I return his admission with a genuine smile. He grins back, showing more of his disgusting teeth. I respect him and like him now, yes, but he's still hideous.

Satisfied, he pulls back and faces Lucifer again. "The witch will be found, sire. I guarantee it."

Lucifer smiles and nods. "Good. Be quick and harm her as little as possible. I want her alive to face her punishment."

"Sire." Tarioc bows again and steps back. An inky blackness bubbles up around his feet, forming a pool of liquid shadow. He sinks into it, his warm smile still plastered onto his face. Something about his smile makes the gears in my head start turning.

"Tarioc! Wait!" I step forward, hoping to catch him before he slips out of view.

The demon halts his descent, stopping just as the inky liquid reaches his waist. Hs smile has faded, replaced with a look of confused anticipation.

"Amelia," Lucifer croons in my ear. His arms wrap around me, holding me tight. "He'll find her. Don't worry."

I shake my head. "I have an idea." I pull out of his embrace and race to the edge of the black pool that holds Tarioc. I gather the hem of my dress so I can kneel beside him, pulling the fabric back so whatever liquid he moves through doesn't stain my gown. I stare into his swamp-colored eyes, making sure I have his attention.

"Don't tell Lilith that she's being called back for punishment. She'll panic and make a run for it." I say, speaking loud enough for Lucifer to hear. "Tell her that Lucifer didn't believe my story about Leyna switching bodies and killed me, but also killed Leyna out of confusion and anger. He's discovered his mistake and is inconsolable, and he needs someone to comfort him."

Tarioc's face has broken into an enormous grin. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my husband barely holding back his laughter. I'm glad they like my plan. It's a nasty trick I'm having them pull, but it's what Lilith deserves.

"Play up the fact that she continually warned him about me failing him. Feed her ego and make sure she knows that he needs someone to help him heal through this tragedy. She'll practically jump at any chance to take my place, so it shouldn't be hard to convince her too come with you."

Tarioc bursts out laughing and lifts a hand from the sticky liquid holding him. He grasps my hand again and kisses it a second time. "An innocent beauty, but an intelligent one as well. Your majesty." He pulls his hand back and continues his descent into the pool of blackness. His top hat disappears beneath the surface, and the pool is drawn into the tile floor, vanishing with him.

A split-second of silence follows, then Lucifer breaks into a round of breathless laughter. I turn around to see him splayed out on the floor, his wings flaring out around him, cackling hysterically.

"Is it really that funny?" I ask, slightly nervous that he thinks my plan absurd.

He catches his breath and turns his head to gaze at me. A lunatic's grin is still plastered on his face. "No, it's beautiful! It's just so perfect! She'll fall for it faster than a brick in the ocean."

I blush shyly. "Thanks."

He rolls onto his side and stares at me, a gleam of mischief n his warm amber eyes. "Oh, Amelia. You never cease to amuse me. That mind of yours could destroy nations."

I smile back at him, happy to know I've yet again solidified my place as a queen who can handle herself on and off the battlefield. If I can take out Leyna, then I can fight Lilith.

"Tell me about Tarioc," I speak without thinking.

His smile fades, switching to a look of thoughtfulness. "What do you want to know?"

I hesitate, then shrug. "How became the way he is. How he became your wingman."

He smiles and gives a soft laugh. "Wingman." He rolls onto his back again and pats his chest, beckoning me over. "Come here."

Like a child about to have her bedtime story, I scramble over to him and curl my body up to his, resting my head on his chest. I'm honestly intrigued about our mysterious coachman. He's so dark and intimidating, and yet seems so broken and damaged. I want to know his story.

"Tarioc started out as a normal man, as most demons do. He wasn't an abuser of women or an alcoholic prone to bursts of rage. He was a living, breathing Don Juan."

"Even for Portugal in the eighteen thirties, he was quite the dashing young aristocrat. His hair was lighter then, and his teeth in far better condition. The son of a land-rich count, Adrian-"

"-was known to be a bit of a womanizer and a gambler. He stayed away from alcohol, though. A nice, honest young man, but loose with his money and his cock. However, as many tragedies go, he happened to fall in love with the daughter of an inn-keeper. He was too far up on the societal ladder to ever consider marrying her, so he contacted me through a crooked monk and made a deal to have the courts change the romantic protocol of the day."

I stay silent, listening intently. I'm stunned. Tarioc was the son of a count? And he lost it all because of a peasant girl? Honorable and romantic, but still stupid.

"I granted him his request and the engagement was made official, but the girl died before the wedding could be arranged. No, I didn't have anything to do with it. There was a nasty streak of cholera going around at the time and she happened to get hit. Blame Pestilence for that one."

"Anyway, with the reason behind his deal gone, I collected on his payment early. He was distraught after losing his fiancé, so he never resisted. All he asked was that I give him something to do while he whittled away the years here. He didn't mind going to Hell for making his deal, he simply didn't want to go mad out of boredom or desperation."

I nod silently, my heart slowly starting to crack for this damaged, broken creature. He was never threatening or menacing. All he wanted was his poor girlfriend. My soul aches for him, and suddenly I'm no longer frightened of our dark traveler.

"It was one of the few times I felt pity for a human. He was so quiet and accepting of his fate. So kind and honest with me. It figured if he could be so calm now, he'd make a great servant later. He still had to hold up his end of the deal – he had to lose his dashing good looks that had captured and broken so many hearts – but other than that, he's got free reign here. He's proved himself indispensible a few times. He's an excellent tracker, and he can hunt down even the most grievous debtor within days. He's also very intelligent and a bit wise beyond his years. He managed to help us outsmart Gabriel and send him crying back to dad when he tried to steal a damned soul back. He's a good man, Amelia, and one of my few dear friends here."
