
In the Fu Tian Group.

To be on the safe side, Walnut Zheng still called to gather all his men. After all, if something happened to Jim King, he couldn't bear the consequences.

In a luxurious private room on the top floor of the Qian's Club branch on the South Road.

A man with a scar between his eyebrows was rubbing his chin and looking at the two women leaning against the wall, whose hands and feet had been tied up.

And there were two beautiful women.

One of them was Jesse, and the other was her best friend, Sara.

“Gee, no wonder William Jia misses you so much. Her figure is really unusual! Ha ha, I heard that you have a useless husband? What a pity”

Because at this moment, both of Jesse's and Sara's mouths were sealed and their eyes were covered. They couldn't say a word at all, so they had to shake their heads hard.