Chapter 10

She left and I broke down crying, I guess that this was indeed my fate, The fate of a maid, I stood up wiping my tears from my already swollen eyes and was about to leave when I felt like someone was watching me, I quickly turned back to see who it was but nobody was there, I found no one....

I walked down the stairs slowly with tears already back to my eyes, I looked around to see the king, prince and Stephanie all there waiting for me to finally leave and get out of their lives for good and it caused my heart pain..I walked pass them to the main entrance of the palace with my heart sinking and my legs shaking, when I was already at the edge of the door, I turned back hoping that they would change their minds and actually believe me but all I say was the angry face of the king absolutely disgusted by my presence and the evil princess Stephanie secretly giving me a deadly grin, I looked at the prince still tearing up to see whether he was actually going to let me go but I saw was the prince looking coldly at me giving me a deadly glare, but I could see that he was trying to stop himself from actually coming to meet me, He was completely heartbroken and I indirectly caused it, i felt like a complete loser and I too was heartbroken, I felt lost, And I couldn't help but to think that all my life I was just a mere property of the king and a toy for the princess and my feelings didn't mean a thing to them, I felt betrayed and cheated... Slowly I walked out of the palace with a broken heart to a destination that I didn't know....


I looked teary at Stephanie or should I say Alexa as she finally left the palace, I could feel my heart been broken all over again and i had the same broken feeling I had when I lost my mother, i couldn't help but to feel like a half of me was leaving me forever, I didn't wanted to feel all this pointless feelings but I couldn't help it, My heart felt like just running to her and stopping her which I didn't want to do ,I wanted to make her suffer, I wanted to watch her cry for help, I wanted her to feel the same pain I felt when she broke my heart and when I found out the truth, I wanted her to feel the same agony I felt and I had to go through but at last I couldn't do what I had said, I couldn't even stand watching her cry and leaving me , I was weak and I felt I was just defeated by my emotions, My emotions got the better of me and I was acting according to my emotions which I didn't want to do, I couldn't deny the fact that whether I liked it or not, I had fallen in love with her, I had fallen in love with this maid and heart yearns for her... I was a complete mess and she caused it, I hated her for this , I hated her for all the pain that she had caused me, I HATE you Alexa , I really do, even if my heart spoked otherwise... My head was spinning and I was broken but at last I was never going to get Alexa again cause I had personally banished her, Even if I hated her for she had done , I couldn't have stand watching her been executed by the king,I could feel tears slowly gathering in my eyes, I felt cheated and played because of my wealth, My heart couldn't believe that Alexa would have done it all for money , I just couldn't believe it, But she was maid after all, she was capable of doing anything in order to get out of her current position to live a better life, She was just cheap, I said amidst tears walking away from the hall...


I laid down on my bed still sad and depressed, I couldn't sleep at all and all that happened earlier today flashed into my mind, I couldn't deny the fact that I missed her, I wish I could forget her and move on, But no I wouldn't because I was in love with her... I was anxious too because I was going to get married to Stephanie in two days time as the king orders which made me anxious, because I was marrying a person I don't love and was never going to love like alexa, She was my first love and I gave my heart to her,But I what did I do, I did something so stupid, I decided not to follow my heart and I agreed to marry princess Stephanie, But even though I had agreed to marry Stephanie, my heart was long stolen by Alexa and that just makes me sick, I couldn't bring myself to forget her, All her memories and the times we had spend together glued like gum to my memory... I was slowly falling apart and Alexa caused it....

i woked up the next day feeling depressed and sad , I was a mess... I stood up from the bed and I sighted my reflection on the mirror, I looked terrible, I needed to get a bath quickly cause I can't let anyone see me like this or else they would know that I was affected by Alexa departure and that missed her and I just couldn't let that happen....

I was heading towards the bathroom to have a shower when suddenly the door opened and a young lad angrily walked in, I was furious, who was he and how dare he barge into my room like that...

"How dare you come into a prince room like that, who the heck do you think you are" I said furiously..

"Look I have not come here to listen to all your rant but to make things right.. He said...

What was he talking about, to make what right, I couldn't understand what was going on and that just makes my head spin, adding to my problems, I couldn't take it anymore, I was going to lose it in the next few minutes if I didn't get a answer..

"I asked a question or are you deaf or something, Who are you?..I said pissed off already...

"Huh! Some kind of prince you are, he said with a blank expression and instantly becoming all pissed off..

