"Okayyy..." I manage to breath again and respond too him. "So...what do I call him?"

Lucifer pauses for a moment. "That's a good question."

His darker half shrugs. "Just let her use it."

Lucifer snaps his head up to loom at him, curiosity in his eyes. "You're sure?"

"I don't really give a shit. With a rack like that, she can call me whatever she wants." He grins at me again.

I shoot Lucifer a confused look. "Call him what?"

"Since the two of us are opposite sides of one person, we can't both be 'Lucifer'. He's the darker half, so you might as well call him Satan." He shrugs slightly. "Normally, he hates that name – leaves a bad taste in his mouth. But apparently you've won him over."

"Oh." I turn to face Lucifer's darker half again. "Alright then...Satan. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I try to be cordial despite his obvious harshness, hoping I can start off on his good side.

Satan smirks at me. "Sweet. Maybe a bit too much. But very well."

He strides over to me, stopping just inches from my body. He takes my hand in his, raising it to his lips. Contrary to Lucifer's icy touch, Satan's flesh is red hot, almost uncomfortably warm. They really opposites.

Satan presses his lips to the back of my hand, his crimson eyes never leaving mine. "It is a joy to make your acquaintance as well, my queen."

I give the warmest smile I can muster and curtsey slightly. His smirk widens an inch and he releases my hand. He steps away just as Lucifer pulls me back into his embrace. He holds me tight, standing completely still. I look up to see him staring off into space, a look of pure concentration on his beautiful face.

"Lucifer?" I ask quietly, hoping to drag him out of his trance.

He remains silent for a moment, then inhales sharply. "I think it would be good for the two of you to become better acquainted."

Satan and I share a confused look, then turn back to Lucifer. Amazingly,he's managed to confound both his queen the person heshares his mind with. I sigh to myself. Only husband coulddo that.

"Meaning what?" Satan asks, as curious as I am to know my husband'sthoughts.

Lucifer snaps out of his trance and locks eyes with his darker half. "Youbusy the rest of the night?"

Satan pauses for an instant. "I have a meeting with Beelzebub in an hour,but nothing else after that."My husband smiles softly. "Good. Come by the room when you're done."

A fresh look of confusion settles on Satan's face. "What for?"

Lucifer's smile widens, and he stares at his 'brother' intently. The brightgold of his eyes darkens to a deep burgundy and his pupils disappearcompletely. Concerned, I swing my head around to look at Satan. His eyes arethe same dark red color and are also missing their pupils. I stare at them inpanicked wonder.


The answer finally clicks into place in my head. They must be sharing athought. That's why their eyes are the same. I nearly smack myself for being sofoolish. They share the same mind, but they must have the ability to pick andchoose what thoughts the want to keep hidden. This clearly isn't one of thosethoughts. Obviously, this is an image Lucifer wants to communicate.

A few seconds later, I watch their eyes shift back their normal amber gold andcrimson red. Apparently, they've finished sharing thoughts and have retreatedback to their own minds. I'm slightly relieved. Seeing my husband go mentallyblank like that makes me nervous, like I've lost him for a moment in time. Ionly hope he doesn't do it too often.

Content, I turn to see Satan staring at his twin, a wicked smile crossing hisface. It's menacing and hungry and excited all at once. And it's terrifying me.

"Oh, I like that." His smile widens another inch, turning hungrier bythe second.

Lucifer smiles back, his grin decidedly less malicious. "Glad you enjoyedit."

Still grinning, Satan shifts his famished gaze to me. "I may have toreschedule Beelzebub if that's what you're planning."

Lucifer shakes his head. "Keep your appointment. Knowing Beelz, this issomething that can't be missed. Join us after your meeting. We'll be waitingfor you."

A look of disappointment crosses Satan's face, but he recovers and nodsquickly. He turns and makes his way back to his menacing throne. Lucifer loopshis arm around my shoulder and leads me back towards the entrance to the mainhall.

"Don't start without me!" Satan calls after us.

Lucifer looks over his shoulder. "Wouldn't dream of it."

On an instinct, I turn my head to see what's going on. Satan is standing besidehis massive chair, looking back at us. His eyes flick down, then back up,giving me a quick once-over. He purses his lips for a moment, then turns andsteps around to the front of his chair and settles into the hard surface.

"Undress her," he calls out. "I want to get a good look ather."

"Will do."

Lucifer picks up his pace and we exit into the black maze we'd come throughbefore. He takes his time going through the tunnels now, but he's just asassured of where's he's going. I cling to his arm, still terrified of losinghim and getting lost in here.

"So...if you two are so closely connected, why do you live so farapart?" I can't help my question. I'm seriously curious about this wholebrothers-but-the-same-person thing.

"We have different talents that work in different areas," he answers."I'm a bit more diplomatic, he's more authoritative. Think of our world asone giant prison. I'm the guard you meet when you first come here and tells youhow everything works. He's the warden that makes sure the punishments arecarried out."

"Oh...Okay, that makes things a bit easier." He's got a point,though. Those two particular occupations fit their personalities perfectly.

I hear his small laugh. "I know. He's a bit more brash than I am, but Ipromise you he's just as loyal. You're his queen as much as you are mine, sothere's nothing he won't do for you. He's just darker and a bit quieter thanme. You'll get used to him."