An Act Of Kindness

The moment Isola's foot touched the sandy grounds of Mistshore Village, a wave of euphoria rippled through the crowd. 

A chorus of jubilant voices rose in a symphony of celebration, echoing the village's joy and relief over her safe return. 

Despite the war that happened between the Umbralfiends and their kingdom, the people of the Naiadon Tribe came to learn how kind and noble the umbralfiend princess was. 

They had also grown accustomed to the Umbralfiends living among them and even befriended some.

And so they also joined in celebrating the return of the Umbralfiend Princess.

The distinct melody of Naiadon Tribe's traditional instruments intermingled with the Umbralfiends' hymns, symbolizing a unity in a moment like this.

Isola was moved by such a warm greeting from her people and even those from the Naiadon Tribe. 

She could see how worried they were all this time and felt overwhelmed by the happiness they were showing now.