Chapter 8: What Do I know?

Welcome to Amiss

After such crazy events, things started to act crazy

Zachary's mom has never heard visited him so now he is pretty jealous that she would just forget about him like that

Zachary wasn't himself the entire time in the lounge

"Hey what's wrong with you? Your acting weird." Erika asks Zachary but he doesn't answer her and just moves away from

"Okay, we have great info right now that could lead us to victory," Rebecca says

Rebecca places pictures on a table and Alison places the articles that were researched about them

"All we have to do is connect the dots," Alison says

Erika groaned but she helped out anyway

Zachary stepped back for a minute and left the room

"Hey, guys I just- have to go to my…next class," Zachary said and the only two people it confused were Rebecca and Erika

"Does Zach have classes now?" Rebecca asks

"No. It's next period." Erika says

"Hey Listen we will leave the three of you while me and Erika go somewhere," Rebecca says

"Wow Erika that was fast," Erick says

"What?" Erika asks confused by his words

"You became open-minded," Erick says with his stupid grin

Erika through a pencil at his head

"Just shut up while I take your sister away," Rebecca says grabbing Erika's wrist

'Why do her hands feel like this? How come I've never noticed this before?' Erika thinks to herself

Rebecca pushes Erika in front her

"Okay go talk to Zachary and asks what's going on," Rebecca says and surprises Erika

"Last time I checked we broke so that means we have bad blood so you should go," Erika says and pushes her

"Erika you know Zachary the most so you should know how to get stuff out of him," Rebecca says and pushes her into him

"Hey, Zachy- I mean Zachary," Erika says, and that makes him roll his eyes

"What do you want? You're the last person I want to talk to." Zachary says and that does hurt Erika

Erika looks around and sees that Rebecca disappears

"Zachary I know there's something wrong with you. You never were plaid unless you're going through something." Erika says

"What if i'm into it," Zachary says

"I know you're not into that. You literally turned into a wolf ripped that into pieces then set it on fire." Erika says and Zachary gets memories of the situation

Erika was hiding underneath his covers and watching him as he lit his garbage on fire and threw his plaid shirt in there

"Dear lord take this monstrosity and send it to hell. No one wants this I bet not even the devil himself. Either create better outfits or destroy this one for good." Zachary preaches as a wolf and starts praying

"I thought I was the only Christian here," Erika says to herself

"Okay, so what if I hated plaid in the past I like it now," Zachary says

"You said "the lord didn't want it so he brought it to the people, the people didn't want it so they want the devil to have it, and the devil never liked so get rid of it for good." your words not mine," Erika says mimicking his voice

"Again that was the past right now I would like to rebel against god as you did," Zachary says

'This odd as hell but let's keep it going.' Erika thinks

"That's not rebelling against god just because I don't go to church as much as I do anymore. Isn't rebelling against god supporting the LGBTQ if that's so we both are rebels." Erika says crossing her arms

"True. But the bible talks about excepting differences. Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This taught us to accept differences which should include the LGBTQ community." Zachary says

"Gosh, we have gotten way off-topic. You are acting different, I want to know why? and if something is going on in your personal life." Erika says giving him puppy dog eyes Zachary was just thinking of old times when they were dating

"I have family drama," Zachary says and faces away from her

Erika holds onto his hands and looks up into his eyes

"What's going on with your family is it something bad?" Erika asks actually worried about him

"Yeah, my dad is just some pain in the ass," Zachary says and Erika softly punches him

"I told you don't disrespect your parents and be glad you have them." Erika lectures

Zachary sits on the ground

"But you don't understand ever since my mom left me my dad has hated me and been…well- neglecting me but noticed me now," Zachary says and Erika sits next to him but dusts the floor first

"Well listen I never talked about my parents but let's just say they were something. You need to connect with your dad while you still have the chance too even if he ignored you then and is showing affection now…. I would take that affection because who knows when I will ever feel that again." Erika explains sternly while holding his hand

Erika had gotten a notification on her phone but she l check ti

"Hey, thanks for the pep talk you really taught me something," Zachary says

"What?" Erika asks with a smile

"That not all exes are bad," Zachary says and gets close to her

"I guess so- I mean not if you get what I mean?" Erika asks looking away

Erika looks at him and just couldn't resist him

Erika kisses him and something felt different about him compared to before

Zachary's tail was waging and Erika caressed his face

Erika broke the kiss and leaned her head against his

"Erika I still like-" Erika stopped him from talking

"Zach I don't know how to trust you. You could be the son of a killer for all I know and this is just wrong." Erika says