"How could you do this to her, She loved you so much and you did this, You betrayed her and banished her from your pathetic kingdom...

"Who are you talking about" I said lying and looking away cause I didn't want to hear anything about Alexa anymore, She was dead to me...

"Look prince he said sarcastically...

"Don't act as if you don't know who am talking about...Why did you do this to her, why did you...

"Why did you care huh?, I said cutting him off ..

"Who are you to care if I had banished her or not... I said looking at him angrily...

"Because... Because I had broken her heart once, completely shattering her and I don't think... I don't think she can be able to survive another heartbreak, She had been through a lot and am so worried about her, Am afraid that she might just end her own life and it would be all your fault... he said looking as if he was going to tear up in the next five minutes,I could see love in his eyes for Alexa and I wondered who he actually was and why he so much cared and why Alexa had never mentioned him when we were together, who was he , I wanted to say something but I couldn't because his words were penetrating into me And I couldn't do anything about it... He was about leaving when he turned back and said...

"Some prince you are, You abandoned Alexa who loved you and is pregnant with your child to marry that demon of a woman Stephanie.. You...

"What did you just said.. She is pregnant? I said with my eyes widening, was Alexa really pregnant with my child, My heart was racing so fast and I felt breathless..

"Was Alexa really pregnant with my child? I asked him...

"Oh please don't act all innocent, You heard me right, She's pregnant , you send your pregnant lover away he said pissed off...

"With the condition that she is in... He added

and all I could do was to feel tears slowly gathering in my eyes, and I realized that it was indeed true, I recalled the night we were at the garden where we shared a kiss and I lifted her up and took her to the room, we were both so close and we did the unexpected.., it was true, Alexa was truly pregnant with my child... I was going to be a father and I just sent my pregnant woman far away from me...

"Some kind of kingdom we live in when if a regular lad got a maiden pregnant he would have to get married to her but when it is a prince, He goes away Scot-free...

Stephanie is not the right girl for you, she's lying to everybody, Alexa was telling the truth, she wasn't lying... he said

"W- what are you saying, I said amidst tears...

"It true, Alexa is innocent, she was saying the truth, Stephanie was lying, I confirmed it, he said...

"Here have this, it's a recording of Alexa and Stephanie conversation before Alexa left, This recording would prove to you that I am not lying and the kind of person Stephanie truly is

He said handing me the recording tape giving me a "Go ahead" look and I nervously took it from his hand, putting it on the disc and playing it with my eyes opening widely...

it was the whole conversation with Alexa and Stephanie and with the sound of Alexa voice, I could tell that she was crying and my heart sank, I Felt like a complete fool, How could I have been so foolish, Alexa was actually innocent all along and I ... I send her out of my kingdom, I send my pregnant Alexa far away from me.. I broke down crying...

"It's okay, Everybody makes mistake, But what makes a mistake right is when you correct it,. and that what you will have to do, You will have to correct this mistake of yours...He said looking at me

"H- how?" I said still tearing up...

"You will have to bring back your love Alexa " he said and I looked at him in the eyes..

"How am I possibly going to do that" I said

"By running away from your wedding to Stephanie, that's the only way, to look for her before she goes far... he said and I stood up determined to get my Alexa back, She was all I ever craved for...

"And p.s Am jack by the way he said giving a little grin...


I looked at the already determined prince ready to look and get his beloved back, I felt peace at last...

I was glad that my plan worked perfectly, I had been confused about the whole thing and was not sure who was lying, if it was Stephanie or Alexa and I wanted to find out so I headed to the room to ask Alexa what was going on when I saw Stephanie walking in grinning, So I hid and record the whole truth and my plan was to reveal the truth to James cause I can see the love in her eyes for him , so I had to bring the truth to light and expose Stephanie for who she truly was , so that the prince would realize the truth and bring Alexa back, Even though I still love Alexa and wishes she would be mine again, I think that she was better with the prince than with me...

I know that Alexa must be somewhere far away, I just hope that she was in good condition and alright, I would forever love and cherish her and I needed to do this in order to reunite her with her second love and make Stephanie fall, it's the least I could do...

I looked at the prince again, he was thinking and I know that it was about Alexa , I don't think he can ever forgive him nor Stephanie for this until he had found her, Tomorrow was a big day, he would have to escape tomorrow on his wedding day to bring back Alexa and I was going to make sure that was possible....