I regain my control and pull myself free of his grip. I let his balls go and sit back on the floor. A small, mischievous smile adorns my face. I've proved my point and beaten him at his little challenge. Game, set, match.

I look up to see my husband laid out on the seat of the coach. The lower half of his body hangs completely off the cushion, and for a moment I'm afraid he'll fall. His chest rises and falls rapidly; his eyes are closed and his lips parted as he sucks in quick breaths.

After a brief silence, he manages to catch himself. He starts to laugh again, throwing his head back as he fastens his pants.

"Oh! My Amelia!" he barks out a sharp laugh. "If I've ever made a mistake in this deal, it was doubting you." He reaches out and strokes my cheek with his fingers as he smiles at me with those gorgeous eyes. "You did very well."

I lift my chin an inch and smile proudly. I've just give Satan himself one of the best blowjobs of his immortal life. I mentally pat myself on the back. I've proved myself tonight.

His smile falters a bit. "Oh, dear. I've ruined your hair, haven't I?"

I look down to notice thick locks of my hair curling down around my breasts. He's pulled out a good number of my hair pins, and now my elegant up-do is falling apart.

He sits up and sighs. "Well, we certainly can't have that. They'll know we were up to something."

He beckons me to stand. I follow orders, still a bit giddy that I've pleased him. Amelia Rebecca Harlowe: The Tamer of Lucifer's Libido. Yes, that's a perfect moniker for me. I'll request for that to be carved on my gravestone so people can know just how awesome I was tonight.

He stands to face me, picking up a lock of my hair and twisting it through his fingers. "How will we remedy this?"

I shrug. "To be honest, I actually prefer it down."

He pauses for a moment, considering my suggestion. He moves suddenly, slowly pulling out each hair pin that's been jammed into my scalp. More chunks of my hair tumble down, until he removes the last pin and there's nothing adorning my head. He takes a step back, cocking his head to the side as he inspects me.

A soft smile plays on his lips. "Yes, I like that."

I smile back. I've played his game well and came out alive and on top. Not bad for a nineteen-year-old human girl. I'd say I deserved a trophy.

I suppose being a trophy wife will have to do.

"Sire!" Tarioc's voice deep resounds through the carriage, startling me. "We're almost there."

Lucifer nods. He smiles at me again, adjusting my hair so that I look as acceptable as possible.

"We wouldn't want your mother finding out, would we?" He winks.

I mull the though around in my head. Would I really care if mom found out? After all this, not really. At the moment, I'm too proud of myself to give a damn about what she thinks. She can't keep her end of the bargain, but I can make Lucifer beg.

Take that, mother.

The carriage slowly grinds to a halt as we pull up to the magical place Lucifer has picked for our reception. My mind flits between hoping for a bright, sunny field filled with flowers, and knowing he's probably picked something much darker and less cheerful. Out of caution, I prepare myself toe the worst case scenario.

I can hear the sounds of numerous hoof beats outside as the rest of our party closes in behind us. Lucifer steps toward the door, beckoning me to follow. The door opens and I watch as Tarioc steps aside as he waits for us to exit. Lucifer steps down first, the turns to me and holds out his hand so I have some balance. I step carefully down out of the carriage and into the warm sunlight.

The reception area that's been chosen is a mixture of both my worst fears and a lovely setting. The graveyard is enormous, with lush, grass knolls of the countryside spreading out for miles. The headstones themselves are made of carved white marble and free of vines or weeds. Someone cares for this place.

There's a long table set out on one of the grassy mounds. It's covered in rich, dark cloth and has every kind of food imaginable laid out on its surface. There are dozens of large shady trees to sit under, and for some reason a bevy of songbirds has come out to serenade us.

It's lovely here. Still, my gut turns slightly. We'll be eating and dancing on top of dead people. How macabre.

The reception whizzes by, and I lose track of time momentarily. I don't really remember much, just the sights of people playing games, and the sounds of champagne popping and laughter. Oh, and me having to resist the urge to drown my mother in the punch bowl. I'm slightly relieved that Lucifer stayed by my side the entire time and gave me something else to focus on.

I do experience a slight piece of revenge on my mother, but it comes from an unlikely source. Mom and Leyna are engaged in a conversation about who knows what. They're laughing and smiling, making sly jokes at the expense of those around them. Suddenly, Leyna's lovely face changes from jovial to enraged. Mo mother must have said something to piss her off, a common occurrence with my mom. Leyna stands, tosses her drink in my mother's face, and storms off. My mother is left sitting in her chair, covered in spiked punch and looking traumatized.

I smile. It's not much of a comeback for what I've been through, but it's enough to carry me through the rest of the day.

In the moments before sunset, Lucifer and I bid goodbye to our guests. He ushers me gently towards the carriage, and I can see the excitement and anticipation in his eyes. He may not get to sleep with me tonight, but he's got his queen on his arm. I'm sure in his eyes it's a major accomplishment; having a queen is more than his father can say.

I manage to escape his hold and run back into the crowd. For the last time, I embrace Richard, Daniel and Marcus. I tell them how much I love them, say how much I'll miss them, promise I'll find a way to visit. My mother steps forward and throws her arms wide, waiting for her hug. I sigh and embrace her begrudgingly. She is my mother, after all, and I still love her. I just hate what she's done to me.

My goodbyes complete, I race back to the carriage. Lucifer leans against the carriage, staring passively at me. I'm glad he's not upset that I ran off like that. Not a good idea to start our weeding night off on a bad foot because I said goodbye to my family.