"Never trust the words of a jocker. He is as inconsistent as his words."

Lance and josh sit in his study, watching and waiting for the phone to ring.

Hopkins walks into Lance's study and says, "I will transfer 3 million into your account and my wife will transfer 2 million."

"Thanks." Lance says, "I am worried about my daughter." He put his hands on his face, covering up his eyes.

"I pray they give her back to us in good shape."

"And to think I have to be discreet about this." Lance laments.

"Josh, please call the office. I want all my appointments and meeting cancelled for this moment."

"Bro, make up an excuse for me, don't tell them what is going on."

"What do we tell the bank for withdrawing a large sum of money?" he asks

"Those fucking son of a bitch had me cornered." He yells and grunts.

Josh talks calmly, "Lance, I know you are upset at this moment, but you got to take it easy…"

"This affects us all. Emily will be back; I promise you that."

"I will talk to the bank president. Just stay calm…."

"Ok, josh I trust your words," Lance says.

He rests his head on the table of his study and tries to calm his nerves, but he cannot get the screams of his little girl off his head. It kept vibrating in his temples and his body temperature hit the roof.

He lies still on his table, his mind in torment and disarray. He wished he could have done things right with his girl those times; she came back from India to visit

He doesn't like her stubbornness, but this dilemma he can't bear.


Dickson long is in a party mode in his hideout with his gringos' bitches and friends. After the successful kidnap of the daughter of the rich tycoon, he's elated that he is going to make a fortune from this operation.

Although the big boss made it look like a kidnap, that is not the real agenda. They intend to make the rich tycoon pay with his blood as the man behind the mask informed him.

Glancing through his homies, who were drinking and dancing with the half-naked bitches in their sexy underwear, he feels so lucky to be free from the cops, and he was free to do as he wants.

While they were laughing and dancing, Long picks up his phone and calls the 3 goons about the girl's ransom.

After the call, he puts his phone in his shirt pocket and takes his glass of whisky in his hands.

Walking towards the middle of the ladies, in their underwear, he is ready to have the moment of his time with these pretty hussies.

He loves blondes… they give him a sense of satisfaction; he holds one of them by the waist and says, "let's get digging babe…" His eyes feasting on her breast, two other blondes crouch on him from behind. They encircle him, dancing excitedly with their half-naked bodies.

His senses drown in the fire that engulfs him as the three hussies smile seductively at him. They pressed their bodies to his bodies, and he moans with excitement as his hands caress the blonde's bottom.

Fierce fires run across his temples. All he sees and thinks about is having the threesome at once.

As he was about to take on the threesome into his bedroom, his phone ring, and he wonders who could want to destroy his fun… he ignores it but the phone rings continuously.

He picks up the phone with reluctance, cursing in between his breath.

The voice behind the phone says, "Can you explain to me what is going on, Dickson?"

"What do you mean, boss?" he asks.

"I gave you an assignment and I expect detailed feedback."

"So, what have you been doing?" he asks.

Dickson replies, "Am sorry boss, but I had to cool off the steam for some time."

"We have the lass, as you told us to do. We have her in the old warehouse."

"Now we are waiting for her father to pay the ransom and we threatened him not to call the cops or he will not see his daughter anymore."

The voice behind the phone says,

"Perfect, listen. When you get the ransom, make sure you do not give him his daughter, as we agreed. I have other plans for them both, as I told you earlier."

Dickson, feeling uneasy, replies, "But, boss, what if he calls the police afterward? Are we not going to be in trouble?"

The voice speaks, "Quit talking nonsense, just do as I say. I already have a plan. I told you he is going to pay with his blood. Just trust me when I say he's a fool."

Those were his last words, and he hangs up the phone.

In a dark closed room, a man with a fat brown cigar and a glass cup of whisky in his hands drops his phone on the table and smiles happily at his reflection in the mirror.


Jefferson Tyre is concerned about Lance's abstinence from work for 2 days. He has been to his office, and he always meets his secretary. No one can explain why their boss is missing in action.

