I stop and think for a moment, my memory slowly coming back. "On my clit? Yeah?"

His smile widens an inch. "After our bath."

I pull back an inch, biting my lip in apprehension. I know that particular part of my body very well, and I know it can't take much of anything before it starts to hurt. The idea of having a slender ring of metal jammed through it isn't very appealing, but I tell him about it as a means to solidify our bond. I've dug my own grave for this one.

I glance back to him. Lucifer is kneeling in the tub, staring at me with a mix of curiosity and worry. His wings have relaxed a bit, slightly folded against his back and soaking in the water. He looks honestly worried, but not surprised. I told him the first night we were married that I didn't like pain, so he knows how apprehensive I can be about things like this. Hell, it was hard enough for me to let him pierce me the first three times, so this will be extra difficult.

I take a slow breath and stare at him. "You promise to counteract the pain?"

His smile returns with a vengeance. "I promise. Your pick."

"My pick?" I arch a brow at him, another smile replacing my nervous frown. "I get to pick the way I've relieved?"

He nods, his smile still plastered to his face. I mull my options over for a moment until I settle on the thing I want the most: my curiosity of being eaten out satisfied. I've never experienced it, though I've given more than enough bj's to have earned such an honor, so I'm dying to know what all the fuss is about.

"Fine, then." I straighten my spine and stare into his hypnotic eyes. "You get to pierce my clit, and I get to have you devour me. Deal?"

His smile nearly splits his face in half. "Deal."

Good." I hold my arms out a second time. "Now come here. I've been stuck inside Leyna all day and I'm dying for you to tear me to pieces."

"My lady, I'm all yours," he croons.

He leans forward, pressing his chest against mine and forcing me back against the edge of the tub. I go willingly, almost hypnotized by the icy chill of his skin. I love it; it's cool and calming and oh-so-seductive. It's the physical version of crème Brule.

My back pressed against warm, smooth stone, I welcome his cold, loving embrace with abandon. It's wonderful to feel him against me again. His impossibly strong hands reach down and grip my hips, lifting my body off the bottom of the tub and suspending me in the water. I reach out and grip the edge of the tub for support. On land, I can flip, walk, run and kick ass. In water, I'm a rock.

Lucifer edges closer until his hips are directly under mine. He kneels in the tub and slowly brings my hips down to meet his. My ass rests on his legs while his cock presses against the cleft between my thighs. It's enough to make me shiver slightly, the anticipation inside me building into an inferno. My body is begging, nearly screaming for him; my mind is slowly losing itself. All for this fallen angel.

Lucifer pulls my hips forward an inch, pressing his cock harder against me. I squirm and moan his name, begging him to stop his endless tortures and finally get down to business.

"I don't now, Amelia..." his voice is low, playful and sinister at once. "I'm still upset with you over that trick."

I moan desperately. "Lucifer! Please!"

"Oh. Is my poor queen getting desperate?" He laughs at my discomfort, pressing the head of his cock against my slit just to tease me. "Perhaps you should have thought about this before dragging me underwater."

At this point, my body is so fired up I'm an inch away from spontaneously combusting. His teasing isn't helping much to quench the blaze. My mind is slowly beginning to unravel, steadily sending me into a lust-fueled haze of madness. I shake my head to clear it, glaring down at my impossibly beautiful husband. I scowl at him, part annoyance, part need.


"Fuck me, or no more blowjobs. Ever." I growl.

His evil smile fades, replaced by a look of pained worry. I smile inside. I've hit his weak spot. As manipulative and cruel as he is, my bj's have the power to bring him to his knees. I'm fairly sure that going one week without me sucking him off will drive him nuts.

He shakes his head, scowling. "No ultimatums."

I glare at him. "."

His eyes flick to me. "None, got it? Or no sex for . Ever."

"Come on!" I groan, desperation starting to pool in my head.

He shakes his head. "Promise me. No ultimatums."

The lust I'd been feeling seconds ago has been replaced by a severe case of annoyance. I love my husband and I still want him, but his attitude and games are getting under my skin. I've survived a night in Leyna's skin, dealt with Lilith and her shitty attitude and managed to claw my life back. And now, I'm stuck with a painfully seductive husband who's determined to play mind games for his own enjoyment.

Honestly, I'm done for the night.