Chapter 7: mystery of the basement

After hearing all that surprisingly I wasn't shocked at all, maybe because I had already prepared myself for something even worse than that. Looking at me all normal made them confused.

I suddenly asked "what about the basement, it's still a mystery for me"

He gasped and told me that it was made by him. It's basically a door to my dreams. Everything that I see in my dreams are real, those spirits were trying to came out of that room and reach me, but because of what my dad collected they were kept inside my dreams and I could only see them in dark when I'm asleep. And they couldn't get to me. He was collecting everything there. He made it with spells and no one except for him could enter in the room and once someone did and I kept asleep after the specific time, Then they could be stuck there forever, there would be no way out.

"what now? Am I gonna die". I asked him. He stared at me put his hand on my head and said "I'll definitely find a way, just trust me you are gonna be safe" And left.

I gave up on finding the last book and planned for something else. Something that no one except for him knew about.

He started to gather his old team,he used to work with. Finding each one of them was hard for him as some of them were in different countries but he did for me. What was he planning this time, and why didn't he did that before if it was possible. Mom asked dad, "you said there is no other way, what are you up to now" he replied "there is another way but it's way too dangerous,so I kept it planned for you know just in case"

Mom asked in fear"what do you mean it's dangerous, how dangerous could it be? " dad just smiled at her and kept his silence." why are you not telling me, what are you planning to do? " you'll know it later.

To be continued.....