C187: Sick Love (Part 2)

Chapter 187: Sick Love (Part 2)

Rigen's perspective

After running away from the blonde crazy woman, I closed the library's door as a temporary way to slow her down while running like a madman in the hallway. What a bad nightmare, why it was still lasting for so long?! Because in the previous nightmares, I never had to run this far but today was very different, as if I had been stuck in this dream forever!

"Johnnnnn! Get back here!". - Shera kept chasing me while holding the knife, I didn't not near her but my skin was very shivering to hear her screams

The mysterious power seemed to be unleashed once again and it was buffing my stamina, my feet could still run very fast though they were very sore and burned. After a few seconds of madly sprinting, I changed direction and headed to another hallway while trying to find a safe room to hide in.

But my sight. Not because my eyes were not good but because the vision in this dark building was very hard to see, did not have many lights. The entire hallway was just dark and gloomy, some lights were lighting the place thanks to the crack holes in the roof and the blocked windows, but still very dark!

"Tinkling! Tinkling! Tinkling! Tinkling! Tinkling!". - While running in the hallway, the echoes from the metal shoes kept sounding loudly, I just wanted to get rid of it!

"Johnnnnnn!". - This woman kept chasing me non-stop, must do something to cut off her track or I will die!

I was quite fatigued now but kept trying to run while looking at the walls from both sides while running, must have rooms in this place for me to hide, I hope so. Luckily that while running in the hallway, I saw a bit of a door hanging on the wall from the left side so I held my max running speed and lost my balance while trying to stop myself from running.

"Hahhhhh! Hahhhhh! Haaahhhh! Haaahhh! Haaaah! Haaahhhh! Haah". - Could not believe that I could run for this long because my body was sweating a lot while my heart was beating crazily, my feet were burning in hell!

That mysterious power had gone once again so I fatigued fastly, but kept trying to walk to the room for hiding Shera. My feet painfully stepped to the room while my heart was beating madly and my nose was gasping very hard as if I was about to breathless.

At all costs must adapt to this weak body or I'll die for sure. After a short walk, I grabbed the door's handle and was shocked to realize that my right hand was sweating in its palm because I wiped my forehead earlier after running.

Didn't care if she could found out or not so I opened the door despite the sweat and wet dust had marked in the handle as I touched the door. In front of me was now a room that seemed to store goods or something, it was empty but had some closets. Should I risk hiding in one closet and choose the right time when she was opening every one of those closets, I run outside?

But at first...so tired to hide!

"Hahhhh! Haaaahhhhh! Haahhhh! Haaaahhh! Hahhhh! Haaaahhh!". - Because I was terribly tired so I grabbed my hand to a closet while gasping like a crazy, this body was terribly dehydrated, weak and sore the muscles

"John! Where are you?!".  "There's no point in hiding, please don't make me mad...".  "I promise...no punishment would be made if you show up, John...". - My strength suddenly regained when I heard the voices of Shera from outside

I was very afraid of her so I immediately opened the closet's doors and put myself inside while hoping that this crazy woman would never go into this room to search for me. Shit...my body was very tall but this closet seemed to be small compared to my body, could not fit inside but I hope lying in there in a certain posture might help...

"Urrghh! Urrghh! Urrghh!". - While trying to make a good lying posture to fit inside the closet, I grunted because this place was hot and also very annoying to hide

At least my body was skinny so I managed to put myself in the closet completely though I would have to lie in this annoying posture forever. While lying in this annoying closet, I tried to steady my breath to prepare for holding my breath, also spreading my ears to hear the crazy woman's sounds.

"John...are you here?".  "Please don't hide...no point in doing that, just show up". - I heard Shera's voice sound outside the room so I froze

The door could be heard opening and low footsteps stepped inside silently, this crazy woman had come to me. Because she did not wear shoes so that was why she could walk silently. Shera grunted lowly while walking around the room but...the footsteps suddenly stopped.

"John...please show up, or I will break your leg to punish you...if you're in this room, show up and I will spare you". - I held my breath while she was saying those words

"Sigh...please don't joke with my temper, John...if you're here then please show up". - This time she talked slower than before but deadlier

A few seconds after a short announcing, I kept holding my breath while trying to not make any sounds to make Shera not aware of my existence, go away quickly!. But a very long silence appeared in the room while I was trying to figure out what was Shera's next move...would she leave this place or keep staying here to wait for me till I show up?

