221. The Ties That Bind(Mari McCabe, Kuasa, and Ama...

The Ties That Bind(Mari McCabe, Kuasa, and Amaya Jiwe)

Mari and Kuasa gazed up at the naked and youthful form of their grandmother. While they knew a lot about the totem they now shared, Amaya knew everything. About all of the properties, all of the quirks in the totem, and also all of the consequences if they are going to use it.

"You need to be in tune with each other and also not neglect your needs," Amaya said. "I can sense the untamed passion. The power of the totem will overwhelm and destroy you if you don't let it guide you in the right direction. You must not fight it. You must embrace everything."

Amaya looked down at her granddaughters. Kuasa smiled and nodded and moved closer. Mari got the hint and the two women entered a passionate embrace. Their bare skin pressed against each other, with an extremely passionate makeout session doubling between the two of them. Mari put her hand against Kuasa's back while Kuasa kissed down Mari's body until she reached the woman's cleavage and her flat stomach.

"So warm," Mari gasped. "So warm."

Kuasa danced her tongue a little bit further down Mari and proceeded to tongue-fuck her pussy. Mari could not resist her older sisters tongue. Especially when her youthful grandmother moved closer towards her. Amaya pressed her hand against the other side of Mari and kissed her deeply.

"Give it."

The roar erupted through Mari's body and made her hips buck up passionately. Amaya closed her eyes tightly and pushed her tongue into the lips of her granddaughter while her other granddaughter paid tribute to another set of lips. The constant pussy munching only increased with Amaya dipping her tongue inside of Amaya and lapping up the juices which spilled from her body.

The second Kuasa came up, Amaya pounced her, with a predatory look in her eyes. Kuasa shivered underneath Amaya's touch when her hands moved in perfect harmony. Those fingers slipped deep against Kuasa's backside and pushed her in.

Now Amaya got into it and pushed her fingers in to Kuasa. Never to let Mari out in the cold, Amaya plunged deep inside of Mari. The two women edged closer to Amaya's hungry fingers. Amaya clamped and released those fingers, slipping down inside of her body.

"Release yourselves," Amaya told them. "Cum for me."

They came, their bodies rocking up and down in a feverent pace. Amaya leaned deeper into them and finger-banged them until their nectar spilled onto their fingers. Kuasa and Mari kissed their grandmother, in a very unfamial manner, while Mari edged them to a very intense orgasm, slamming down into their bodies.

"My god!" Mari moaned loudly.

Amaya smiled, more than one god at work. Or goddess in this case. She sprawled both of the women on the ground, prone and ready to be taken as nature intended. Amaya switched her tactics from one pussy to the next. Both women had their own unique tastes. Mari sweeter, but Kuasa was a bit more spice. Their loins rocked up from Amaya driving her tongue down into their bodies and making them explode inside of them.

Kuasa found herself taken on an endless pleasure train. Every time Amaya licked her, Kuasa's insides leaked just a little bit more. Her perfect pussy overflowed until she finally collapsed to the ground.

Mari saw stars the moment her dear grandmother went down on her. Amaya's beautiful face buried between Mari's thighs and licked her hard. Mari put her hand on the back of Amaya's head and encouraged her to go in deeper. The heat only only pumped through her body.

Both of her granndaughters reduced into dripping cumming wrecks. The animal instincts within Amaya rose up. The power of the totem made Amaya want to prove who the Alpha in this pack is. Energy flowed against her as she climbed up. Kuasa spread her legs.

"Laws of nature dictate that certain women deserve to be on top," Amaya remarked. "And that woman will be me."


Amaya slammed down into Kuasa's hungry pussy. Kuasa tightened up. It was almost like Amaya slammed a big horse cock deep into Kuasa's tight body, thanks to the rapid fire plunges. The deeper Amaya went, the more Kuasa sucked her in. Kuasa tightened and released her cock, and moaned.

Mari could feel the heat of her body increase. The view of her older sister being dominated set Mari's loins ablaze with lust. She could hardly hold herself up and could do nothing, but rub her pussy. Her entire mind collapsed into a fit of pleasure as she came undone.

"Don't worry, honey. I'll get to you soon."

Amaya leaned over and used her wet tongue to throat-fuck Mari. Mari threw her hips back and allowed more of that cock to ram deep inside of her body.

