"Leyna!" My husband's voice rolls through the hallway, so full of anger and fury that I'm nearly knocked over by the mere sound of it. Kerion is stunned too, almost collapsing to the ground. I manage to remain steady and collect my equilibrium, but my heart is racing. My husband is coming for me, unaware of the change I've gone through or the torrent of emotions I'm feeling. For the few seconds I have before I must turn to face him, I ponder what to do. I can't just tell him what's going on -- he'll never believe me. But I feel so awkward and foolish pretending to be Leyna in front of him. I hate to lie to him, but I'm too afraid of his legendary anger to try to tempt fate by telling him the truth. "Look at me." His voice swirls in my ear, soft but focused and angry. He's right behind me, his hot breath cascading down my back. I freeze, my lungs seizing up and my heart nearly stopping. Kerion is staring wide-eyed at me, as fearful and nervous as I am. Slowly, I gather my strength, reminding myself the he is husband, and turn to face him. Full lips are twisted into a cruel scowl. An impossibly beautiful face has hardened into a mask of absolute contempt. His brilliant gold eyes pierce through me, and my knees nearly buckle under me. They're so filled with power and hatred that I'm almost moved to tears. He's so angry, so suspicious of Leyna that he nearly hates her. But right now, with his eyes glaring at , it feels as if I'm the object of his fury. I swallow and collect whatever strength I have left, lifting my head and staring straight back at him. He towers over me in Leyna's slightly smaller frame, and I have to crane my neck to just to see him. His heated gaze never wavers. "What have you done?" she I try to force out an answer, but my throat locks and I'm rendered speechless in front of my own husband. I've never seen him this pissed, and now I'm afraid he'll honestly hurt me if he doesn't catch on. His eyes flick to Kerion, narrowing in annoyance. "Leave." Kerion takes a tentative step forward, barely testing the boundaries. "Sire, we must-" Lucifer's eyes spear straight through the old spider. "." Kerion retracts his foot, pulling back slowly down the hall and creeping into an alcove to leave us alone. I know him enough to know he's simply following orders, but with him leaving, I feel more alone that I've ever felt in my life. Kerion finally disappears from the hallway, retreating into the shadows that branch off into smaller halls. Standing here in front of my furious husband, I'm completely alone. His eyes come back to me, still full of contempt. "Answer me." I can't. He's asking the right question to the wrong person, and I have no good answer for him. I stand there, stupidly staring at him, silently pleading that he'll recognize something in me that will let him know I'm not Leyna. His gaze softens a bit, but it remains just a deadly. He turns and steps away, walking towards the thick wall of the hallway and placing his hands on the edge of one of the banisters. He peers into the pits of souls below, the soft orange glow giving him a slightly more vicious look. "I was wondering if you could assist me in something." He's talking to the souls below, but speaking to me. I swallow again, and this time I force words from my mouth. "With what, sire?" He turns to look at me, cocking his head to the side and staring at me coldly. "There's something amiss with my queen." I nearly faint from relief. Kerion must have been right! Leyna's clueless to my relationship with my husband. She has no idea what Lucifer and I are like around each other, so she must have done something to tip him off. I force down my elation and try to remain as calm as possible. "What would... make you say such a thing?" He spins around and leans against the wall, still staring at me with hollow eyes. "She's...off." "How so?" I ask politely. "Off in a mental way? In a human way?" "Mentally, I suppose," he muses. "She's not acting right." Oh, of course. It's a test, a trap. He knows the real Leyna had something to do with my body's behavior, and he's banking on the idea that she'd crack under pressure if questioned. He's theory may be correct, but he's talking to the wrong Leyna. say Knowing that I need to play along or possibly sign my death certificate, I answer the only way I can. "She's human, sire. She'll never be right." His eyes narrow at me, but he never lashes out. "Don't play with me, Leyna. I'm concerned." I sigh dramatically. "I'm sure you are. Alright, fine. What's gotten you so upset?" His features soften a bit, but the killer gleam in his eyes remains. He's willing to talk, but he'll be watching for any mistake or hint I make. "She's whinier than usual. She practically shit on Belphagor's name because he needed my help. She was also rummaging through her wardrobe, something I've never seen her do before. Like she was a child in her mother's closet." My anger spikes. That bitch is playing princess with clothes. I'm going to slaughter her. I shrug. "She's needy. I'm sure warned you that she would be. Human are notorious for that." He rolls his eyes. "She's more demanding, too. She was begging me to calm down. She never does that." "Still needy. Maybe you're not up par with stupid little insecurities." I hate degrading myself, but if I don't play the game, I'll be kicked off the island into a river of boiling blood. His gaze shifts to the wall, and for several moments he says nothing. He glares at the stones, the intense anger from his gaze actually making the bricks start to smoke. My gut turns. Whatever this little fuck-up is, Leyna sure made it a good one. "She removed her piercings." I'm numb. My emotions have gone from angry to furious to a hatred so intense I momentarily stop feeling. My hands tremble slightly, and I stare at him blankly, my abhorrence for this woman making it impossible for me to move. She removed piercings? She pulled out the few symbolic pieces of metal that lined Lucifer and I together?. I take a slow breath, collecting myself into a barely-controlled ball of anger, despair and confusion. I can't play this game anymore. My masquerade as Leyna has come to an end, and I'm planning to go out with a bang. "She took out," I nearly spit the words, " piercings?"