"He who ignores the red lights will fall into the ditch…"

A hood covering his head, he wears a dark shade to protect his eyes. His hands are in his pockets. He follows her trail everywhere she goes. Emily is unaware she has someone on her trail.

Dickson Long is a notorious spy that has been on Emily's trail for 3 years. He is a wanted criminal by the FBI for many charges of murder, rape, theft, drug trafficking, assaults, and sex trafficking. He changed his facial feature to avoid getting caught by the police after he left prison six years ago.

When he left jail, he was homeless, broke, and wondered what he had to do with his life. A car stops in front of him at the entrance of the prison gate, and someone in the car says, "come in". He was skeptical a bit, but gave in after moments of persuasion. The man wore a black mask over his face so he could not recognize him, but the man behind the mask gave him the job of trailing this hussy everywhere she goes.

For 3 years, he learned about her family and her background. He missed no details about the Stones and he also learned how to be cultured, a proper gentleman, and a spy.

The man hiding behind the mask appears to be someone influential in society. His identity remains a puzzle, but he paid him a lot of money to watch this lady. He talks to him on the phone and when he needed to see him face to face, his face was covered with a mask at all times.

Dickson remembered the surgery they had to do on his face at the hospital 3 years ago. He woke up, not recognizing himself anymore. He got a new name, passport, and a luxurious lifestyle and he had to undergo lots of training for this mission. This training lasted for 3 years, and by the end of 3 years, he is re-born.

But he loves this life, there's money to spend, lots of booze, and ladies at his disposal. He now travels the world all by trailing this hussy. He wonders what the boss has with this lady.

He is free from the cops, FBI, and FEDS. He moves around anywhere he wants. They presumed he was dead because no one heard about him.

Emily strolls from the hotel to a nearby store to get some alcohol and cigarettes. She is hungry. She wants to get some fast food to eat. After she leaves the store, she plans to go to a nearby restaurant.

She got two bottles of tequila and some cigarettes and head out of the store. She walks down the street, crosses to the other side of the road, and turns into the right bend that leads to another avenue where she will get her food.

She hopes the hotel she is living in will provide her with the food she likes. She had to reject the dinner they served her.

She enters the eatery, orders some fast food and coffee, and leaves the eatery in a jiffy. She takes a cab back to the hotel.

She's ravished and cannot wait to kill the flame of hunger in her stomach.

She opens her door and heads into the room. Emily dropped her bag on the table. She strips herself naked and takes a shower. Several minutes later, she is munching on her breakfast when she hears a knock on her door.

"Room service miss." the voice says.

"Come in." Emily Replies.

The maids come in with a stroller that includes her breakfast, some towels, and some sheets….

Emily says, "Please leave the breakfast on the table over there, am so hungry that I could not wait for you guys."

"I had to get some food at the restaurant a few streets away. You can change the bedroom sheets and I hope I get a better breakfast am not allergic to." She says, raising one of her fingers to her nose.

"We are so sorry, ma'am." One of the maids' replies.

"I will take a walk while you clean this place."

"Ok miss." They both replied.

She quickly gulps her coffee and leaves the container on the floor.

The tall slim maid puts her breakfast where she ordered. Emily rises to her feet, hands her 2 clean notes, and says, "Take this and give this to your friend."

The maid smiles and says, "Thank you, miss".

"You are so kind and pretty."

"Oh, thank you!" Emily replies

She takes her camera with her and moves outside her room. She loves taking pictures, and that is her greatest passion, but her dad never loves that about her.

She walks down the street; she approaches a woman scolding her kid. The cry of the girl irritated Emily, but she was not ready to intervene.

She walks to the park and sits somewhere close, so she can take pictures of the children playing and also watch the beauty of nature.

As a child, Emily loves taking care of flowers and plants. She has this connection with the natural habitat. That is why she prefers to be with her grandparents when she is in Texas.

Her camera was still in her hand. She captures images of trees, and the birds laying on the trees, the little kids playing, and the old folks holding hands in the park.

She enjoys this more than sitting in a boring board meeting for long hours with her dad.

She looks at her wristwatch and realizes an hour has gone and so she wraps up her adventure and hurries back to the hotel. She had to call her aunt early this morning to apologize for not answering her calls.

She loves her aunt and her husband because they understand her more than her father; she wishes sometimes both were her parent.

She settles back into her room; she puts the camera down beside her laptop. Shaking her head, she turns back to the table and opens up her covered breakfast.

Wow! She exclaims.

An apology note was on the table. She never saw it when the 2 maids came in. She glances through and says, "apology accepted."

She kisses the card and squeals in delight. "hmmm this looks delicious!" She takes the strawberry fruit into her mouth and moans as the sweet taste hits her tongue.

She closes her eyes to enjoy the savory caress on her tongue, swallowing deep into her throat. She opens all her plates with a swift speed and eats like a famished lion devouring his prey.

Today she has a lot to do. She is going to take more pictures and send them to her production crew in India.

There is an art exhibition to attend in 3 days at the art garrison midtown. She wants to buy some paintings and also congratulate her dear friend on his successful exhibition.