A slight turn brought Kuasa's lips to Mari's pussy. Amaya lightly pushed down into Kuasa and rubbed only enough energy to stimulate the tip sliding into her. And then, Amaya rewarded Kuasa with a little bit more, as she fed in more and more cock into her tight body. Kuasa stimulated Amaya's simulated cock with enough pushes. Amaya blew on Kuasa's earlobe and made her cum.

"And it's all about picking out the weakest spots. And attacking them. Until they break."

Kuasa's entire body burst with pleasure. She came hard, squirting all over her the cock when it gushed all over her body. Amaya pinned her down, with a pussy stuffing force.

The orgasm to end all orgasms made Kuasa see stars. Amaya plunged deep inside of her body and rode her to a very fast and rapid fire finish. Kuasa tightened around her and milked Amaya's simulated cock. She pushed deep inside of Kuasa and made her climax vigorously, pussy juices spilling all over the place.

Now Mari became weak with lust. The desire spread through her body. Amaya crawled over towards Mari and planted a huge kiss on her lips. Mari returned the kiss, feverish sensations spreading through her body. Amaya ground her pussy up against Mari and the two squirted with each other.

'It's all about knowing when to take control. And when to lose it."

Amaya plunged deep into Maria's body and rocked up and down inside of her. Mari's hungry pussy wrapped around Amaya's thrusting cock. Her grandmother hit all of the right spots inside of her and drilled her. The power of the totem allowed Amaya to take control.

The realization that Amaya taught Mari everything she knew, but not everything Amaya knew hit her. Amaya speared her tight cunt and rocked her up and down hard. She climaxed, hard. Amaya hit all of the sweet spots in Mari and made her blast pussy juices all over the place.

Amaya became a wild woman when pounding into Mari's hungry box. Thrust after thrust buried Amaya inside Mari, deep and fast. Mari clung on tight and let it all go hard.

Kuasa could feel the power coursing through Mari and the backlash hitting her body. Both sisters came hard thanks to the dominating action of their grandmother.

"Mmm, let's see how far I can take this."

Amaya experienced a lot with the power of the totem. She bent both Kuasa and Mari over the edge of the bed. Their hot bodies called for Amaya. Amaya stroked their pussies and edged into them. They squirted all over the place. Kuasa and Mari begged for Amaya's touch. Amaya leaned in towards them and finger-banged them quite aggressively, bringing them closer towards her.


That pleading tone from Kuasa brought a smile to Amaya's face. Amaya spread Kuasa's legs and with one solid plunge, she slammed deep inside of Kuasa. That tight pussy enveloped Amaya. Amaya closed her eyes and worked deep inside of Kuasa.

The power of her totem allowed Amaya to extend her power closer towards Mari and with another plunge, she fucked both of her granddaughters with ease. Amaya leaned in closer and tormented their bodies. The heat pumped through their bodies the faster Amaya worked inside of them. Amaya grinned when pushing inside of their tight and hungry holes, rocking them to a very fast finish.

They came, again and again, climaxing hard for Amaya. Amaya could feel how hot and sticky their pussies felt and how they oozed juices all over the place. She could feel an edge coming to her body each other.

First, Amaya would make them see stars. Then they would really feel their bodies succumb to passion and pleasure. Amaya leaned in deep and slowly fucked both of her granndaughters. The final orgasm which would rock their bodies and hers would be at hand.

Kuasa never thought she would feel this kind of raw energy until Amaya got her hands on her. The glorious plunging continued when Kuasa rapidly stuffed Amaya's tight and juicy cunt. Marks would be left for a very long time on Kuasa and on her body.

One final climax flashed through Mari's eyes from the constant stuffing her grandmother gave. Mari uncoiled and came hard, her pussy spurting all over the place.

Amaya rode herself to the ultimate climax. Her entire body became uncoiled and she climaxed very hard, exploding for her granndaughters just as easily as said granndaughters exploded for her.

The sexually wrecked bodies of Kuasa and Mari collapsed on the bed. Amaya slid back and felt up their sweaty and well fucked bodies. She sucked on their necks and smiled. Their pussies had been stretched out and gushing hard thanks to the power of the totem.

"I might have gone a little bit over the top," Amaya said. "But you should expect that. There are no limits to nature."

Amaya cupped Kuasa and Mari by the thighs and planted soothing, loving kisses down their bodies. The drastic contrast to the frantic pace she pounded them earlier. Although they were both on the edge for the next round, what Amaya had in store for them.
