaned in and planted a huge kiss with Kara. Daringingly, Kara gently grabbed the back of Alex's head and kissed her. The robe which Alex hastily threw on parted and Kara got a look at Alex's magnificent body. Her fingers danced all over the place.

Sam smiled at the sisterly love and decided to help Kara out of her clothes.

"You're a bit more tense than I thought," Sam said. "Let me help you out."

Oh, over wine one time, Sam and Lena joked about seducing Kara and double teaming her. Sam really wondered how upset Lena would be she did not get a chance of this. And this happened to be Kara's juicy butt which Sam squeezed in her hands and pushed down.

"Wonder how she tastes compared to you, Alex," Sam said.

Sam buried tongue down into Kara's wet pussy and slurped her. She tasted sweet. Different than Alex, but not necessarily any better or worse. Just different. Sam dug her tongue deep inside of Kara's wet pussy and rocked back and forth with her tongue dancing around and hitting all of the right points.

Kara had been in heaven. Sam groped Kara's ass and ate out the heroine's pussy. While Alex grabbed Kara's breast and squeezed it. Alex grabbed and squeezed Kara's chest.

"Alex,' Kara breathed.

Alex gave into her taboo desires and sucked on Kara's breasts. Kara wrapped her arms around Alex's head and lowered her face down onto the chest of the girl of Steel. Alex sucked on Kara's nipple and made her squeal out in desire. Alex pulled out and licked Kara's nipple. A flick of her tongue caused Kara's beautiful nipple to stand out.

Sam buried deep into Kara and loudly slurped. She could live off of Kara's pussy for a week, even given the opportunity. Oh, both Danvers sisters were visions of beauty and Sam felt grateful. Even if it was mostly an accident she fell into this opportunity, the gorgeous mother intended to make the most out of it.

Kara rocked back and rolled her neck. The first orgasm exploded through her body with Sam going deep inside and lapping up the juices. Sam rode out the orgasm with her tongue.

Pinned between Sam and Alex, Kara felt herself breathly. Sam offered Alex a kiss and the two shared Kara's juices. Kara found her hips buck up in excitement with Alex teasing her womanhood with a kiss.

"It would be unfair if the two of you didn't get to taste each other," Sam said. "I have a different hole I want to play with anyway."

Alex stood up and Kara saw a glimpse of heaven. It just happened to be located between Alex's thighs. Alex rose up and lowered down onto Kara to give the younger sister a good taste of the pussy of the older sister. Alex slowly ran down Kara's body, first exploring it with her hand, and then with her tongue.

Sam's tongue worked into Alex's puckered hole to get her nice and wet as well. A slow and steady motion drove Sam deep into Alex and getting her puckered back hole good and moist. Sam pulled all the way out and got Alex's asshole good and ready for the fun.

The elder Danvers sister knew what was going to happen and anticipated it. Sam spread her ass cheeks.

"I've had my eye on this thing for a while," Sam said. "I'm going to enjoy watching your ass gape, Danvers."

Alex agreed, and would enjoy it just as much. First the tongue, then a finger, and Sam equipped herself with a strap on. The cock molded to her bold and Alex could feel Sam's heat against her. Sam grabbed Alex by the hips and pushed into her just as vigorously as Kara's tongue drove into her.

Alex buried deep into Kara's pussy. Oh, this was like a fantasy come true for Kara. Alex knew precisely what she was doing and Kara explored her own desires. The small visual of Sam buried deep between Alex's gaping cheeks drove Kara completely with pleasure.

Maybe some day, Kara could be buried deep into Alex and take her out. And speaking of asses, Alex's thumb lightly dug between Kara's cheeks and teased her.

"Don't worry, Kara. We can have some fun as well later. Right now, let's put your older sister to bed."

Said older sister pushed back and forth. Sam knew all of the right buttons to push. The added confidence in the bedroom and control allowed Sam to get control in other matters. Sam buried deep into Alex and viewed the exciting visual of the cum dripping from Alex dripping all over Kara's beautiful face.

Both Danvers sisters exploded, with Sam riding Alex's asshole to an orgasm of her own. Sam let it go and slapped her thighs against Alex's cheeks. Sam pushed a little bit deeper.

The deep fucking Samantha Arias gave to the ass of Alex Danvers made the elder sister cum on the face of her younger sister. Kara drove her tongue deep inside of Alex's pussy with Alex doing likewise.

A smile crossed Sam's face as she rolled Alex off of Kara. Sam pinned Kara onto the couch and Kara breathed in heavily. Sam gave Kara a deep kiss while playing with her asshole. The tip of the cock pushed against Kara. Sam's fingers brushed against Kara's thighs.

"Please," Kara begged of her.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," Sam said. "You're practically family."

Sam buried a little bit deeper into Kara's asshole and spread her tender cheeks. A loud slap echoed with Sam squeezing Kara's butt and push all the way inside of her. Sam looked into Kara's eyes and played with every inch of the beautiful blonde woman's body. Kara breathed heavily as Sam rocked deeper inside of her and rode Kara.

"So beautiful," Sam breathed. "Go ahead and suck my tits. You know you want to."

Kara did as well. The Girl of Steel leaned in to suck the beautiful tits of the delicious brunette. Sam guided her hair and allowed Kara to explore her breasts with added vigor. Kara blasted Sam's stomach with her squirting cum. Sam grabbed Kara and bottomed out a little bit deeper inside of her. Sam squeezed Kara's ass and pushed deep into her body.

"Good girl, cum for Mommy."

Kara's entire body heated up. Sam clapped down onto Kara's cheeks and buried a little bit further inside of her. The Girl of Steel pushed Sam a little bit further in between her cheeks. The orgasm to end all orgasms plugged into Kara's ass. Alex added some fun by finger-fucking her sister while Sam plowed her into the ass.

Sam reached in and finished Alex off as well. The three women cried out in pleasure and their orgasms edged a bit closer to the finish. Kara squirted, Alex squirted, and Sam just bursted. The juices splattered down onto Kara's ass as Sam rocked back and forth to ride her firm ass to the finish.

The toes of the younger Danvers's sister curled up. While Alex sucked on said toes while Sam licked her pussy until she quivered in pleasure.

Sam leaned back, with a Danvers sister near each hand. Kara enjoying the fingers on the right and Alex enjoying the fingers to the left. And both sisters worshiping Sam's breasts to add to the fun.

Oh, yes, Lena would be disappointed she missed out on this fun. Sam's mind went wild with pleasure as did the two sisters.End.