Well, he decides he will go to his mansion to say hello to him. He knows Lance is in Texas, but can't understand why he's in solitude.

"So why is he hiding in his home?" he wonders.

He wants to help in his campaign as he promised Lance after his live declaration in his last press conference and Lance appears to be pulling out now, but he knows Lance is not like that. He knows Lance is hiding something.

Tyre picks up his phone and calls Lance. The phone kept ringing incessantly. Tyre is not happy, but he knows something is not alright. So, he decides to call josh, even though he's not a friend of Josh.

Josh picks up his call after several rings and he says, "hello."

Tyre answers, "Josh am sorry if I called you at a bad time, but is Lance there with you?"

"I called his phone severally, but he's not picking up any of my calls."

"Is everything alright?" He asks.

Josh stammers in between his words, "w... e. e are all Finn… eeee…" he says.

"Lance needs some time off and he is preparing to go on a vacation to India with his family."

"He's probably busy with the trip. It's been a while since he's been to India or seen his daughter. So, he plans to go there soon with his family. He's quite busy. Maybe that is why he is not picking up your calls."

"He will call you, so sorry."

Tyre's not convinced by josh's words. He felt he was hiding something, and he sounds so tense…

"Ok, if you say so, but please, if there is anything you want me to help you with, please let me know," Tyre says.

"Also, tell him we have to be one step ahead of our opponent, so please tell him not to stay long on his vacation. We have a lot to do for the election."

Josh says, "Thanks Tyre but we are fine, and I will deliver all your messages to him." And he hangs up.

Tyre puts his phone in his trousers pocket. He stood still for a moment and wondered why josh was stammering in between words when he talked.

"I am going to find out what those people are doing," he says.

He drops his dark shades into the front pocket of his jacket; takes the car keys, and heads toward the garage. He needs to visit someone urgently.


Lance and josh wait patiently for the kidnapper's phone call. Lance is exhausted from not sleeping so well for the past 2 days. His wife and kids are worried that he might fall sick.

He refused to eat except for some tea Sheila forced him to drink. He has been so paranoid about getting his daughter back and he has been as discreet as the kidnappers wanted.

Lance had to push the betrayal he feels towards his sister and daughter for tricking him aside and focus on getting his daughter back alive.

He hopes the kidnappers cooperate and give him his daughter back. He's never going to trust his daughter with Natasha or anyone else.

His phone rings and Lance jumps out of his skin up to pick it up. He falls back into his seat when he realizes Jefferson is calling again.

He's not ready to talk to Jefferson. He might run off telling the cops and that is deadly for Emily.

Hopkins says, "can someone please pick the call, or do you want it to ring all day long?"

No one dares reply, and the phone stops ringing after several attempts.

Sheila and the kids stand at the entrance of Lance's study. Sheila has never seen her husband this way.

They have been married for years and Lance has always been vibrant and resilient, but now he's helpless, disheveled, miserable.

Lance has always been strong, vibrant, and always having a solution to a problem, but seeing him so weak and waiting for the kidnapper's phone call. She realizes Lance is not well.

She has been taken aback by his situation. She left the study with her kids and ushers them to their rooms.

Sheila cannot take this anymore; she picks up the phone and dials the number.

Inspector Stephen Ling, I need your help… she says

"Yes madam, should I come over to the house?" he asks.

"No! she panics."

"I would prefer I come over to the police station and please, I have to be discreet about it."

"There's a situation in my home that needs your attention." She sobs.

"Please, am so afraid right now. They warned us not to involve the cops or else… please, I will be on my way shortly… she sobs."

The inspector wondered what happened that made the lady cry.

The inspector says, "ok, ma'am, please, I need you to calm down and explain to me."

"Who is threatening you, ma'am? And what is going on that we don't have to know?" Ling asks.

"Inspector am so sorry, but please I can't explain it all on the phone," Sheila says.

"I will wait for you, madam," Ling says.

Sheila thanks him and drops the phone off. She had to be discreet. He fears the kidnappers might double-cross her husband, and that will be worse for him and the whole family.

