C218: SOS

Chapter 218:  SOS

Major General Sarah Hatano's perspective

(Real Rank: Private First Class)

Krieg 2 - 1 Fireteam unit

US Army - US Marine Corps joint operation

December 13, 1173 - 5:03 PM

Veta - Warsaw Kingdom

Well... after I traveled to Veta alongside my sis and 8 other hired adventurers, I had been ordered to stay here. I meant... John ordered me to stay in the basement, in order to guard and interrogate my sis, that was my duty. About the fates of those adventurers. I had put them to guard the castle's gate when they were set free after going through my Commander's suspicious.

John was quite... I meant, very over-protecting, over-cautious...  somehow he even showed me have paranoid. Fortunately, when every time he found out the things he was suspecting were just nonsense, he'd stop it instantly.

After thinking about John, I stopped it and later glanced at my sis. She had been jailed in this basement, in an empty storage room. Dirty, shabby and a bit gloomy were the words to describe this storage room... straws on the floor could be felt to be too hot and dried, all the old things. Glancing at my sis, she was now tied up very tightly by the ropes, from her hands to her feet. Not yet, she was tied to a wooden chair, her upper body was tied to it, all done by Commander in order not to let her escape the place.

"Ummm... sis, are you ok?". - Looking at her, I could only see the emptiness in her eyes

Her face always showed her emotionless, especially my sis's empty eyeballs. Despite getting used to her strangeness, this time I was completely confused when I saw my sis was more strange than usual. Hearing my question but did not reply, she glanced at me, emotionless.

"You have to trust me... Sarah".  "Sometimes things come... I don't want it...".  "But... it keeps telling me... to do it...".  "Hmmm... sigh...". - My sis spoke to me, later looked at the cookies on a mini table on the left side, that was her jail meal

"What do you mean, sis?".

"The voices...".  "...". - Done saying, she kept her eyes on the wooden plate of cookies

"I don't get it yet".

"...". - Now she was completely silent, what should I do now?

"Ummm... help me, SA".  "Oops... well, she's gone". - Later I realized that my SA was in John's place

Before I was sent here, Commander ordered me to hand over my SA to him as a compulsory order. He didn't say why but I knew he did that 'cause Reimi was missing. According to Shera when I asked her, John's Advisor and my SA spotted Reimi's dot vanished. I meant, her SA dot disappeared in the middle of Tod forest, could only assume her signal ended there since that area wasn't on our sensors' perimeter.

He was worried that Reimi could've been captured or faced something worsen on the frontline. Many calls had been made to contact her but helplessly received no reply. Shera had assumed to her husband that Reimi's Advisor could've run out of her battery. Despite being the three same devices owned by the three of Krieg fireteam, their features were a little bit different, especially John's.

With our SAs, they had the battery last for 5 hours and 2 more hours with the extended battery power storage. While John's SA, which he rename Advisor, had the battery last to 10 hours and 2 more hours with the extended battery power storage, to be said. Despite having shorter battery time than John's, our SAs could charge while being strapped to our hands. Our devices somehow were specially invented to not be heated while being charged.

Not like ours, John's Advisor while being charged would be heated due to exposure the sunlit or any other light sources. Because of that annoying process, our Commander had to remove the device to charge him, instead of strapping them in our hands, more convenient. Because Reimi's Advisor used to be my sis's device, she only had the battery for the longest to be 7 hours. Believing Reimi's Advisor could've run out of battery, Shera asked her husband to stay calm but at last John didn't listen to her.

Instead, he sent a Special Forces (Swift Predators) platoon to find Reimi. However, it seemed to be a waste of time and even pointless since the progress wasn't having any progress. Moving from the castle to the Tod forest takes hours, especially since this world didn't have modern vehicles, it takes us a long time to do it till we have the News. Well, I hope Reimi was safe and sound.

After thinking for a while, I returned to look at my sis and realized she was drooling or something. Yeah... she must be very hungry since she was left starving, I wanted to feed her but Commander didn't allow it. Thinking I should help my sis, I turned all around to look at the room and outside. Noticing that the door was still closed and the storage room only had my sis and me, I shortly attempted to feed her.