"Understood...you just have broken my heart, John...why did you choose this pain?".  "Sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh".  "You don't love me anymore, do you, John? Killing you and myself will be the last way to lead us to be together forever". - Those voices suddenly sounded after a long time of silence, Shera truly wanted to murder me this time

"Answer me! Are you hiding in this closet, John?! Answer me and I won't do anything to you!".  "Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash!".  - This crazy wife cursed me terribly while stabbing the closet's door and made many cracks, luckily that the stabs were away from my right side chest a few...inches

"Hahhhhhh! Haahhhhh! Haahhhh! Hahhh! Haaahhh!". - After stabbing the closet's door for a few seconds, she gasped while sobbing lowly, I could not believe a monster like her would have the ability to cry, what a sick!

"You didn't sound anything, am I wrong? You're not really in this closet, John?".  "So glad to know...sobbing! Sobbing!". - She pulled the knife out of the crack side and then sobbed like a child

I was quite breathless because of holding my breath so I started breathing again while trying my best to steady my breath, I don't want to die. Instead of standing to stare at the closet, Shera slowly walked out of my position and I heard sounds as if she was opening other closets or something, so glad she left!

But I could not do anything according to the plan because stuffing myself in this small cramping closet was very miserable. I need time a certain time to head out. While trying to analyze my momentum, Shera walked back to my closet so I held my breath while she was trying to stop crying or something.

"I'm sorry when I cannot control my emotions, John".  "So good that you're not here, I don't want to hurt you at all".

"Advisor...you said you faced errors but at least you must locate to me the last location when John was in...do it quickly because I want to find him".

"Advisor, what's wrong?". - Shera seemed to change her emotions after saying to Advisor, I wondered what had happened to him outside

"Why the screen is just a blank...? He was supposed to have a few batteries left to run, but why?". - Shera's voice changed from low to a bit loud, which made me scared of

"Tch...ahhhhhhhhh!".  "You useless!".  "When I don't need you, you prove well but when I need you for John, you are nothing!".  "Smash!". - I heard as if something has been thrown outside but didn't know what had happened

The crazy woman later seemed to be completely lost her mind as if she could not control her temper so she walked out of the room with her very loud footsteps, so lucky!. Maybe I should let her go for a few more seconds before heading out. During that time, I spread my ears to hear noises outside to make sure that she would not return here.

"Sigh...". - I sighed because I felt so relieved when the monster had gone away so I miserably pulled myself out of the cramping closet

After a short time hiding, getting outside made me feel like I was alive once again, this time was my good time to find the way to escape...okay. But at first, I must try the grey key which I stole from Shera, it must have the use for something, like the exit key or to unlock these metal shoes, or else...must try it for sure.

Before doing anything else, my eyes looked around the room carefully and I slowly realized that this room's wooden closets had mostly been opened and left opening.  The room's door was also left open as if Shera made this kind of feature to make sure that she had checked the room entirely, how cunning.

I looked around for some more and found Advisor, he had been thrown in this room and now was lying on the floor, not too far from me. Luckily that he didn't say anything, that device must have died for sure...what I was thinking about? Must concentrate on escaping!

I immediately pulled out the grey key from my pants' right pocket in order to find out its use because I didn't know what was this key used for. Because this item always appeared beside the crazy woman so it must be very important, like an exit key to be an example of its use.

Wait a minute...my mind suddenly concluded that this key was just the key to open the room that used to lock me inside. Because every time Shera got out, she would lock the door from outside so the key she carried would be the one to do that job.

Did I just have wasted my time shoving her to take this useless item? I also made her mad, now she was searching for me as if she wanted to eat me alive if she found me. What had I done? I asked myself while holding the key. Maybe this useless stuff could be used to throw at Shera to be the best use for its usefulness, fuck my life!

But I must have a try before giving up on using the key, this blonde crazy was very far away so I must do everything I could before she returns. Alright, I crouched down while leaning my body to the metal shoes' positions, the holes on these shoes' surfaces looked like keyholes.

