I stare up at the ceiling in wonder. "This is nothing like what the bishops said it would be."

He laughs, a beautiful sound that drowns my sense of reason for an instant. "Ah, you're thinking of the pits of fire and ice that hold the damned. Those are below us. You needn't worry about that area. You won't be going down there until you're ready. Come."

He begins to walk down the hallway. I scurry after him, still distracted by the absolute beauty of this place. If the preachers knew this was the part of Hell where Lucifer lived, they'd throw a fit.

"Why so lavish?" I admire the craftsmanship of the statues.

"Why not. If I'm going to live and work with the lowest filth of the human race, I might as well make my home as comfortable as possible."

"Was Heaven anything like this when you were still up there?" I ask without thinking. I suddenly wish I could take the words back. Reminding him of his old home was an awful idea.

A sly smirk crosses his lips. "Not even close."

I drop my head, mortified and hoping I haven't pissed him off. We continue down the hall in silence; the absence of noise allows me to understand what he meant by the pits being below us. I can hear the screams of tortured souls as they're ripped apart and crushed under the weight of their sins. But the sounds come from outside the windows, emanating up from the soft orange glow.

I shiver and rush forward to keep pace with him. I stand beside him, putting him between me and the open windows. If a wayward demon accidentally shoves me, he's going to be my barrier between those pits.

The hall is empty besides us, which means I'm not going to be shown off tonight, more likely, Lucifer is waiting until tomorrow to introduce me to his followers. I'm slightly relieved. That will give me time to either adjust to this wondrous place or completely lose my mind.

We stop in front of an enormous door imbedded into the marble slabs. It's solid oak and stained so dark it looks black. It's expertly carved with effigies of human souls wrapped in fire with elated demons dancing above them. Horrifying, but such lovely handiwork.

Lucifer steps up and opens the door. Inside, a vast room decked out in gleaming white marble, lush fabrics and a hoard of female demons awaits me. He motions for me to enter, a move I counter with a confused look.

He smiles at me. "It's our wedding night, Amelia. And while you've earned a reprieve from consummating our union, I can't have you coming to bed in your wedding dress, as lovely as it may be." He motions to the group of demons inside the room. "They're your assistants. They'll prep you, set out your clothing, and anything else you may need."

Oh. I have hired help. How upper-crust.