"Alright, sis...".  "Please cooperate with John, you know? I don't want to see you be like this". - I grabbed the plate, pulled out some cookies

Honestly, John suspected my sis to be the culprit behind the attacks of the disguised enemies in the opening of this Warsaw-Attenta war. To say in short, I felt he was too delusional to think about that scenario... John was right to suspect my sis. 'Cause her behaviors would sometimes have problems, but his thought about her crime was wrong, she was... innocent.

Since my sis and her Spec Ops Head Hunters unit worked for Commander on the intelligence collection. It was obvious when there would have details she missed during collecting the intel, it was very enormous. By that, she'd be easily blamed for the false intel or anything else, that was what I thought.

"Sis... here". - I gave my sis the cookies by leaning them to her mouth, she was tied so could not feed by doing it herself

"Bites... bites... chews...".  "Chews... chews... chews...".  "Swallows...". - Feeding her the cookies was very fun to me, the way she chewed and swallowed the cookies refreshed my ears, hehe

"Sis, please don't be silent".  "Say out anything you can to make you innocent... John suspects you 'cause you keep silent".  "Sigh...". - Talking to her but only hearing her silent replies, I helplessly gave my sis the cookies while sighing, wishing she talked more

"Chews... chews... chews...".  "Swallows... swallows...".  "Bites... chews... chews...".  "Swallows... swallows...".

"Ok... ehhhh... sis?!". - When I was about to grab more cookies, my sis suddenly sucked my fingers, slowly and slurping... uhhhhh?

"Sis, what are you doing...?".

"Slurp... slurp... slurp...".  "Slurp... licks... licks... slurp... licks... licks... slurp... slurp...". - The way she was slurping and licking my fingers was so comfortable! However... I want my sis to become the one I used to know

"Sis... stop it please...". - Maybe I should get outta here when John comes in to take my place, that was terrible to see my sis changed completely

"Slurp... slurp... licks... ahh...".  "Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!". - This time, my sis sucked my fingers harder while showing her strangely look at me

Somehow the way she was licking my fingers... was making me feel excited... uhhhh. What the hell...?

"Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Ahh...". - Should stop now! My mind and my body were reacting to the way she sucked my fingers, but those feelings were very strange for me to accept, must stop it!

"Ahem!".  "Hmmm... that's enough, sis".  "Sigh... uhhh...". - Later I pulled my fingers out of my sis's mouth, seeing they were wet and dirtied by her, I only knew to sigh

I later realized my older sister was looking at me while drooling, her eyes were gazing at me as if her mind was having some suspicious thoughts. Knowing I must do something to get rid of it, I looked away, pretending to ignore her while wiping my wet right-hand fingers. While rubbing wet my fingers to my pants to dry 'em, I accidentally glanced at my sis, that was so scary. I immediately glanced to the left side, and did my things.

While drying my wet fingers, the door opening could be heard from behind me. I looked behind and realized John and his wife - Shera had come in, in order to join the interrogation. Despite staying in the safe zone, our Commander was armed from his body to his boots.

"She says anything yet?".

"No, Commander...". - John gazed at my pants as I replied, so I increased the speed of cleaning my fingers

"Commander...".  "It's the right time when you're here...". - My sis suddenly replied to John with her arrogant way of talking while showing him her emotionless face

"Well... should we have time for only the two of us...?".

"Then you've finally willing to open your mouth, huh?". - John approached her and put his hand to her mouth, squeezing it powerfully

"Uhh, huh...".  "I was waiting for you the whole time to say it out...".  "But needs silence... only the two... in the room".

Later John, still showed his grumbling face but seemed like he was trying to calm himself down. He dragged the chair where my sis was tied to, later led her to the nearby pillar, as if he was up to something I couldn't imagine. I tried to approach John but Shera grabbed my shoulder forcefully, as if to ask me not to interfere. My Commander shortly grabbed my sis's long hair, later... tied to them to the pillar?! He kept her head up all the time by that way, but for what purpose?!