I tried to insert the key into a hole and realized that it fit, just hope that I can get rid of these shoes as fast as possible. After inserting the key, I rolled it around the hole and managed to unlock the shoe, later moved to the left shoe and shortly unlocked it, good!

After getting rid of those annoying metal shoes, I felt so relieved but was wondering if I should keep a shoe or not because it must be useful for me to use it during the chase. About the key...if my conclusion was right, the room's door and the shoes had the same kind of keyhole, which meant this key was still very useful, should not drop.

I later put the key inside the right pocket once again, must be a bit miserable to run while pressing the pocket to make sure the key won't fall. My ears kept spreading but didn't hear anything so maybe I should get out of this room as soon as possible, so I grabbed a metal shoe and intended to get out of here.

"John...". - When I was sneaking outside but hadn't gotten to the door, a low voice called me from behind and it made me goosebumps

I froze for a few seconds with the tension lifting up in my head. As if I was about to die or something because someone was behind me, should I run for my life now?. Though I was very tensed but kept trying to find the source of the previous voice, I looked behind and fastly noticed Advisor, did he talk earlier?

His screen was now very bright, glowing in green though it used to be blank, dark all around previously. Because I was both curious and afraid so I crouched to him and picked him up while looking at the green screen, the green was very bright.

"Brother...are you okay?". - Advisor reduced the brightness of the screen as I squinted my eyes, he also asked me if I was alright


"Good, it's hard for me to explain but listen, man".  "Now I want to help you to escape together 'cause your wife is fucking scary, I can help you though my battery is dying, John".

After speaking to me, Advisor's screen changed from a blank green screen to a screen that seemed to be a map that had routes and a blue dot in the middle screen. The map suddenly widened or something and I saw a red dot which was located from my position quite far, it was moving around from places to places.

"You're the blue dot and your wife's the red dot, John".  "This is the entire map of this abandoned mansion, you can according to my intel to escape, my man".

"May we say about the plan further, Advisor?". - Maybe I should spend my time with this device because he might be useful to me

"Close the door first tightly first...choose somewhere to sit on and we will talk, Johnny".

After hearing Advisor, I peeked outside of the room for a few seconds before closing the door and staying inside to make an escape plan, okay. My raggy clothes were full of dust so I didn't care about being dirty anymore, I immediately sat beside the door while lifting Advisor's screen, about to talk with him.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!". - Holy shit, this place was terribly full of dust, this body was very weak so coughing was obvious

"Okay, Advisor...speak".

"Strap me to your wrist first". - After hearing Advisor, I strapped him to my right wrist, I hope I had strapped properly

"Well, before heading straight to the point, I just want to ask your decision about leaving your wife here".  "Brother, are you truly want to leave her? I mean...she cares about you a lot, but her craziness makes her look like this".

"Just head to the point, goddammit...I'll leave her no matter what".

"Alright...".  "To say about the exit way, you only have an only way out in this mansion".

"Is that the front door, Advisor? Do you know about its key's location?". - The front door would surely be the way out

"You're wrong, brother! Windows and front doors are all blocked so you cannot go out, the only way to get in and out of this mansion is through a tunnel".

"Tell me the way, Advisor".

"Maybe it'll take us more time before we can get out...umm, honestly I don't know where is the tunnel located".


"Lower your voice, Johnny! Well...Shera might have the key but we have to find the tunnel's location first".

"You don't know where it is?".

"Nah...she always turns on me after heading out and in of the tunnel, it would take us time to find it, John".

"Let's phase out that decision, I'll escape by another way". - This mansion must have weapons for me, I could use those things to kill the crazy woman

"Wait a minute, Johnny...think before doing anything, won't you regret killing your wife?".

"I don't care, just tell me the way to the place that has weapons and I will kill her".  "Escaping later, she dies first".

"But she truly cares about you, Johnny...at least escaping than killing your wife, you know?".

"I don't care! This is just a dream, tell me the way out!".

"What the hell you were talking about, Johnny?!".

"I said I want t-". - Shit, my voice was too loud earlier!

"Wait a minute, Johnny...the dot, it moves now...it's heading here". - Shera was moving to me?!

