
Although the staff in the hall knew that Mike was determined to teach Jim King a lesson, they didn't expect him to be so cruel!

It was impossible to sell one hundred apartments a day! The biggest sales legend in the real estate industry was only eighty-nine apartments sold in half a month!

The crowd started to gossip. Soon, Jesse also heard the news and rushed over. Although she knew that it was Mike who deliberately made things difficult, she still forced a smile to greet him.

After all, a senior official was the superior.

“,don't you think it's too unrealistic? How about this? I... "

“There was no need to say anything”

Edward interrupted with a cold face, showing no mercy at all: " Director Jesse, it was because of this loser you introduced that our sales department became a laughing stock of our William group and even the whole real estate industry in the whole city! So you have an inescapable responsibility”

“By nine o'clock tomorrow morning, if your useless husband can't sell one hundred suits, you and him will be fired together! Of course, you can help him and spare no effort to help him during this period”

Looking at the snicker on Edward's face, Jim King had an impulse to take off his fat face for a moment. Seeing that Jessie lost her balance, he hurried forward to support her.

“Honey, are you okay”

So far, Jesse was still in a daze. She came here after graduation and worked hard for three years to get her current position. But in the blink of an eye,all was in vain?

Three years of hard work was in vain?

And once she lost her job, what would she eat in the future? Relying on her useless husband?

This joke was not funny at all.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She slapped Jim across the face again!


It was all because of this disappointing loser!

“'what? 'what's wrong, Jesse? Are you mad at your useless husband again”

When he saw a young man coming in from outside, Jim's face darkened.

This young man was dressed in luxurious clothes and even his sunglasses were worth thousands of dollars,

It was William, the eldest son of the Jia group.

Fortunately, Jesse was smart and could avoid him every time.

Now that this fellow appeared at this moment, Jim felt that something was wrong.

“Manager Li, what happened” William Jia asked in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Yes, Mr. Jia”

Mike immediately told William Jia what had happened. After listening to him, he nodded and said, "that's reasonable.".

“But Manager Li, don't you think it's too inhuman? For a beauty like Jesse, you should know how to be tender to women”

After thinking for a while, he said, "" Well, for my sake, put it off for the time being”

Immediately, William Jia's eyes began to look back and forth at the curvaceous and extremely sexy figure of Jesse, and his eyes gradually became fiery.

“As for Jesse, you have to seize the opportunity by yourself. You should understand it even without my explanation”

“Tomorrow afternoon, you can have dinner with me and talk about the candidates of the vice manager. Besides, it's cold, remember to bring a few more silk stockings of various colors. It's all up to you whether to go or not”

As soon as she heard this, she bit her lips tightly with her teeth. She knew clearly what William Jia meant.

Once she went there, she would lose their virginity.

Jim King was not stupid, so he understood what he meant.

“Do you think I don't exist”

He didn't care about other things, but he was not a man if he could tolerate it!

Jim King was about to lose his temper, but he was suddenly stopped by Jessie: " Enou

“Jim King, don't you think you have caused me enough trouble”

Jesse Yue covered her mouth with her hand and trotted away. She not only lost her face, but also felt restless and didn't know what to do.


After casting another glance at Jim King, William Jia grinned,

he leaned over and whispered, "" Let me tell you frankly, I have a crush on your wife and I'm sure to sleep with her! How can a loser like you compete with me? Ha ha”。

William Jia left in a burst of wild laughter, while Jim King kept his head down. His fingernails sank into the flesh and blood flowed out.

At this moment, his dignity had been trampled to a horrible extent.

After work.

Standing on the bridge, Jim looked down at the surging traffic, and his eyes gradually became cold.

“Three years had passed”

“No matter how much injustice I have suffered, I can bear it. But if anyone wants to hurt Jesse Yue, I will send him to hell by myself”

After saying that, Jim's eyes suddenly became firm. He took out his mobile phone, found a number that had not been used for several years, and dialed it.

The phone was quickly connected, and an excited voice came from the phone.

“Young... Young master! It's really you! You finally called me! Do you know that I... "

“Uncle Cowell”

Jim King interrupted the person on the other end of the phone and said in a deep voice, "" I'm in trouble now. Maybe... I need your help”