"Hahahaha... finally...".  "Like mother like son... fin-".  "Urgh!".  "Urgh! Urgh! Urgh!". - By the time finished tying my older sister's hair to the pillar, John started beating her brutally, not even a hesitant

"Shut the fuck up!".  "Punches! Punches! Punches! Punches!". - He yelled at her while beating her, I must stop John!

"Wait, C-".

"Sarah! Sarah, hear me".  "Hatano will be alright, she will be alright, hear me!". - Shera grabbed me, preventing me from protecting my older sister

"Urrrrrgggghh!".  "John, stop! Please stop! Stop it!". - Couldn't get out of her, I decided to use my voice, begging John to let off my sis

However, it seemed to be pointless when John kept hitting my sis's face and her stomach without a stop in his punches. A while later, my Commander stopped beating, later lowered his hands which were now scratched because of beating too much. My sis now had bruises on her face, her body seemed to be heavily wounded too but... she could still keep her emotionless face that calm.

"You two get out... immediately...". - John said to us coldly while pulling out his military gloves, intending to wear them

"Wait, Shera! What are you doing?!".  "Stop!! I mu-". - Honestly, I wanted to stop John but Shera forcefully led me out of the storage room

After getting out of the room, two WCA men soldiers immediately closed the door and guarded it seriously, not letting anyone in.

About Shera and I, she left her hands off me when both of us got out of there, letting John, violently interrogate my sis. Later I grabbed Shera's shoulders, raised my head and gazed at her to ask her for help. I couldn't believe that she could let her husband become that violent, not good!

"Shera, you should rethink...".  "How can you take it when John goes violent?! Hmmph...".  "Say something!". - I said loud to Princess but she just gazed at me, trying to calm her face

"Say something, let me know". - After saying to her, strangely that she only looked inside that locked room

The silence in the basement kept going. Despite receiving my question, Shera hadn't replied anything to me. She just simply looked at the locked storage room, as if waiting for something. A short time later, Princess slowly put my hands off her shoulders, sighed at me for no reason.


"What do you mean?". - What did she mean by saying "see?" to me?

"Uhhhh".  "Come here, Sarah". - She just simply held her face by using her right hand as if she was disappointed in me, later she dragged me to a farther corner, as if to talk

"Listen to me, alright?".  "I'm sorry for letting you see this, but... my husband sometimes cannot control himself".  "Yesterday you don't know what he did, I know him the most".  "Just after hearing the news about those poor children, he suddenly went... I mean... I cannot describe".  "He scolded everywhere, even beat the two of us... well...".  "He ran out of the castle... I hope you know what he looked like when he returned...".  "Taps...". - Explained to me about those things, Shera tapped my shoulder and held it, as if to comfort me

"Don't worry about your big sis, Sarah... she's gonna be fine".  "Now John needs to be alone... just let him be for a while, he won't hurt her long".  "You see?". - Once again, she asked me "you see?" for no reason

"Ummm... I still don't get it".

Shera heard my reply and she shook her head lightly while holding her face. Later she pointed to the locked room, despite hadn't known anything yet but I looked in that direction, trying to learn about what she was saying. Later I realized there were no beating sounds. I got away from Shera's position and eavesdropped on the room since it was locked... heard nothing.

Later I returned to Princess. Maybe I had known something now, John didn't beat my sis anymore, I was glad to know it. Later we stood at the corner nearby the storage room, intending to get in once again when we finish our talk outside here.

"My husband's like a child sometimes...". - She said to me while glancing at the door, later returned to look at me

"Ummmm... Princess".

"Yes...?". - Shera nodded, asking me to say out

"When my sis will be... released?".

"It's hard to say about it, it depends on her cooperation...".  "But don't worry, I can persuade him to do it sooner... I hope so". - She tapped on my shoulder to comfort me

"I'll get in there to check on her later".  "Why don't you grab something to eat?".


"You haven't eaten anything for hours, Sarah".  "Don't worry... up there is quite... many people, but still have enough food for all".

Currently, thousands of Spera and Veta troops were deploying in Veta in order to defend the entire Warsaw. This castle suddenly took the place of Krieg Base to become the Headquarters. Military personnel from No Man Zone and places under our control were now concentrating here so this place was cramped.