After knowing the danger that Advisor reported to me, I went silent while staring at the screen to see the red dot's movement...so scary!. Because Shera was very near me, I would say that she was sprinting or something because her movement on the screen was very fast, oh shit!

"Shit, I forgot that when I turn off Special Conversation, the airpods will have the pip signal, not good now".  "Don't be afraid, brother...she will come here, hide behind the door and then sneak out when she's searching for you".

After hearing Advisor's recommendation, I went silent while spreading my ears to hear Shera's movement sounds, the footsteps were echoing loudly. Because of that reason, I slowly sneaked to the right side of the door. When the door was opened, it would cover the right side, it would be a dead angle to hide.

"John...are you here?". - A very low voice called me as I just finished moving to another position, it made my heart beat faster

The door was shortly opened slowly and it covered my body when I was crouching, footsteps coming in and I saw Shera's figure a bit, not so clearly.

"Please show up, John...".  "Please don't make me mad, my mind is snapping with a lot of thoughts".  "Please show up...".  "Sigh...I don't want to play hide and seek...why do you so heartless?".  - Shera spoke as if she was very angry and depressed

After a few seconds of silence, this crazy woman silently walked around the room as if she was checking on the closets, must take this chance. But wait a minute...I saw a closet in front of me hadn't been closed, now I remembered that all closets in this room were all opened.

Then...the footsteps stopped, in the first place, the closets were opened so...why did she walk around the room?

"Found...you...". - The voice said slowly and in a low tone, the door which was covering me suddenly closed, Shera was standing there, staring at me

"Arrrghhhh!".  "Arrrrrggghhhhhhhhh!". - I yelled loudly while hitting Shera with my metal shoe in panic, but I missed!

"Why did you hurt me, John?! Why!". - Shera after dodging my attacks, she expressed her madness while squeezing the M9 bayonet tightly

"Arrrrgghhhhhhhhhhh!".  "Arrghhh!" - Shera tried to stab me but missed, she managed to trap me in a corner but missed the stab, her bayonet was now stuck in the wall because of the strong stab

"Urrghh!". - I was too panicked after dodging the attack so I threw the metal shoe at Shera, but missed

Taking the opportunity, I opened the door and ran out right away to escape, now I must find another way out or die, just end the nightmare!. While sprinting in the hallway, I looked around to see if there was a room for me to get in for hiding but Shera was very near so I skipped the plan and kept running.

"Johnnnnnnnmnnn!". "Do not run or I'll kill you!". - The screams from this crazy woman made my ears want to be shredded out

"After running for a few seconds, I changed to another hallway and ran on it while my heart was beating very hard, I was about to run out of breath...I wanted to stop. But the crazy woman was still behind me and yelling loudly while chasing me so I could not stop, the mysterious power did not unleash during this run so I needed help!

"Don't give up, Johnny! Change to another route!". - I heard Advisor so I moved to another hallway and sprinted like a madman

"Point me above your head to have a better view, my back camera can record Shera's movement, do it quickly, Joh-".  "Holy shit, immediately down on the ground, down on the ground, Johnny!".

"Huh?". - I was very bewildered after hearing the warning but I crouched down as Advisor warned

A second after crouching down, some sharp object suddenly flew through above my head, the thing was later stuck on the floor, so close!

"Keep running, Johnny! The knife has gone away!".

"Johnnnn! Return here, don't make me hurt you!". - Hearing both yells made me nervous so I stopped crouching and sprinted once again

"Remember to point me above, John!". - While trying to run, I heard Advisor's suggestion so I raised my right wrist while running

"Haahhhhh! Haaaahhh! Haahhhh!". - This was the limit that my body could reach, my legs were very sore while running and my heart was beating crazily

"Holy shit! Crouch down once again, Johnny! Do it quickly!".

I was very tired so I could not react fast like before, Advisor was warning me something bad but I didn't understand. Shortly I saw some objects flying through me from behind, those things looked so strange but I didn't know what they were. My legs only felt a bit hot after stepping on the position that an object used to touch the floor earlier.

"Arrrrrggghhhhhhhhh!". - While running, my left shoulder was exposed to something hot like boiled water and it made my skin burn, so painful!