"But i'm not," Zachary says

"I don't trust you. Which is why I don't trust you like me." Erika says getting up to walk away from him

Zachary gets up and grabs her arm

"One night with me please?" Zachary asks

"What does that mean?" Erika asks

"How can you be so innocent but so- I want you to be with me in bed one time and then like never again- if you want I don't care," Zachary says and it took a minute for her to understand

Erika blushed but played along and made a smirk

Erika literally jumped on him and he holds her by her thighs

"If you really want to do it then be prepared cause this won't be soft," Erika says

"I did it once I can do it again~ Mmm wrong timing," Zachary says

"Just kiss me already," Erika says and they do kiss but like before the tension was real

It felt like these two were holding back something for a long time… like their true selves

'This isn't right I don't love him. But I don't love Caleb either. I don't want Zachary to grow his feelings for me but will I grow feelings for him by doing this.' Erika thinks while she's pretty much breathless

Erika is in her mind thinking to herself talking to herself

'I want this through a euphoric feeling that I know will stay with me forever. The feeling I had whenever we were together, having fun, and doing stupid shit that was not this. I never understood sex, it was never good with whoever I was with not even Zachary. The only time I actually felt Euphoric or at least some kind of happiness was with-' Something stops Erika from thinking and made her close her eyes and hold onto the covers praying that she could escape

"Well that was fun wasn't it," Caleb says while rubbing her arm

"No it wasn't you wanted me to compare you and Zachary and I didn't like anyone," Erika says with a slightly angry tone and was gonna get up

Caleb grabs her neck and presses it against her bed

"I never asked for your opinion did I since it was a rhetorical question. You know can't escape from me because I know everything about you….Don't want to go to jail do you?" Caleb threatens

Erika shakes her head with depressing face and starts slapping his hand

"You don't smile try smiling." Caleb demands

Erika puts on a fake smile

"I WANT YOU TO TRY!!" Caleb yells tightening his grip and she smiles harder and starts clawing into his hand

During this process for some reason, his head starts to hurt and he moves his hands away to hold his head

Erika can start breathing again and this time it's heavily

Erika puts on her clothes quickly and left

"What the hell was that?" Erika asks herself and looks at her hand

Erika sees a light glow on her hands and is in fear

'nononono not again not frickin again,' Erika thinks and moves into the girls' bathroom and tries rubbing it off her hand

"Shit what is this? Why is it on my hand?" Erika says scared and hides in the bathroom stall


Zachary was happy with himself

Zachary thought that Erika was happy with the experience and that it would help with their nonexistent relationship

"It was so amazing with her. She wasn't even so rough either she was just soft and nice and sweet and perfect." Zachary says to somebody with heart eyes

"Um, you realize you're talking to me about my sister. WHO YOU CHEATED ON!!!" Erick says

"Yeah but maybe we can get back together and forget all of that and maybe even do it again," Zachary says to himself melting into the couch he was laying on

"You say all these nice things about her but have you ever thought if she ever said any nice things about you," Erick says and that confuses Zachary

"What do you mean?" Zachary asks a little bit more nervous because of his words

"Um… well, Erika doesn't really talk too much about you which is why almost no one knew you two were dating. If anyone asks if she has a boyfriend she would yes and wouldn't particularly compliment you." Erick explains and Zachary has the biggest puppy dog eyes

"What are you trying to say?" Zachary asks and this became harder and harder for him

"Okay, i'm trying to say do you think there's a chance that she fell out of love with you while you were cheating on her," Erick says

"It was for four months after our first anniversary. And well…she was always trying to think of ways to get back at Rebecca and we never got to date as much as I liked to especially since she we have classes-" Zachary says and starts to for some reason shake like he has anxiety

"There's a chance since she started focusing on Rebecca more and her work she was slowly falling out of love with you and tried to fall back but it wasn't working," Erick says

'Even when I hugged her or stayed with her I could tell that for some reason she was forcing herself to want me to stay. I-I-I never thought that it could be that she was falling out of love with me I just thought that she was lonely.' Zachary thinks to himself

Zach Zach ZACH

"huh?" Zachary says

"I hope I didn't like break your self-esteem but hey we were able to match each killer with info about them- you know what let me just show you," Erick says and starts talking about each killer but he wasn't listening

'Why should I trust him he's just some perv, a guy disrespects women, a guy who's in it to mess with women. What do you know?- wait a minute what do I know? Just some dude from the Bronx who starts dating the first girl who says she likes me.' Zachary thinks

Zachary looks at his claws and hides them

"What do I know?" Zachary says