"Umm... the refugees".

"Enough food for all, Sarah".

Due to yesterday's attack, the evacuation in Veta had ended abruptly. Some refugees were temporarily staying here, waiting for the new announcement from John to restart the evac progress. However, this time hadn't had any new announcements yet. Among the refugees had children, now I must eat less to help them have more food to eat.

"Sarah...". - Seeing my nervous face, Shera asked me

"Nothing, Princess... well, ok".  "I'm going, bye". - Later I walked away from Princess, attempting to get upstairs to grab some pieces of potatoes to eat, must eat less this wartime, for others

"Wait a minute, Sarah". - Later she called me back so I turned behind to see Shera

"Reimi's now not here, I'm worried by now".  "Maybe tomorrow we'll send out another squad to find her, please join 'em... can you?".


The way Princess said, that meant Reimi and her regiment hadn't been found yet, not good at all. However, I should not judge things too much, I hope the search platoon would return here to report to us in no time.

"I'll surely join".  "I hope Reimi's still okay... by the way, please look after my sis when I'm going, ok?".  "John may hurt her real bad so please.. ".

"I will".  "But don't go yet, still one more question, Sarah". - When I turned around, hadn't made a step, Princess called me once again

"Ummm... my uncle, how is he by now?".  "I mean... you didn't mention him too much yesterday, although he was in the evac with you too". - This one was hard for me to answer, I didn't want Princess and Reimi to be sad so I lied that Lerer was still alive

"Ummm... Princess... ummm...".  "He's still very well in Nalta, that's all I can say".

"Not even a letter?".  "At least we must know his current situation, but he didn't send us even a letter to explain how he is right now, Sarah".

"Well... he is...".  "The number of Stansa refugees is very much, the entry process might hasn't ended there yet".  "The last time I saw your uncle was when he standing among the people at the border gate".  "His line was very long so... your uncle must've not entered Nalta yet... I think so".

Hearing my answer, Princess gazed at me while looking straight into my eyes. Somehow the way she suspected my words was making me struggle, I tried to hide my nervousness, trying my best. A few seconds later, Shera returned looking at me with her normal expression. This time she nodded and looked at me once again, couldn't spot if she was suspecting me anymore, or I thought that so.

"Okay, I understood".  "Although... it's strange when a day's already passed but he hasn't gone into Nalta yet".  "Otherwise, maybe the messengers are afraid to head to the warzone, sorry for doubting you". - I was relieved

"Alright, you must be very hungry Sarah".  "Go grab something to eat, alright?".

"Ok, Princess".  "But can I... stay here for a bit longer?". - I asked Shera while secretly glancing at the locked storage room, waiting, hurried, desiring to meet my older sister

Shera Rigen's perspective

(Real Rank: Crown Princess)

December 13, 1173 - 5:10 PM

Veta - Warsaw Kingdom

"Ummm... yeah".  "If you say so, of course". - Seriously, I think Sarah must be very worried about Hatano

"Thanks, Princess".

Hearing Sarah's thank, shortly I bowed, meant to say goodbye. Later I turned around and approached the locked storage room, where the dangerous threat and my dear husband were inside. Despite being considerate with Sarah, I was quite distant and cautious toward her older sister. This time Hatano was in that room, tied. However, I must make sure my husband was safe there.

I intended to come into the locked room. However, it had been locked to serve the interrogation, somehow the two new WCA deployed men soldiers blocked its doorway. The door had a small rectangle hole above to look inside, but these soldiers blocked it away. At first I thought they did that to let me not see disturbing things John was doing, but... no.

Their faces showed me their nervousness, but... I couldn't describe it well, just know they were nervous not 'cause of seeing terrible things. Planning to go inside the storage room, I approached one of the two men soldiers who was blocking the room's door.

"Open the door, soldiers".

"We're all ordered to keep silent in our duty".  "Cannot enter without the General's approval, please understand the situation, Your Highness". - These men were quite calm, pretending not to be nervous and replied to me by grinding their voice

"But I'm his wife, I don't need to ask his approval".  "I'm worried about him, let me go inside, or tell me what's happening in there, quick".