She jots down in her diary as she eats; she keeps ruminating on what to do for the rest of the day. She wants to get some flowers for her grandfather and mom today, as she plans to go to the chapel cemetery.

After eating, she left her plates on the table, while she uploads her pictures on her laptop. She plans on getting more pictures as the day goes by, but first, she needs to visit her mom and grandfather at the chapel.

She goes into the bedroom to change her clothes. The bedroom looks sparkling clean as she requested and she's happy with the services the hotel renders. She walks to the closet and picks up a light blue dress that has a little opening in the back. She remembered she got this dress in Rome when she went on a college trip with her friends.

Her mind flashes back to her college days in London. Those were happy times.

Her father made sure she had to study in London and she's grateful for that. The only thing tangible thing she felt her dad did for her.

That helped her dreams come true, although it took a lot of persuasion and bargaining from her stepmom and aunt.

She switched her mind back to the present, and picks out the dress from the closet, swaying it in the air back and forth as she places it on the bed.

She takes another shower to calm her boiling nerves. The water splashes her dyed hair all over her body. She is going to the chapel and feels tense. She hopes no one recognizes her with her disguise.

15mins later, she comes out of the shower, with a towel tied around her head. She smears her lotion on her skin and puts on her underwear. She is visiting her mom for a long time, and she just wants to look her best.

She picks up the hotel phone and places a call for fresh flowers. She sits down for a few minutes in her underwear. caressing every part of her body with her hands and she moans.

Minutes later, the phone rings, and she rises to pick it up.

"Hello." she says as she listens and nods, saying, "thank you so much."

She hurries into her dress, the dress clings tightly to her skin, adjusting the dress to fit her body structures. She sits in front of the dressing mirror to apply her makeup and style her hair.

She puts on light makeup and allows her hair to fall on her shoulder. The waves bounce over her shoulder. She applies her cologne and stands up.

Emily picks up her bag and wears her shoes. She looks at the mirror at a side angle and smiles so wide she blows a kiss towards her reflection in the mirror and leaves the room.

She enters the elevator to the reception where she receives her flowers. Emily's beauty amazed the receptionist, and she compliments her.

"You look so good, ma'am," she says.

"Thank you, miss..." Emily raises her brow, staring at the name on her badge on the receptionist's dress.

"Sandra Buttin," Emily says.

"Yes, miss Satterfield." The receptionist beams with a cheerful smile.

"Thank you, Sandra, for your compliment," Emily says.

Emily exits the hotel. A ride awaits her outside to take her to where she wants. She arranged it with the manager early this morning after she had the conversation with her aunt.

30mins later, Emily alights from the car and walks into the chapel. She walks down the large hallway, staring at the enormous image of the crucifix on the wall of the altar.

She sits on the closest seat and bows her head in prayer. Mumbling without noise. The priest comes towards where she's seated and taps her on the shoulder.

"My child, God bless you," he says.

Emily, startled, looks up and says, "Amen, father."

"Mind if I take a seat?" he asks.

"No, father am on my way out. I just need to pour my heart out to the lord."

"Ok, my child, father." She says and rises to her feet.

"Bless me father," she says

'God Bless you, my child."

"Go, my child, God be with you," he prays.

"Amen," Emily replies

She exits the chapel, walks towards the car and takes the flowers from the back seat, and walks towards the cemetery.

She placed the flowers on her grandfather and mom's tombstone next to each other and says, "hi mum and grandpa."

"It is wonderful to see you both. I brought you some flowers…"

"Grandpa and mum, it's been a long time…"

"Please pray for me."

"I love you both." she says.

A few distances away, Dickson Long stands in front of a tombstone in pretence. Anyone will think he's grieving for a dead relative, but he's keeping a close watch on the lady.

She is gorgeous. He will love to have a taste of this hussy, but he has to keep to the command of his boss.

They're approaching the end of their bargain. He wonders what the boss wants to do to this woman when he gets her, but he prays the boss will let him have a feel of this hussy water pot.

Emily leaves the cemetery afterward and head back to the car. She puts her hands in her bag, searching for a cigarette and a lighter. She steps into the back of the seat and lights a cigar. She tells the driver to take her back to the hotel. She needs to rest for a few hours.

The black SUV follows her trail a few meters from behind. The boss wants the lady in 7 days. He says it is a strategy for revenge against his sworn enemy. "These rich folks, screwing each other over at all times." Dickson scoffs.

Emily's car gets to the hotel…. She alights from the car and rushes into the hotel. Her emotions are heightened, and her restlessness increases. She needs to be alone for the moment.

I should go to the hill mansion tomorrow to see grandma, she thinks, but she turns it down. She is not ready for a confrontation with her dad when he hears she is in town. She doesn't want to see him soon.

Quickly, she enters the elevator and waits until she gets to her floor. She enters her room, takes her clothes off, and steps into the warm jacuzzi to calm her nerves. Her restlessness increases, and she wishes for a feeling of dope to calm down.

She closes her eyes and lets the effect of the warm water and lavender oil melt into her skin. She relaxes into the silence.


