Chapter 6: Hello again,

Welcome to Amiss

The entire time it was mumbled nothing made sense but as long as it was loud it was an argument

They each took turns being mad at each other but no one was madder than Erika she was a very outspoken person and her saying everything she felt about him

It all ended with Erika throwing a glass at him and slicing his face making him leave

Erika was on her bed crying not only in pain emotionally but mentally

She knew that all she could do was scream into her pillow as she copes with it all

Zachary on the other hand was mad at himself and unleashed his wild side leaving the college while he went out into the night

It was late at night only a few hours after the break up when a knock came at her door

Erika didn't answer but instead, the person walked inside themself

"Hey Ms. Smith I heard about the breakup and I must say I'm-" Caleb stopped when Erika started talking

"Get… out," Erika says in a weak voice

"I don't mean no harm I-I just want to give this to you as an apology and get better soon gift." Caleb left a small white box with a Red heart shaped ribbon on the box and a letter

Erika saw inside the box one fortune cookie

Erika broke open the fortune cookie and ate the cookie leaving the note

Erika read the note

You will get better and learn that not everyone is as they seem to be

The same thing was on the other note

Erika just through the two on the ground

That's pretty much what's been happening for a week

Erika was handling the break up in an okay way with the notes that The professor sent

Zachary saw this and just felt terrible knowing that on the inside he feels terrible but not, for now, he would continue to help with the search and in return deal with the breakup

"Okay but so far we know that the killer is family members Charles Banquet but now who could it be?" Rebecca asks

"Oh, I meant to tell you that. I was kinda able to like get into Charles Banquet's family history don't ask "how?" but I have a picture of his wife." Erick says

"And I have a picture of his child who has awesome taste by the way. Go, girl." Erika says and the twins show them to Rebecca

"Wow I didn't even have to assign anything to you Erika and you just did it," Rebecca says generally surprised

"Yeah, I guess I just feel a little freer," Erika says smiling

Truth was that Erika was happier because she get to have more notes from Caleb

And no one knew about them except Erika herself

Erika was in earth science class listening to Professor Caleb and she was pretty much smiling the entire time

"Have you heard Professor Caleb is actually Bi which means he's into girls." a Classmate said

"So what?" Another asks

"Well, I just wanted you to know that since I never stopped simping over professor Hottie." The first girl says

"You're so head over heels," The second girl said

Erika just rolls her eyes at that

'I don't understand why people would fall for a teach especially one who is in their thirties.' Erika thinks

"So do you understand?" Professor Caleb says looking directly at Erika

Erika blushed looking at him

"Yes." The majority of the girls said dreaming about him

"Yeah, I think so," Erika says to herself melting like butter on the inside

Erika suddenly shakes her head

'Stop it you literally broke up with your ex like not that long ago stop thinking about this teacher.' Erika thinks

When class was over her mind was all over the place

"Hey, Ms. Smith." Professor Caleb called out

"You know you can just call me Erika," Erika says in a kind've nervous tone

"Well Erika, I just wanted to say that if you want I could tutor you in earth science," Caleb says

"Sure how about we make a plan this Friday," Erika says

"So… Tomorrow?" Caleb asks

"Yeah, Tomorrow is definitely what I meant. See ya." Erika says and literally had to teach herself how to breathe

"That's it," Rebecca says and pins her against the wall

This looks very awkward especially since Rebecca was shorter than Erika

"Hey what I can't just be happy there's nothing wrong with that is there?" Erika asks

"Of course not, but it's just you literally broke up with the guy you were drooling over, and now you- whatever this is," Rebecca says

Erika pushes her off

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but I'm happy and i'm not gonna let shit stain as you mess with my good aura," Erika says

"I just want to help you. You know that you always get yourself into shitty situations." Rebecca says

"Well that was the old me- now move out of my way before I beat your ass Erika style…. bitch." Erika says walking away

"Ooohhhh Drama I have to record this," Tamika says hiding in the shadows

"I'm a detective and finding out mysteries is in my blood….but that skipped my mom's generation to mine," Rebecca says

One week later

"Okay, y'all do not ask why so much has been delayed until now. I want Alison to go will go with me to one of Charles Banquets' wife's houses to get questions answered." Rebecca says

Rebecca looks around

"Where the heck is Erika?" Rebecca asks annoyed

"She's been missing a few sessions luckily she wasn't needed so what's the point," Zachary says

"Okay fine. Alison let's go dress up in cop outfits." Rebecca says and leaves the lounge

"Yay!! I haven't cosplayed in a while." Alison says in an excited voice


Erika was getting tutored by Caleb and was just so obvious that she liked him

"I see that you are distracted. We can always push this tutor session to another time" Caleb says

"No it's cool but just that… well I kinda been distracted by someone," Erika says