"Crouch down, Johnny!". - Advisor was still yelling so I crouched as he wanted

After crouching, dozens of things flew through my head and I could describe that they looked like round water balls flying a high speed. The pain in my left shoulder was still there but I endured it and stood up to run once again while trying to find a way out for myself.

A few seconds later, I returned to one of the hallways which I went past in this wooden abandoned mansion, not much safety. Shera was now gasping or something because I peeked at her shortly after that short run. She was fatigued or something so I took that chance to walk silently to lose her track.

"Hahhhhh! Haaaahhh! Haaaahhh! Haaaahhh! Haaahhh!". - This body was very weak, that was a miracle that I could run this far

Running without water or food, my heart was pounding non-stop while I was struggling to breathe properly in this fatigued body, so tired. If I did not have time to rest after the long run, I could have been dead by now because of breathlessness...now my body was hungry and thirsty, could only walk now.

"Your adrenaline had run out in the previous runs...if you run more then you'll surely pass out, John". - Advisor said to me while doing the stuff which he said he was scanning for my health

"Not good now...hide in this place, Johnny...your wife is getting near you more than ever". - I would rather die than meet with her

Luckily that the place I was standing had a room so I opened the door and headed in, only saw a shabby place whose floor had collapsed entirely, not good. Down there was dirty water or something, only a black color but I had no more way to hide so I took the risk while thinking about dipping myself in the dirty water.

"Haahhhhhhhhh! Haaahhh! Haahhhh! Hahhh! Haahhh!". - I gasped for a few seconds and then stepped my feet on the cold and dirty water

"Urrrghhhhhhhhh...". - Because the burned skin on my shoulder was reacting to the water so it hurt, I moaned a bit

But I endured the pain and managed to put my entire body down the cold water, some footsteps later sounded outside the room so I was very terrified to hear them. Risking now or never, I dived my body and my head deep into the water as the door was opened, I closed my eyes to not let the water go in while holding my breath.

My ears were now deaf in the water so I could only hear the bobbing sounds of water running inside my ears but didn't hear anything, ahhhh. A few seconds later passed but didn't know if Shera was searching in here or had left the scene, my breath was about to be overwhelmed.

A few more seconds passed without having the signal, maybe my limitation had been reached but I kept trying to stay under the cold water. Three more seconds were too much, I could not endure it so I pulled my head and my body up and saw no one in the room, so glad to know, haha!

"Hahhhhhh! Haaahhhh! Haaahhhh! Haahhhh!". - Because I was too breathless so I gasped like I was dying

"Haahhhhhhhhh! Haaahhhh! Haahhhh! Haahh!". - After gasping for a few seconds, my feet tried their best to move to the remained floor while reaching my hands for it

"Haagghhhh! Haahhhh! Haahhhh! Haahhhhh! Haahh!". - After reaching the floor, I pulled myself up and then lied on the floor tiredly and gasped like a dying man

After gasping for a few seconds, I looked at the door and saw that it was opening widely with no one standing beside it, I must go soon. Because Shera would surely find me again so I must not stop moving, even if I die then it would be better than being trapped with a crazy woman.

"Johnny...stop moving, now you must rest".

"Shut up...I must keep going".

"Urrrghhhhhhhhh! Urrghhh! Urrghhh! Urrrghhhhhhhhh!". - I painfully pushed my body up by using my skinny and weak hands, must keep going!

"Haaaahhhhh! Haahhhhh! Haahhhh! Haahhhhh! Haahhhh! Haahhhh! Haahhh!". - I must keep going, now I was breathless but must keep going no matter what, must survive!

I managed to stand properly so I stepped out of the room while lowering my head, could not lift my head properly but must keep going. Maybe Shera was now far away from me so I was thinking about going somewhere safer, must find it for sure, cannot give up!

"Be careful, John...your wife is now away from you from the southeast".  "Only less than 50 meters (54,7 yards)". - Definitely die for sure, must do something to get rid of this crazy woman

Suddenly when I was walking around the hallway to find a place to hide, a room that had no door forward to me seemed to be brighter than other rooms, so strange to me. The shivering was marking my skin every time I stepped on the floor to the room forward me, only my footsteps were echoing lowly on the floor, nothing more.

"The room you're about to go in is the kitchen, Johnny! But are you sure? It has weapons in there so...you know".

