Brightest Path For Humanity

The room resonated with Derek's solitary footsteps as he paced thoughtfully, his hands clasped behind his back. 

Despite the old woman's unresponsive demeanor, her head bowed and back against the wall as if trying to merge with the glass that confined her, Derek continued to speak, filling the void with his vision and a hint of remorse.

"When I first started Project Mars, I never knew I would be able to come this far. I didn't even bother to think of a better name. It was always a dream, and yet, with the passing of each day, I am getting closer to it. Anyone would say that I am mad for even thinking of such a project, especially considering the sacrifices I had to make on the way and the ones I have yet to make. But the fact that I can pave the brightest path ever for humanity for the first time in history if I succeed is the only thing helping me push forward," he mused aloud, his voice echoing slightly off the cold, hard surfaces.