Chapter No 5 The painful Past

"John, not every girl is like that. I mean, the dress code does not define personalities, you might find bad people in good dresses," she said calmly.

"I don't know it was not because of her dress it was because I felt negative towards her" he said annoyed. Kylie gave him a sigh. He started watching the match.

"Nephew, why don't you ask Kylie about something?" said Julius.

"Ask me what?" she said. "We found something in your wardrobe today," said Julius. "What?" she asked.

"Martha's necklace, what is it doing with you?" he asked her. "What?" she asked angrily.

"I was looking for my clothes, when it fell down Julius said he knew about the necklace" said John sheepishly. "Please don't be angry," he added.

"No I am not but it's its something I hate about me" she said sadly. He never saw her this much sad, these were her same expressions she made when she was about to attempt suicide.

"Hey what is it? Tell me please" he came closer to her and turned her face towards him. He asked her while looking inside her eyes.

"Kylie, tell me," he said in a deep voice. "Take me to the bridge John, I feel heavy in this house" she said while looking away. He nodded and grabbed her by shoulders "Hey I want to go too" said Julius. He lifted him up and then he used his magical powers while looking inside her eyes and they teleported to the bridge.


They were standing on the same spot where they were yesterday. They sat on the bench while Julius sat down moving his tale. Kylie was taking deep breaths.

"What is it Kylie?" he asked her. She looked at him. "Promise you will not judge me" she asked. "I have never judged you Kylie" he said in deep voice. Her heart skips a beat.

"I am….not Linda's daughter, I am a product of one night stand and infidelity" she said in a whisper like voice. He was calmly looking at her.

"My father Paul Allen was unfaithful to my step mother, I was conceived by his lover, she does not want to raise me and she left me on their doorstep with this locket" she said angrily.

"In all my life I have to bear this fact, I have to feel sarcasm of Linda, my father he also does not wanted me, but he took me in, that day what you heard was right she said to my father that she has been raising his mistakes, if this was not because of my half brother I would have long dead. He always had sported me with everything, our father is rich enough, he gave him tone of money in his account, but for me he had nothing, Andy knew I had few needs, so he gave me his credit card, only my brother has took care of me in all these years. He was my support" she said with tears in her eyes.

He looked at her calmly. She was staring at the moon. The whole street was empty. He hugged her slowly and softly. She put her head over his chest. He took a deep breath taking her scent. She was crying hugging him tightly. He was mollifying her. His fingers were in her hairs. All he wanted in this world was to make this girl happy. She was grabbing his grey T shirt in her fists, she was crying hysterically until she felt better.

She never had felt this much better before. After a while he let him go. "I am sorry I was" she tried to said, she was feeling embarrassed.

"You are feeling better?" he asked her while cutting her in the middle. She nodded while he smiled.

"I prefer to thanks your brother too, if he had not took good care of this girl how I suppose to meet her?" he said in deep voice while looking inside her eyes deeply. She felt her heart beat fast.

"In our time we don't hug woman publically or if she is not relative, but I don't know why, all I wanted was to make you feel better I did not wanted you to feel sad" he took a deep breath.

"Do you want me to teleport or you want go normally?" he asked her smiling.

"Let's walk" she said calmly. "I am going faster" said Julius and he climbed up the nearby wall, John rolled his eyes. "So tomorrow you are going for football test?" she asked him and he nodded.

"I used to study through all of my life, my father never let me go outside to play with locals something I find really fascinating" he said while putting his hands in his pockets. He took a deep breath.

Kylie was looking at his handsome face. They were walking slowly. "Do you want to hear a song?" she asked him. "Song at this century I don't think I am gonna like them" he said.

"No you gonna love them" she said smiling and nodded. He gave her the Phone he had when they teleporting. She had the earphones in her jacket. She turned on a Taylor Swift song and gave him one pair of earphones.

We could leave the Christmas light up 'till january

And this is our place, we make the rules

"This song is awesome," he said. "That's my favorite song," she said, smiling.

And there's dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear

Have I known you for 20 seconds or 20 years?

"Care to dance?" she asked him. He smiled and bent in front of her "of course my lady" he said in a bent position. Her heart skipped a beat.

"I don't know how to reply to this gesture" she said embarrassed "its okay bend and say yes my prince" he said. She held his and says "Yes my prince".

Then they started dancing. He pulled her from her waist, she put her hand over his shoulder and she was dancing with him each step. Step to Step.

