He blinks up at me twice before a sly smile breaks onto his lips. His hands reach out and gently grip my hips, tracing my curves while holding me in place. I smile to myself and rise up enough to reach down and grab his cock in my hand. I help aim his body and ease myself down, savoring the sensation of him inside me again. This new position is wonderful, offering an entirely different way of feeling him as he slips inside. I close my eyes and bite my lip as I finally take the last inch of him inside me, settling down until my ass brushes against his thighs.

I flick my eyes to his, watching his expression change from elated to fiery to expectant. He knows what I want – to have a tiny bit of control and to find my own pleasure - and he's more than willing to oblige. I lean forward and kiss him, jumping at the sensations of him rubbing me in completely new ways. I pull back a bit and smirk down at him, watching the flickers of lust dance in his eyes.

"My turn," I whisper. "I'm going to ride like a stallion."

He grins back, happier than a kid in a candy store. "Ride away, cowgirl. Show me what you've got."

I can't help my own smile. At last, some good, quality sexy-time with my husband. I brace my hands on his chest and push myself up. The movement makes his cock shift around inside of me, and I shiver. Damn it, that feels good! How I'm able to go an hour without dragging him into bed is a mystery.

Sitting back, I suddenly frown and stare at his sculpted chest. I've never ridden anything before, so I have no idea what I'm doing. My surprise may have been ballsy, but it's also screwed me into a corner. I stare at his golden flesh for a few more seconds until I finally close my eyes and give my mind a quick shake.

Taking a deep breath, I rock my hips forward towards his chest, feeling his body brush against mine in a million different places. The action makes me quiver with delight, and I let out a shaky breath as I try to stabilize myself. I've figured out what to do; now I just need to find my rhythm. I sway backwards, feeling his cock move inside me again. Holy shit, this is fantastic! Even at a slow pace, I could get addicted to this.

Having figure out exactly what needed to be done, I start to rock my hips back and forth, finding a slow but steady rhythm that makes me groan and dig my nails into his chest. Lucifer reacts below me, moaning my name and closing his eyes as his back arches off the bed. I grin down at him like a fool despite my own rushes of pleasure. It's a small relief to finally have a few ounces of control. Not enough to dangle over him as a way to assert my tiny amount of authority, but it's enough to make me relax and show him that I'm strong in my own right.

If he'll tie me down and spank me on a bed, then I'll bring him to his knees.

I toss my head back and close my eyes, letting my thoughts and rationality fly out the window. I'm tired, rattled and still a little upset – I'm ready to let loose and grab the bull by the horns. I'll worry about what happens to Lilith later. For right now, my body is craving release, and I'll be damned if that piece of shit will get in the way of me fucking my husband.

On instinct – and with my body screaming for more – I rock my hips faster, making small flickers of lightening race up my spine. It's wonderful, but I'm craving more. Taking a chance, I lean forward an inch, pressing the edge of my pussy against the base of Lucifer's cock. His flesh rubs against my clit, and I gasp in delicious surprise. It's the perfect amount of pressure, and exactly what I needed to wipe my mind clean of any stray Lilith thoughts.

My mind reeling, I barely register my husband's deep, resonating laugh. By the time my brain has recognized that he's laughing at , his hands have already left my hips and are slowly working their way up my back. They press down slightly, slowly pulling me down against him. I push against his chest, tying to force myself back up, but his grip holds me down. I look up at him, his golden eyes shining in the light of the glow of the hellfire below us.

"Come here," he croons to me. "You've made your point. Now relax and let me take over."

I'm hesitant, bracing myself against his chest while my stomach brushes against his. My mind and body are warring inside my head, each trying to push the other's opinion aside and come out the victor. My mind wants me to reject his idea and continue riding him myself so I can solidify my stance as his queen and, more importantly, his . My body is begging me to collapse into his arms so Lucifer can take control and bring me to his usual mind-blowing climax.

Lucifer rolls his eyes and gives a soft chuckle before pressing his hands against my shoulder blades and pulling me down. My hands seem to melt away and I'm pulled flush against him, my chest being crushed against his. He rolls his head to the side so I can nestle my cheek against his shoulder, and I fall into my childlike self as I nuzzle his cool skin. He laughs in my ear as his hands slide down my back to my thighs. The grip my legs and pull them forward, forcing me into a semi-hunched position with my torso flush against his and my legs pressing against the sides of his waist.

Lucifer presses his icy lips against my neck, making me shiver at the contact. "Hold tight," he whispers against my skin.