
As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, Rowena, Moraxor, and Asher still sat in deep discussion. 

The hall echoed with the whispers of diplomacy and negotiations, the delicate dance of words flowing between them.

Despite being a discrowned king, Moraxor held himself with regal authority, his every request woven with tactful diplomacy, each catering to the welfare of his people while making sure it wouldn't seem like he was stretching his hand too far.

Rowena, on the other hand, was resolute with her terms. Her words and stipulations echoed the well-considered advice of her council, each aiming at fortifying their kingdom's position in the most beneficial way.

Asher remained mostly a silent observer in this intricate exchange since he didn't have the knowledge or experience to advise Rowena on things that could affect the entire kingdom.