"I've noticed does he happen to be tall and Spanish." Professor Caleb says and that makes her blush

"Well yeah, he is. But also is way older than me." Erika says looking away from Caleb

Caleb stands up

"Well, I think I can solve that," Caleb says with a smirk on his face and takes off his shirt


Erika is pretty much a mess right now

"But is that appropriate I mean this is a whole other level of insanity," Erika says standing up and facing away from him

"Well, you don't have any other choice," Caleb says losing looking Erika with different eyes but the same smirk

"What do you mean?" Erika asked turning to him but then immediately turning away

Caleb leans her against her dorm door locking it

"I know you killed your parents and have evidence to prove it so you have to follow my or-" Caleb says but then Erika kissed him

"I haven't slept with anyone in two years just take me already," Erika says and pushes him onto the ground and starts kissing him

"This was not what I was thinking at all," Caleb says

This was totally what he was thinking about

Back with The two undercover cops

"Okay, you ready?" Rebecca asks

"Of course I am," Alison answers very excited and rang the doorbell

"Yo, it's the police open-up." Alison answers and the door opens immediately

"Hi miss Police lady, Hi Rebecca." A girl says

This was Erick and Erika's younger sister Justice

"Justice whatchu doing here?" Rebecca asks

"Well, these people babysit me while Erick is gone. Also are you two cosplaying?" Justice asks

"No reason at all. Can you let us in?" Rebecca asks

"Sure no one is home now plus this couple is boring anyway," Justice says letting them in

"Who is this kid?" Alison asks

"This is the twin's young sibling Justice. She's thirteen and her quirk is gas. That means she can touch stuff and change it to gas," Rebecca says

" My family's quirks make me kinda feel bad for Erick since he's quirkless," Justice says and chuckles to herself

"Hey, you shouldn't make fun of anyone just because they're quirkless," Alison says with a disappointed voice

"Shut up or else I'll kick you both out." Justice threatens them both

Justice sat on the couch and lay down comfortably

"Search around the house if you want I trust Rebecca and know that she won't steal or break anything. Good evening." Justice says and falls asleep

"Wait- how did she know that?" Alison asked

"Have no idea but this is the chance of a lifetime," Rebecca says and the two search all around the house

Rebecca was looking at the top floor and Alison was looking at the bottom

Alison found documents of murders from a few months ago and they weren't the college students

"These are not just students but they are…anybody. Hospital patients, Spanish people, Black, white, old, young etcetera." Alison says and looks at something underlined

"Killed multiple college-aged girls and also raped them," Alison says and was just disgusted

While Alison found out more disturbing mysteries about the killer

Rebecca was finding stuff of her own

Rebecca had seen a locked cabinet

Rebecca learned to use her claws to unlock locked compartments

Rebecca was able to unlock this compartment and in fact, saw something she would've never expected

It was pictures of 5 famous serial killers

Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, H.H Holmes, John Wayne Gacy, and lastly Charles Banquet

"What the why are all these pictures of serial killers here?" Rebecca asks herself and looks at these killers more thoroughly

"They're missing something. These are from something and were ripped in a bad way Good thing each of their names was and the upper back of these pictures." Rebecca says holding the pictures

Rebecca takes her phone and takes pictures of these photographs

Once Rebecca has the photos she places the photos back in the compartment neatly and closes it

Rebecca looks out the window and sees a car parked out the house

"Shit we gotta get out of here." Rebecca curses and runs to Alison

"Okay last picture of this and-" Alison was then jumped scared by Rebecca

Rebecca sorts everything and puts it back

"We need to go," Rebecca says

"But wait this picture sucks let me get a new one," Alison says

"Too bad- we have to go," Rebecca says and teleports away while holding Alison's hand

The door opens and Justice's babysitter comes back

Justice was still sleeping soundly

"Mom somebody went through our stuff. I can see their fingerprints all over this house." A twenty-year-old said

"Oh, it must be Justice she was the only one here." The mother said standing by the door

"No these fingerprints were touched by someone a little hotter plus I can tell Justice was sleeping the entire time. With my heat scanning quirk, I can tell the temperature is at least 3 to 4 degrees hotter than the average human." The twenty-year-old with glasses says scanning the drawer with his eyes

"Oh Blake we had an intruder but can you be even descriptive?" Blake's mom asks closing the front door and packing some groceries

"Well, I must say whoever this intruder was they could be a part cat the chance is high but they could also be human," Blake says

Blake's mom touched Justice making sure she stays asleep

"We should have a good amount of time to call your sister while you at it." Blake's mom says

Blake immediately typed in the numbers and got someone to respond

"Hello, who is?" A woman on other side of the dial asks

"Well, Priya we need to talk about a few kittens. They need to learn that curiosity will kill the cats like how you killed a certain Cat."Blake says