We reach the door to our room in what feels like seconds. It swings open just long enough for us to step inside, then slams shut and locks. I stop just onside the door, watching Lucifer pull away and start pacing the room. He's beyond furious, not at me, but at his brother for coming down into his domain and trying to steal away his queen. I feel no anger or annoyance towards him. Any rational man would be upset after that.

That said, I can't watch him pace the floor like a trapped animal. It makes me nervous. I want him to calm down faster, to cool off quickly enough that we'll still have time to roll around in bed. I square my shoulders and walk over to him, gripping his wrist and pulling him towards the bed. He resists at first, but acquiesces and follows me back.

I reach the bed and spin around, sitting down on the soft blankets the line the enormous oak structure. With Lucifer staring at me dispassionately, I reach up and hook my hands on his shoulders, gently forcing him to his knees. He crumbles easily, collapsing to the floor and gazing at me with hollow, empty eyes.


I loop my arms around his neck and pull him forward, guiding him to the front of my dress. If I know Lucifer, then my body will do wonders to calm him down. His cool cheek presses against my breasts and I hold him there, running my fingers through his messy hair. He relaxes almost immediately, turning his head so he can press his nose against my skin and breathe me in. He nuzzles the skin of my breasts, and a soft smile finally arrives on his lips.

"If I had the ability to die," he whispers against my skin, "I would suffocate myself in your breasts and die a happy man."

I relax a bit and smile myself. "Please don't. I'd have to sleep here alone."

He groans happily and pulls away, looking up at me apologetically. "I'm sorry about that argument. Something about Michael always seems to set me off."

I run my fingers through his hair again. "I understand. He pisses me off, too."

His smile widens a bit. "Anything I could do to help my distressed queen?"

I pause, the gears in my head starting to spin. My curiosity builds, the reckless teenage side of my conscience daring me to ask for something insane. My rational side stares in horror, begging that I return to sanity and ask for something normal. I stare at him and chew my lip, stalling for time while my two halves fight for supremacy.

Lucifer's smile falls a bit, his eyes turning worried worried. "Amelia?"

With one final shove, my reckless side claims the crown. "Mind if I blow off a little steam?"

"Blow off a little..." His eyes narrow in confusion, then widen with hope. "I do hope you're implying what I think you are."

I smile and nod.

He stares at me with wide, thunderstruck eyes. Behind his shocked expression, I can almost hear the 'Fuck, yes!' echoing in his mind. A tiny smile breaks on my lips. I've hit a sweet spot.

He takes along breath, trying to conceal his excitement. "If that's what you want."

Spurred on by his enthusiasm, I nod and reach behind my back, scrabbling for the velvet ties of my dress. Lucifer laughs and rises his feet, pulling me off the bed and spinning me around.

"Allow me," he breathes against my neck.

"Please," I whisper back.

He works quickly, pulling the ribbons apart and helping me out of the pool of fabric. He grins like a child at Christmas, and I can only stare and admire his superior beauty. How I'm able to look him in the eyes and remain sane is a mystery.

He leans in for a kiss, but my libido is already fired up and has no time for games. I shake my head and gently shoe him towards the bed. He stumbles a bit, then regains his balance and smiles wickedly at me.

"Take off your pants and sit down," I'm almost pleading for him to comply.

He barks out a laugh. "Yes, ma'am!"

He strips quickly and tosses his jeans aside, collapsing into the bed and grinning at me. His cock stands straight as a pole, proud and strong and ready to go. I giggle at his childlike excitement. There's something so innocent and untainted about him when it comes to sex, like every time is his first. It's charming, honestly.

I step over to the bed, kneeling down in front of him. He's grinning like a madman, practically shaking with anticipation. I'm excited, too. I actually sucking him off. With Lucifer, it grants me a rare moment of control, as well as allowing me to tease for once.

"I didn't know I was good. You're almost bouncing." I can't suppress giggling at his enthusiasm.

His smile never fades. "I have my reasons for liking your mouth."

I glance at his cock, staring at it apprehensively. Iknow the extent my talents, and I know that I can make him beg, but I don'tknow what he likes. He's never told me if there was any particular way he likesbeing sucked off - something that would make this a bit more enjoyable for him- so I'm apprehensive to simply close my eyes and start.

I look back up at him, biting my lipuncertainly. "Is there anything you want?"

His smile fades, shifting to a confused frown."Anything I want?"

"You know...is there anything you reallylike? A certain way you want it?" I shrug.

His eyes widen in recognition, and his browcreases for a minute in concentration. "Try going really slow."

I stare at him, dumbfounded. "Slow?"

His smile retunes. "It'll make the feelinglast longer."

"Anything else?" I reach out andgently grip his shaft, slowly stroking him as he thinks.

"Uh..." He trails off, his breathingunsteady, unable to create a coherent thought for a moment. "No...drawinga...blank for now."

I smile and release his cock. His lust has got atight grip on his mind, making his thinking hazy and his body hypersensitive.Perfect.

I pull my hair away from my face and dip down,running my tongue along the underside of his cock. He twitches and gives asharp gasp. My blood starts to pound in my head. For some reason, this has gonepast simple oral sex. It has transitioned into a bonding moment for both of us,linking us together in a mutual give-and-take of pleasure.