Lance's wife Sheila and his business partner Tyre Jefferson accompany Lance Stone through the group of reporters thronging over them. The bodyguards clear the way for them as they pass through the crowd and enter their cars.

Lance is excited about the success of the press conference. He sat at the back of the seat and gave his wife a deep kiss.

"We did it honey," he whispers, his chin resting on her chin.

The press conference was scheduled for Lance's campaign in his new career as a congressman. He is so touched by the people of Texas that he wants to help them in whatever way he can.

He decided to be a politician because he wanted to help his nation and people. He inherited a substantial fortune from his father's will and has grown to be a powerful businessman. Named businessman of the year twice, the young wealthiest tycoon of the year.

He has become a dominant force in the architecture industry that has changed the outlook of the architectural industry in Texas.

He wished his father is here to see what he has made of himself, his father always said he will be a great architect one day and that is why he made sure he got him the best education and set him up in his father's business as vice president and chief architect.

The chauffeur drives the car back to Lance's new estate, (BLISERS ESTATE) Lance and his wife open a bottle of champagne to celebrate his success. They have been married for years now and they have three beautiful kids apart from Emily.

They raise their glasses high, and Lance says, "To us and the future."

Cheers, they both took a sip and place their glass down.

Lance's phone rings. He stops talking and picks up his call. His mum and kids called to congratulate him on his success. Lance puts the phone on speaker so his wife could listen to her kids and mother-in-law.

The kids had to stay with their grandma for a few days at the Stones' mansion and they were happy watching their father and son talk about his political career and intention.

The excited children chattered with their grandmother as she talked to her son, and they were a lot of noise and laughter, but Lance never cared he is the happiest man today and he needs to celebrate with his family.


Just as Lance and his family were celebrating their success, some were plotting the next move to deter his joy.

Hudson Bond is infuriated at the latest press release of Lance stone; he punched the table so hard that made him squirm in pain.

"Am going to beat you!" he yells. "Am going to hit you where you least expect," he says, trembling with anger.

His bloodshot eyes oozing with fury, hands trembling from agitation, he looks at the glass in his hands with so much disgust and throws it to the floor. "This is just getting started. I promise you," he says.


Just as some were happy, some became infuriated, some were melancholic about the news of Lance's intention in the press conference on all television channels.

Emily Stone is indifferent to the news airing on all tv channels, she is delighted and also sad at the same time. She wished things were different between them. She rose from the sofa and turned off the TV. she is not ready to watch this anymore.

She goes into her bedroom and thinks of what to do. She picks up her camera at the edge of the bed and glances through all the pictures she took earlier in the day.

Her mind cannot stop going back to the picture of her dad's smiling face. He answered all questions he was asked and professed his intention to run as a congressman.

It is a shock to her, and she knows everyone in the family will be delighted about this recent development.

She drops her camera and runs her hands through her head as tears cascade down her face. She wished her dad will be more understanding about her life.

She wonders why he had to be so hard on her. They got along so well when she was young, but why did he have to be different as she grew older? She is old enough to be who she wants to be. Why can't he understand that?

Lance became so paranoid about her well-being that he even had to choose her friends. She is always escorted out of the home with bodyguards and a chauffeur.

She abhorred the long meetings she had to attend with her dad. He is always traveling either on a business trip, or he is having a business negotiation.

Because she had no real friend to play with. He gave her lots of luxuries, but they can't replace the pain and loneliness she feels within.

She had to undertake lots of responsibilities she never understood at a young age. She goes to school and comes back home for home tutoring and this made her sad cos she cannot get to do things kids her age do, except for things her dad wants her to do and each time he has to be involved.

She remembered when she pulled a trick on him when she was 7 years old. She stayed in the treehouse for a whole day. Everyone panicked, searching for her everywhere, and that day she got her nanny and bodyguard fired.

She came out of the treehouse later at night, when her father was about to call the cops. She never knew she has caused great havoc at home, and she felt sorry for herself, her loving nanny, and her bodyguard.

She's glad she did not have a bodyguard for some time, but her father gave her a more mean-looking bodyguard that never let her out of his sight and that was so gross for her.

No one wanted to be her bodyguard cos they all got fired, but her father never understood she was the problem, not the bodyguards. She's tired of being kept under surveillance, so she always got them fired, pulling one trick or the other.

She glanced through the pictures and thought to herself,

"Why did he have to be so suffocating? Why does he always tell her what to do and what not to do?" She is sick to her throat.

Her hands cover her face as she sobs silently. Her father has hurt her feelings so much that she doesn't want to be near him. She wishes he can just be a little more sensitive to her true feelings.

A few minutes later, she brushed the tears off her face, got up, and took a shower. In the shower, she stood frozen as her thirst for her dope rode on her.

She is out of dope, and she has to replenish it. She knew of a club where they sell such. Smiling sheepily, she leaves the shower, enters her room, and decides it's time to party tonight.

She's going to the club to dance her sorrows away and also get some dope. Looking at her family portrait she placed on her dressing table, she says, "Am sorry, but you leave me no choice. Please forgive me. I hope you all understand."