Lucifer steps forward, dragging Leyna with him as he approaches Michael. It takes the glorious un-fallen angel a second to actually register his brother's voice. His eyes narrow in confusion, not sure what to make of the situation. He'd come here to ravage me and haul me back to the mortal world, and yet his brother, previously hidden in the shadows, is slowly creeping up on him like the predator his is.

Still frozen in place in front of Michael, I steal a glance at my husband. His warm amber eyes are focused, seeing nothing and no one but his meddling brother. His grip on Leyna's slender wrist would be enough to crack stone, yet he drags her along as if she's made of glass. I understand: if this trick is to go over well, it's best to leave the merchandise alone, lest he risk further damage to an already worthless piece.

As Michael turns to face his brother, I start to worry this plan might not end up being as triumphant as we need it to be. Both he and Leyna have tried to break up my marriage to Lucifer, although Leyna was far more successful. But even though Michael didn't do quite as much damage, he still tried to interfere with me and my husband. In my book that's a no-no, so there's still a risk that he'll pussy out and race away.

Panicking, I reach out and grab Michael's free arm, holding onto him with everything I've got so he won't fly away. He whips his head around to glare at me, recognizing the trap. I'm terrified, but I don't let go. I've suffered through too much shit at the hands of these two vermin, and I'm not about to back down and fail my husband now.

Michael's eyes narrow at me in fury. "You! You set me up! Little bitch!" His arms pulls back and I can almost see crosshairs forming on my head.

I take a tiny step back, trying to put another inch of distance between us, but my grip stays firm. I'm queen, damn it. I may be scared, but I'll stand my ground if it means getting back at the ones who fucked with me. And Michael majorly tried to fuck with me. Just as the archangel is about to swing, Lucifer's free hand shoots out and catches his brother by the wrist. Relieved to not have my head smacked off, I peek around Michael's hulking form to see my husband.

Michael has picked a bad time to attack me. Standing so close to each other, I notice that not only is Lucifer the older sibling, he's also a good two inches taller than his brown-nosing brother. There's a fury in his eyes I've never seen before, but it's with good reason. Michael is a pain in his brother's ass, and even Lucifer can only take so much. Lashing out at his beloved queen was the straw that broke the demon's back.

Lucifer jerks Michael's hand down out of firing range, tightening his grip so I can actually hear the bones crack. Michael winces slightly, but remains glaring at his brother with all the anger he can muster. But the archangel's anger is nothing compared to my husband's. Lucifer cocks his head, a slow smile spreading across his lips as he holds his brother tight.

"Tucoric? Nama hisienthor ni sinaromac." The words flow from his mouth like silk, wrapping around my skin and making me shiver.

It's a tongue I've never heard before, much more delicate and fragile than the demonic language used here. It must be the old language he used back in Heaven; a softer, chime-like speech meant to show the gentleness and charm of Paradise.


Michael's eyes widen, then narrow. " is what you want? A lying, manipulative whore who tricks angels with sex? is your queen?!"

Lucifer's perfect lips curl up into a soft, sinister smile. "Yes. is my queen. A woman who cares for me, who's honest with me, who listens to me. A woman who is beautiful, charming, intelligent and strong. Who does lie – at my behest – only to assist me in my punishment of those who tried to ruin us."

Dragging Michael's arm downward, Lucifer drags Leyna out from behind him and jerks her arm forward. He presses their palms together, and a soft sizzle begins to fill the room. Both Leyna and Michael wince at the sound, then panic and start to pull apart. It's a vain attempt; their hands have been welded together, fusing them into one person.

"Yes, brother," Lucifer sneers at Michael. "This is my queen. And now, you have yours."

Still struggling to free herself, Leyna turns to me and glares with everything she's got. She screams and lunges at me, one clawed hand slashing at the air as she takes off. But Michael's solid angelic form is still rooted in place, and she's yanked back to where she was before. I can't help my smile. I've taken back everything that's mine, and she can't even muster the strength to pull away and attack me. She's stuck, trapped with an angel she despises while I watch her struggle.

Lucifer steps back, letting the demon and the angel continue struggling to separate for a moment, a wicked smile plastered to his face. He raises his own hands, claps the twice, then waits. A heartbeat later, a blinding beam of light erupts through the roof of our room and surrounds the two struggling immortals. I lift my arm to shield my eyes from the brilliant light, but my eyes start to tear anyway. Lucifer steps beside me and spreads one of his enormous black wings. He reaches out, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest, folding his wings around me until I'm surrounded by darkness.

"Father!" he calls out. "Here is your son. He has a guest with him. Take good care of them!"

There's a loud explosion, then silence. Lucifer waits for a few seconds before unfurling his wing, taking the time to allow my eyes to adjust to the suddenly normal light. I pull away gently, looking around the empty room. Leyna and Michael are gone, leaving Lucifer and I completely alone.