Kyenzi felt more frustrated than before. He can't seem to understand and have patience with Reeves anymore. Whenever he would go out and come back Reeves would immediately be asked where he went off.

"Where did you go off again?!"

Reeves tempered is short, like a ticking bomb ready to explode. As usual, Kyenzi was in his calm and blank expression.

"I bought medicines and groceries."

"Then why did you take long? Also, you can just order one of my men!"

He shouted Kyenzi every time the two of them conversed. There was not a time that Reeves didn't shout at Kyenzi.

"How pathetic, father is shouting again"

Lumiere felt sick of it hearing his father's yelling every second.

"Hey brat, you're living under my roof so arrange your way of speaking towards me"

'That's it, Kyenzi thought.

The little patience Kyenzi left just popped out.

"Mr. Hungevszky, I think the best way for the both of us is to separate our ways"

Reeves who was annoyed suddenly felt a heartache.

"I decided to go back to Japan. You don't have to worry about me. For a temporary, I would take care of your son until your memories come back."

"That's a good idea daddy Kyen!"

Lumiere immediately felt excited as he hugged Kyenzi.

"Wait—what's with all of this sudden?!?"

"Since Mr. Hungevszky is recovered but not his memories. This is the only option for both of us. Besides, you're the one who said to not act as your lover. You already decided to end our relationship"

Reeves felt like he was being stabbed in his heart, he felt very painful at Kyenzi's following words as he was curious why he felt that way.

"Wait you can't leave!"

Kyenzi's deadly blank expression glances at Reeves then smiled

"Please take care of yourself from now on"

Then Lumiere and Kyenzi left while Reeves was about to stop them, he was more curious by his sudden action. After a few more moments, he felt his tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck it! Why am I crying?!?"

Kyenzi tried his best to tell Reeves everything. Like he would cook for him then while eating it he would tell him a story behind it. Or sometimes talked about Lumiere. But Reeves was always contradicting it and saying, "why are you saying this to me? I don't care about that! What's important to me now is today!"

As the days passed with that kind of treatment anyone would give up and leave him. Kyenzi doesn't want to leave him but the second thought maybe this is the only way, to the best... For both of them.


I came back to Japan together with Lumiere. Since Reeves is not in his right state of mind to be a father, I would take his role from now on. I decided to come back home to our mansion, where brother Raspher is waiting.

"What happened? I thought you're taking care of Reeves?"

"He can take care of himself. Besides, I can't stand him anymore. He came back being a bastard"

Wellian who was listening tapped my shoulder.

"It's a good decision. Nothing good comes when you try to stick with him"

He's right.

I came back to work and as expected reporters all over Japan came to me and then started to interview me but then failed. As I came back, many works were left to me. Time quickly passed by as it was already the end of August. I decided to enter Lumiere at a public school so he to enjoy his childhood.

He made many good friends. I didn't worry about him since he has his phone with him. Although he kept it since it's prohibited at school.

"Sir, Mr. Hungevszky is looking for you"

I glanced at my secretary.

"Tell him to leave—"

Before I could even finish what I'm saying, he already barged in. I stand up and brushed my hair in annoyance.

"What does Mr. Hungevszky doing here?"

He avoided my question as he started to speak

"Wow, I never thought you were the CEO of this company. I thought you were just an average guy. Good for you"

I look at him with a blank expression.

"Mr. Hungevszky, if you don't have anything important to discuss with me then please I beg of you... Leave"

"Huh?! Is that the way you take care of your clients?!"

"Mr. Hungevszky it's because you're an exception. If you're still in your right mind please leave."

Before Reeves could react, Wellian barged in.

"Hello, Kyen~ I made your favorite mashed potatoes and fried chicken! You still haven't eaten right?—oh!"

Wellian and Reeves looked at each other.

Now, this is bad timing! I scratched my head.


Reeves pointed out Wellian.


"I want you!"

Just as expected, it's like a time loop. Where Reeves became obsessed with Wellian.

Wellian immediately runs towards me and hides behind my back while shivering.

"Hey, why are you hiding? Am I that scary?!"

"Mr. Hungevszky if you don't leave right now I'll call the guards right now!"

I slammed both of my hands at the table which made him jump in shock.

"I don't care but just lend me that man!"

"You fucker!"

Without a second thought, I immediately run toward him and landed a punch in his stomach.

"Arghh, that hurt! Do you know I'm still not completely healed!"

"I don't care, just leave you fucker!!!"

"Geez, so hot-blooded"

After a few seconds, he left. I felt relieved when he left and glances at Wellian. He was shivering in fear.

"Are you okay?"

I hugged him and he calmed down.

Since that incident, Reeves started to come to the office so I advised Wellian not to visit me for a while. I didn't expect Reeves to plan to kidnap Wellian but then it failed as brother Raspher planned to take care of it.

"Do you even eat?"