So, she slides out of the mansion unnoticed, rushing into the car garage. A few minutes later, she drives out of the mansion, hoping no one followed her.


Detective Stephen Ling is a cop that's known for his exuberance and zeal in putting prisoners behind bars.

He became a cop at a young age when his father died by a notorious criminal who came to avenge his brother's death.

His dad died in the pool of his blood. He and his mother watched as the criminals snuffed out the life out of his father's body with bullets.

He pledged never to let any criminal go without being punished.

One thing he loved doing is being an undercover cop, and this has won him many badges and honors as a cop.

He sits in his office with his assistant Felicia smith and awaits the sad rich lady who called him earlier. He hopes everything is alright.

Stephen has been on the trail of a notorious criminal that was released on parole and presumed dead. He believes he is still alive, and he is keeping his watch over him, but he realizes he's gone into thin air.

No one knows his whereabouts after he's been released on parole, and everyone thinks he is dead.

Most people think he is obsessed with chasing a dead man and needs to bring his guard down. Sheila arrives at the police station wearing a dark scarf and dark glasses to cover her face.

She does not want anyone recognizing her or putting Emily at risk.

She enters his office and knocks. "Come in," Stephen says.

Sheila comes in, looking nervous.

"Please take a seat ma'am," he says

He looks toward his assistant and says, "please get the lady a cup of coffee."

Felicia stands up and leaves both of them to talk while she gets the cup of coffee.

Sheila removes her scarf and glasses and speaks, her voice shaky.

"Inspector, I need your help, and I want you to be very discreet about this."

"Please, ma'am, you need to calm down and tell me what is going on."

"My husband does not know I am here because my daughter's life is in danger." She sobs.

Her tears take Stephen Ling back. He hands her a handkerchief to clean her face.

"What do you mean?" Stephen asks.

"My Oldest daughter is being kidnapped, and we are told not to call the cops, or they will kill her."

She puts her hands together and pleads,

"I believe you can help us out, but please promise me you will not let this get out to the press or anyone else. They threatened to kill her if we tell the police."

"I want nothing to happen to her. My husband will never forgive me for it." Sheila says shakily.

Stephen moves forward holding her hands, and he says, "please calm down madam, I promise we will handle it all discreetly, but please go over the details with me."

Felicia comes in and gives the lady a cup of coffee. She stands to listen when Stephen looks at her, nods, and says, "please leave me with the lady. She is upset right now."

Felicia nods and leaves both of them alone.

Sheila explained the whole scenario and the heavy ransom they demanded to the detective as he records her statement in his voice recorder.

Several hours later, Sheila leaves the station with detective Stephen Ling beside her. She feels assured that they will get their daughter back alive. She is not sure the kidnappers will keep to their word.


Lance has the money arranged in his briefcase as instructed. He is waiting patiently for the kidnappers to call. Tossing his hands back and forth in the air, he keeps looking at his wristwatch and wonders how time could be so slow.

Sheila enters Lance's study with detective Ling and his assistant behind her. She goes towards her husband and places a kiss on his head. Lance was wondering what the detective wants with them.

"Detective, how may I help you?" he asks, looking at his wife and the detective.

"You went to the cops, honey?" He asks his wife.

"How could you do...." he screams, his hands shaking vigorously

Stephen replies, "We know about the kidnap, and we are here to help you."

"How could you conceal this from the law?" Stephen asks.

"Sir, with due respect, how do you wanna handle these criminals on your own?"

Lance, infuriated, says, "I do not need your help. I can handle this myself as long as you guys are not involved. My daughter will come back to me." he blurts out, his eyes red with fury.

Sheila moves away from him and sits beside josh and Hopkins

The detective speaks, "sir, we know they threatened you, but you need to understand you cannot believe a word they say. What if they do not give you back your daughter? What will you do, sir?"

"Sir, these are notorious criminals who would do anything to their victims, even rape and murder after they kidnap them."

"They don't keep to their words. Please let's try to understand what am saying, and let us avert more disaster." He says.