Can I go where you go?

Can we always be this close forever and ever?

And ah, take me out, and take me home

You're my, my, my, my


"I am sorry If I am not doing it well as I am not a good dancer" she said, she knew she was putting steps over his feet. He chuckled "No you are doing it fine" he said while looking inside her deep green eyes.

A snowfall started, they looked up "Whoa this year snowfall is happening in November'' she said while dusting snow. "It's amazing, '' he said happily.

"My castle was on the northern side and I always wanted to go outside in the snow and it's the first time I am here under the snow" he said. She smiled while looking at him. She was feeling cold as she had not worn enough clothes.

"Let's take you home you are freezing" he said, concerned and holding her, he looked inside her eyes and the both teleported away in her room.

It was 8:00 am and she was already sleeping. She got up and opened up her eyes and walked slowly to the washroom. When she came out, she looked around. The whole room was clean, his clothes were arranged and on the place. She smiled. She went to the window; she thought he would be on the balcony. But he was not there, she turned in panic.

"John? Are you there? John?" she said panicked.

"John, where are you John?" she was about to cry.

"Oh God he is not here, where can he go?" she thought sadly.

"Oh come on why are you shouting?" said Julius, who was lying under the sofa.

"Where is John Julius?" she asked him, panicked. "He went to school," he said with a sleepy voice.

"School? Alone?" she said.

"You are sounding like my sister right now. Come on, he is not a baby," he said.

"Yeah he is not a baby but a boy in an unknown era" she said apathetically. Her phone rang, she picked it up and it was Andy.

"Hello Andy" she said in a normal voice. "No I have not gone to school yet why?" she asked.

"Oh I know him, he is my friend, his name is John, he had a test today in football," she said.

"Oh he is selected already?" she said, shocked. "When are you coming back?" she asked.

"Okay I will pick you up at the station, you know I have to share something with you, yeah it's urgent" she said and hung up the phone.

"He is selected," she said to Julius. "Looks like nephew got this from his uncle" said Julius proudly.

She went inside the bathroom and got ready after 20 minutes. She gave Julius his cat food she brought with John yesterday.

"Okay be a good cat and don't leave the room" she said to Julius.

"Hey, what am I supposed to do here, woman?" he said.

"If you don't want to get caught for being a 400 year old cat and don't want to question your existence just live here" she said sarcastically.

"Like seriously, my sister made me mute so that no one can know who I was and you are hiding me so that no one can raise a question? Why always me?" he muttered and went under the bed.

The school was crowded and everyone was in the field. She had gone to the field in order to see what John was doing. He was playing football and much to her surprise he was playing like a professional.

Now everyone in the school knows him. Everyone was cheering. Then she saw Luke, he looked away when he their eyes met. Emilia had a very mischievous smile over her face. She was looking at John with lust in her eyes.

"Hell no bitch" she said under her lips. John had won the match. Every player in the field was impressed. He became the number 1 player in the school which means he had crossed not only Andy but Luke. She can see jealousy on Luke's face and that gives her calmness.

"That's why Andy called me to find out who he was, but she did not know he was his sister's friend,'' she said under lips. John who had won the match was now cheered by many people. But he was looking different; he was looking nothing like he looks with Kylie.

He walked through the crowd and he came to her everyone was watching, even Luke and Emilia were shocked.

"I did it Kylie '' he said smiling and for the first time the whole school had seen him smiling, otherwise he was much colder. "Why didn't you wait for me to come with you, what if you got lost?" she said while crossing her arms.

"I wanted to give surprise, I knew that I could do it, '' he said, smiling.

'`Kylie is that your friend?" asked Julia, who was her junior. She nodded. "Hey Kylie, your friend is so cool," said Oscar, who used to bully her. She was shocked because everyone was noticing him. He smiled at her "Told you, they will remember you" he said in a whisper.

She was not used to the crowd, she was about to leave, but he had held her hand and stopped her. "Yeah guys she is my friend, in fact we were childhood friends' ' he said. Kylie was impressed with his confidence, he indeed blended in here in one day, she was surprised, and it looked like he was born for this era. She smiled at him. Luke was clearly jealous, he left the field.


"First her stupid brother, he had competition with me and now this bastard has came out of nowhere" said Luke while spitting on the floor. Emilia who followed him behind and hugged him

"It's okay honey, he will never beat you in finals it was just a trial" she said while smiling evilest.
