My husband's eyes flick to me, narrowing then relaxing as he realizes what's happened. His smile could outshine the sun, and I sense his desire to steamroll over Leyna and tackle me to the ground. Instead, he manages to control himself enough to focus on my source of anger. His gaze shifts back to Leyna, his golden orbs narrowing in silent fury. "Indeed she did. What should we do about that?" He cups his chin with his fingers, staring lovingly at me. Leyna stares up at me, her sickly yellow eyes filled with fear and anger. She knows how pissed I am -- had to kiss to get my body back -- so she's expecting me to go nuclear on her ass and tear her to pieces. I'd love to, believe me I would, but killing is not my forte. I was raised to brush the dirt off my shoulder and keep going. Karma would take care of her children and destroy those who opposed her.. . I shrug nonchalantly and smile at Lucifer. "I don't care." Lucifer's warm smile falters a bit. "Amelia, she stole your body." I keep smiling at Leyna. "Yes, but she to you. That's the worse offense." Leyna's eyes widen in horrified shock. She knows my plan -- she played with Lucifer, so I'm going to toss her to the wolves. Her lip trembles a bit, but I can see in her eyes its anger, not fear, that's diving her to make such a pitiful face. She's a predator, and she'll likely strike if I show any mercy. I may be back in control, but she's not above trying to kill me or switch again. Before I can scowl back at her, and idea explodes into my head. It's incredibly simple and foolish, and it makes me stop for an instant as I try to rationalize my sudden burst of thought. As I mold it and smooth out the edges, I start to smile. It's a perfect idea.... "Lucifer," I purr, suddenly feeling more mischievous than I have in years. His eyes snap to me, curious. "Yes." "I may have the perfect punishment for out little doppelganger here." My smile becomes slightly evil, an expression that crosses my face less often than a solar eclipse comes around. I watch as Leyna's eyes suddenly fill with genuine fear. She can't read my mind, but she knows I've gone something very nasty and perfectly fit planned for her. "How well would a demon and an angel get along together?" I ask innocently. Lucifer is silent for a moment as he ponders my question. "Oil and water. They'd try to kill each other. Why?" I raise my eyes to smile at him. "Our Leyna here is a bit of a self-absorbed whiner, wouldn't you say?" He nods, but stares at me curiously. "Yes..." I cock my head and grin at him. "Who's the most self-absorbed, whiney angel you know?" He glares at the floor as he racks his brain for an answer. Suddenly, he goes completely still. He raises his head to stare at me, a most devilish smile crossing his lips. He looks thoroughly pleased with my plan, as if I've just passed Demon Thought Processes 101 with flying colors. His gaze drifts back down to Leyna, his wicked smile still plastered to his face. "Yes, I agree. She and Michael would make a fine match." Leyna's eyes early burst out of her skull. She whips her head from me to Lucifer and back again, the panic and anger starting to boil under her skin. "You bitch!" she screams. "You can't!" "Why not?" I gaze at her, waiting for her illogical answer. She's rendered silent, her eyes flicking back and forth frantically as she tries to plan her escape. But she's not going anywhere and she knows it. She's royally fucked. "Lucifer, how do I call Michael?" I look at him expectantly.