This time, these soldiers went silent and looked at a space forward to them as if to neglect me. I waved my hand to them to test, they didn't blink, just simply stood guard there without replying to me. Seeing the situation was useless and had something suspicious, I gazed at one soldier, trying to make my eyes fearful. However, these men failed to be scared of me, I must do something.

"My husband's a General, then I must be his vice General in the military".  "When he's not here, I order you to open the door, now". - Another order was given to the soldiers, but they were still silent

"I'm the Princess of this Kingdom, my words are upper my husband's words since he's below me".  "A highest-ranked General can't even be as high as his rulers".  "According to the laws, I am a Crown Princess, only below the Prince, the Queen and the King... open the door!". - I said loud in the last moments, however, these soldiers didn't flinch even a bit

"Hmmmm... tell me how's my husband".

"The General is interrogating inside, without his approval, no enter".

"Even a ruler... cannot come?". - He slightly nodded to me as he received the question

I know these soldiers would not let me go inside if I keep using my words to convince and order them. Well, I give up on using the peaceful way. If they were against their ruler, they'd have no choice but to go by force, I decided it.

When I was about to pull out my dagger - which I carried behind my dress. Suddenly, one WCA soldier unlocked the door for no reason, John shortly stepped outside with his little bruised hands and his red face, seeming to be exhausted. Seeing my husband was injured, I got to him and gently grabbed his hands, caring for him. I must pull him out to look for a physician immediately, although John's wound was not serious, but who knows.

"Are you okay, John?".

"Yeah... nod". - He nodded twice while leading me out of the area nearby the room

Later we walked toward the stone staircase of the basement. Seemed like John wanted to get out of this floor after he interrogated Hatano. We were walking toward the stone staircase and later saw Sarah, she was sitting on a  stair block. Spotting us, his subordinate stood up and approached us, showing her face as if to question John.

"Yeah, you can meet her now".

"Thanks, Commander". - Hearing John's approval, Sarah thanked him and immediately ran toward the storage room

I kept glancing at Sarah from afar but my husband later walked forward so I also followed him. Despite having many doubt questions about the reason why my husband didn't let me get inside during the interrogation, I decided to neglect it this time, I think so.

"Ummm... John". - I asked John when he and I were walking upstairs, attempting to head to our room, in order to rest

Resting, huh...? It must be needed a lot, especially in wartime. My husband had gone through many things which made him berserk and exhausted yesterday, I think. Because my husband was exhausted, maybe... I should serve him tonight, to help him relieve himself. However, we were not free to do what we wanted this time anymore... too many people in our living place, and I even didn't have many moods to do it this time.

"Ummm... John?".

"Yeah, what?". - He took a long time to reply to me

"Why didn't you let me get in there earlier?".

"Those scenes should never be seen, Shera".  "I wanted to make you happy, not to be terrified, please understand". - Finished answering me, John kissed my hair and rubbed his face a little bit to it, which made me  blush and shy

"Ummm... John...".  "Ahem! Ahem! Please stop it...".

To be honest, if this time was not at war, everything was still very normal and happy... then I'd think another way. Well, I meant... if things were normal and we were randomly walking upstairs and John did this way. Then... I must have no choice but to enjoy our hot night on this staircase alongside my husband... I must stop it now, too shy to think about it!

"Umm... how's about Reimi now, John?".

"They're still searching for her, nothing yet to be found, Shera".  "Sorry for being... well, over-worried earlier".

"Did Hatano say anything?". - I was wondering what had my husband obtained in the previous interrogation

"She did but... very little". 

Our conversation had just progressed to that line, we came up to the ground floor. When we came up, the things in front of us were bunches of WCA soldiers and some Spec Ops Marines from the two units: Swift Predators and Head Hunters, under John's order and were about to be deployed to other places.

His Majesty - my brother was now gathering the Army in the Capital city before marching them here, the enemy's obstacles were just only us alone. Because of that reason, the militaries from Veta and Spera were now gathering here in order to defend Veta - the very heart of the Kingdom, its shield wall. As long as the enemy hasn't breached Veta, they'll never be able to expand their troops to the rest of Warsaw.