"I'll kill her definitely, Advisor". - I walked painfully to the room after announcing to Advisor, must get rid of this blonde crazy quickly!

"Wait a minute...the red dot is moving toward you, John". - Not good, Shera had spotted me or what?!

I kept walking on the floor while cautious about the things around me, the room was about to be within my reach. Or that was what I thought, this time was very gloomy when the room was about to be mine, I managed to touch the entrance but heard footsteps from behind me.

I turned behind to look and saw Shera, she was now sneaking behind a corner while exposing her face out to peek at me, what a freak!. This was the time I felt like I had more energy to run my body so I headed inside the kitchen and...only blood and corpses being hung on the walls, what a sick woman!

I saw some corpses being hung on the hooks from the left side of the room, over there were saws, knives and butcher knives...I don't want to mention it further. Around the room were candles and lanterns being placed inside to light the room up, I kept trying to find a weapon against Shera.

"John...I forgot to mention this but...remove me immediately, don't burn your hand". - When I was about to make a step, Advisor suddenly sounded weakly


"I run by using solar energy...my body will react to every kind of light".  "Even when they cannot charge my battery, the process would be heated up as I get turned o-". - Advisor's screen suddenly turned black and his body was surrounded by a heat

"Arrrghhhhhh!". - The heat was too hot so I removed Advisor and managed to drop him when the heat around his body was increasing intensely

At least my right wrist was not being burned but I did not have time to rest here, Shera was very close behind me. That was the time when I saw Reimi's corpse which had been placed on the right side of the kitchen, she had a sword strapped to her belt.

I weakly headed to Reimi's corpse and then crouched down, trying to remove the sword from her left side belt. After grabbing the sword, I pulled it up and stood up while leaning my hand on its handle and was about to draw the sword out, I must survive!

"Haahhhhhhhhh!". - I gasped in nervous as I drew the sword out of its scabbard, Shera was behind me while pointing the bayonet to my right side neck

Shera kept staring at me while pointing the blade to my neck, she was hesitant or something because she didn't stab but only stared at me in nervousness. Not so long later, Shera squeezed her hair and closed her eyes as if she was very confused or something, very hard to describe her feelings.

"Hahhhh! Ummm...". - Instead of stabbing me, she just gasped a short line and then pulled the bayonet away from me

"John...I'm sorry". - The bayonet was shortly being dropped

"Ummm...don't worry about me, are you hurt, John?". "Please don't be mad at me, ummm...please don't be away from me, I don't want to hurt you but..my mind...ummm".

"Urrrrrgggghhhh!" - Taking the opportunity when this crazy woman was confiding with me, I ran the sword right to her belly and left it there

"Ahhhh...urrghhhhh...ahhh!". - Shera seemed to be very shocked when I stabbed her, she was moaning weakly while trying to reach me

The stab from the sword was too deep that it made a long line of blood drain out from the wound, but this crazy woman could still stand after being stabbed. Tragically, my neck got grabbed and squeezed terribly by the crazy woman when I was intending to get off her, but too late to do it!

"Let's...die together...John". - Shera was very breathless and was about to die but she kept squeezing my neck to make me die with her

"Cough! Cough! Cough!". - Unfortunately, I tried to grab her hands out of me but could not, my sight was very blurred and not precise

"We will be...together...forever...don't leave me, please John". - The squeeze was still getting harder, she was using all of her remaining energy to kill me, I don't want to die!

I was about to die with this crazy woman but oddly that my body for a few seconds later didn't feel pain anymore. Now I realized that I was not painful anymore but felt oddly light and peaceful, only had the feeling that I was lying up or something, annoying that I could not move but was paralyzed.

My eyes later opened and in front of me was now a very blank ground, a very blank sky which had only black. From the left side from my view was a blonde woman in a slight green dress who was standing and smiling at me.

She was not Shera but some stranger, oddly that both of her eyes always closed. Maybe I had changed from a nightmare to another dream but this dream was so odd, because I was lying up while paralyzed, could not talk.

"You've seen too much...snap back to the present and change your life, pathetic". - The woman made a smug smile and then pointed her right foot to my face

"Smash!". - She suddenly used her right foot to smash my face with a very hard blow, my consciousness was so blurred as if I was about to faint...