183. After Hours(Kara Danvers and Cat Grant)

After Hours(Kara Danvers/Cat Grant)

Late nights had not been a new thing for Cat Grant. One did not become a media mogul empire without busting her ass. Yet, tonight had been an entirely frustrating night. Cat barely saw her own assistant for a good ten minutes before finally sighing.

"Yes, Kiera, what is it?"

Her assistant stepped inside of the office dressed in a black dress, which Cat was certain should be worthy of a reprimand. Although, it had been very uncharacteristic to what the girl had worn in the past, and no one was complaining because it did flatter her figure. And Cat was getting some thoughts which would be worthy of a trip to HR.

"You've been here all night," the assistant responded. "Must be tough. Being Cat Grant. Being in control all day. I'm sure there are some times where you're going to need to let it go."

"Yes, but I can't afford to," Cat said. "Is there any point to you coming here? If you're bored, I'm sure I can find something for you to do."

Kara Danvers had been feeling bold today. She locked the office door behind her and stepped into the office alongside of Cat. Cat opened her mouth to say something else, but Kara never gave her a chance. Kara grabbed Cat and kissed her on the lips which caused Cat to look shell-shocked to say the least. To say, Cat Grant did not expect such a bold action from her meek and agreeable assistant would be.

"Well, I can find plenty to do," Kara said. "Starting with you. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it."

"Legally, I'm not allowed to have thoughts like that about an employee," Cat said. "I would rather avoid a social media mob, thank you very much."

Cat had not reprimanded her just yet, and Kara spun Cat around and slowly slipped up her skirt and felt her up. Kara knew she had Cat right where she wanted her. And this had been a long time coming.

"So, what causes the unflappable Cat Grant to lose control? I think I might know the answer to that one. When her assistant breaks out of the box she's put her in, and becomes something a bit more. Trust me, Ms. Grant, you're going to enjoy this, and you're going to enjoy being the one to bend at the knee for a change."

The dress hiked up to reveal a lacy pair of thong panties which caused Cat's eyes to go wild with lust. Oh, that was nasty and slowly the assistant flashed her pussy at her pussy. Cat realized she had been dropped to her knees and then buried face down into the blonde's pussy.

"By day, Cat Grant is Queen. But by night, there's an entirely different thing. Oh, what would people think."

Cat could not help herself. The tongue just pushed down into her assistant's wet pussy and licked her, hungry and fast. The tongue went deep inside of her.

"So, I know you're smart. So that means you've been calling me the wrong name for all of this time, because you're not an idiot. You're quite frankly a bitch, and bitches need to be broken."

How dare she say something like that? Oh, Cat buried face down into her assistant's pussy and the girl almost smothered her.

The type of power which Kara began to hold over Cat intoxicated the Girl of Steel. Watching this strong, independent woman just succumb to her own lust made Kara very excited. She smothered Cat's face between her thighs and then let go to make her breath.

"Get on your desk, Ms. Grant."

"I think you forgot the power dynamic here little….."

Kara decided to force Cat on her desk. Gently, but firmly, and kiss her on the lips. Aggressively tongue-fucking Cat's mouth. Cat only put her hands on Kara. The thought of shoving her off came to mind, but Cat could not bring herself to do so.

"People kiss your ass all of the time. Time for you to be on the other side of that."

The kinky blonde hovered over Cat's face and buried it between her cheeks. Cat literally licked, and worshipped the blonde's fine hole, Licking it good and hard and making a trail of salvia to trickle down it. The coerced rimjob made Cat excited. Those cheeks were delicious and Cat could get lost between them all day.

"I can use your face as a chair. I bet you would like it. How long do you think you could breath?"

Cat quivered at the thought of the younger woman using her as a face sitting slave. Those delicious cheeks smothered Cat's face and she licked, slurped, and enjoyed every little bit of those fine cheeks. She pushed down onto Cat and smothered her face a little bit more.

A moment passed and Cat fell back on the desk, breathing heavily. Kara backed off and groped Cat's chest through her shirt. The aggressive kiss sent Cat into a fit of pleasure. Cat tried to gain control, but Kara refused. Kara had bent over Cat for some long and submitted to her, it was time for the favor to be returned.

With interess.

Kara bent Cat over her own desk and spanked her. While also hiking her skirt and running down Cat's expensive panties.

"Careful, those cost more than your apartment," Cat breathed.

"You got ripped off, Ms. Grant. These are kind of tacky."

Kara spanked Cat a few more times and spread her legs. She teased Cat a few times.

"I want you to say my name and I'll fuck you," Kara said.

Cat refused to submit right away. So Kara edged Cat until she was tingling with pleasure. The skilled hand ran down Cat's body and made her cry out in pleasure. Kara's fingers squeezed Cat's nipples through her blouse, with almost all of the buttons.

"Say my name, Cat. I know you know it."


Kara plunged her fingers deep inside of Cat's tight cunt and worked into her hard and fast. Cat squirted all over the place from Kara's intruding digits rocking inside of her.

"Was that too hard? Four letters. That's all it is. You are a bitch for getting it wrong all of those times. But, I guess there's a reason why some of us call you Cunt Grant behind your back."

Cat figured as much, but she had no proof.

"Not, me, because I'm a good little girl. Well most of the time. And you're going to see how good I can be, my mewling little kitten."

Oh, Cat wondered what caused this change in her meek assistant. But, she was not questioning it, not just yet. Just enjoying all of the ways which Kara fucked her. Cat's eyes shifted back, and Kara turned her around. Her pussy ground up against Cat and scissored her.

Kara's hands were all over the place. Hands grabbed Cat's nipples and squeezed them hard. She milked and palmed Cat's nipples.

Today, the boss succumbed to her subordinate. It was a good feeling, because Cat had been in control so long, she forgot how it was to lose control. Kara drove down and scissor-fucked her pussy. Cat let out a gasp of pleasure the faster Kara pumped inside of her and rocked her good and hard.

"Cum for me one more time," Kara said. "Cum for your new Mistress."

Cat let out a scream of pleasure. Oh, her kinky assistant hit all of the right buttons and unearthed Cat's secret kink. That someone would get sick of her shit one of these days and put Cat in her place. Oh, Cat never thought that Kara would be the person to do this. She rocked deeper and deeper inside of Cat's warm pussy lips which just drove her completely wild with pleasure.

"One more time."

Kara squirted all over Cat's pussy lips as well. The scissor-fucking continued the deeper Kara nudged into Cat and pushed deep inside of her. Cat rocked back and forth, the heat in her body only doubling down the faster Kara worked down inside of her.

The two lustful blondes came together.

The moment Kara finished up with Cat, she let Cat kiss her thighs in worship. Cat sighed as she enjoyed Kara's delicious legs. Her Supergirl, although Kara still thought that Cat had been fooled by her little ruse, was more than worthy of Cat's full attention.

After today, Cat would never breathe a word about what happened. Because, quite frankly, who would believe her that meek Kara Danvers just dominated her so relentlessly?End.