He flings open the doors, rummaging through the racks of clothing once more. I wonder what he could possibly be looking for. Another sexy dress, maybe? Or a tantalizing corset? My mind spins with wicked possibilities, and I can hardly wait to see what he picks.

"Ah! Here we are!"

He straightens and kicks the doors closed as he turns back to me. He carries an elaborately carved black oak box in his hands. Black and red jewels are imbedded in the deep cuts of the box, and a small silver latch keeps whatever is inside from flying out.

He takes a seat next to me, setting the box down on the bed between us. I watch him carefully, slightly concerned yet fascinated as to what this box is for. He grins and reaches forward, undoing the latch and lifting the lid.

Inside, rows and rows of tiny metal rings and studs cover a rich black satin lining. Gold, silver, platinum, even steel hoops are artfully separated according to color, size ad design. Some of the studs are solid metal. Others have small jewels attached to them by chains. Still others have a small gemstone at the very tip. They're all beautiful, but so confusing.

"What's all this?" I look up at him with questioning eyes.

There's a dark smile on his lips, and his eyes are full of mischief and malice. His evil smile never falters for an instant, a detail that suddenly makes me nervous. I pull back an inch, not frightened that he'll hurt me but of what might be going on in that twisted, damaged head of his. This is, after all, Lucifer. He could do anything.

"Now then, my queen," his grin almost splits his face in two. "About those nipple rings..."

I stare at him in shock, my jaw smashing through the bed and denting the floor. Nipple piercings? I've just been crowned as his queen, seen my mother kneeling before me in rags, and recovered from a good session of slow, sweet lovemaking. And he wants to do this ? I sigh. I love Lucifer, I do, but I will never understand this man...creature...thing that he is.

Taking a deep, ragged breath, I stare him in his bright gold eyes. "Really?"

He grins. "Yep."

"Why now?"

He shrugs. "Why not?"

I can't think of a good answer, but I'm apprehensive nonetheless. I raise my arms against my chest, covering what I can of my breasts. I start chewing my lip out of nervousness, my heart rate starting to go berserk.

Lucifer frowns at me, concerned. "Amelia."

"I don't know," I manage to whisper. "I don't like pain. I got my ears pierced when I was twelve and I screamed like a banshee."

That makes him pull away and think of a response. "It won't be that bad. It'll only hurt for a second."

My eyes flick down to the box of hoops and studs. "I'm nervous."

He offers me a small smile. "You know you get to pierce me, too."

I stop chewing my lip and cock my head slightly. That make me feel a little better. If I get to give him a few piercings as well, then at least it's fair. I won't suffer alone.

"We could have them engraved." His grin is almost contagious.

Despite my apprehension, I can't help but laugh. "What? Like have our initials in the studs?"

He smiles and nods. "If you'd like. Might help with keeping other people's hands off our property."

I shake my head and scoff. "Lucifer, the only way Leyna is ever going to leave you alone is if you kill her or have 'Property of Amelia' tattooed on your ass."

He thinks for a minute. "I like the engraved piercings instead."

"Only because you get to manhandle my boobs," I counter.

He grins again. "Damn straight."

I smile and roll my eyes. He's certainly charismatic, almost impossibly so. He could convince the pope to lose his virginity or a demon to convert to Catholicism. I can understand why so many people fear him: his influence on the human soul is terrifying. And now, even as his queen, some of that charisma is starting to get to me.

I take a deep breath. "If that's really what you want to do..."

He nods. "Think of it as a wedding present."