I hear the screeching of car tires, the shattering of glass and the crunching of metal. The racket startles me out of his hypnotic trance and I peer through the curtains to see what happened. There's a six-car pileup just outside our carriage, with nearly every car totaled. The drivers of the cars stand in the street, staring wide-eyes and fearful as they watch our carriage pass by.

So they can see us.

He reaches down to grip the front pieces of my dress, never even flinching at the commotion outside. I'm not surprised that he doesn't seem to notice. Destruction and chaos must follow him wherever he goes.

He lifts the front pieces of my dress, reaching around my neck to put me back together.

"I'd love to keep this open, believe me," he smiles, "But I don't think that would be appropriate for the reception."

I nod. Even with me now being married to Lucifer, my mother would have a fit if I came out half-naked. For someone who's willing to sell off her own daughter to the Devil himself, she's surprisingly prudish.

He finishes buttoning my dress, adjusting it so it lays flat against my skin. The blood-red gleam of the ruby sits right in the middle of the front slit, shining through the sea of whit and black like a beacon. A beacon of doom, I suppose.

Still smiling at me, he retreats to the other side of the carriage, falling back onto the soft cushions of the seats. I stare at him, unsure of what he's planning. I twist and untwist my fingers nervously, waiting for his next move.

He crooks his finger at me, calling me forward. I hesitate, trying to figure out what he's thinking. He pats his thigh, motioning for me to sit. I nod and step towards him, my heart racing again. I can't begin to imagine what he wants: my poor mind can't get that dark.

I finally reach him, staring into his warm, bright eyes. He pats his thigh again, his smile never wavering. Swallowing, I gather the hem of my dress and turn so I sit in his lap. I feel like I'm five again and waiting for my father to tell me another one of his fantastic stories. Only, it's not my father I'm staring at.

He reaches up with one cold hand, his thumb tracing the curve of my bottom lip. I watch his eyes light up as an idea comes to his mind, making my guts twist. Oh, no. this is going to be bad.

"You have a beautiful mouth, Amelia," he purrs.

I inhale sharply. Something inside me stirs, knowing exactly where this conversation is going.

"I'd love to see it go to work." His smile widens, the spark in his eyes now a full blown bonfire.

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no...

He traces the carved ruby of my necklace. "I've given you a lovely present, no? I think it's only fair that I get something in return for my generosity."


My heart drops and my stomach completes a triple axel. Nothing about Lucifer comes without a catch. I know what he wants. What sane man would turn down a free blowjob? And if that man was Lucifer? Double fuck. I sigh inside myself, convinced yet again that it's better to go with the flow than fight him.

"What do you think, Amelia?" he asks, mocking me.

I sulk for a minute, cursing my mother once again. Damn her for setting me up like this. No doubt she knew he'd milk my insecurities for all they're worth, yet she never warned me about how depraved he could get. I swear, once we get to the reception I'm going to dunk her head in the punch bowl.

"I suppose it's a good thing I had a few boyfriends in high school," I mutter.

I blush and stare at the ground. What possessed me to say that?

His brows rise and inch. "So you've had experience, then?"

Nice move, genius. You've screwed yourself now.

"And how experienced are you?" He leans forward a bit, staring at me with interest. What's this? I've caught his curiosity.

I shrug, still mortified by my mindless confession. "Not too much. I'm no porn star, but I've...practiced."

Stop! Stop!

His eyes are on fire now. "Have you? Care to demonstrate?"

I stare at him, horrified, then sigh. I dismiss the idea of saying no, standing up and leaping out of the carriage. I'd love to toss myself out the window, duck and roll down the street, then take off running for home.

As if I'd even get that far.