I ignored him as I continue signing the documents. He was reading the few books on the shelves while talking.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?"

Like his presence is not there, I continue to work.

"How's that kid?"

I stopped and look at him.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to ask about your son"

"Tsk, I was just curious! And also he's not my son!"

"It's already been proven if you still don't believe. You can just test it all over again."

"So how was him?"

I chuckled in annoyance.

"He was fine, although he didn't receive a fatherly love he's happy with me. You don't have to worry"

"So did he already start going to school?"

"Yes, he's currently studying at ***** elementary school"

"I see"

I stopped what I'm doing and stand up and walked toward him. He glances back and we stared at each other for too long.

"If you don't try to accept things the way they are now, I'm afraid you'll end up being stuck all by yourself forever. I'm not saying this to regain our relationship, but I'm worried about the people who believe in you. You're already an adult and you can't just play dumb forever. If you can't accept me in your life right now then just accept your son. He's still a child, he doesn't deserve to be treated like this. He needs you"

Reeves kept quiet for a while then before he could speak up, my secretary knocked and entered my office. I glanced at her as she bowed her head and then speak.

"Boss, Mr. Alexus Hungevszky is in the guest room right now he—"

He barged in.

"Hello, Kyenzi how are you? It's been a long time, is Reeves here?!"

Reeves frowned as he looked at Alexus in annoyance.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up. Gramps told me to take care of you from now on"

"What? That old man did?! Fuck it!"

"Geez, no need to be so nosy. By the way, why are you acting like this towards your lover?"

"Me and Mr. Hungevszky are no longer in that kind of relationship"

I cut him off. Alexus was shocked as he came close to me and then hugged me.

"Then can I have you? Haha—"

"Hey! Move away you disgusting gay!"

"Woah Woah Woah! Talk about someone who wanted to kidnap a man that has a husband. Especially, Kyenzi's brother was his husband"

Reeves who was annoyed looked at him with a curious expression

"Wait, don't tell me Wellian was married to this man's brother?!"

Alexus nodded his head.

"Now, let's go home now. And don't even think about neglecting your duties!"


After I was dragged off at Kyenzi's company, Alexus and I went to a bar. We reserved a VIP room and then started to drink.

"Why did you do that?"

I was annoyed and asked him

"Hey, I must be the one questioning you. Why are you there?"

"Huh, why? Because I like to"

Alexus laughed loudly then slammed his glass

"You're freaking kidding me? Just because you like it? Man, I don't even know if you're an idiot or just numb!"

"Hey, watch your words!"

"Bro! Let me tell you this, you broke up with Kyenzi. But then you're coming to where he's working every day to disturb him?! Just why are you doing this?!"

I kept quiet for a while.

I also don't know dammit! Just as I was going to work my ass off, I find myself in front of his company where he's working!

"Because I thought Wellian would show up again if I happen to come by at his company"

Alexus gave me a disgusting expression

"Dude, you're even worst than I thought. I think I regret taking care of you from now on"

"Shut up"

"You're even worst than before, I think amnesia is not enough. I think you just became a lunatic bastard"

I drank the whole alcohol like water then looked at Alexus



"What... What kind of man I was before I lost my memories?"

Alexus jumped in surprise then tapped my shoulder.

"Now that's what I'm waiting for you to say!"

"Tsk, just tell me. I'm curious!"

"Okay okay. Back then, you were completely obsessed with this Wellian guy, you even trapped him in your mansion and make him obey you. I was there when you were such a bastard. One day, he escaped after contacting Kyenzi, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Kyenzi back then but he once came to your mansion to have a deal with you.

Fast forward, when you found out that Wellian and Kyenzi's brother have an intimate relationship, you completely go wild and even bought half of your men at Kyenzi's mansion. But then Kyenzi calmed you down and have a deal with you. That's when you and Kyenzi started hanging out with each other.

Of course, when you came to work, you always bragged about being treated special with Kyenzi like, "my friend and I eat lunch together" "my friend and I go to the movies and even go shopping" and "my friend helps me go blind dates just to forget Wellian" "my friend is giving me advices on how to treat a woman in respect"

That's when I realized you have feelings for him, so I planted to gave him aphrodisiac, and guess what? Things completely turned good between you two. The two of you started going out until you followed him all over Japan. You never stayed in one place but I was shocked that you'll start living with him.

Many things happened when one day you came to me saying that you want to marry him. You look happy that day and you also talked about your son on how you love him. Until such a tragic thing happened to you."

I kept quiet for a while then remembered what Kyenzi said to me back then in the USA.

"You always come home because you missed me"

"You always dropped me off in the morning then pick me up in the afternoon"

"We spend cooking and tasting each other's dishes at Christmas"

"You always said back then that even if we meet up before you came to know Wellian, you'll hold me and fall in love with me again"

"You're always worried about me..."

Later then I realized, I was now crying. Alexus tapped my shoulder.

"It's okay, just cry. Let it out"