"Tch... pussy King". - My husband secretly swore at the government when he was seeing his own military men surrounding our living place, in order to defend it

"I'll meet the healer medics, meet me in our room, Shera". - Later he got away from my hands and started finding a medic soldier who could use healing magic

"Wait, John! Let me go w-".

"Just stay inside". - My husband ordered me to stay inside our private room and kept walking without looking back, sigh...

Well, maybe my husband was jealous, thinking unreasonably that I'd go around to see freshly deployed men soldiers in our dear home. Since this was the first time the castle under his rule had men, John must've thought his wife'd be attracted to them... so did I when he was surrounded by women, somehow I found it funny and a little annoying.

"Giggles...".  "I only have you... and only want you... John". - Shortly I giggled, later returned to the Lord's zone, immediately to my room

After heading to my room, I sat on the bed and waited for my husband. All the soldiers and refugees were gathering on the other sides of the castle, the Lord's zone was completely empty, in order to keep their rulers' privacy. Sitting on the bed to wait for John, somehow I felt it had a bit of nervousness when Reimi wasn't here. Although... being rivals in love since two women love a man, but if I neglect that problem, we were still good friends, as ruler and servant.

Worried about Reimi's situation, I glanced at the right side cabinet. Two devices could be seen on the cabinet, had been turned off to charge 'cause the sun - the devices' running source was about to be ended. Randomly, I picked up Sarah's Advisor and pushed the power button to turn her screen on. Because I wanted to know if one of the two devices had received any intel about Reimi when they were being charged or not.

While waiting for the screen to show up, I noticed that the door was open. My husband had done healing his hands, he came in and seemed to be a bit exhausted. I put down the device and slowly approached John, grabbed his hands, slowly we lay on the bed. Staying in a room with only the two of us, John patted me when I was lying with him on the bed... somehow I felt... excited...

"Come here, John...".  "Kiss...". - Both of us shortly kissed and enjoyed our time together, the way my husband kissed me, made me ecstatic...

"Kiss... licks... licks... licks...".  "Thuds... thuds... ahhh... kiss me more, John... ahhhh...". - Even though we should not do things like this, especially in this wartime situation, and the unsolved problems we were supposed to solve them

"Kiss... ahhhh...". - I had to lower my moan, my husband was slowly stripping my dress or so I also stripped his Marine uniform slowly

Both of us kept stripping each other until we were half naked... our only clothes were our underwear things. I slowly pulled out John's underwear and touched his cock, later realizing his little boy had already erected before I touched him... well.

"Ahhh... John... John...". - I moaned in a low tone while rubbing his hard cock, also licking my husband's hard nipples, my mind was quite empty right now... so good!

When I was serving and satisfying my husband's needs, he was as well touching me to excite me, go give me a mood. John was using his fingers to put inside my underwear, rubbing inside my vagina while kissing my neck and shoulders, so ecstatic... couldn't stop myself anymore!

"Shall we, John...?".  "Ummm... I think we should not do th-".  "Hmmm... you're so naughty, and also... come".  "Kiss!". - Even though I was a bit hesitated, but finally I enjoyed kissing my husband while stroking his cock... warm and thirsted for me, I love him!

Maybe relaxing a bit would not make any problems, I think so. Rubbing my John's hot rod for a while, later I squeezed it tightly, in order to warn my husband what would happen to his "treasure" if I get jealous...

After squeezing John's cock, I held it like that to torture him and later I stroked it gently once again. John later licked my tongue lewdly, he squeezed my tits without warning me of his hard forces... we seemed to be enjoying our foreplay, I think so. Not yet, my husband suddenly whispered to me unintelligible sounds while rubbing my vagina. Despite knowing nothing about what John was saying, I felt excited and ecstatic, thinking we were about to make love tonight.

"Be gentle... alright John...?". - Otherwise, I'd drain all the semen out of your testicles, dear... remember it

My husband didn't listen to my beg but kept rubbing my vagina as he wanted to. How child John was... maybe I should be joking with him to make him listen to me.