Lance's nerves weaken, and he slumps into his chair. He cries, "I do not even know what am doing, I just want my daughter back alive."

"Can you help me out?" he pleads.

Stephens says, "we are here to help you and we will handle this with much discretion.

"So please, can I have a picture of the girl?" he asks.

Lance brings out 2 pictures of Emily. This is the picture the kidnappers sent to us, and this is the last picture we have of her.

Her aunt says she dyed her hair and changed her looks so anyone will not recognize her.

The detective looks at both pictures and says, "can I ask you all some questions?"

"How old is your daughter?" He asks.

Sheila says "she's 21, detective"

"Where was she the day she got kidnapped and when was the last time you saw her?"

"She lives in India with my sister-in-law, but my sister said she came to Texas without notifying anyone."

He interrogates each member of the family one at a time while his assistant takes notes.

He asks, "Can I talk to her aunt in India?"

Lance replies, yes, detective.

"Please put her on the phone so I can interrogate her?"

"Yes, detective."

Lance picks up his phone and calls his sister.

He puts the phone on speaker and waits for it to ring.

Natasha picks up the phone and speaks desperately, "Brother, have you gotten the ransom? How are you holding up? Have they called you?"

"How is Emily?" she asks.

"Someone wants to talk to you," Lance speaks harshly.

The detective clears his voice and says, "I am detective Stephen Ling from the FBI, and am on this case."

"I would like to ask you some questions, ma'am?" he says

Natasha keeps quiet, and the detective begins his interrogation

"Ma'am, am sorry if this question may seem inappropriate, can you explain to me what the lady is doing in Texas without informing her family?"

"Am so sorry I never meant for this to happen." She says.

"She came to Texas to take some pictures for her ongoing project, and she plans to be with her family after her work is done."

"She told me she will be discreet. She and her father are not on good terms, and she hopes they will work things out this time around."

"I never knew she will get into any trouble…." Natasha cries.

Her words changed the detective's mood… Natasha composed herself and the detective asks, "can you tell me the name of the hotel she was lodging in…?"

Natasha says… I can't remember, but she says GRANDEAUX BLOSSOM, and Emily uses the name Susanne Satterfield for her stay here till when she will be with her family.

Stephen asks, "Is there anything else you would like to tell us that can help this investigation?"

"No detective, that is all she told me, and she made me realize she is fine."

Thank you, madam,

Lance can not control his temper. He blurts out in anger; "I swear to God if anything happens to my daughter, I am not going to forgive you for it."

"I trusted you with her, and this is what you do to me. She came to Texas, and you could not tell me. I am disappointed in you, sis."

Lance hangs up the phone and throws it on the floor.

"Imagine my daughter staying in a cheap hotel," he smirked.

"This is all Natasha's fault. She turned my daughter against me. I can't believe all that am hearing." He says.

The detective holds his breath and says, "please sir, "I will like it if you can be under control."

"In the meantime, my men will go to the hotel she lodges in and search her apartment."

"Also, I will go through the CCTV camera of the entire area she stayed in and find out who visited her and where she went to. This will help us nab the criminals and crack the case."

"Although you have the ransom ready, we will have to attach a bug to it, in case they might want to play a fast trick on you."

"This will help us find the location of the kidnappers."

Part of my team will be here with you and listen to the conversation of the criminals when they call. We can trace them down if they keep talking for a long period.

Lance asks, "But will they not know we bugged the money?"

Stephen replies, "we have an expert team on that; they can't have the slightest idea about it unless we are dealing with an ex-cop turned convict or a technical guru."

"Okay detective, but please be careful, my daughter. Life is in your hands," he says.

The detective turns to leave. He looks back at Lance and asks, "Do you have anyone in my mind who could want to harm you?"

"You know you just announced your political ambition recently."

Lance says, "I do not know. I have been an honest man and I have no enemies."

"It's alright sir, we will see about that. In the meantime, we shall sort this out and get back to you before you go give them the ransom."

Stephens leaves the study room, while his assistant and other cops set up the recording tape and await the kidnapper's call.