The priest smiles and nods. "Would the couple like to say a few words?"

"No!" I bark without thinking. I want this over with as soon as possible. The fewer delays, the better.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Lucifer nod in agreement. He and I have different reasons for skipping this par of the wedding: he wants to consummate our marriage as quickly as possible and I want to get the hell out of here. Our minister is shocked for a moment, then collects himself again and nods, clearing his throat.

"No vows then, I assume?"

I shake my head. What am I supposed to say? That I really don't want to be here and that I hate my mother with every ounce of my being. I don't think that would go over well.

Lucifer also shakes his head. "The rings will do."

God, even his voice is perfect. I don't stand a chance.

The priest nods again. He motions for the best man - best , actually - to bring the rings forward. The hulking hellion steps forward, opening his massive palm to reveal two shining silver rings. The priest reaches out and grasps them from the demons' hand, though beyond his passive expression I can see fear flicker through his eyes. The priest turns to us again and asks us to each take a ring.

"You shall now exchange rings to symbolize your eternal affection and loyalty to each other," he announces.

I swallow, my throat suddenly tight. Besides knowing I'll have to kiss Lucifer at the end of this, this is the part I've been dreading the most about my wedding. Exchanging the rings symbolizes that we belong to one another. It will make our union .

The priest blesses the rings then turns to Lucifer and asks him to place his ring on my hand. He smiles at me and reaches for my hand, holding it gently as he slides the slender silver band over my finger. It's a beautiful ring. Sterling silver, no doubt, and carved with tiny intertwining vines.

The priest turns to me and instructs me to do the same. I manage to move my arm, reaching out to hold his hand steady. I'm shaking out of nervousness, making my aim go from bad to awful. Still, I manage to set my emotions straight and slide the matching ring onto Lucifer's long finger. I pull my hands back, gripping my bouquet so hard I'm snap some of the dead stems and the flowers tumble to the floor.

Following Lucifer's own request, the priest brings forward a small candle for us to light. It's black as a startles night, ridiculing the sacredness and purity of our marriage. He hands each of us a match, and we light it together, symbolizing our unity. My hand trembles as I light the small flame, and I wonder if setting the church on fire will get me out of this.

The priest takes the candle thanks God for our loving union, asking for us to have a long and happy marriage. I can't even imagine how pissed the old geezer must be right now. To see his rebellious son mocking him in a marriage to an innocent human girl...the old man must be causing a volcano to erupt somewhere.

"Buy the power vested in me," the priest announces to our audience, "I now pronounce you husband and wife."

My gut twists. This is the part I've been dreading. We have to kiss. I sigh inside myself, silently cursing my mother. If it wasn't for her and her damn deal, I would be back home studying for my final exams and gearing up for Spring break. But no. She's ruined my entire college experience for the chance to see the English throne. What an incredible tradeoff.

"You may now kiss the bride."

I sigh and bite my tongue. As much as I detest having to kiss this beautifully sinister fallen angel, I come to the same conclusion I've found before: it will be easier and safer to just do it and get it over with.

I look up to see him smiling at me, his golden eyes gleaming with excitement. He steps forward, halting just a few inches away. He towers over me, gazing down at me with ravenous eyes. I can feel the icy chill radiating off his skin and a shiver slightly.

He pauses, allowing me to take one last deep breath to steady myself. He may be the master of Hell, but at least he has a little bit of chivalry in him. He closes the final few inches between us, wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a deep kiss.

My heart nearly stops. His lips are icy, soft and smooth as satin against my own. His mouth tastes of honey and chocolate and every other decadent flavor I can imagine. I manage to close my throat off for an instant, cutting off an involuntary moan. I can understand why Leyna wants him so badly. He's' beautiful, powerful and delicious.

I have to catch myself before I fall into him and completely give in. I want to walk out of here on my own two feet, not carried in his arms like a ragdoll because I got an overdoes of his kiss.

His moist tongue teases against my mouth, barley running over the curve of my lower lip as he contemplates ravaging me here and now. He pulls back, though, and never invades my mouth. We both know this isn't them time or place for such a ballsy display of affection. That will come later.

Satisfied that our bond is sealed, He pulls away, still holding me in his arms as he smiles down at me again. My head is spinning from that kiss, my body suddenly craving more of him. My stomach clenches in hunger. I mentally shake myself. I can't want him like this!