"Are you sure... if your wife's moans are heard by other men? You... allow it, don't you?". - Well, I hope this joke was enough to make my husband listen to me by using his jealousy, I hope

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!". - All of sudden, my husband squeezed my vagina tightly, he made my orgasms reach and made me cum, he was surely jealous right now!

"Kiss... licks... licks... licks...".  "You're sure not wanting it to happen, I knew it, John...".  "Kiss... licks... licks... ahhhh!".

Licking my husband for a short while, later I crawled toward his hard cock in order to serve him. When I came to his rod, I used my hand to stroke it as usual while using my tongue to lick his balls, full of semen and his scent. Knowing my husband was very satisfied with the way I was serving him, I slowly bit his balls. Doing it while my hand rubbed his cock, giving my husband the most ecstatic feelings to relieve him, so fun!

"Ahhhh... John... ahhhhhh!". - Later I pressed my face to his cock, it covered my eyes while my tongue was licking up, it felt very good!

Although my vision was covered by my husband's rod, couldn't see him either... however, I could feel its hardness was harder since John was having fun with me. His scent was all around me, from his odor to his balls' scent, so good. Having fun with my husband's cock, later I crawled up, started licking around his little boy's muscular shape.

"Bites...".  "Remember, John... don't make me jealous... alright? Ahhhhhh... I love it". - I bit his cock before proceeding to suck it, warning him not to betray me... seeing my husband's reaction was so satisfying, ahhhhhh!

"Slurp... slurp... ahhh... ahh...".  "Slurp... slurp... ahhhhhhh...".  "Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!".  "Licks... licks... licks... licks...". - I slowly sucked John's cock, slowly increasing my speed

"Ahhhh... licks... licks... licks...".  "Good boy, hard-on as I wanted... but... needs to be educated more to react to only me". - Sucking John's hot rod for a while, I got my mouth out and licked his dickhead, also reminded his little boy to only love me, not anyone else

I kept sucking John's cock while kneeling, making my below body more thirsted for my husband and more excited. That was very fun until John suddenly looked away, as if he was looking at something else when we were having our hot love time. Honestly, I hate it when my husband neglects me when we were making love. I bit his cock to make him pay attention to me but he didn't, kept looking away... why?!

All of sudden, John suddenly put me away and got off the bed abruptly. Little did I know, my husband was paying his attention to Sarah's Advisor - which I unintendedly turned earlier. Nothing was special except for the way my husband was focusing on the screen. Seeing his face grumping slowly, I realized that he must've received something terrible.

"What the fuck!!!!!!". - All of sudden, John went mad, he threw Advisor away

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!". - This time he kept yelling, swearing around while wearing his military pants

"What happened, John?!".

"Stay away from me, Shera! I'm not fucking fine!".  "Shit! Where're my weapons?!".  "Arrrrghhh!". - He roared while opening each cabinet, searching for his weapons in a hurry

"Fucking fuck!".  "I'll fucking kill you, Katia! I'll fucking kill you someday, ahhhhhhhh!". - Yelling like a crazy, scolding our highest ruler, John later approached his military Alrotz backpack to grab his weapons and other things

"Ahhhh! Predators, where are Predators, come out!". - After grabbing his M4A1, John ran outside, ordering his Spec Ops unit to show up

I was still very bewildered at what was happening to my husband. Seeing the source that caused everything was Sarah's Advisor, I picked up the device, trying to figure out what had made him mad. Looking at the screen, it showed me the map but it wasn't this area's map, but somewhere else. I meant... somewhere the device assumed to be deep in Tod forest, I must see it further.

In the lower left side of the screen glowed in green, there was an orange dot of a destination marked in the mid of the forest. With the following: User's last contact - 2 hours ago, with an SOS appearing above the dot. Appearing below the dot was a message, I tapped it and shortly realized something shocking. I knew it now...

Reimi's been captured, request rescue, over. My battery is about to go low, answer me, Commander!

The message was sent... by Advisor herself. Reimi... was truly in danger, not good!